Fossicker The
No. 42560 - Tuesday, July 24, 2012 - A002977L
Weekly bulletin of the Rotary Club of Bendigo Inc. - Chartered 30th July 1925 - District 9800
PRESIDENT’S REPORT Hopefully another meeting packed full of information and interest for those members and guests present – but still some time for fellowship. Acknowledgement of Country
I would like to take this time to pay my respect to the traditional owners of this land. I would like to acknowledge that today we are meeting on Jaara country, the land of the Jaara people, and pay my respect to elders past and present.
Alan Cox – Peter Reading, Barry P & Jim M – visited recently; Alan is zooming around in his new wheelchair, happier with some mobility.
Wayne Cambridge – Bill Gray advised me that Warren is not in best of health, should you wish to contact or visit, perhaps check with Aileen first.
Welcome and intro of our guests
Zsofia (Zsofi) Szabo, our new Youth Exchange Student from Hungary
Kayla Bennett, Australian Rotary Health Indigenous Medical Scholarship Anthea Jones – guest of Val Barker
Guest Speakers – Heather Jones & Kim Walker (Bendigo Indigenous Homework Centre – see summary later in Fossicker). Messages (from We Care / Members)
Val Broad – still in St Vincent’s, appreciative of card and clubs wishes. Phil West visited Val on the weekend.
Zsofi from Hungary was invited forward for a quick intro – Barry Penna, the unofficial local Hawthorn Supporters scout, was quick to jump to the podium to present Zsofi with the official Hawks scarf which Zsofi was observed proudly wearing for remainder of
COMING UP 31-Jul 7-Aug
Dennis Shore
District Governor Australian Fleece Athol Frederick, and TBA Competition Recipient charity: epilepsy
Andrew Skewes, Director
La Trobe University Bendigo Campus
Stan Liacos, Dir. City Futures
City of Greater Bendigo
Report from AFC 2012, Recipient's reply Developing La Trobe’s Bendigo Campus, and Bendigo as a university town Bendigo’s major projects – the last five years, today and the next five years
meeting. She may well be on a winner there for 2012 but surely a fine for Mr Penna next week. An Aussie flag was also presented. We let Zsofa off this week for the weekly talk – she did a quick intro and confessed to getting lost at Girton today hence their late arrival to Rotary.
Vibe Alive – Indigenous Youth Festival – Breakfast BBQs 8/9 Aug at Prince of wales Showgrounds – looking for a few more volunteers. Please contact Brian Figg or Kurt Walder if you can help out for an hour or so on these mornings. Youth Exchange – I passed on the Club’s thanks to Garry & Joy for hosting last Sunday afternoon a get together of Zsofa’s host parents – really appreciate the work done behind the scenes to make Youth Exchange a success.
Bendigo Club Renewals – no need to complete and return if your info is same as the club directory. 1st Board Meeting – held 23/7/12, mainly some governance matters we want to get on the front foot with eg Budget, Working with Children Checks. Kayla was invited forward to introduce herself as the recipient of the ARH scholarship of which our club has donated $2,500 pa which is met by an equal contribution from the Federal Government. Kayla gave a brief BIO, she grew up in Bendigo before moving to Cobram as her dad is a paramedic. She is in year two of her Masters in Paramedicine at La Trobe University in Bendigo and aims to finish her degree in 2014. Kayla will stay in touch with the club and will be back as a guest speaker later in the year once 2012 exams are finished. Rotary Business
Bowelscan – Libby Hughes advised some +900 kits had been sold amongst the pharmacies which will translate to approx. a $2,000 donation to the Club. Great work by Libby and Daniel Buttolph. Libby has also made enquiry to again make the kits available during Men’s Health Week.
