Fossicker NOV. 6

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Fossicker The

No. 42575 - Tuesday, November 6, 2012 - A002977L

Weekly bulletin of the Rotary Club of Bendigo Inc. - Chartered 30th July 1925 - District 9800


Cup Day at Bendigo Rotary Club was a day of stand ins.

With President Brian still in Melbourne at Bev’s side, I stood in as President. I may not have done a better job than I did last time, but at least this time I wasn’t nervous!

The other winners were Alida Robinson and Graeme Clarke. Thanks to everyone for making the effort.

Stand-in Sergeant Peter Reading kicked off proceedings at 1pm, as the last places in the Cup Sweeps were being filled. Stand-in Treasurer Brian Doherty sent the silver pot and raffle bucket around. Thanks to both of you for stepping in. Our guests today were John Hunter from RC Adelaide, and my partner Robert Niemann.

There were hats everywhere today, and straw seemed to be the predominant hat material, although judges Joy Bruce and Zsofi Szabo awarded top honours to Frank Lean’s effort.



The feature of the meeting of course was Bryan McMahon’s phantom call of the Melbourne Cup. Too much to summarise! You just had to be there. Thanks, Bryan.



BOARD MEMBERS: Vocational Service - John Krakowiak President Elect - Tom Seddon New Generations - Phil West Club Service - Garry Gunnell Rotary Foundation - Hugh Wheeler Community Service - Libby Hughes International Service - Valerie Barker Editor: Noel Hobley - Distribution: The Terrace Correspondence: PO Box 131, Bendigo, 3552

However, if I heard you correctly I was riding on the 27th for our next great debate. Recycled water is the topic and Mr Rigby, appropriately enough, will Americain, so no wonder it ran so poorly! Of course there were also the $5, $2, and $1 cup be back to judge the battle between Glenn Reilly (c), sweeps, and our race fixers were Graeme Clarke and Wayne Smith and John Gallagher up against Ted Brian Doherty. Soon after the meeting closed came Rankins (c), Val Barker and Peter Reading. Please the race itself, with Green Moon beating out Fiorente, plan on coming out to make this an even better while Jakkalberry took third. Ethiopia got the spoon. evening than the last debate was. Sweeps winners are below and full list is included. SWEEP

$5 $5

1st $72

2nd $30

Alida Robinson Ian Monotti

Des Samson Graeme Clarke

1st $25

$2 $2

2nd $14

Alida Robinson Tom Seddon

Joy Bruce Sue Clarke

1st $13


2nd $6

Sue Clarke

Graham Newton

3rd $18

Carol Penna Carol Penna

Thanks, Tom

3rd $9

Joan McMahon Carol Penna 3rd $5

Graeme Clarke

Glenn Reilly presented a quick wrap up and thank you for the Operation Cleft golf night. A soggy afternoon, but the rain cleared in time to get the event away. Libby Hughes reminded everyone of the Swap Meet coming up 16 – 18 November. We still need a few volunteers for Sunday shifts. I’ve dragooned my mother for sandwich prep on Friday morning. Who can you get to help us out?

Upcoming speakers this month include Ramona Firouzi from Sweden on the 13th and Coliban CEO Jeff Rigby on the 20th, when we will also hold everyone’s favourite annual formality, our AGM. Then, it’s a night meeting COMING UP

13-Nov 20-Nov

Ramona Firouzi Jeff Rigby, CEO

PEACE Inc speaker from Sweden Coliban Water


The Great Debate

Glenn Reilly (c), Larrie Winzar & Ian Coates v. Ted Rankins (c), Val Barker & Peter Reading

Reflections from a former GSE team member That Bendigo should be drinking recycled water

Anniversaries BIRTHDAYS:

November 13 to November 19 Rosalie Vanstan, Beverly Perrin, Nov. 16, Ron Rogers Nov. 19.

