f feature
MDE Deploys Groundbreaking Computer Science Curricula Will Graves
Information and Communication
for Mississippi (CS4MS)
Technology (ICT) I and Technology
Initiative is now reaching
younger pupils through new middle school curricula that will equip all students with important comput-
ing and technology skills essential in today’s workforce and for tomorrow’s economy.
Continued technological advancements require students have a strong foundation of basic technology and computing skills if they are to grow as critical thinkers and adapt to changes in society and the workplace. CF I is
The rollout of these new curricula
designed to teach these foundational
Shelly Hollis, Mississippi State
marks a milestone for computer sci-
skills to students in grade 6 or higher
University Center for Cyber
ence education, as Mississippi is one of
while expounding on fundamental
Education Assistant Director
the first states in the nation to imple-
computing concepts — problem-solv-
ment computer science content at the
ing and coding, for example — and
middle school level.
other topics including digital citizen-
School districts across the state began a two-phase transition to the
ship, technology applications and career exploration.
CF II replaces ICT II. With this change, students in grade 7 or higher will utilize skills learned from CF I and build
new curricula this academic year.
Districts will continue with the
upon that knowledge by exploring new
In the fall, Cyber Foundations (CF) I
second phase of the curricula transi-
content in areas such as databases,
replaced the previously offered
tion in the 2021-2022 school year, as
graphic design, mobile application
"... There wasn’t a lot happening in the middle school space. When we started looking at this and pulling everything together, we were one of the first in the country to start putting together middle school computer science curricula.” - Shelly Hollis, Mississippi State University Center for Cyber Education Assistant Director
School Focus
Winter 2021