School Focus Winter 2021

Page 26




McCusker Promotes Cohesion in Parent Group Amanda Gronewold


isa McCusker, the outgoing

band: A new band direc-

president of the Gautier High

tor was hired, and a new

School (GHS) Band Parent

parent leadership team

Association (BPA) and a mother of two

was formed. Building trust

children in the Pascagoula-Gautier

between band parents/

School District, is the 2020 Mississippi

guardians, directors and

Parent of the Year.

the school, she said, was

McCusker was nominated by the school district for her work on sev-

among the first large-scale challenges the group faced.

eral projects that will make long-last-

The first step to meeting

ing impacts. Specifically, her work

those challenges, she said,

with the GHS BPA was noted, as she

was listening.

helped establish the inaugural Swamp Classic, the first marching band competition hosted in the Gautier area.

“It took a lot of humility to listen to parents’ issues from before and why they

Dr. Carey Wright, Mississippi’s state

weren’t interested in help-

superintendent of education, praised

ing,” McCusker said. “So, it

McCusker for her hard work and said

was a lot of listening in the

she “represents the hundreds of par-

beginning, and then it was

ents who volunteer in schools across

just small steps of faith.”

the state, supporting teachers, lead-

Lisa McCusker (center) poses with sons Michael McCusker (left) and Aidan McCusker. Michael is a graduate of Gautier High School (GHS) and the GHS band, and Aidan is a junior at the school.

Those steps included

ers and students as they work toward

demonstrating follow-through and

nights, shifting from a few adults


dependability with her fellow par-

doing the work of many to a larger

ents and shifting their perspectives of

group that more evenly distributed

what volunteering for the band means

the load.

“I am grateful for their dedication and hard work in making Mississippi’s schools the best they can be,” Wright

— actions beyond the obvious roles of helping with uniforms or working

The changes were “key in helping

the concession stand during football

them to understand that those 10 vol-

McCusker joined the parent group

games. She also enacted addition-

unteers you see serving the nachos;

during a time of transition for the

al-yet-shorter work shifts for game

they’re counted in and among another


School Focus


Winter 2021

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