2 minute read
T R A N S I T I O N G R O U P / F O C U S : E , M , H
Family surveys offer families the opportunity to provide feedback on school-related issues and the overall school culture. Through intentional questions, schools can gain valuable data and insight related to key initiatives, projects, programs, routines, instruction, and activities that impact students and the school’s culture.
Throughout the school year
• Increases communication between schools, families, and students on schoolwide issues • Gains recommendations and anonymous feedback that may impact school culture, student supports, parental outreach, and overall achievement • Strengthens relationships that exist between the school and family by making families feel valued
1. Using the school’s transition team or other school groups, determine which upcoming initiatives, projects, or issues are necessary for review through a survey. Once determined, schedule when these surveys will be given, collected, and analyzed. 2. Based on the intended audience, collaborate, and develop items/questions for each survey to ensure the right data is collected. Surveys should be brief and aligned to the intended purpose. (See the Resources section of this activity for example surveys.) 3. Using the school’s communication plan, determine how the school will share the purpose of each survey with families and/or students and how they may access and return each survey. 4. Analyze and organize the feedback from collected surveys. 5. If appropriate, share the results of each survey with stakeholder groups. 6. Best practices recommend that action steps are created based on the issue or event that the survey was based on.
Considerations and Tips for Success
• Allow for the completion of surveys in person. • Provide paper copies of the survey for any family that may not have digital access. • Some surveys can be completed over the phone. • Communicate directly with families of new students as well as students transitioning from alternative school on how to access and complete surveys. • Incentives could be provided to families and students who complete the surveys. • Provide onsite computer access for families and students to complete surveys. • Once action steps are taken, be sure to have a process in place to monitor, track progress, and implement all new goals or actions established as a result of the data.
Considerations for Students from Select Populations (e.g., English learners, students with disabilities, transfer students, etc.)
• Be sure that all surveys are provided in languages represented within the school. • Collaborate with staff to offer ADA-compliant access to surveys.
Considerations for Counselors
• Counselors should collaborate as part of the survey development team. Counselors usually have direct communication with families and students. • With leadership approval (and if appropriate), follow up with families or students who do not complete surveys.
• The Ohio State University https://u.osu.edu/familyschoolpartnerships/surveyingfamilies/ • Kansas Parent Information Resource Center (Family Engagement Surveys) https://www.education.ne.gov/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/Family_Engagement_Surveys.pdf • Family School Relationships Survey https://www.panoramaed.com/family-school-relationships-survey