RCOG Awards, Prizes, Lectureships and Scholarships

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Awards, Prizes, Lectureships and Scholarships Something for everyone

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Award categories Medical students and Foundation Year doctors Funding for overseas electives RCOG Fellows, Members and trainees

Awards open to all

Submit your application Applications open on: MONDAY 18 FEBRUARY 2013. Any applications received before this date will not be accepted. Applications close on: FRIDAY 24 MAY 2013. Any applications received after this date will not be accepted. Please ensure you check the full criteria for each award by visiting our website: www.rcog.org.uk/awards-prizes Send your application by email, post or fax to: Marion Goonewardene – Awards Administrator Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists 27 Sussex Place, Regent’s Park, London NW1 4RG E: mgoonewardene@rcog.org.uk T: +44 (0) 207 772 6224 F: +44 (0) 207 724 5499 Successful applicants will be notified in October 2013

RCOG Awards, Prizes, Lectureships and Scholarships – something for everyone Here at the RCOG we have a wide range of prizes and awards available to people at all stages of their medical careers in obstetrics and gynaecology. Whether you are a Fellow planning a research project overseas or a student at medical school with a passion and flair for our specialty, we can offer funding to enable and encourage you to develop your skills and interests as well as take part in volunteer placements and specialised research programmes. The funds for our awards have come from kind and generous bequests from distinguished and prolific benefactors who have left a legacy of their work in order to give you (our Fellows, Members, trainees and students) fantastic opportunities to share and develop your expertise. In this brochure, you will find a huge range of awards available, and we would encourage you to find out more about them and your eligibility to apply by visiting our dedicated awards page on the RCOG website: www.rcog.org.uk/awards-prizes

Mr Ian Currie FRCOG Honorary Secretary, 2011–2018

Prizes for Medical Students and Foundation Year doctors The Peter Huntingford Memorial Prize 1st prize £1,000 2nd prize £500 The British Pregnancy Advisory Service has very generously endowed the Peter Huntingford Memorial Prize to mark the late Professor Peter Huntingford’s contribution to obstetrics and gynaecology. This has enabled the RCOG to provide two wonderful prizes of £1,000 and £500 to two lucky recipients. This award is for doctors training in Foundation Year 1 and/or 2 across the UK and Republic of Ireland and will be awarded to the two best presentations of a case history, focused on either women with complications of pregnancy and giving birth, or a clinical audit or report of a research project in any aspect of sexual health and fertility control in which they have been directly involved.

The Tim Chard Case History Prize 1st prize £500 2nd prize £250 3rd prize £150 The Tim Chard Case History Prize has been generously endowed by Bart’s and the London School of Medicine to further the contribution of the late Professor Tim Chard in obstetrics and gynaecology.

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The worthy recipients of this prize will be medical students in the UK and Republic of Ireland who show the greatest understanding of a clinical problem in obstetrics and gynaecology by submitting a case history with an intelligent discussion.

The Herbert Erik Reiss Memorial Case History Prize 1st prize £400 2nd prize £200 The Herbert Erik Reiss Memorial Prize is available to medical students and junior doctors (FY1 and 2) in the UK and Republic of Ireland. The two prizes will be awarded to candidates who submit the most outstanding presentation of a clinical case, including critical assessment and literature research, on a topic in obstetrics and gynaecology.

The Calcutta Eden Hospital Annual Prize Prize of £300 in book tokens The Calcutta (Kolkata) Eden Hospital, a major maternity and gynaecological hospital and part of the Calcutta Medical College Hospital was the medical school of Mr Prabhat Chattopadhyay FRCOG who, through his generosity, has enabled the RCOG to offer the annual prize of £300 of book tokens. The prize will be awarded to a final year medical student or a junior FY1 doctor from the UK or Republic of Ireland who submits the best article that outlines their insight into any aspect of obstetrics and gynaecology undertaken during their training.

Medical students, are you planning your overseas elective? Read on to find out what funding the RCOG can provide towards your trip. The Ethicon Student Elective Award Up to £500 funding available The RCOG, with the kind and generous support of Ethicon, is pleased to offer up to £500 of funding towards approved student medical electives in obstetrics and gynaecology taking place in 2014. The successful applicants of this award will have submitted well-planned and well-presented applications demonstrating clear objectives and offering detailed information about the project they wish to undertake. Students wishing to pursue a career in obstetrics and gynaecology and undertaking their elective in a subject associated with this specialty in a low resource country are particularly encouraged to apply. Successful applicants may be invited to present details of their winning project either as a poster or an oral presentation.

Women’s Visiting Gynaecological Club Prize Prize £500 Through the generosity of the Women’s Visiting Gynaecological Club, the RCOG is able to offer £500 towards an overseas elective in obstetrics and gynaecology.

The report of the elective period will be circulated to the members of the Women’s Visiting Gynaecological Club.

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The winner of this prize will be a medical student who presents an application that best articulates their reasoning and objectives for wanting to complete an overseas medical elective in a certain region.

