Buzz Magazine: June 14, 2012

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Champaign-Urbana’s community magazine FREE

w eekly

week of June 14, 2012

50 boredom beaters  6    music on green  8    buzz at bonnaroo  9

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VOL10 NO26

JUNE 14, 2012

w eekly




You may want to consider your alternatives




Reviewing Ridley Scott’s return to science fiction



June 18 is National Picnic Day



Your guide to this week’s events in CU


MUSIC: Check out a new Playlist, a new Selected Song and some new album reviews.

A&E: U of I is home to hundreds of intriguing RSOs; learn about them all in Corinne’s new “RSO of the week” column, online this week!

F&D: Looking for a new cuisine to try? Give Korean a taste as one writer breaks down Champaign-Urbana’s local offerings.


Looking for film suggestions? Check out See it Now. Our latest entry is the film Like Crazy.




In a month or so, I will find myself essentially homeless for nearly three weeks as my current lease ends in July and my new one doesn’t start until halfway through August. I’ve never experienced the weird transition period between residences until this summer. And now that I’m going to be going through it, I’m realizing how strange this purgatorial phase is. I’ve lived at my current residence for almost two years now. It’s been a dream, especially when I see carloads of people and their stuff speeding by as I lazily sit on my porch because that was sooooo last year. Unfortunately, I will soon join the ranks of those who no longer have the luxury of staying put. So, that means I have to pack up all my things, find something to do with myself for three weeks and then unpack my things into a new place two blocks away. Ugh. I can’t even begin to conceptualize how much crap I’ve collected over the past two years. My place is unfurnished, so it’s not like I have to just put my clothes in boxes and call it a day. I have to do that, in addition to moving my bed, dresser, bookcase, etc. Which brings me to this query: how many people living in Champaign-Urbana for the summer couch surf until they can move into their new apartments/houses/etc.? Or more importantly, what do you do if you have no where to stay? I’ve heard of people camping out, literally, on their friends’ front lawns because there wasn’t enough space in the house and they didn’t want to pay rent. This is a little hardcore. It’s completely doable, but it seems like it’s not super conducive if you have a job that requires cleanliness. Thankfully, I have a number of friends who will be staying put for the entirety of the summer and have given me free access to their couches and kitchens during my roofless stint, thus saving me from Bear Grylls-ing it on the lawn. I’ve also been able to barter dinners for sleeps, which works out perfectly. So come August, if you need me, look no further than the sofas of downtown Champaign. I should be around there somewhere.

Father’s Day is this upcoming Sunday, June 17. You may be inclined to go to your nearest Macy’s and pick up a heinous $50 tie. Restrain yourself. Every kid can pick out a watch or a gadget that his or her dad will like. When your parents tell you that they like thoughtful gifts that come from the heart, they’re not kidding. Think about it: would you rather get another polo shirt or a handwritten letter from your kids saying how much they appreciate you? I’m not one to get sentimental, but the older I get, the more I realize how much work it takes to be a parent, especially a father. If I have to be a little corny one day a year to show my dad how lucky I am to have him, then Father’s Day should be that day. My challenge to you is this: go beyond your standard Father’s Day gift and think of something fun you and your Dad can do together. Go for a run, go see a movie or go out to an amusement park with your dad. If you really have it in you, write your dad a letter — you may feel ridiculous, but it’ll mean the world to him. Ten points if you make him cry while reading it. Writer’s block? Tell him how funny and awesome he is (dads love it when you tell them they’re funny), how much you appreciate him funding your social life and how he’s the best dad on the beer pong table during Dads Weekend. Bottom line: be original, have fun and come up with something your dad will really remember. BUZZ STAFF

COMMUNITY: Check out Jordan’s take on health this week online.

by Jordan Hughes

COVER DESIGN Michael Zhang EDITOR IN CHIEF Samantha Bakall MANAGING EDITOR Samantha Bakall ART DIRECTOR Michael Zhang COPY CHIEF Drew Hatcher PHOTOGRAPHY EDITOR Nathaniel Lash IMAGE EDITOR Nathaniel Lash PHOTOGRAPHERS Nathaniel Lash, Evan Lyman, Zach Dalzell DESIGNERS Denise Casteñada, Nathalie Rock MUSIC EDITOR Evan Lyman FOOD & DRINK EDITOR Jasmine Lee MOVIES & TV EDITOR Joyce Famakinwa ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR Jessica Bourque COMMUNITY EDITOR Tom Thoren CU CALENDAR D.J. Dennis COPY EDITORS Drew Hatcher DISTRIBUTION Brandi and Steve Wills STUDENT SALES MANAGER Molly Lannon PUBLISHER Lilyan J. Levant




