Fossicker Oct. 31

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Fossicker The

No. 42574 - Tuesday, October 31, 2012 - A002977L

Weekly bulletin of the Rotary Club of Bendigo Inc. - Chartered 30th July 1925 - District 9800


We welcomed as guests to our meeting today, Richard Epskamp from the Rotary Club of Eaglehawk, John Hunter from the Rotary Club of Adelaide and of course Zsofi our exchange student. Great to see Kevin Reilly in attendance. Zsofi provided her weekly highlights on her school and host family activities and was also presented with her Rotary Polo and Rotary Cap. Zsofi wasted no time in trying both on once the meeting finished. Glad to report that Warren Cambridge advised me is on the improve and very hopeful of being back at the Club around Xmas time – he hasn’t lost his sense of humour that is for sure. Johnny K had recently visited Cas Sens whom had a recent eye operation which has given him some sight back which is positive news. ROTARY BUSINESS Swap Meet – don’t forget to support our Club by offering some time up over the period 15-18 November. See Libby – our numbers for Saturday/ Sunday are low but I’m confident a late pledge of help from our members will see our club fill its spots. Backyard Blitz (Charlton) – Charlie Martin and Kurt



Walder represented our club on this joint Rotary Club of Charlton/Kangaroo Flat project. Charlie reported the guys were kept busy on the Saturday Morning 27/10 but surprisingly were sent home early afternoon. Well done to Charlie and Kurt for offering their time up. RYPEN (Rotary Youth Program of Enrichment) – the club sponsored two participants to the Lancefield Camp 26-28 Oct. We will be meeting these students at an upcoming meeting to hear of their RYPEN experience. Thanks to Phil West for organising and Tom Dobeli, at short notice, driving the Vision Australia bus down on Sunday to bring the 8 Bendigo participants back home. RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Award) – nominations for the Mt Evelyn week long camp in early December now open to 18-25 year olds – aimed at emerging young professional types already demonstrating leadership in the community – Do you know a possible Candidate, if so let myself/Phil West know. Operation Cleft Golf Event – Glenn Reilly will report more formerly in a coming meeting, but briefly, a fantastic night on Friday 26/10 with 21 teams, and a large crew of Rotarians and Partners helping out on the night. Thanks everyone and particularly Glenn for a brilliant event raising much needed funds for Operation Cleft operations in Bangladesh. TREASURER Wayne Smith


BOARD MEMBERS: Vocational Service - John Krakowiak President Elect - Tom Seddon New Generations - Phil West Club Service - Garry Gunnell Rotary Foundation - Hugh Wheeler Community Service - Libby Hughes International Service - Valerie Barker Editor: Noel Hobley - Distribution: The Terrace Correspondence: PO Box 131, Bendigo, 3552

Car Parking – big thanks to Mike Hughes and the many volunteers whom helped out on Saturday 20/10 and Cup Day 31/10. A very important sum of $3,300 earned for Club Projects. Disaster Aid Box Australia – The Club have a tradition of matching one of our members whom makes an annual generous donation to purchasing a Disaster Aid Box – for a cost of $800 one of these Boxes will head overseas to a place in need proudly showing Rotary Club of Bendigo as the sponsor. District Conference – 14-16 March 2013 in Albury NSW (Not in Victoria as I stated – the Seargent let me off or doesn’t know himself!). Early bird registration 12/12. Club History – our previous custodian Colin Burns will be handing over records to me in next few weeks. All the hard work of digitising old hard copy records has been done – now we just need to maintain Club History with adding Fossickers, Board Meeting Minutes and other notable records. Would like a Volunteer to take this on – a home based job this one with a PC handy? Working with Children Records – Libby had spread sheet at meeting which will be circulated. Kindly add your WWC number and expiry date so as we have current records at the club. Some professions (ie teachers) have their own but similar accreditation – please record details on the Club spread sheet. AGM Notice – I advised the meeting that the Annual general Meeting for the Rotary Club of Bendigo will be held on Tuesday 27 November 2012 concurrent with our normal meeting. Notice will be in this weeks and next week’s Fossicker. Speaker Panel Our chairman for the day, John Krakowiak, proudly introduced our panel of speakers to hear about the origins of some of our key projects of this Club. Warwick Johanson & Bryan McMahon (Rotary Art Show) Jim Mahoney (Community Carols by Candlelight) Barry Penna (Penna’s Breakfast) Garry Gunnell (Samoa) Brian Doherty (Men’s Health Week)

