2 minute read

From the Editor

Fr John writes

As Oremus resumes after its summer break, it might seem as if some, if not all hell has been let loose on us of late. The media have revelled in predicting ever higher temperatures combined with, eventually, ever deeper flash floods. Nor can we turn on the fans, since we face destitution by energy bills if we do so. At least, if we have a job, we can go on strike, perhaps?

In face of this we turn to our spiritual resources and especially in this month to the Visit of the Relics of St Bernadette. Fr Andrew Gallagher has written a piece to remind us of our great need of healing in connection with the Visit and I thank him for that. Although the first weekend of September will be a packed and exhausting one for the Cathedral, let us remember that the Relics continue their journey around this island until All Saints’ Day, so that Catholics can be renewed in faith and hope for God’s kingdom to come and his will be done among us.

The summer has also seen priest visitors new and old come and go. Among them, Fr Chris Clohessy offers us a further exposition of a lesser-known Old Testament text, whilst Fr Guillaume Michel has a particular connection with the Cathedral through our major relic of St Edmund of Abingdon, whose body reposes in Pontigny, where he has kindly invited us to visit. Meanwhile there are no changes among the College of Chaplains, although we have said farewell to Marko Sever after his two years as Organ Scholar. You will see that he has left us an audible reminder of his time here with his new CD recorded on the Grand Organ.

A couple of pages remind us of the background work that goes on to keep the Cathedral fit for purpose. At least by the end of the month, the Cathedral Clock will be back from its overhaul, so that the clergy can ensure that their homilies do not overrun. In the sacristy two new sets of vestments have been presented, a welcome relief as the green sets are inevitably the most worn.

However, Oremus does not hide its head in the sand when confronted by our contemporary dilemmas. You will see that there is an introduction to the ecumenical ‘Season of Creation’ which lasts through until St Francis’ feast on 4 October, with prayers and Papal teaching which John Woodhouse collated for me. There is also a page of Challenges to help us in a self-examination of how to lead our daily lives as responsibly and harmoniously as we can.

Westminster Cathedral

Cathedral Clergy House 42 Francis Street London SW1P 1QW Telephone 020 7798 9055 Email chreception@rcdow.org.uk www.westminstercathedral.org.uk

Cathedral Chaplains

Fr Sławomir Witon´ , Administrator Fr Brian O’Mahony, Sub-Administrator Fr Michael Donaghy Fr Hugh MacKenzie Fr Mike Maguire, Precentor Fr Vincent Mbu’i SVD Fr John Scott, Registrar

Also in residence

Franciscan Sisters of Our Lady of Victories: Sr Angelina, Sr Fatima and Sr Jesuina

Music Department

Simon Johnson, Master of Music Peter Stevens Obl. OSB, Assistant Master of Music Carolyn Craig, Organ Scholar

Cathedral Manager

Peter McNulty

Estates Manager

Neil Fairbairn

Finance Manager

Agnes Dabrowska

Chapel of Ease

Sacred Heart Church Horseferry Road SW1P 2EF

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