ON THE WEB EMAIL WRITE 512 E. Green St., Champaign, IL 61820 CALL 217.337.3801

We reserve the right to edit submissions. buzz will not publish a letter without the verbal consent of the writer prior to publication date. buzz Magazine is a student-run publication of Illini Media Company and does not necessarily represent, in whole or in part, the views of the University of Illinois administration, faculty or students. © ILLINI MEDIA COMPANY 2012






» Leftovers: Is there anything as exquisite as leftovers, serenely waiting for me in my fridge to heat up and make into something extra delicious the next day? I’m talking about leftover J. Gumbo’s that will be ceremoniously wrapped up into a tortilla and doused liberally with Tabasco so that I may enjoy onehandedly as I watch whatever DVD or Neflix option I pop into my computer. I’m talking about day old cheese pizza that I dress up with banana peppers and black olives because I’m fancy that way. I’m talking about Geovanti’s chicken wings that I top homemade waffles with for a hearty lunch. There was a reason why America decided to supersize any and every meal found in restaurants, and that was because she was looking out for our to-be hungry stomachs the following day. » Netflix: I finally caved and forked over the $8 to start my monthly subscription to Netflix, and oh em gee, this is a terrible, terrible addiction just waiting to happen. And by “terrible,” I totally mean “awesome in the most awesome sense.” As of right now, I have about 200 TV shows and movies on my instant queue, and I am slowly, but determinedly, making my way through them all, because half of them are shows that I had been DYING to see but never had the time or means to watch. Exhibit A: Warehouse 13 with the adorable Eddie McClintock. Exhibit B: Firefly and Serenity because I diehard love Nathan Fillion and I feel left out of all the ardent love Tumblr exhibits for it. Thank god it’s summer and I only have two pretty reasonably low maintenance classes to pay attention to.



» Overly Attached Girlfriend: She’s a new face to the meme community — an image of a soulless wide-eyed teenage girl paying you the respect of her excessively creepy comments — and honestly, I couldn’t hate her more. Well, not her, exactly. It’s more the idea of her: an embodiment of how the mainstream male Internet community (i.e. Reddit, 4chan, and dare I say, 9gag?) perceives, or rather perhaps how it imagines, women. I don’t think I’ve ever considered myself a friend of the feminist movement, but, much like Ron Swanson, much of my life has been shaped by strong women. I can’t help but notice that amid an endless barrage of complaints of being “friendzoned” and images of “Scumbag Stacy” and “Good Girl Gina,” there’s this gem, which says, “I may be alone, but at least I don’t have to worry about this creep.” Yes, Internet, attachment is creepy and girls are scary. I get it. Now get this meme out of my face. Also, she’s really creepy looking. I think it’s the eyes. They... have no souls...

JUNE 14 - 20, 2012

buzz ’s

WEEK AHEAD FOURTH ANNUAL CRAWFISH BOIL Crane Alley in downtown Urbana 1 p.m. Sunday, June 17 $18 in advance, $23 the day of the event This Sunday is Crane Alley’s fourth annual all-you-can-eat crawfish boil. The Louisiana-style boil will feature fresh crawfish in a house-seasoned stock made of corn, bell peppers, onion, celery, potatoes and Andouille sausage. There will also be a beer truck and an outdoor bar with drink specials to wash it all down. If you don’t get to downtown Urbana often, this is the perfect reason to go. You can’t beat hanging out in the sun with food and drinks, and Urbana knows how to do these sorts of things right. Between this, the Blues, Brews and BBQ Festival and the Sweetcorn Festival, you’re guaranteed to have a good time at an outdoor food festival in Urbana. If I could make an addendum to the 50 things to do in C-U, it would be this: 51. Cancel all your plans, withdraw your final funds from your bank account if you have to and find any way possible to get to the crawfish boil so you can eat an inhuman amount of food. — Thomas Thoren, Community Editor



in Education

Evan’s Apartment, Champaign amount of rent Evan pays As exciting, fun, crazy, ridiculous and memorable as Bonnaroo was, I’m glad to be back in Champaign. My Bonnaroo adventure was lined with misadventures; the biggest was a four hour tent search during which I was offered drugs at least a dozen times. Being back in a city is nice, because while buildings are inherently evil (because they necessitate the destruction of nature to exist or something), they do provide shade and usually have air conditioning. Both good things. Also, showers. — Evan Lyman, Music Editor

