A Sexual-Alchemical Interpretation Of Egyptian Hieroglyphs

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A Sexual-Alchemical Interpretation Of Egyptian Hieroglyphs Dilip Rajeev

Man, The Microcosm

The microcosm, manifesting in the male polarization, in restrained seating in a state. The microcosm, in the act of consumption, or, of creative expression. The hand signifies the ability to creatively act. The five fingers can correspond to the five elements. And the two arms to the dual principles of the male and the female.

Seated restrain to a state but with a greater degree of

dynamism. Man seeking creative perception of the higher. Man attempting to enter the profounder, the hidden, the point of conjunction of the two cosmic principles, the active and the passive, symbolized by a horizontal and a vertical structure. The water-principle descends in another cycle of refinement from the top of the microcosm, downward to the base earthly-matter. Man acting on the baser, collecting the baser for the purpose of transmutation. A hand on the heart and another pointing upward, the restrain to the Joy principles for the purpose of transmutando to the higher. The holding of the water-principle at the top of the Microcosm, the reserve of waters, that potentially nourishes-dissolves. The arm pointing upwards suggests a transmutatory virility, and the arm strongly pointing downwards is a dissolvatory kind of virility. The transmutatory virility holds the waters at the top of the system. While the dissolvatory virility establishes a nourishing circulation.

A man acting on the water-earth or mud principle with an

oar, generating movement – dissolvatory, transformatory. The scepter wielded in the hand is phallic symbolism; symbolizing the power of the King, the aspect of the power signified by the form of the scepter. On the left hand is a scepter symbolic of a male-female conjunction, or, perhaps of the phallic principle in itself, and on the right hand is the Jackal headed scepter – the Jackal is a consumptor of dead flesh, dissolver of the earthly to the primordial, the digester, the dissolver to the primal waters, the putrefication in the active manifest . This glyph can thus show the male principle phallically acting and the female principle enabling dissolution. The two aspects of the Cosmos, in union, playing their respective roles. The female side of the system holds the male principle, while the male side of the

system holds the female principle. manifest.

A man holding a bow and arrow, transmutation in active

Restrain, forced, of the creative principle, or into the dualistic manifested matter. The

system restrained by lower factors. The axe-principle acting on the brain-head. Axe is manifest force, consciously wielded, phallic, will, etc. The brain subjected to the will, as the system is in passive restrain of the outwardly.

Same as before but the system being already in a conscious restrain to

a state. The opening up of a higher thinking.

Conscious conformance to principles.


in free influence of the external; Descension or fall, for the sake of transmutation. Resting in a state of creative expression, or transformatory consumption. As indicated by the crown portion of the head not separated, we may assume a more primordial, simpler thought process, as of a child, perhaps. A person, perhaps a child, seated wearing a red crown , the Deshret. The crown symbolizes activity in the manifest. The shape indicates an upward transmutation and the coil indicates an ordered creative emanation/dissolution. Clockwise, the coil indicates dissolution. And counter-clockwise, emanation. When the head points to the left, the origin, there is a dissolution.

The system weakened and aging

holds itself up by the staff, the regeneratory principle on which a weakened system must lean. The staff descending into the dual manifest and holding up the system by virtue of upward transmutando from the lower.

System in active, vigorous movement, held up by the vertical transmtuatory as high

as the heart. Transmutation principle, the staff, as high as the crown. With a scepter in the hand, indicating phallicity. The left side of the system wields a feminine principle aligned scepter; the left being the male side, this indicates the holding of the feminine principle, in phallic transmutando. The right side, the female side, holds a vertical staff. The lower line indicates the Earth – the matter into which the staff enters for transmutation. A man wielding a weapon, the exercise of will, the use of force. The weapon held in both hands indicates, the dual aspects of the system acting in willed conjunction, the nature of the generated transmutado suggested by the form. wielding a scepter and the system in a state of phallic transmutando. expanding from the system outwards.

The King principle

The wielding of force, action

A horizontal acting of the forces. Expansion along a plane.

Creative principle acting along a plane, the arm extended – the system expanding its creative reaches, its willful manipulation, and creative perception. expressing its will by force.

