Summer 2021 School Focus

Page 8



Guide A


‘Access 2.0’ Updates Target Wording, Organization Will Graves


his summer, the Mississippi Department of Education (MDE) will publish the

Access for All Guide 2.0, an updated version of the helpful document that will provide more clarity and addi-

tional resources for general education teachers. The guide is intended to provide educators with evidence-based tools they can implement in the classroom

The new version replaces accommo-

educators with four specific types of

to improve every student’s ability to

dations and modifications with adapta-

adaptations that address four select

learn through different adaptations.

tions. The change came about because

student populations.

MDE and staff from the Mississippi

accommodations and modifications

State University Research and

are more commonly associated with

Curriculum Unit (RCU) began the

special education. The intent of the

in your classroom that are available to

process of updating the original doc-

guide is to be a resource for teachers

every child,” said RCU Project Manager

ument last fall with the goal of replac-

to meet the learning needs of all stu-

Ginny Sanders. “By providing the four

ing key terminology with language

dents, not just one group.

types of adaptations for the four

“There are many things you can do

that will provide general education

To encourage further use of

select student populations, we have

teachers with a better understanding

these classroom adaptations for

been able to take the suggestions for

of how the document can aid in pro-

all students, not only those with

instruction and align them with the

viding quality classroom instruction

Individualized Education Programs

specific classroom adaptations teach-

for all students.

(IEPs), the new document provides

ers can use.”

School Focus


Summer 2021

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