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by Ben Mueller


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Deputy Fallon (Ving Rhames) and Drew Cunningman (Paul Scheer) face the terror that is Piranha 3DD. Dimension Films.


iranha 3DD offers us a slew of life lessons, none of which have to do with how to properly truncate your genitals after a piranha latches on to them (I have zero guilt for spoiling that plot BUZZ point for you). Rather, P3DD’s teachings circle THURSDAY around its infuriating and very likely unanswerJUNE 14 could they have screwed able crux: corp hownote...keep exactly this same size always this one up so royally? What director John Gulager and 1 screenwriters X 5.417 Marcus Dunstan and Patrick Melton bring to the table is proof that 1/8thvicious page piranhas, gore and 3Dsimply throwing boobies up on the big screen does not make for a fun time by default. In fact, if strewn together sloppily enough, no amount of supple bosoms (and believe me, there are plenty) will save you from being pissed off. The first red flag is the absence of Alexandre Aja, director, producer and co-writer of the film’s fairly successful 2010 predecessor. Any Aja film will showcase his gritty, unforgiving style (take my recommendation of High Tension as the one positive element of this review). And who would have thought Aja’s realistic brutality would be so crucial to making a horror comedy somewhat digestible? Instead, when piranhas infest the Big Wet (HA) water park in P3DD, characters turn blind eyes left and right to the unfathomable level of death surrounding them in exchange for cell phone camera gawking and “comic” operatic montages. The resulting setting of what should be the juiciest chunk of the movie is completely unentertaining and too campy to ever scare. Compare with the beach scenes in Piranha 3D, where every single person is dying of grief or literally dead. Because Piranha 3DD refuses to commit to just about anything — characters, realistic gore, basic laws of physics — the film possesses an odd sterility not unlike the feeling of gazing at

a modern art painting of mere splotches on canvas: an artistic endeavor that refuses to buy into the very form of its chosen medium, leaving the audience scratching their heads. But unlike good modern art, where digging and research can enlighten, there’s nothing at P3DD’s core. I’m not saying the movie is responsible for being good, but it is certainly responsible for being fun. It commits the cardinal horror comedy sin of choking on its own saccharine, unfunny schtick. Still, lord knows critics down the line will try and get some meat off this bone; P3DD is oddly genitally obsessed and by extension obsessed with mixing piranhas with genitals. This is exactly the kind of critical fodder that’ll cause feminists and horror historians to go bonkers a few decades from now, riffing on horror’s obsession with fears of sex, the objectification of women, the film’s heroine conveniently possessing the smallest chest, etc. etc. But let’s skip the pseudo-insightful BS and say what you already knew from the trailer alone. This movie is a shittily made, big budget boner culled together by some horror B-listers. If that’s not enough for horror fans to hold onto their 17.50, well, you may just be as big of a wiener as I was.

PIRANHA 3DD FAMILY FUN GUIDE! School’s out, and the only line longer than outside the community pool is the one to get into Madagascar 3. So why not skip the penguins altogether and dive instead into this summer’s wettest family fun fest? Bring along the items on our Piranha 3DD Family Fun Guide to ensure you and your family share a magical experience of Disney-like proportions! (Note:

buzz magazine, Piranha 3DD and its affiliates have absolutely no relation to Disney/Disney World/Walt Disney’s ghost and wish (upon a star) to apologize for any ill will created by the previous comparison). Milk bottles with breast milk (may be substituted for formula) — essential for kids 0-2, have bottles prepared for when 3D-jugs confuse children as to where to take nourishment. Have extras prepared in the event of older family member confusion as well. Sun block — for that classic “smells-like-we’reat-the-beach” feeling. Back to the Future DVD cued up on laptop — after your children watch Christopher Lloyd’s scene, immediately press play and begin explaining how we all change as we get older and may become blind to our foolish, foolish decisions. In fact, step out into the lobby and let the movie play in full. Condoms — when you realize that the outlandish, super-sexy unprotected sex scenes are in fact not dreams in the minds of the teenage boy characters, jump on this perfect segue into your teen’s first ever sex talk. Ziploc bag full of Cheez-its and sand — somehow this always ends up at the bottom of your beach bag anyway, so you might as well beat it to the punch and just bring it along. Mastermind, the one and only code-breaking game — have at the ready for gameplay during David Hasselhoff’s dialogue. iPod with 320 kbps version of “Call Me Maybe” — just because it’s THIS SUMMER’S HOTTEST JAM! Cooler with raw liver/chicken breast — have your family take turns syncing up on-screen piranha explosions with feeling/throwing/otherwise interacting with the raw meat to push your Piranha 3DD viewing experience into 4D!

