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Public Transportation Systems - Africa’s Dilemmas & Prospects

AUTHOR: Chilombo (Olga) Priscila EconomicResearcher/Statistician@ RDJ Consulting



It is now no longer a shock to hear of surging public transportation costs in many African countries, especially in the face of the continued fuel price increases and the less than adequate transportation infrastructure. In fact, about 450 million people in Africarepresenting more than 70% of the total rural population, remain unconnected to formal transport infrastructure and related systems according to the United Nations (2021)

Despite these issues being more prominent in Africa, studies have shown that this is not only an “African” problem. In 2021, the United Nations also reported that only 49.5% of urban residents worldwide have convenient access to public transport, leaving the majority of urban as well as numerous rural populations without access to adequate public transportation systems

The movement of people in rural areas is mainly achieved by walking or riding bicycles since majority of the people do not drive, and there are obviously less to non-existent means of motorized transport vehicles in rural communities across the continent. Translating this into economic terms, the lack of adequate transportation in such areas eventually slows economic growth, brought about less efficiency and productivity

Meanwhile, long distance travel in both cities and rural villages is achieved by the utilization of public transportation such as buses or taxis. Africa is the most road-dependent region in the world, with some countries relying on roads as their only means of transport It is estimated that 70% of all trips made by women in Africa are done on foot compared with only 30% among men, who are more likely than women to own and drive cars.

Types of Public Transport in Africa

Public transport in Africa is provided by a variety of modes, including railways, buses and ferries. In cities, buses are often used as public transportation Buses tend to be slower than trains, but cheaper than cars and other modes of transportation In rural areas where there are no paved roads or railways, trucks may be used as a mode of transportation for both passengers and cargo.

The most common forms of public transportation in Africa are minibuses and shared taxis. Minibuses tend to follow fixed routes and are usually privately owned but can also be run by local governments Shared taxis are used for short-distance trips within cities and may stop anywhere along their route if there is demand from passengers

There are also buses run by government agencies that provide long-distance service between major cities within countries, as well as international routes between African nations and their neighbors on other continents. Some countries including Kenya, Ghana and Nigeria have begun testing high-speed trains on some of their busiest lines These trains are expected to cut travel times considerably once they’re fully operational Another popular form of public transportation is Ride-hailing. Despite them being easy to use in comparison to other modes of public transportation, they are not accessible to all As a result, people in many parts of the continent resort to using motorcycles as their means of transport because they are cheaper than cars and more fuelefficient, while at the same time being able to navigate through heavy traffic easier than larger vehicles can. Motorcycles are commonly used both for passenger transport and transporting cargo.

The Public Transportation Market and its Potential

Public transport in Africa plays a significant role in its economy - it is often a necessity, not a luxury. Despite the bottleneck in having sustainable public and general transport systems in Africa, numerous local and international stakeholders acknowledge that the continent’s public transport sector has great potential and are therefore committed to driving sustainable, efficient, and inclusive mobility solutions across the continent Thecontinuedpopulationincreasethatheavily relies on public transport to go to work or do business reflects a significant opportunity for evolving the public transport sector in Africa And so, investor and stakeholdereyesremainfixedonthisindustry

With the number of public transportation users in Africa expected to increase to USD 0 64 billion by 2028, Statista reveals that the projected revenue in this sector is expected to reach USD 8.39 billion in 2024, and further increases in the following years. Additionally, it is estimated that 17% of the total revenue in the Public Transportation market by 2028 will be generated through onlinesales.


While it is clear that there are many transportation options available in Africa, some of them are still below average and need to be made more accessible and sustainable There is a dire need for a solution that caters to the vast needs of African travelers in terms of using mass transport It should be affordable, convenient and safe enough to encourage people to use them The conversationcontinuesat esa@rdjpublishing.africa


https://www un org/sites/un2 un org/files/media gstc/FACT SHEE T Inequalities pdf https://www transportafrica org/understanding-publictransportation-in-africa/ https://www statista com/outlook/mmo/shared-mobility/publictransportation/africa

Railways: To SGR or Not

AUTHOR: David Jarrett Editor@ RDJ Publishing and RDJ Group ChiefExecutiveOfficer


Railways have been both a mystery and a frustration over the centuries Like other other transport modes, railways also have their challenges with standardization For countries, the option of just the railway lines alone offers some five different gauges, each with its own advantages.

East Africa, utilising the East African Railway Master Plan is a proposal for rejuvenating existing railways serving Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda and extending them initially to Rwanda and Burundi and eventually, to South Sudan, Ethiopia and beyond. The plan, agreed for development in 2004, seeks to allow for better management and harmonization of railways and rolling stock in the region, boosting trade and essentially removing barriers to movement in this regard

East Africa considers railways as an important enabler of economic development and provides clear corridors for growth With an estimated 9 000 km of rail infrastructure running from Tanzania in the south, through Kenya to Uganda (a land locked country), its importance cannot be underestimated or ignored. Operators include Tanzania Railways Corporation (TRC), Tanzania – Zambia Railways (TAZARA), Kenya Railways Corporation (KRC) and Uganda Railways Corporation (URC)

Standard gauge (SGR) tracks set to 1435 mm (1 435 m) have thus been agreed upon as the way forward and provides the ability to move goods and passengers at speeds of up to 350 km per hour and has a wide range of mature technologies for utilisation

The recent announcement therefore of the signing by the Kenyan Government, shows the level of commitment to this venture Kenya has signed a contract for the construction of the next section of the Standard Gauge Railway (SGR) project, Phase 2B from Naivasha to Malaba in Uganda It is estimated that this phase will cost some USD 8 5 billion (noting that Phase 2B and Phase 3 in total will cost USD 13 billion).

The East African noted that Mr. Kipchumba Murkomen, Kenya’s Cabinet Secretary of Roads and Transport, said that Pan-African lender African Development Bank and Kenya’s own Railway Development Fund would complement the Chinese as Nairobi and Kampala continue to woo more financiers for the cross-border project.

The SGR has significantly reduced travel time between Mombasa and Nairobi for example, from over 12 hours to around 4-5 hours for passengers, and it has halved the freight transport time This has improved logistics efficiency and boosted trade Standard Gauge Railways are therefore vital for enhancing economic growth, regional integration, transport efficiency, and environmental sustainability Their development represents a significant step forward in modernizing transport infrastructure, particularly in Africa where efficient, reliable, and sustainable transport systems are crucialfordevelopment

By addressing logistical challenges, reducing transportation costs, and promoting regional trade, railways and aviation could help break the barriers that prevent inter Africa trade. As always, the conversation continues esa@rdjpublishing.africa


https://keralarail com/blog/standard-gauge-versus-broad-gauge/ https://www eac int/infrastructure/railways-transport-subsector/92-sector/infrastructure/railways https://www theeastafrican co ke/tea/business/chinese-back-tofunding-sgr-connecting-kenya-and-uganda-462720

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