Surgeons Scope Magazine - July 2022

Page 28

› Late Career Opportunities

Professor Patrick Broe, FRCSI at a Court of Examiners meeting.


RCSI COUNCIL The governing body of RCSI is the RCSI Council, which is composed of 21 surgeons who are Fellows of the College and are elected by the College’s Fellowship and Membership community. Council delegates a number of its main functions to various boards and committees, which provide many opportunities for Fellows to actively contribute to RCSI’s public engagement and advocacy initiatives. How to get involved: Council election takes place every two years and Fellows in Good Standing are strongly encouraged to put themselves forward. Voting for Council is open to all Fellows and Members in Good Standing and voting takes place at the beginning of June. The next opportunity for election to Council will be in June 2024. The time commitment: This is a voluntary commitment and Council meets once per month during the year with the meetings chaired by RCSI’s President.

CSI is committed to supporting surgeons at every stage on their surgical pathway. We value our relationships with our senior surgical leaders who are stepping back from a fulltime career or retiring from clinical practice, and we want to ensure that we retain their expertise. There are many opportunities for our highly experienced, later career surgeons to contribute significantly to the overall governance, leadership and operational effectiveness of the College, and to take up mentoring opportunities, make contributions to publications, and speak at webinars and events nationally and internationally. If you belong to this late career cohort, we encourage you to explore the opportunities to become involved and actively participate in College life through various boards, committees, publications, events and other initiatives. Many surgeons have found it to be personally and professionally rewarding. RCSI is always grateful for the knowledge and experience that later career surgeons can bring to many aspects of College life.

OTHER COMMITTEES AND ROLES Council delegates a number of its main functions to various boards and committees. The significant activities of these boards and committees are reported to Council on a regular basis. These opportunities include: • Representation on joint surgical training committees (JSCT, JCIE etc.) Input on the standards, policies, regulations and professional conduct of the Specialty Fellowship Examinations. • Surgical Speciality Advisor (SSA) Contributing towards the development of your specialty/sub-specialty • Training Programme Director (TPD) Contributing towards surgical training • Northern Ireland Liaison Committee Collaboration on the delivery of surgical care and education in Northern Ireland Find out more: All Fellows in Good Standing are eligible to put themselves forward for Council and are contacted directly at the time, to encourage participation. To find out more about applying for Council, contact


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