The Leadership Challenge Graphic Summary

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THE LEADERSHIP CHALLENGE How to Make Extraordinary Things Happen in Organizations JAMES KOUZES & BARRY POSNER

In today’s volatile world, we need leadership more than ever to solve the world’s problems. The Leadership Challenge is about mobilizing and uniting people to create extraordinary results.


A ft e r s t u d y i n g l e a d e r s a t t h e i r p e r s o n a l b e s t f o r o v e r 3 d e c a d e s , t h e a u t h o r s f o u n d 5 ti m e l e s s p r a c ti c e s t h a t t h a t e x e m p l a r y l e a d e r s e x h i b i t . A l l 5 p r a c ti c e s a r e n e e d e d f o r e x t r a o r d i n a r y r e s u l t s .

Clarify Values Know your values. These guide you in everything you do.

Set the Example Model the Way

Live the shared values

Practice what you preach, including how you spend your time, what you say and do. Seek feedback to better align your words and actions.

Use your own words. Be authentic.

Develop role models

Affirm shared values.

Teach others to model the values, leveraging on critical incidents, stories, systems & procedures.

Identify & affirm common values shared by others.

Envision the Future Imagine the Possibilities

Embrace your “gut feel” of the future, know what it is, why it’s important, and tune in to your deepest feelings & calling.


Enlist Others

Inspire a Shared Vision

Go for Shared Ideals

Find a Common Purpose

Animate the vision

Identify shared aspirations that reflect what people want & value. Present a worthy cause that people will commit to.

Challenge the Process Seize the initiative

Take the initiative to make things happen, challenge status quo with purpose, and encourage initiative in others.

Build common ground, make people feel special, and show how their dreams are aligned with your vision.

Bring the vision to life with visual references, concrete examples, symbolic & positive language, and genuine emotions.

3 Challenge the Process

Exercise Outsight

Experiment & Take Risks Generate small wins Break down a complex and far-off vision into small action steps. Move people forward step-by-step, so they build confidence and momentum for success.

Actively learn what’s happening outside your organization. Stir imagination by forcing comparisons across non-related industries. Seek new ideas and innovation in every job.

Learn from experience

Enable Others to Act

Strengthen Others

Build a climate of trust

Start trusting first, show genuine concern, and share knowledge & information.

Adopt a growth mindset, and facilitate learning from both successes and failures.

4 Enable Others to Act

Enhance autonomy

Empower others by giving freedom of choice, job discretion and resources, with corresponding responsibility & accountability

Build competence and confidence

Facilitate relationships

Develop cooperative goals and roles. Encourage norms of reciprocity and face-to-face interactions, and help people understand how they fit and synergize.

Provide training, coaching and information. Involve people in processes/decisions that affect their work.

Recognize Contributions

Celebrate Values & Victories

Expect the Best

Set the right expectations by believing in people’s potential & ability. Clarify goals and rules of the game, and provide regular feedback.

5 Encourage the Heart

Hold public celebrations, promote camaraderie and have fun.

Be personally involved

Personal recognition

Make time for people, “catch” them doing the right things, share stories and give personal recognition.

A personalized touch (e.g. personal interest in people, informal gifts and appreciation) can be even more effective than “standard” or formal rewards.

Create community spirit



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