5 minute read
The Role of Batteries in our Power Systems E L E C T R I C I T Y
AUTHOR: David Jarrett Editor@ RDJ Publishing and RDJ Group ChiefExecutiveOfficer
Power systems can be improved in several ways to enhance their efficiency, reliability, and sustainability This improvement is driven by several factors, including the growing demand as we use more and more technology, concern over climate change and the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, as well as advancements in renewable energy technologies and declining costs.
Renewable energy sources, such as solar, wind, hydroelectric, and geothermal power, are considered cleaner and more sustainable alternatives to fossil fuels They generate electricity without emitting greenhouse gases or other harmful pollutants, thereby helping to mitigate the negative environmental impacts associated with traditional forms of power generation. As awareness of the importance of sustainability has grown, governments, businesses, and individuals have increasingly embraced renewable energy as a way to diversify energy sources, reduce dependence on fossil fuels, and achieve carbon reduction goals.
Many countries around the world have implemented policies and incentives to encourage the adoption of renewable energy, including feed-in tariffs, tax credits, renewable portfolio standards, and auctions Technological advancements and economies of scale have also contributed to the increased penetration of renewables. The cost of renewable energy technologies, such as solar panels and wind turbines, has significantly decreased over the years, making them more economically competitive with traditional energy sources This has led to a rapid expansion of renewable energy installations and an increase in their share of electricity generation
The integration of renewable energy into the power system network does present certain challenges, such as intermittency and variability of generation. Unlike fossil fuel power plants, which can operate continuously, renewable energy generation depends on factors like weather conditions and natural resources availability To address these challenges, various strategies are being employed, including the development of advanced forecasting techniques, energy storage systems, demand response programs, and smart grid technologies
The ultimate role of batteries in power systems is to provide energy storage capabilities Batteries store electrical energy in chemical form and can release it as needed, making them crucial for balancing electricity supply and demand, stabilizing grids, and integrating intermittent renewable energy sources. The BESS market has been rapidly growing worldwide The last 10 years have seen mass grid-scale BESS installations in both the automotive and power industries According to BloombergNEF, 9 GW / 17 GWh of BESS were deployed as of 2018 and 1,095 GW / 2,850 GWh are expected to be deployed by 2040.
Batteries or really Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) can help manage the fluctuations in electricity supply and demand, particularly to combat intermittency They can store excess energy during periods of low demand and release it during high-demand periods, ensuring a more stable and reliable power supply Renewable energy sources such as solar and wind are intermittent, meaning their generation fluctuates based on weather conditions. Batteries can store excess renewable energy when it's generated and supply it when renewable sources are not producing, thereby enabling better integration of renewable energy into the grid
Other benefits to the power system include:
Grid Stability: Batteries can provide grid stability by quickly responding to changes in electricity frequency and voltage. They can supply power to the grid or absorb excess power to maintain a stable frequency and voltage level
Peak Shaving and Load Management: Batteries can help reduce peak demand by supplying power during periods of high electricity usage. This practice, known as peak shaving, can alleviate stress on power infrastructure and prevent blackouts Additionally, batteries can enable load management by storing energy during off-peak hours when electricity is cheaper and releasing it during peak hours,reducingcostsforconsumers
Demand Response Programs: Implement demand response programs that incentivize consumers to adjust their electricity usage during peak demand periods By reducing electricity consumption during peak times, the strainonthepowersystemcanbeminimized
Grid Resilience and Security: Strengthen the resilience and security of power grids against natural disasters, cyber threats, and physical attacks This includes improving physical infrastructure, implementing robust cybersecurity measures, and establishing redundancy in thegridtominimizedisruptions.
While batteries offer numerous benefits, it's important to note that there are also challenges associated with their use, such as cost, limited lifespan, and environmental concernsrelatedtobatteryproduction,use,anddisposal. However, ongoing research and advancements in battery technology aim to address these challenges and further development.
By implementing these strategies, Overall, the increasing penetration of renewable sources into the power system network is a positive trend that contributes to a more sustainable and resilient energy future. It offers opportunities for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and promotingenergyindependence
As always, the conversation continues briefing@rdjpublishing.africa
Readings: https://ieeexplore ieee org/abstract/document/9110951 https://www researchgate net/publication/ https://www engineering com/story/how-batteries-are-boostingthe-power-grid
Press Release
“Imagine the Future: Youth and Finance”
RDJ Publishing Public Discussion and Exhibition
Start// 30 May 2023 – Windhoek, Namibia
On the 10th of May 2023, RDJ Publishing (Pty) Ltd (RDJ Publishing) held it’s third (3rd) thought leadership event at the Windhoek Country Club under the Imagine the Future banner, in partnership with RDJ Consulting Services CC , Standard Bank Namibia as a gold sponsor, and Future Media as the media Partner.
This time, the event had the theme “Youth and Finance”, and it focused on creating an atmosphere that fosters interest in and raises awareness on financial literacy skills among the youth The event was set as a public facing forum which included an exhibition/expo component that gave financial institutions and other stakeholders an opportunity to interface more extensively with the public, particularly the youth
The event was highly supported by speakers who are experts in the topics they presented. This included Mr. Garth Petersen, the Head of Wealth at Simonis Storm Securities; Ms. Klestina Armas, a Financial Literacy and Food Sustainability Educator leading the page “Money Matters with Budget Bee” on social media; Ms. Lucia Ndishishi, the Namibia National Students Organisation (NANSO) President; and Mr. Fimanekeni Mbodo, the Founder and CEO of Foster Digital Education for the afternoon “Lunch Time” Chat & Discission Meanwhile, the Evening “Young Professionals” Chat & Panel Discission has speakers in the likes of Ms Khadijah Mouton, the Senior Copywriter at Standard Bank; Ms Luisa Hango, the President of the Unam Investment Society ; Ms Kapurua Kahorongo, a Governance, Risk and Regulatory Specialist and Mr David Jarrett, the CEO of the RDJ Group
Given that the focus was on finance, the topics covered were:
“Wealth Management”
“Budgeting and saving”
“Financial Literacy at basic and tertiary level”
“Generating Real Returns by Investing in Yourself”
“Dream it, Believe it, Achieve it It can be”
“Saving and Investing”
“Understanding consumer credit”
“Youth and SME Financing Needs”
In line with its target audience, the Imagine the Future: Youth and Finance event saw 85% of its participants to be young people between the ages of 18-35 coming from financial and higher education Institutions, local youth organizations, different media houses, engineering firms, the local transport sector, and the public at large While these attended in person, the online presence through social media accounted for more than eleven thousand impressions from Namibia and beyond
The RDJ Group extends its heartfelt gratitude to all the speakers that took time off their schedules to share a wealth of knowledge with the youth, as well as Standard Bank Namibia for being the main sponsor of this event; Future Media and Fresh FM for being the official media partner; and Coca-Cola for sponsoring the event with cool drinks.
The RDJ Group will continue to provide public awareness through its engagements that offer factual information and data that is focused on the economy primarily through the Energy and Sustainability sectors in Africa and beyond