Early Intervention Donation – I reported, that with the Board’s support, the club had made a donation to provide emergency financial assistance up to $500 for replacement items destroyed in a car and caravan fire to a family of 6 under care of BCHS – 4 kids all Autistic, one with Down Syndrome – lost all belongings including security / comfort items vital to help with calming of Autistic kids. NEXT WEEK
District Governor Visit – 31 July 2012, please come along and share our club with DG Dennis Shore and his wife Linda. Guest Speaker Summary
Kurt Walder our chairman first introduced Kim Walker, Coordinator Jimbeyer Boondjhil Indigenous Unit at La Trobe University.
Kim hails from Fraser Island Qld, and made the point that there are some 400 tribal communities in Australia and 10 nations, and that beliefs, languages and cultures vary right across the country.
Men’s Heath Week – Mike Hughes advised that numbers were looking good for 6/9/12 – for the food Kim outlined “The Dreaming” that is the basis of all aspects of life in traditional aboriginal societies. Kim stall/BBQ.
BOARD MEMBERS: Vocational Service - John Krakowiak President Elect - Tom Seddon New Generations - Phil West Club Service - Garry Gunnell Rotary Foundation - Hugh Wheeler Community Service - Libby Hughes International Service - Valerie Barker Editor: Noel Hobley - Distribution: The Terrace Correspondence: PO Box 131, Bendigo, 3552
Heather Jones, Coordinator BIHC, gave an overview of what the centre provided apart from home work support, access to respected Elders, an Indigenous Garden Partnership with the community, Cultural Leadership Camps and Gecko Ed (Year 11 & 12 students teaming with 2nd year La Trobe students to develop and deliver cultural workshops to regional primary schools).
The Homework Centre itself is open to all year 11 & 12 indigenous students across Bendigo each Wednesday afternoon, providing assistance with also went over the historical periods after colonisation numeracy, literacy, assignments, course work and and government policies, including the establishment scholarship applications. Since the establishment of the Aboriginal Protection Board and various Acts of BIHC, students going on to Unit has increased and Regulations, then in 1957 the Aborigines Welfare substantially to approx. 35 from being in the teens Board. It wasn’t until after the 1967 Referendum that just 4 years ago. aboriginal people were included on census (before the referendum, aboriginal people came under the Flora Kurt presented Kim and Heather with the traditional club gift of Timorese Soap and thanked them for their and Fauna Act). very informative talk. The period known as “self-determination”, 1970’s to 1993 saw the emergence of access to education, In my President Wrap Up, I mentioned that 7 of our which Kim felt was not really effective until the late members had observed the success and goodwill of 1980’s. The perceptions of aboriginal people and the BIHC first hand when helping out at the recent social determent impacts still see the vast majority Reconciliation Week Community BBQ. The club of aboriginal people coming from a position of this year has formed an Indigenous Engagement Committee to look at ways on how Rotary and disadvantage. our Club could engage and assist the aboriginal This was a very powerful and personal presentation community with some of their challenges and goals by Kim – which positioned for the prime reason that (like the BIHC). the Bendigo Indigenous Homework Centre (BIHC) Yours in Rotary was established in 2008 and intro of Heather. Brian Figg Anniversaries July 31 to August 6 President BIRTHDAYS: W. Combridge July 31, C. Whitfield Aug. 6 ROTARY Nil INDUCTIONS: WEDDING Libby and Michael Hughes ANNIVERSARIES: Aug. 5, ROSTER
Chairman Sergeant at Arms Corporals Cashiers Regalia Reception Grace Four Way Test
JULY 31 H. Wheeler G. Bickley B. Gray G. Gunnell B. Doherty B. Penna J. Mahoney J. Flood J. Gallagher K. Gilchrist A. Glazebrook
AUGUST 7 K. Walder B. Reid P. Hyett D. Ionescu A. Hampton N. Hobley J. Mahoney M. Horne L. Hughes M. Hughes K. Richmond
AUGUST 14 D. Ionescu B. Reid G. McLeod B. McMahon C. Martin N. Kilby N. Phillips J. Krakowiak B. Penna F. Lean R. McDonald