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Monthly Album 18
Celebrating a Jubilee
Oremus congratulations go to Fr Ljubomir Simunovic, the Franciscan Friar who provides the Chaplaincy to Croatians who live in London. He recently kept his 25th Anniversary of Ordination with Sunday Mass as usual in Sacred Heart Church on Horseferry Road, followed by a well-supported Croatian community reception in Cathedral Hall. Among those present was His Excellency the Croatian Ambassador (seen here), who is himself a friend to the Chaplaincy. Cathedral Chaplains have known and appreciated Fr Ljubomir for a number of years now and many Saturday penitents have cause to be grateful for his faithful assistance in hearing confessions. As he continues his ministry in London, we wish him many more years.
Singers in holiday mode
The internal courtyard comes into its own in the summer months as a venue, sometimes for Archbishop’s House staff eating their lunch and sometimes, as here, for Lay Clerks and Organists to mark the end of the musical year. The Oremus camera just happened to be going down the Long Corridor and captured this moment of good cheer.
100 not out
More Oremus congratulations go to Mary Barsh, who has celebrated her 100th birthday in considerable style, including a party at the Theatre Royal. Mary’s positive approach to life in general and her faithfulness to being at Mass are an encouragement to us all and we join in asking God’s blessing for her as she sets out on her second century.
An Oremus mingling
Oremus has had a bad conscience about not having had a supporters’ Social Event for the last years, albeit due to events being beyond our control through the pandemic. However, Companions, contributors and advertisers were finally able to meet for a party in July, to enjoy being together and consume an excellent array of canapes. Pimms and white wine, meanwhile, helped to mitigate the heat of the day.