Welcome to the 2022 edition of the RCSI Alumni Magazine, packed with campus news, research highlights, exclusive interviews plus plenty of stories from RCSI alumni all over the world. Read on to enjoy:
Reaching Out, Drawing In: An exclusive introduction to the first phase of RCSI’s new medical quarter campus, 118 St Stephen’s Green, written by Shane O’Toole
Feeling the Heat: Alumni and staff outline the threat to human health as represented by climate change and the steps that must be taken to avert further impact
In it for the Long Haul: Alumni share their career experiences - 10, 20 and 30 years on from graduation
We are Family: How RCSI can become a family tradition when siblings seek the same memorable student experience
Through the Front Door: RCSI remembers, with the help of Head Porter, Frank Donegan
Set in Stone: A study of RCSI hospitals and how their sites remain significant in the built environment
A Life’s Work: In memory of Professor Barbara T. Murphy (Class of 1989)