1 minute read

From The Editor




This edition of InFocus Namibia delves into pressing issues, shedding light on environmental crimes and their detrimental impact on tourism This is a critical concern that demands immediateattentiontopreventrepercussionsonthetourismsector and safeguard Namibia's reputation as a conservation haven, particularlyforiconicspecieslikethe"BigFive"andotherwildlife.

Another notable story highlights the mishandling of the SIM card registration process by telecom utilities The abrupt disconnection of inadequately documented, previously registered customers, coupledwithresultantfinanciallosses,underscorestheurgencyfor regulatoryinterventioninthetelecommunicationssector.

On a positive note, the publication also features encouraging developments,includingaspotlightontheenergyefficiencyofthe economy and exemplary leadership demonstrated by the CEO of thestatediamondtradingarm,offeringinsightsintoeffectiveteam management These compelling narratives, alongside coverage of mining, water, and agriculture, offer a comprehensive overview of keyissuesshapingNamibia'ssocio-economiclandscape.

We hope you find this edition informative as we encourage you to followusandengagewithusonalloursocialmediaaccounts As always, the conversation continues at infocus@rdjpublishing.africa.

NOTE 1: We welcome letters and articles from readers globally and require that you provide your full details such as name,currentaddressandcontactphone/WhatsAppnumberas wellasemail Wehoweverreservetherighttoamend,modifyor reject submissions You may also request that your details be withheldfrompublication

NOTE2: InFocusNamibiaispublishedmonthlyandisFREE to Readers. The magazine is paid for by advertising and the research support from RDJ Consulting Services CC, Windhoek, Namibia renewable

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