They dressed like people whose parents didn’t know what cars were.




by Syd Slobodnik




David (Michael Fassbender) the android makes a startling discovery in Ridley Scott’s “Prometheus,” the latest installment of the “Alien” universe. Twentieth Century Fox

idley Scott is arguably one of several contemporary directors, like Martin Scorsese and David Fincher, whose every film is at some significant level a provocative and entertaining work of art. With Prometheus, Scott returns to his successful second feature film, 1979’s Alien, and creates the backstory, a prequel of sorts. The crew of a dozen or so led by an archeologist and funded by an industrialist searches on a distant planet for the origins of a life form that has the same DNA as humans. The film is at times a fas-

cinating and well-acted, if not always satisfying, tale of man’s pursuit of his origin. This stunningly photographed tale, enhanced by 3D on some screens and shot by Dariusz Wolski, creates worlds a bit different than the exclusively dark and haunting, claustrophobic space of the original Alien. Much of the film’s action takes place in a fancy explorer spaceship, Prometheus, and the dark pyramid dome of the alien’s world. Written by Jon Spaihts and Damon Lindelof, Scott shapes this space ad-

venture in 2093, some years after a star map is discovered in a Scottish cave which suggests a location of man’s origins. Prometheus is the Greek titan who took fire from the heavens and gave it to man before being punished by Zeus. Prometheus also means “forethought” and alludes to creativity and inventiveness. Scott’s tale seems to suggest future man is behaving like a Prometheus who is about to uncover some dark secrets about how his life form may have been influenced by an alien race

JUNE 14 - 20, 2012

that visited Earth. These revelations are not nearly as profound as some of those suggested by such landmark sci-fi classics as 2001: A Space Odyssey; but despite such lacking, Prometheus entertains with stunning visuals and a fair deal of graphic, horrifying images that will make the squeamish jump — these include snake-like aliens that attack and penetrate their human victims and a grim sequence where the heroine doctor enters a Med Pod and performs her own Caesarean to remove an alien fetus. The film’s cast is led by several compelling performers, including Noomi Rapace (of Swedish Girl with the Dragon Tattoo fame) as Dr. Elizabeth Shaw, the spiritual archeologist whose spunk is equal to the first Alien’s Ellen Ripley. Michael Fassbender is David, an ingenious android who watches Lawrence of Arabia to copy Peter O’Toole’s human qualities; Charlize Theron is a beautiful but bossy Meredith Vickers who’s the mission’s supervisor for the Weyland Corp. Idris Elba is the working class Captain Janek who smokes cigars and hums Stephen Stills songs. And Guy Pearce is Peter Weyland, the industrialist who sponsors the mission. While heavily derivative of previous sci-fi films’ narrative and visual elements — like 2001, A. I., Alien — and lacking in the original’s suspense, Prometheus still provides a plausible and thoughtful beginning for this now legendary series.

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50 things to do in and around c-u Venture out of the air conditioning and give these a try by buzz Community staff



hether you’re a student in town to study, work or just hang out, or whether you’re even a student at all, buzz has you covered with a list of 50 fun ways to keep you busy for a summer in Champaign-Urbana.

1. Go on a café crawl. Spend all day hopping from café to café while eating nothing but pastries. 2. Play Scrabble and other board games while you’re at Etc. Coffeehouse. 3. Make fishy faces at the fish tank in the Illini Union. 4. People-watch on the Quad. 5. String yourself up in a hammock on the Quad,

Make fishy faces at the fish tank in the Illini Union. Photo by Nathaniel Lash

or simply watch a bystander string himself up in a hammock while worrying how he will get down from that very tall tree. 6. Climb every campus building’s rooftop in one evening while avoiding rusty fire escapes. 7. Become a regular at a local shop. 8. Sneak behind the counter of an Espresso Royale. 9. Salsa dance at Cowboy Monkey while you ignore the older crowd staring at you awkwardly. 10. Take your bike and the members of your bike brigade and ride around Krannert’s parking garage after midnight. Be sure to ride up and down all the levels really fast. 11. Drive to Allerton Park and have a massive

15. Have a picnic with wine at the Arboretum

game of hide-and-go-seek tag in the Sunken Garden and surrounding meadow. 12. Go to Wednesday night karaoke at White Horse Inn, and get Jerry the DJ to play his harmonica. I’ve found he’ll whip it out if you sing some Janis Joplin. 13. Go hang out at the townie bars in downtown Urbana. Hit up Bunny’s Tavern and talk to the townies about shooting rifles. 14. Go to the Harvest Moon Drive-In near Gibson City. If you have a truck, fill the bed with blankets or an armchair and watch the movie while drinking a beer and enjoying a burger from the “Burger Barn.”