ROTARY Caspar Sens Nov. 13, Bruce Reid Nov. 16, Ian Coates Nov. 17. INDUCTIONS: WEDDING Nil ANNIVERSARIES: ROSTER

Chairman Sergeant at Arms Corporals Cashiers Regalia Reception Grace Four Way Test

NOVEMBER 13 P. West T. Seddon B. Ackerman T. Abbott N. Burdon J. Bruce B. Penna B. Kilby G. Bickley V. Barker L. Hughes

NOVEMBER 20 J. Gallagher T. Seddon D. Buttolph C. Burns T. Dobeli P. Hyett J. Mahoney D. Coia I. Coates G. Clarke J. Cartwright

NOVEMBER 27 N. Whitfield B. Figg B. Doherty G. Gunnell B. Gray J. Mahoney A. Glazebrook K. Gilchrist J. Gallagher J. Flood

A Notice for Chairman - To assist the President and as a courtesy to guest speakers, when the president calls for visiting Rotarians and guests to be introduced, the Chairman for the day is asked, please, to stand and introduce the guest speaker by name with the comment that he/she will be more formally introduced later in the meeting. Members are reminded that if for any reason you are unable to fulfil the duty for which you are rostered it is your responsibility to arrange a replacement


Click to visit District 9800 newsletters and videos

BENDIGO INNER WHEEL CLUB Rotarians, please contact Gwen Rankins (Ph: 5443 2215: ) if you are intending to join us for Dinner at the Schweppes Centre on Tuesday 20 November. We realize that you have just come off a hard weekend at the Swap Meet, but how better way to relax than taking your partner out and letting her spoil you! We will be gathering about 6.30pm, and just dining with friends. If you have been rung and invited, please say yes, and we’ll see you there! Any further information is available from Gwen.


PLEASE NOTE CHANGE OF DATE NOTICE OF 21st ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING The 21st Annual General Meeting of the Rotary Club of Bendigo Inc. A0029077L will be held at the Bendigo Club, 22 Park Street, Bendigo on

Tuesday, November 20

Commencing at 1.00pm prior to the commencement of the regular Rotary meeting. Business. 1. To adopt the minutes of the twentieth AGM held November 2011. 2. To adopt the financial reports for the year ended 30 June 2012 3. To appoint an Auditor for the year ended 30 June 2013 4. To appoint a Public Officer 5. General Business. Any business to be forwarded to the Club Secretary in writing 14 days in prior to the scheduled AGM. By order of the Board – 29 October 2012 PRESIDENT




Notes on the creation of Penna’s Breakfast


A Well-Planned Retirement

Outside England’s Bristol Zoo there is a parking lot for 150 cars and 8 buses. For 25 years, it’s parking fees were managed by a very pleasant attendant. The fees were for cars £1.40 and buses about £7. Then, one day, after 25 years solid years of never missing a day off work, he just didn’t show up; so the Zoo Management called the City Council and asked it to send them another parking agent.

Meanwhile, sitting in his villa somewhere on the coast of Spain or France or Italy.... is a man who’d apparently had a ticket machine installed completely on his own, and then, had simply begun to show up every day, to collect (and keep) the parking fees, estimated at about £560 per day...... for 25 years. Assuming 7 days a week, this amounts to just over £7 million.... and no one even knows his name. A perfect example of government mismanagement.

The Council did some research and replied that the parking lot was the Zoo’s own responsibility. The Zoo advised the Council that the attendant was a City employee. The City Council responded that the lot attendant had never been on the City payroll. ................starting to get the picture??


It was decided at the last Camp Getaway meeting that a working be would be held on site to do the preparation for a concrete slab for the first stage of the kitchen re-development project, which is a storage shed. Date - THIS WEEKEND - Nov 10th & 11th - any time, even an hour, over those two days would be appreciated. Bring - shovel

Tasks - spreading of sand and digging of footing trenches for shed slab. Please bring this working bee opportunity to the attention of your club. Thanks

Paul Kirkpatrick, Chair - Camp Getaway


I have started school again which is great to be back to! I started in a new class and am enjoying it immensely! I have made a lot of new friends in my class and my Swedish has improved greatly, I can now understand everything and am able to speak a lot too. The football season has finished and my team finished second but we never lost to the team on top which I think is quite an achievement! I also went to a Swedish elitserien ice hockey match! The elitserien is the top level of swedish ice hockey like the AFL for Hockey! It was a lot of fun but the team I support lost to their rivals in the area!

 I have also had some very typical Swedish experiences this past month! I had my birthday which was a great day but very strange to be spent away from my family and my twin sister! When you have your birthday in Sweden they sing for you in the morning and bring in a tray with cakes and coffee all of this is while you are half asleep just waking up it is it’s really quite amazing! I went to a New Zealand comedian the night after who has been living in Sweden with his wife for a few years, everything he said was exactly what I had experienced as an exchange student in Sweden it was hilarious!

