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What’s Next with Water!

Additionally, this edition features another remarkable Namibian youth entrepreneur, highlighting the role of innovation in addressingourwaterchallenges


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(DavidA.Jarrett) Editor

Authors RDJResearchers

Namibia stands at a crucial crossroad where water is becoming central to its economic leap forward. The availability of advanced technology to “green” our deserts and provide abundant water suppliesistransformingthelandscape,makingitfeasibletosupport variousindustrialandresidentialneeds

However, the costs associated with these technologies and their deliveryposesignificantchallenges,evenforacountryclassifiedas middle-income.

Given these challenges, our researchers have been diligently examining several critical areas: water availability, the potential of nuclear energy as a clean source of water, water tariffs, and the innovativeuseofwatergeysersasagridbalancingmechanism

This report is a FREE Publication written and authored through collaboration with RDJ Consulting Services CC based in Windhoek, Namibia

The content is collected from publicly available information and so its accuracycannotbeguaranteed.

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NOTE 2: InFocus Namibia is published monthly and is FREE to Readers The magazine is paid for by advertising and the research supportfromRDJConsultingServicesCC,Windhoek,Namibia

RDJ Publishing (Pty) Ltd is the publishing home of the InFocus Namibia, written and authored through the collaboration with RDJ Consulting Services CC (www.rdjconsulting.co.za).

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