School Focus Winter 2021

Page 22




Aubrey Jones practices a relaxation exercise at Natchez-Adams School District's (NASD's) Gilmer McLaurin Elementary (GME) before the pandemic.


Formalizing ‘That Special Something’ for Mississippi’s Teachers, Classrooms Heather Craig


he Mississippi Department

highlighting the need for formal SEL

In its push for developing the

of Education (MDE) imple-

tools. What was originally a plan for

standards quickly, the MDE had out-

mented the state’s first

the near future became a cemented

side help. The plan is a joint effort

Social Emotional Learning (SEL)

reality when educators realized the

between the MDE; the Collaborative

Standards in January to address the

effects of the pandemic caused high

for Academic, Social and Emotional

needs of pre-K and K-12 students in

levels of stress and uncertainty for

Learning (CASEL); and Realizing

classrooms across the state, includ-

students of all grade levels.

ing self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills

“When COVID-19 hit and we saw

Excellence for ALL Children in Mississippi (REACH MS). CASEL is the

that there was going to be a sub-

organization that helped defined SEL

stantial need for these standards, we

more than two decades ago. REACH

The standards were already in

absolutely sped up our design and

MS is a sub-grantee of the MDE’s spe-

the planning and defining phase

implementation,” said Ginger Koestler,

cial education department that part-

when the global pandemic led to the

the MDE’s behavioral intervention

ners on much of the department’s

shift to online and hybrid learning,


behavioral intervention work, making

and decision-making skills.

School Focus


Winter 2021

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