School Focus Winter 2021

Page 28


f feature


Initiative Closing Student Gaps Through Better Materials Brock Turnipseed.


he Mississippi Department

outcomes and offer equitable access

of Education (MDE) recently

for all of the state’s students.

The gateways started with standards alignment and progressed

partnered with seven other

With the HQIM definition and goals

to building knowledge followed by

states in the Council of Chief State

in place, the group collaborated with

usability. Priority indicators were

School Officers Instructional Materials

Student Achievement Partners, a non-

included in each gateway, including

and Professional Development

profit group dedicated to improving lit-

a set of Mississippi-specific criteria

Network to develop a high-quality

eracy and mathematics achievements

under the first gateway.

instructional materials (HQIM) initia-

in K-12 students, and EdReports,

tive that aligns to Mississippi’s College-

another nonprofit that works with

and Career-Readiness Standards and

educators to identify HQIM, to develop

we wanted to ensure English language

will help the state continue producing

a rubric that progresses sequentially

arts materials provide all students

tremendous gains in education.

through three gateways aligned to

access to complex texts and build

meet the content standards and other

and expand upon on their knowledge

indicators of high-quality curriculum

of the world,” said Kristen Wynn, the

as recommended by educators.

MDE’s state literacy director.

“We recognized that this is our next big push for providing equitable access

“As we worked to develop the rubric,

to materials for all children across the state,” said Dr. Tenette Smith, executive director of the MDE Office of Elementary Education and Reading. Smith and other MDE leadership met with Dr. David Steiner, the executive director of the Institute for Education Policy and a professor of education at Johns Hopkins University, and Rebecca Kockler, the former assistant superintendent of academic content at the Louisiana Department of Education, to begin

Packaged textbooks are pictured in a warehouse of The School Book Supply Company

crafting Mississippi’s HQIM definition

of Mississippi. The company has played an important part in the MDE’s high-quality

and developing a plan to increase

instructional materials review process, efficiently delivering the submitted materials to

teacher capacity, improve student

the review team members at their homes or their schools.

School Focus


Winter 2021

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