Chairman John Krokawiak and his panel of wise men who outlined the major activities of our club and their origins. Hearing firsthand made for a very inspiring guest speaker segment - the passion and pride was clearly evident amongst every speaker. Val Broad added a few stories on the Carols as well as did Bryan McMahon on the Art Show. Most of the projects have had their challenges along the way, with varying venues and hiccups, but the determination and expertise of the Rotarians involved always came through - it is truly a remarkable achievement of this Club that all of the above projects are still vibrant and relevant today. I hope you too were inspired to think of what is possible. Over the coming weeks, we will include speaker notes from today’s meeting to share with members who couldn’t make it to this week’s meeting – first up is Jim’s notes on the Carols by Candlelight. In Closing I wish to advise members that, regrettably, I will be taking November off Rotary due to pressing commitments on the family and work front. Some members are aware that Bev’s recent back operation has had some setbacks – she is booked in to Epworth tomorrow morning (30/10) for another round of corrective, and additional, back surgery and will be away for another 3 weeks. Best to leave Rotary in the very capable hands of others – Past President Wayne Smith and President Elect Tom Seddon have agreed to hold the fort in my absence. See you soon and thanks for the numerous offerings of best wishes to Bev. President Brian Figg.


Bryan McMahon, Joy Bruce

Phantom Call, Hats Judge

13-Nov 20-Nov

Ramona Firouzi Jeff Rigby, CEO

PEACE Inc speaker from Sweden Coliban Water


The Great Debate

Glenn Reilly (c), Larrie Winzar & Ian Coates v. Ted Rankins (c), Val Barker & Peter Reading

Bendigo Cup Day Reflections from a former GSE team member That Bendigo should be drinking recycled water

With all hands on deck for car parking duty on Wednesday it was smooth sailing until this happened. I think that’s Garry Gunnell stepping it out to see if he had room to park it, no need to worry Garry, if in doubt send it down to the back paddock and tell em to back it into the corner. Anniversaries BIRTHDAYS:

November 6 to November 12 Bruce Perring Nov. 8.



Chairman Sergeant at Arms Corporals Cashiers Regalia Reception Grace Four Way Test

NOVEMBER 6 B. Figg G. Bickley N. Whitfield L. Winzar E. Trevorah R. Vanstan B. Penna K. Walder D. Watts P. West H. Wheeler


We note the passing of Lola Henderson, wife of the late Jack Henderson, Past President 1969-70. Jack and Lola were very active members of our club until their move to Melbourne. Jack was a director, and served as chairman, of Sandhurst Trustees. Jack died some years ago and Lola was buried at Bendigo Cemetery on Thursday. NOVEMBER 13 P. West T. Seddon B. Ackerman T. Abbott N. Burdon J. Bruce B. Penna B. Kilby G. Bickley V. Barker L. Hughes

NOVEMBER 20 J. Gallagher T. Seddon D. Buttolph C. Burns T. Dobeli P. Hyett J. Mahoney D. Coia I. Coates G. Clarke J. Cartwright

A Notice for Chairman - To assist the President and as a courtesy to guest speakers, when the president calls for visiting Rotarians and guests to be introduced, the Chairman for the day is asked, please, to stand and introduce the guest speaker by name with the comment that he/she will be more formally introduced later in the meeting. Members are reminded that if for any reason you are unable to fulfil the duty for which you are rostered it is your responsibility to arrange a replacement


Click to visit District 9800 newsletters and videos

NOTICE OF 21st ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING The 21st Annual General Meeting of the Rotary Club of Bendigo Inc. A0029077L will be held at the Bendigo Club, 22 Park Street, Bendigo on Tuesday, November 27 - commencing at 1.00pm prior to the commencement of the regular Rotary meeting. Business. 1. To adopt the minutes of the twentieth AGM held November 2011. 2. To adopt the financial reports for the year ended 30 June 2012 3. To appoint an Auditor for the year ended 30 June 2013 4. To appoint a Public Officer 5. General Business. Any business to be forwarded to the Club Secretary in writing 14 days in prior to the scheduled AGM. By order of the Board – 29 October 2012

ROTARY LINKS Link to District Governors Blog Link to District 9800 Conference 2013 Link to Rotary International Home page Link to Rotary Foundation That’s all we need, now even the cow’s think they’re funny.

Notes on the creation of Carols by Candlelight.

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