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Interview with Ms. Shakila Mshana
African women in tech, we can createamorediverse,inclusive,and prosperous tech industry in Africa. We spoke to Ms. Shakila Mshana Co-Founder and Managing Director for StartHub Africa, Tanzania, on the importance of the involvement ofAfricanwomenintechprograms.
Personal Journey
In Embedded and Mobile Systems from The Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology(NM-AIST).
Due to the nature of her degree, during her time at NM-AIST she gainedasolidfoundationincreating solutions and developing products for the many problems in her community. But these solutions remainedonlyprojectsandbecause ofthissheslowlystartedtobuildup a passion to find out different ways on how she could commercialize these solutions and turn them into real businesses Which led her to embark on a fulfilling professional journeythatsheisintoday
Ms. Mshana worked as an Operations Manager at a smallMicrofinancebeforestartingherMastersDegreein 2019. After completing her studies In August 2021, She began her career at StartHub Africa In December as an Innovation Consultant and Country lead for Tanzania fortheprojecttheyhadatthattime.Thisroleprovided her with a lot of exposure and some very valuable experiences in Project Management, Partnership building,Leadership,TrainingandMentoringaswellas ContentDevelopment.
Sheranaverysuccessfulprojectandwasabletopullin additional funding for awards for their teams in Tanzania.Throughthisprojecttheylearnedalotabout the needs and gaps that exist In all of the East African countries. StartHub Africa decided to officially expand toTanzaniatooffertheirmuchneededservicesandMs. Mshana happily led that expansion where she eventually became the Co-Founder and Managing DirectorforStartHubAfricaTanzania.
Like any professional, Ms. Mshana has faced personal challenges in her career. Two notable and closely related challenges she encountered and maybe still encounter is the racial and gender bias & stereotype which can manifest as assumptions about her competence and abilities especially when both her cofounders are of European descent These prejudices sometimes mean she has to work harder to gain recognitionandrespect
Shetechthefuture Program
Please detail The aims of shetechthefuture program. The shetechthefuture program aims to bridge the gender gap by providing opportunities, resources, and support specifically tailored to women, encouraging and enabling more female digital innovators to start and grow ventures sustainably in Uganda and Tanzania.
This is done in two stages, first with female students who are Interested In tech and want to learn how to develop innovative solutions and female founders who are already working on tech solutions.
Please describe when the program started?
The program officially started in April 2023 and will go on until October 2023.
Kindly elaborate on what challenges the program aimstoaddress?
There are a lot of reasons why this program is very necessary From the many programs we have done at StartHub Africa, we have seen that women are heavily underrepresented in the tech industry, particularly in tech focused businesses and we want to address this through the program But this Is not the only reason, the program also touches on topics such as stereotypes and biases that hinder progress for women in tech, lack of role models, confidence building and more
What are some of the unique challenges the team hasfacedduringtheprogram?
Of course there were some challenges as with any program but a unique one at the top of my head is the low attendance rate A lot of female students applied and got admitted to the program and even confirmed attendance but the number that actually showed up was almost half of those that got admitted
What is the future of the program/ Do you plan on expandingtheprogram?
Yes, program like this cant be a one-time activity We are introducing a female track in StartHub Africa's existing Catalyzer program which offers, mentorship, coaching and first investment.
For young women working on bridging the digital dividemyadvicewillbeto
1. Consistently keep learning and educate yourself. Thebestwaytoproperlyaddressanyproblembytruly understand It well enough, then Its easy to know whichresourcestodirecttowardsIt.Sokeeplearning and staying up to date with matters related to digital dividegap.
2. Mentor and Inspire Others. By empowering others, we can amplify the impact of our efforts so be a role modelandmentorforotheryoungwomen,shareyour experiences,knowledge,andinsightswiththem.
3.StayResilient:Icanpromiseyoubridgingthedigital dividegapIsacomplexandlong-termgoal.Therewill be a lot of setbacks, challenges, and obstacles along the way. Just stay resilient, persistent, and determined. Learn from your own failures as well as from others failures, adapt your strategies, and keep movingforward.
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