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Annex 4: FGD Guide for Caregivers of Young People (Male and Female Annex 5: Interview Guide for District/Sub-county Health Officials and Political Leaders89


Annex 4: FGD Guide for Caregivers of Young People (Male and Female)


1. What are the major SRH issues/concerns of young people in this community? Probe about teenage pregnancies, abortions, HIV/AIDS, STIs etc.) 2. How widespread are these issues in this community? 3. How important is it to provide young people like you with SRH information and services? 4. Where do young people in this community usually access SRH services and information? (Probe about the availability of youth friendly services (youth


5. Do parents talk to young people about sexual reproductive health (SRH) issues? ● If yes, what are the reasons? ● What issues do they talk about? ● If not, what are the reasons? 6. Do young people talk to their parents/caregivers about SRH issues? ● If yes, what are the reasons? ● What issues do they talk about? ● If not, what are the reasons? 7. Do you think adolescents should access information on issues like sex, STIs and condoms? 8. What are the reasons they should/should not access information on SRH issues? 9. Do you think adolescents should access SRH services such as services such as condoms, STI testing, HIV testing, contraceptives, etc. 10. What are the reasons they should/should not access SRH services?

Provision of SRH services at during the lockdown

11. What were the major SRH issues/concerns of young people in this community during the lockdown? Probe about teenage/unplanned pregnancies, abortions, HIV/AIDS,

STIs, Defilements and other SGBV issues

12. How widespread were these different issues during the lockdown? Probe on incidents occurred, those reported, those unreported etc. 13. Did you and other parents like you do anything to address the various SRH issues/concerns of young people during the lockdown? ● If yes, what did you do? Probe about initiating parent-child talks, promoting talks with health workers, religious leaders, peer educator, undertaking HIV/STI tests, conducting pregnancy tests etc. ● Probe: How helpful/important were these different initiatives ● How did those discussions influence the way you relate with or handle your adolescent children?

● Probe: If not, what are the reasons you didn’t do anything? 14. Did you participate in any meetings / discussions about the SRH of young people in this community during the lockdown? ● If yes, who organized the meeting/discussion? ● What issues/topics discussed in the meeting? ● How relevant were these issues discussed in the meeting? ● How helpful/important were the issues discussed in the meeting? ● How did those discussions influence the way you relate with or handle your adolescent children? 15. Did your children or other young people in this community participate in any meetings / discussions about the SRH of young during the lockdown? ● If yes, who organized the meeting/discussion? ● What issues/topics discussed in the meeting? ● How relevant were these issues discussed in the meeting? ● How helpful/important were the issues discussed in the meeting? ● How did those discussions influence/affect/change the way your adolescent children relate with you? 16. What were the major challenges/barriers to young people’s access and utilization of SRH services and information during the lockdown? Probe about: Cost/charges of

services, Transport, curfews, restrictions to gatherings, product stockouts, lack of staff at health facilities, negative attitudes towards SRH by the community/parents etc.

17. What more could have been done to better facilitate you and others like you to provide SRH services to young people during the lockdown? 18. Overall, what suggestions recommendations would you like to make to improve SRH services for young people in this community? 19. How do you support your adolescent children in their health and day to day lives?

Impact of COVID-19 on households of young people in the community

20. How has/did the COVID-19 pandemic affect the socioeconomic status/livelihoods of your families/households in this community? Probe about ● Ease/difficulty in providing for basic needs such as food and clothing. ● Ease or difficulty in providing for health ● Ease or difficulty in paying for other utilities such as electricity and water ● Ease or difficulty in providing for home schooling materials ● Loss of jobs/employment ● Prevalence of domestic violence/gender-based violence 21. Has the situation changed/transformed since the lifting of lockdown measures? If yes, how has it changed



Annex 5: Interview Guide for District/Sub-county Health Officials and Political Leaders

Record Position, Age, Sex and Telephone contact of Respondent

1. What are the major issues/concerns about the health of young people in this community today? (probe about teenage pregnancy, early marriage, HIV, STIs, SGBV etc.) 2. Where do young people/adolescents in this district/subcounty/community get information and services about sexual reproductive health issues? 3. To what extent is SRH for young people (aged 10-24) a priority in this district? (Probe about planning, budgeting, and human resourcing for SRH needs of young people) 4. What interventions have been implemented in the last 3 years in your district to improve the SRH lives of young people (10-24 years)? Probe: Who are the major actors in the SRH field in this district/area?

Provision of SRH services to young people at during the lockdown

5. What were the major SRH issues/concerns of young people in this community during the lockdown? Probe about teenage/unplanned pregnancies, abortions, HIV/AIDS,

STIs, Defilement and other SGBV issues 6. What different interventions/measures were put in place in this district/sub-county to enable young people in this community to access the needed SRH services and information during the lockdown? ● Probe for the coverage/reach of these interventions ● What proportion/number of health facilities in this district/subcounty were involved in the provision of SRH services to young people during the lockdown? 7. Please comment on the effectiveness of the various measures (mentioned above) put in place to enable young people in this community to access and utilize the needed SRH services 8. What specific role did the district/sub-county play in the provision of SRH information and services to young people during the lockdown? ● Probe for roles played in planning, in supervision, and in financing 9. What other actors supported the provision of SRH services and information to young people during the lockdown? What did they do? 10. Please comment on young people’s utilization of SRH during the lockdown 11. What were the major challenges/barriers to young people’s access and utilization of

SRH services and information during the lockdown? Probe about Cost/charges of

services etc. 12. What more could have been done to improve young people’s access to and utilization of SRH services during the lockdown? 13. What more could have been done to improve young people’s access to and utilization of SRH services during the lockdown?

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