Awards, Prizes and Fellowships for RCOG Fellows, Members and Trainees The Bernhard Baron Travelling Scholarship Prize up to £6,000 The Bernhard Baron Charitable Trust has, generously endowed to the RCOG, two travel scholarships in obstetrics and gynaecology. This fantastic scholarship is available to Fellows and Members wishing to undertake short-term travel to expand their knowledge in an area in which he or she already has experience.

The Anne Boutwood Travelling Fellowship Prize £5,000 Through the generosity of the Trustees of the Elizabeth Garrett Anderson Hospital Appeal Trust, an annual prize of £5,000 will be awarded to one applicant each year. Anne Boutwood was a founder member of the Trust who sadly died in 2009. The Fellowship will be awarded to a UK trainee in the field of O&G to facilitate travel overseas to enable research or training for the purposes of personal development and to enhance the awardee’s contribution to the specialty of obstetrics and gynaecology.

The Suraiya Khwaja Memorial International Travel Award Prize £2,500 Dr Suraiya S. Khwaja FRCOG, Associate Professor and Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist was dedicated to the education and training of medical undergraduates and postgraduates and was well liked by all who knew her for kindness, honesty and unassuming character. She sadly passed away in December 2007. This triennial travel award of £2,500 is available to UK-based O&G trainees at ST4 level and above and also UK-based Consultants to enable them to undertake either clinical training or research in Africa, Asia or the Middle East.

The American Gynecological Club/Gynaecological Visiting Society Fellowship Prize £500 Through generous funding from the American Gynecological Club and the Gynaecological Visiting Society of Great Britain and Ireland we are pleased to offer £500 to allow the successful recipient of this Fellowship to visit and gain knowledge from a specific centre offering new techniques of clinical management within O&G. The visit may be from the UK to the USA or vice versa and is available to specialty registrars in the UK and Republic of Ireland and to junior fellows or those in residency programmes in O&G in the USA.

Overseas Fund Prize up to £2,500 Originally established in 1988 through the generosity of a bequest by Miss Aileen Dickins FRCOG and expanded by a further generous donation by the late Mr Donald Fraser in 1990, the Overseas Fund provides substantial financial support for travel to the UK for our international Fellows and Members for further training in O&G. Other donations have been received from Fellows and Members and the College Council hopes that this important fund will benefit from similar generosity in the future.

The Ethicon Travel Award Funding: up to £2,000 We are very pleased to offer this travel funding award with the kind generosity and support of Ethicon. Open to trainee members of the RCOG, this award is given to develop skills and knowledge in an overseas placement. The successful applicants will have submitted a well-articulated and well-planned application outlining the purpose and objectives of their trip and will provide detailed information about what work they would like to carry out during their placement. If applicants are interested in undertaking an overseas placement that is linked to the global health work of the RCOG, please speak to the Global Health Unit to find out more information about the volunteer placements currently available. E: globalhealthinfo@rcog.org.uk

The Harold Malkin Prize 1st prize £250 2nd prize £150 We are delighted to offer two prizes through the generous donation of the late Mr Harold Malkin FRCOG. Open to all RCOG Fellows, Members and those on the RCOG Trainees’ Register, the prize will be awarded to the applicants who demonstrate the best original work whilst being of a specialist registrar grade in a hospital in the UK or Republic of Ireland.

The Endometriosis Millennium Fund Award Prize up to £5,000

Available to RCOG Fellows, Members, and Trainees (on the RCOG Trainees’ Register) funding has been donated in order to stimulate and encourage research (clinical or laboratory based) in the field of endometriosis. Clinicians are encouraged, with the use of the funds, to acquire extra clinical skills in order to more efficiently manage patients with the disease.

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The RCOG is proud to support the organising committee of the 7th World Congress of Endometriosis who, through a generous donation, have established the Endometriosis Millennium Fund.

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Awards open to all The Eden Travelling Fellowship in Obstetrics and Gynaecology Prize up to £5,000

Generously endowed by the late Dr Thomas Watts Eden, we are delighted to offer this travel fellowship again for 2013. The fellowship will be awarded to a medical graduate* currently undertaking a research project. The winner can use the funds to visit any other department(s) within O&G or a related discipline to gain additional knowledge and experience. * applicants who have graduated within the last two years

The John Lawson Prize Prize £150 The late Mr John Lawson FRCOG was a former Director of Postgraduate Studies and Vice President of the College. He was also a Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology in Ibadan, Nigeria, and was well renowned for his work in developing countries, particularly in Africa. We are pleased to offer an annual prize of £150 through the kind generosity of Mr Lawson, for the best article on a topic derived from work carried out in Africa between the tropics of Capricorn and Cancer.

The Edgar Gentilli Prize Prize £750 plus £250 in book tokens Through the kind and generous bequest of the late Mr and Mrs Gilbert Edgar, the RCOG is delighted to offer The Edgar Gentilli Prize in 2013. Applicants for this prize are invited to submit a piece of original work on the cause, nature, recognition and treatment of any form of cancer of the female genital tract.

Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists 27 Sussex Place, Regent’s Park, London, NW1 4RG visit www.rcog.org.uk tel +44 20 7772 6224 twitter @RCObsGyn Registered Charity No. 213280 Š Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists 2012 RCOG is a trademark of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. All information correct at the time of going to press; for up-to-date information please visit www.rcog.org.uk

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