The Graig Factor issue 2

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The Graig Factor

The newsletter of the Graig Socialist Party

issue no. 2 July 2011

Huge threat to the services at Royal Glamorgan Hospital will have devastating effects for all of us. These cuts are simply the result of all the politicians who think its perfectly fine to make ordinary working class people pay for the financial crisis caused by the banking sector . It shows clearly who they all represent, when they would rather pay out for bankers bonus’ than they would keep the rest of us alive by keeping a fully funded National Health Service.

Whilst the Welsh Assembly government are so keen to tell us that they are protecting us from the worst effects of the cuts, the forget to mention they have voted for cuts to the NHS three times higher than in England. The result of this? Local residents will suffer, The local health board based within the Graig at Dewi Saint hospital have announced plans to cut £100 million from the budget. The plans include a proposed merger of the Royal Glamorgan in Llantrisant with the Prince Charles Hospital in Merthyr. Which will provide the services of only one general hospital between them! Effectively the health board plan to cut back the services of one whole hospital but by splitting those cuts across the two exisitng sites.

general hospital to deal with the needs of people currently served by two hospitals. People in Graig who would normally travel to Llantrisant for hospital treatment may well have to travel as far as Prince Charles hospital in Merthyr for treatment and vice versa. It has not yet been announced by the healthboard which services will remain at each site, but what is certain is that they be worse off where ever they are.

Health workers or NHS users did not cause the financial crisis, why should we be forced to pay the price whilst the banks are still raking it in?” Glyn Matthews, Graig Socialist Party

Search for ‘RCT Against the Cuts’ to get involved with the campaign against the cuts to the health service.

PUBLIC MEETING Where next to stop the cuts? The services at both hospitals are already over stretched they need more funding not less! This will be a fundementally worse health service than we currently have, with the services of one

Come along and to discuss and debate the way forward in the battle to stop cuts to vital services and jobs whilsts the rich are laughing all the way to the bank.

Wednesday 6th July, 7.30pm, Pontypridd YMCA

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