Summer 2021 School Focus

Page 22





Meridian Begins Instructional Transformation Brock Turnipseed


eridian High School

Dr. Joe Griffin, MHS’ first-year prin-

average gap-to-goal and in the lowest


cipal, is trying to build a similar foun-

quartile of three-year improvement

archery team in January,

dation for future success with teachers

toward gap-to-goal closure.

and newcomers to the sport first had

in a school identified for the Targeted

to learn how to shoot a bow and arrow.

Support and Improvement (TSI) des-

Those with a subgroup meeting all

They hit the target at their first event,

ignation in 2018 by the Mississippi

three of the criteria are ranked annu-

but they got closer to hitting the bull-

Department of Education (MDE)

ally by an overall accountability index,

seye with each following competition.

through an Every Student Succeeds

with the bottom 5% of those not iden-



The team finished the season

Act requirement.

tified for CSI being identified as TSI.

ranked third in the state — a finish

Schools are identified for TSI

that showed students they, along with

because their subgroup is in the lowest

Through TSI, MDE administrators

the right guidance and support from

50% of overall accountability index,

support schools as they uncover areas

leaders, can accomplish big goals.

in the lowest quartile of three-year

of deficiency and start making strides

School Focus


Summer 2021

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