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Interview with Ms. Nelly Cheboi
Interviewed by Ms Kina Indongo (Communications Specialist - RDJ Consulting)
Education begets hopeful, empowered individuals,whogoontoempowerand change their communities, innovate, and impact the world We had the exciting opportunity to speakonesuchindividual Ms. Nelly Cheboi,who is on Forbes 30 under 30 list and also the CNN HeroofYear2022
Personal Journey
Ms. Cheboi grew up in Mogotio, a small village fourhoursfromNairobi,Kenya.Shedescribesher upbringingas,"one burdened by poverty".
Afterreceivingascholarshiptofurtherherstudies inAmerica,Ms.Cheboiwhoinitiallyenvisioneda very different career path for herself was then inspiredtotacklepovertyinhercommunityback homeinKenyathroughtechnology.
Milestones and Achievements
Ms.Cheboipointsoutonenoteworthymilestonewhich isthe Zawadi school,builtinKenyawhileshewasstilla studentintheAmerica andworkingoddJobs.
After completing college, while working at a tech company, Ms. Cheboi noticed the large number of computers that were being discarded, and so she begancollectingthemandtakingthemto Zawadi.
Zawadi became the launching pad for her nonprofit TechLit Africa,whichpartnerswithschoolstoprovidea curriculum focused on self-efficacy, troubleshooting andinternetskills.Thenon-profitteachesskillssuchas coding, graphic design, audio, and video production and it is all project-based. Teachers and specialists approachthecurriculumfromacareerlenssoastudent learnstouseacomputerandothertechnologytheway they would as a professional. Currently the non-profit reaches 4,000 students in 10 schools. The next milestoneistoworkwith100schoolsalloverKenya
Afterreceivingrecognitionfortheimpact Techlit Africa made, Ms Cheboibecame oneof CNN's "Hero of Year 2022" CNN’s annual Top 10 Heroes list highlights the impactfulworktenmenandwomenareengagedinfor projects that they believe are going “to change the world” Each honouree is given US$10,000 prize to go towardstheirwork
Ms Cheboi attributes her motivation to her mothers resilience against mounting odds of poverty She recallsseeinghermotherworktirelesslytopayforher children's education “I watched her try all these businesses and fail but still have the power to get up the next day and try again I was just overwhelmed with admiration for this phenomenal woman ” Said Ms Cheboi
Education is paramount for sustainable economic growth.Howcandigitalliteracycombatpoverty? In Kenya, everyone is an entrepreneur but they have very, very small businesses Not many of them grow fromasmallbusinesstoamedium-sizedbusinessthat can employ people Therefore, Ms Cheboi hopes to end intergenerational poverty by leveraging on the growing digital economy to provide more opportunitiesforruralAfricanstomakealiving
Inparting,foryouthshopingtofollowinMs Cheboi's footsteps, she encourages the youth to "find a problem in your community that you would like to see change It can be anything specific to your community, and finding ways you can make an impact in your personal capacity "