They hunt the moose in the furset and surrounding scrub areas! I have also recently been on a trip to stockholm! It was a lot of fun and I made some new friends witht the exchange students who have now arrived in Sweden. I had a fantastic week visiting the beautiful capital of Sweden!!

The other thing I did was go moose hunting, it was a lot of fun and very interesting, it is set up much like how a lion hunts with shooters lined up along sides The weather is now quite cold and it did snow for the and then people in a drive yelling and making noise first time about a week ago but it has not hung around, so at the moment it is around 3-4 durinmg the day and scaring the moose towards the shooters! -5 at night so it is very icy in the mornings. We only shot one calf but it was a lot of fun even though it was freezing! The hunters slaughter the That has been about all recently, everything has settled moose using all the meat and some keep the skin plus down and I am still having a wonderful time! if it is a big buck they keep the horns to put on display. From Liam (OBERIN)


of the things we think, say or do...


2. Is it FAIR to all concerned? 4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all conerned?

# 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Tom
Sedden Sue
Clarke Carol
Penna Kurt
Walder Sue
Clarke Tom
Sedden John
Flood Vera
Reading Tom
Sedden Ron
Rogers Sue
Clarke Mike
Hughes Graeme
Clarke Tom
Sedden Bryan
McMahon Libby
Hughes Sue
Clarke Zsofi
Szabo Garry
Gunnell John
Reading Val
Barker Graham
Newton Peter
Reading Graeme

McMahon Val
Barker Graeme
Clarke Ian
MonoM John
Flood Graeme
Clarke Tom
Sedden Des
Samson Peter
Reading Garry
Gunnell Graham
Newton Zsofi
Szabo John
Reading Sue
Clarke Libby
Hughes Sue
Clarke Karen
Dobeli Mike
Hughes Joy
Bruce Neil
Burdon Rod
McDonald Alida
Robinson Des
Samson Vera


72.00 $

72.00 $

25.00 $

25.00 $

13.00 $

30.00 $

30.00 $

14.00 $

14.00 $

6.00 $

18.00 $

18.00 $

9.00 $

9.00 $


Burdon Des
Samson Joan
McMahon Anne
Flood Val
Broad Neil
Burdon Bruce
Perrin Barry
Ackerman Elaine
Rogers Michelle
Robinson Joy
Bruce Rod
McDonald Ian
MonoM Alida
Robinson Barry
Penna Rod
McDonald Ian
MonoM Carol
Penna Val
Broad Graham
Newton Karen
Dobeli Tom
Dobeli Warwick
Johanson Tom

place 2nd
place 3rd

Sedden Des
Samson Carol
penna Sue
Clarke Zsofi
Szabo Jim
Mahoney Graeme
Clarke Glenn
Reilly Ian
MonoM Tom
Sedden Graeme
Clarke Michelle
Robinson Graeme
Clarke Ian
MonoM Bryan
McMahon Rod
McDonald Graham
Newton Barry
Penna Garry
Gunnell Glenn
Reilly Donenic
Coia Brian
Doherty John
Cartwright Elaine

Burd0n Sue
Clarke Carol
Penna Anne
Flood Margaret
Paulsen Bill
Gray John
Flood Vera
Reading Ron
Rogers Mike
Hughes Des
Samson Libby
Hughes Barry
Ackerman Alida
robinson Frank
Lean Joan
McMahon Sue
Clarke Kathie
Veitch Ray
Paulsen John
Reading Pat
Doherty Tom
Dobeli Peter
Reading Warwick


5.00 $

5.00 $

2.00 $

2.00 $


Name Dunaden Americain Jakkalberry Red
Cadeaux Winchester Voila
Ici Cavalryman Mount
Athos Sanagas Ethiopia Fiorente Galileo's
Choice Glencadam
Gold Green
Moon Maluckyday Mourayan My
Peace Niwot Tac
Boistron Lights
Heaven Precedence Unusual
Suspect Zabeelionaire Kelinni


Out Placing 22 14th 21 11th 3 3rd 19 8th 11 17th 23 13th 18 12th 14 5th 7 18th 6 24th 20 2nd 5 20th 9 6th 24 1st 1 19th 4 7th 10 10th 2 15th 12 23rd 15 16th 17 9th 16 21st 13 22nd 8 4th

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