2 minute read

From the Chairman

Canon Christopher Writes

I wonder how many times we have all heard people say, or perhaps said ourselves in the last few days: ‘What a strange world we are living in’; and that will probably go down as the understatement of the century. Last month I was writing about our preparations for the Rededication of our country as the Dowry of Mary, but the rapid spread of the coronavirus has caused us all to think again. Our Bishops have now instructed that the public celebration of Mass be suspended until future notice, and therefore the Sunday attendance obligation is suspended also. Please note, however, that the Cathedral remains open, with slightly reduced opening hours; our own Lenten devotions and private prayers, whether offered here in the Cathedral or at home, are even more important in these present circumstances. The Chaplains will be celebrating privately all the Masses that have been booked, to fulfil the intentions and simply to continue, through the Sacrifice of the Mass, the prayer of the Church, for herself, Christ’s faithful and the needs of all the world, especially in this time of need and sickness. This edition of Oremus is a rather slimmed-down offering and we have reduced the number of copies in print, but hopefully it won’t be too long before we can return to normal. I am very concerned for our elderly parishioners who live alone and would urge you, if you feel the need for any reason at all, to contact Clergy House and ask to speak to one of the priests. We may well have to practice self-isolation, but this shouldn’t lead into loneliness or a sense of being abandoned. Please follow the advice that we are given, and look after yourself, keeping an eye out also for your neighbours; be assured that no matter what steps we have to take, what matters most is that our concern for your spiritual welfare and sustenance will be uppermost in our thoughts. May God give you every blessing and keep you in his love and care.

Westminster Cathedral Cathedral Clergy House 42 Francis Street London SW1P 1QW Telephone 020 7798 9055 Service times 020 7798 9097 Email chreception@rcdow.org.uk www.westminstercathedral.org.uk Cathedral Chaplains Canon Christopher Tuckwell, Administrator Fr Daniel Humphreys, Sub-Administrator Fr Julio Albornoz Fr Michael Donaghy Fr Andrew Gallagher, Precentor Fr Hugh MacKenzie Fr Vincent Mbu’i SVD Fr Rajiv Michael Fr John Scott, Registrar Also in residence Franciscan Sisters of Our Lady of Victories Music Department Awaiting appointment, Master of Music Peter Stevens Obl. OSB, Assistant Master of Music Callum Alger, Organ Scholar Cathedral Manager Peter McNulty Estates Manager Neil Fairbairn Chapel of Ease Sacred Heart Church Horseferry Road SW1P 2EF

Oremus has no April Diary, as this would have focused largely on the celebration of Holy Week and Easter, about which we await further information. In the meantime, Apps and websites such as Universalis offer access to the Church’s Daily Prayer, whilst prayer books will contain the prayer for making an Act of Spiritual Communion, something which many may have forgotten over the years. A number of churches and shrines offer streamed liturgies and the Bishops of England and Wales commend the liturgy streamed from the National Shrine at Walsingham (www.walsingham.org.uk). Other prayer resources will be on the Bishops’ Conference website (www.cbcew.org.uk); please do also keep an eye on the Cathedral website (www.westminstercathedral.org.uk) for further information about streaming of Masses from the Cathedral – Ed.

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