The system in active movement

Transmuting to the higher; seeking perception of the higher.

Formative descension; perception of the will.

Form indicates seeking, reception of that which

descends from the higher, while circulatorily transmuting.

Reaching back into the primordial, the

unmanifest, for perception; transmuting into the primordial unmanifest. transmutando. weighs it down.

Movement in Joyous

Bearing of the burden; the macrocosm striving to process matter within it that The pounding; the baser to the finer; so that a transmutando may be achieved

from that matter after dissolution. The microcosm consciously structuring another cosmos, the act of building, the two dual principles as two parallel hierarchies, the five elements as the five structuring elements on each side, and a rectangular structure extended along the vertical indicates an innate quadrangular orderding, an ordering of the four elements generated from the conjunction, with predominance in movement on the fire-water axis. prepare the transmuted wine.

Brewing, the act of fermenting the grains to

Situating oneself in the vase; to stand erect within the vase; for

the purpose of brewing. Or, perhaps, to restrain along the central axis, the manifested dual. The microcosm restraining the dualistic serpentine principles, the unsettled, the poisonous dissolvatory of flesh. The dualistic movement principles restrained, two giraffes, or horses, or deer, or unicorns restrained and mounted. The nature of the animal would define the precise meaning. If a deer, the tendency to leap upward, if a unicorn a vigorous, ordered phallic transmutando of either aspects of a dual system, if a giraffe, a tall, rising matter, in dynamic movement, its dual aspects restrained consciously, or a man situated along a central axis of the system such that he is in conscious restrain of its dual, dynamically manifesting aspects. Peaceful settled restrain of the masculine principle. The King principle, formed, peacefully settled, the risen serpent is seen on the forehead. The Serpentine in him is risen, restrained, amongst other aspects he has the power to dissolve all perception into the primordial. The serpent poisons-digests manifested flesh matter. The King Principle holding a flail; signific of the ability to separate or loosen the grain from the chaff. To make edible the seeds of reality

that manifests in his perception.

Peacefully seated King Principle, with a white hat

, the

Hedjet. White signifies a uniform transmutando. Signified by the share of the hat as well. Peacefully Seated King Principle with a Hedjet and Flail. Peacefully seated King Principle with a red hat, the Deshret. Intensive transmutando of the perceived. Creative transmutando. The system, yet, peacefully settled. The King Principle, peacefully seated, with a Deshret. A peacefully seated person phallically perceiving the bonding principles of reality, the connections between the manifest. Indicated by a scepter and a loop around it. The Shepherd, in a sense. The Sheep indicate goodness, bonding, a perception of an ordered transmutando. The sheperd’s scepter with its rounded head indicates the whole nature of the consummate transmutando; the shape of the sheep’s horn as well. A man holding a knife. Phallic transmutando.

Man seated on an elevated quadrangular

structure. A system resting, redordered by the primal four elements. flail that loosens the husks from the grains of the manifold perceived.

Re-ordering resting, with a Self enforced, or

environment enforced restraint, the man wields a flail on his right arm. Upright stillness, established vertical transmutando in the microcosm, the end of things, and the beginning, by extension. Stillness passive, resting on the primordial waters. ordering, the primal four elements.

The female principle acts forth creatively, while the male

principle acts to sustain the transmutando. aid of the phallic male principle. earthly elements, transmuted. the transmutando.

Stillness, passive, resting on the quadrangular-

To transmute from the primal, the high-before, with the

Stable, virile rooting on the matter of the earth. The ordered The male draws into the self, while the female principle upholds

Figure 1. Man the, The Microcosmos. Hands facing hte ear indicates creative perception of the word, the primordial vibrations, peception as pure movement. The nature of the seating suggests the settled psyche(L), as well as a psyche in dynamic formative seating. The touch indicates the imparting of the perceived knowledge.

The Feminine

Peacefully resting feminine. The pregnant feminine, the arms indicate the base matter is being transformed, collected, and given a form as a new microcosmos in the womb of the feminine.

Figure 2. The Feminine and Child-birth associated with the Valley. The mound of Earth below is a reference to the primamateria of creation.

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