Fossicker Dec. 18

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Fossicker The

No. 42581 - Tuesday, December 18, 2012 - A002977L

Weekly bulletin of the Rotary Club of Bendigo Inc. - Chartered 30th July 1925 - District 9800


What a great evening at the Bendigo Club last Tuesday night - superbly organised by Ian “Bear” Coates and the Fellowship Committee - the chatter in the room was infectious and the Christmas spirit evident. Of course Bear did not let us down with his jokes during the sergeant session going down very well. Val Barker gave a wonderful Christmas message for all to reflect on - to make us think of why we celebrate at this time of the year and what meaning it has to us personally. We had some lovely carols brilliantly led by Val Broad with Alida Robinson on guitar - most members joined in with gusto, not all it must be said, in tune!. Garry Gunnell informed the meeting that he had already been in touch with our friends in Samoa who in recent days encountered another cyclone - at this stage an assessment of the damage has not been done, and appears that Apia has borne the worst of it. Further updates will be provided to the Club when available.



John Krakowiak gave the members a little info on The Smith Family and how it started - 5 gents in 1922 got together and founded a children’s charity with a focus on improving educational opportunities for disadvantaged children interestingly none of the gents name was Smith, it was just chosen as a typical Aussie surname. John passed on his appreciation to the many members whom brought along a gift on the night to support The Smith Family in Bendigo. These gifts will make a huge difference to many children and their families. Wayne Smith provided a report on the Swap Meet outcome - the combined Rotary Clubs made an additional $300 in total from the record of 2011 - a fantastic effort by the many members that contributed to another successful catering operation at the Swap Meet. The recipients will all receive a donation of $6,000 with the remainder split amongst the Clubs for their own allocation. Bear, on behalf of the fellowship Committee, reminded everyone of the upcoming social Bowls

Merry Christmas



BOARD MEMBERS: Vocational Service - John Krakowiak President Elect - Tom Seddon New Generations - Phil West Club Service - Garry Gunnell Rotary Foundation - Hugh Wheeler Community Service - Libby Hughes International Service - Valerie Barker Editor: Noel Hobley - Distribution: The Terrace Correspondence: PO Box 131, Bendigo, 3552



Night on Tuesday 22 January - always a highlight on the annual club calendar. Val Barker, for International (and a joint effort with Frank Lean), thanked members who have already donated school supplies/exercise books etc to DIK (Donations in Kind) for shipment to needy overseas countries - further donations can be made at either 8 or 15 January meetings. Val/Frank will then arrange for transportation to DIK in Melbourne. Of course we had one last huge effort for 2012, the Community Carols in Rosalind Park, on Sunday night (23/12/12) - our hardworking committee have been meeting and planning for months now, coordinating with the council, the sponsors, the media and the weather for what turned out to be a great night. All played their part and everything went off like clockwork - except of course for the overruns and the changes to the program, on the run, so we could get Santa in before all the children had to go home to bed. A big thank you to the many members helping out on the night. Net proceeds from the Carols will be donated by the Club to Bendigo for Homeless Youth. I informed Tuesday’s meeting that Ray White Real Estate had been in touch and were keen to donate the gifts under their “Little Ray of Living” Christmas Tree to the Rotary Club of Bendigo. This happened on Thursday and the Club donated these gifts to Bendigo Community Health Service for prompt delivery to early intervention families and new refugee/arrival families in Bendigo. Please enjoy the Christmas/New Year break, whether it be with your families or friends - be safe and I look forward to seeing you at our first meeting for the new year on the 8th January - when we will hear from our two outgoing exchange students Gabriela Giggins and Ella Toll. We hope that Zsofi will be available as chairman for the day. On a personal note, myself and Bev sincerely thank the members for their support in recent months, and safe to say we are looking forward to a great year in 2013. MERRY XMAS President Brian

ANNOUNCEMENTS Thank you to all those members and their partners that donated toys for Xmas at tonights Christmas dinner. There are some really beaut toys there JK. Also, I just got back from Graham Clarke’s shop and I will need to bring in the car tomorrow for all the toys he is donating. Very kind of him and Sue. Really appreciate all the support of the members and their partners very, very much. Johhny K. Smith Family.

Thank you to the members who have bought the exercise books - looking to beat last years 500 books, so please keep them coming. Val Barker

Congratulations to all the team that helped make the Carols another great success, thanks everyone for their efforts over the planning process through to the staging of the event. A great effort by everyone.

COMING EVENTS BOWLS NIGHT The annual bowls night is scheduled for January 22, 2013 at the Bendigo East Bowling Club. Rotarians and Partners Coordinators are Noel Kilby or Daryl Watts. Ian Coates, Fellowship Anniversaries

December 18 to January 7 BIRTHDAYS: John Cartwright Dec. 24, Sue Clarke Dec. 25, Warwick Johanson, Caspar Sens Dec. 28, Heike Coia Dec. 29, Jenny Shelton Dec. 31, Peter Davies, Sandra Reardon Jan. 1, Ian Monotti Jan. 3, Jill Trevorah Jan 5. ROTARY John Krakowiak, Bruce Perrin INDUCTIONS: Dec. 19, Ian Monotti Dec. 22. WEDDING Ian and Jenny Shelton Dec. 31, ANNIVERSARIES: Noel and Val Kilby Jan. 6.

Christmas Carols 2012

Christmas Carols 2012

Christmas Carols 2012

Christmas Carols 2012

Rotary - It’s Amazing! The Rotary District 9800 Conference will held in Albury in 2013

MARCH 14 TO 16 AT THE ALBURY ENTERTAINMENT CENTRE It will be enthralling, exciting and great fun, but you’ll have to be quick. •

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Take advantage of the lowest Early Bird Registration fee in 7 years - it can’t be extended. Conference places and accommodation are strictly limited. Beautiful Albury is an easy drive or a leisurely train ride. You have a wide choice of accommodation. Golf or bridge anyone? Play at a magnificent country club. Visit wineries and local attractions on an optional bus tour. Relax and socialise at a Welcome BBQ with drinks and jazz in an idyllic river setting. Get involved in the fabulous ‘Rotary’s Got Talent’ show. Attend workshops on social media and technology, and membership. Enter theSt Patrick’s Day Cluster Kayak Challenge. Catch up with this year’s Youth Exchange, GSE, Ambassadorial Scholars and the Rotary bike riders. Enjoy Saturday’s ‘country casual’ Dinner Dance with the Blackburn High School Senior Stage Band and special guest entertainers.

Hear and see an outstanding program of speakers and entertainers • • • •

The supreme professional, Tony Charlton AM, will be the MC. Thrill to another Conference first: satellite interviews with stunning international guests from the UK and the US. See star finalists from ‘Australia’s Got Talent’. Find out: • The inside story of the Mars and moon landings • What makes a specialist in hyperbaric medicine dive on a submarine in the Dardanelles and the Bikini Atoll • What the granddaughter of Australia’s greatest cricketer is doing on the stage at Covent Garden • How you manage 16 outback stations from the Kimberley to south-east Australia, larger than many European countries • How Victoria’s industrial might can be reborn • How you get from Adelaide to the top of Mt Everest.


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