3 minute read

Annex 3: FGD Guide for Young People (Male and Female) Aged 10-24 years


Annex 3: FGD Guide for Young People (Male and Female) Aged 10-24 years


(Record District, Sub-county, Village, Age and Sex of Participants. Also record moderator, notetaker, time started, time finished and venue of the interview/discussion)

1. What are the major SRH issues/concerns of young people in this community? Probe about teenage pregnancies, abortions, HIV/AIDS, STIs etc.) 2. How widespread are these issues in this community? 3. How important is it to provide young people like you with SRH information and services? 4. Where do young people in this community usually access SRH services and information? (Probe about the availability of youth friendly services (youth


Provision of SRH services at during the lockdown

5. What were the major SRH issues/concerns of young people in this community during the lockdown? Probe about teenage/unplanned pregnancies, abortions, HIV/AIDS,

STIs, Defilements and other SGBV issues

6. What different interventions/measures/channels were put in place to enable young people in this community to access and utilize the needed SRH services and information during the lockdown? Probe for ● Health facility/youth centre/corner talks ● Community outreaches/discussion ● Community drives / megaphone ● Home visits/Door to door ● Radio talk/TV shows etc. 7. Please comment on the effectiveness of each of the various measures put in place to enable young people in this community to access and utilize the needed SRH services

SRH service provision at the health facility during the lockdown

8. What different SHR services were available to young people like you at the health facility during the lockdown? Probe about ● Family planning services (ask about specific products/methods provided) ● SRH information and education ● HIV/AIDS Counselling and Testing ● Screening for other STIs ● SGBV information and counseling ● Menstrual health and sexuality education ● Cervical cancer screening

9. In the case of SRH information and education, please ask about ● The different SRH issues discussed ● Relevance of topics discussed/presented to needs of young people ● The different methods/approaches used e.g group discussion, Q&A sessions, drama, videos/television ● Relevance of method/approaches used to convey the message 10. Please comment on the quality of SRH service provision to young people at the health facility during the lockdown. Probe about: ● Adequacy of facilities e.g space ● Adequacy of equipment and tools ● Friendliness of staff/providers ● Level of privacy in service provision ● Affordability/cost of services 11. Please comment on the level of young people’s uptake and utilization of these services during the lockdown (Probe about uptake for males and females, People

with Disabilities, People Living with HIV/AIDS, those from remote areas, teenage mothers, out of school youths and other key populations etc.)

12. What were the major challenges/barriers to young people’s access and utilization of

SRH services and information during the lockdown? Probe about: Cost/charges of

services, Transport, curfews, restrictions to gatherings, product stockouts, lack of staff etc.

13. What suggestions recommendations would you like to make to improve SRH services for young people in this community?

Impact of COVID-19 on households of young people in the community

14. How has/did the COVID-19 pandemic affect the socioeconomic status/livelihoods of your families/households in this community? Probe about ● Ease/difficulty in providing for basic needs such as food and clothing. ● Ease or difficulty in providing for health ● Ease or difficulty in paying for other utilities such as electricity and water ● Ease or difficulty in providing for home schooling materials ● Loss of jobs/employment ● Prevalence of domestic violence/gender-based violence 15. Has the situation changed/transformed since the lifting of lockdown measures? If yes, how has it changed

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