Oremus January 2021

Page 31


Images of Christmas in our School Claudio and Monika, Year 6

Usually the school goes to Westminster Cathedral all dressed up and looking amazing, to act and sing in a Nativity play. But this year, we had to change our plans because of the danger of Covid-19. Jesus’ birth is too important for us not to celebrate – even the pandemic can’t stop our excitement and preparations for Jesus to come into our lives so we had to make a plan. Every class is in its own bubble and can’t mix, so individually they prepared a part of the Nativity following a script written as a rhyming couplet poem. Every year group sang and acted a little part of the special story. Our classroom prayer corners were made to reflect the true message of Advent and Christmas and we went around interviewing some of the children about their thoughts and feelings as this Advent time.

Claudio and I went to visit Year 2, who were very enthusiastic in their description: ‘Our class sang a carol about angels. We felt excited but the most scary thing was if we would forget the words. Our prayer corner makes us remember Jesus and makes me feel peaceful.’ Year One had all dressed up as kings in the play and still seemed excited. A group of children told us: ‘We feel so happy because our prayer corner reminds us about Jesus’ birth, but it also makes us peaceful when we look at the crib.’ The Reception class told us that they feel excited too for baby Jesus and they have been learning about the Christmas story in class. In the nursery, children were very keen to talk to us. Even the very youngest children in our school seemed to understand its real message of Christmas. We finished our interviews by visiting the school chapel, where we thought about people who have lost their jobs or who are on the streets at this time. We mustn't forget that this year is so hard and sad for many people but Jesus brings us hope.

Year 6: ‘All the decorations make me relieved that we can still celebrate Christmas even in the pandemic. When The classroom is prepared for Christmas. I gaze at our prayer corner it really shows us the joys of Christmas and helps us prepare in our hearts to be ready for Jesus.’ Year 5: ‘In our part of the School Nativity, Mary and Joseph acted really well and celebrated when they heard that they would have the baby Jesus.’ ‘Our corner makes our class feel like a family all waiting together for Jesus and it gives me a feeling of peace and holiness.’ Year 4: ‘Being a donkey was a good part to play, because it helps me remember how hard the journey was for Mary. When our class were filmed it made me nervous but I had to do my best and play my part for the school. Our prayer corner makes me so joyful that Jesus was born.’ Year 3 told us about their part in the Nativity play that was filmed this year because parents can’t watch it live. ‘Even though I didn’t feel confident singing in our class’ carol, I still did my best and enjoyed being part of it – I did the actions to Sparkle and Shine and hope this cheers up everyone up who watches the film.’ JANUARY 2021



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