What is th

and feed the geese. Or make it a tea party with tea, scones, little sandwiches and crumpets. Dress up in your fanciest clothes, or dress up like Marie Antoinette and eat cake with your tea. 16. Fill up a kiddie pool in your backyard and play around. If you’re lucky like I was, your older man neighbor may come over and offer a cup of spiked lemonade. 17. Look up local garage sales and get up early to find the best stuff. 18. Go see Andy Dallas at Dallas and Co., and demand to see the upper level. Be sure to take a look at one of the first pinball machines.

ere to do

this summ


Check out the calendar on


buzz   June 14 - 20, 2012

She’s really photogenic, but in real life she’s kind of a let-down.

19. Go to a little league game and heckle the play-

29. Eat every single thing on the menu at Jarling’s

ers. Yell out probable boy names like Joey or Bobby. 20. Go to Merry Ann’s Diner and talk to Margie; hang out there for as long as humanly possible just people-watching while drinking coffee and milkshakes. 21. Go to a dream reading at the School of Metaphysics in Urbana and have Pam Blosser interpret your dreams. I do not guarantee any amount of accuracy. 22. Sneak into the steam tunnels and conduct a séance. Don’t get caught! 23. Go to either Exile on Main St. or any public library and pick out an album you’ve never heard of, strictly based on the album cover. Go home and listen to the whole thing. 24. Go to the Gordyville Flea Market in Gifford, Ill., and talk to some of the vendors. There’s a guy who sells swords and knives, another who keeps live bees at his booth and a lady who makes hundreds of outfits for fake lawn geese. 25. Vault yourself from the Engineering Quad, across Boneyard Creek and onto the patio behind Engineering Hall. 26. Pose for a picture next to Grainger Bob like anybody else would, but take the joke way too seriously and hold the pose for 30 minutes. Take on his personality and never break character. 27. Sit on a water jet in Hessel Park’s water park. 28. Climb on the rocks in the Boneyard Basin.

Custard Cup. 30. Go skinny dipping in the Hallene Gateway fountain. 31. Go swimming in every other fountain on campus. 32. Perform a high-wire act on the wire between Talbot Laboratory and Everitt Laboratory. 33. Canoe the length of Boneyard Creek. 34. Throw a paper airplane from the Illini Union cupola to the echo point in front of Foellinger Auditorium. 35. Eat an Insomnia cookie once an hour every hour for 24 hours. 36. Have a slumber party in an Illini Union Hotel room. 37. Hopscotch the perimeter of the Quad. 38. Rack up a $25 bill on one cup of frozen yogurt and toppings at Cocomero. 39. Sneak into Foellinger Auditorium and perform a play with your friends. 40. Eat an entire box of 200 freeze pops. 41. Make Krannert’s “Uncorked” events’ cheese your source for dinner and their wine as a starting point for your evening. 42. Carpool to work with your coworkers on the LEX Party Bus. 43. Play a real-life game of Draw Something with sidewalk squares and a box of chalk. 44. Take your cat, not your dog, to the Quad to flirt with guys or girls.


People-watch on the quad. Photo by Nathaniel Lash

45. Leave the Refinery, Vet Med and The Blind Man buildings disappointed by what they actually are. Go to Maize after misreading their sign and be pleasantly surprised. 46. Pay for your bill at Crane Alley with paper cranes. 47. July: 31 days. Baskin Robbins: 31 flavors. You know what you must do.

48. Be a decent person and set off all of your fireworks by the end of the Fourth of July.

49. Trick your friend into eating a dirt sandwich made of the finest Illinois silty clay loam for a true Taste of Champaign. 50. Go to the Carmike Beverly theater in Champaign on the night when you can bring your own popcorn bucket, and go big — like semi-trailer big.

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Used with permission from Common Loon

Nine of Champaign’s best bands perform Saturday Used with permission from Santah

Evil Tents during a band practice in Champaign, IL. Photo by Animah Boakye

by Evan Lyman


ver the past few years, ChampaignUrbana’s music scene has been an increasingly vibrant, diverse and active community. On almost any given night, music lovers can find a show, whether it’s at a bar in downtown Champaign, a house in Urbana, The Canopy Club or Assembly Hall. Several festivals and annual events, including Pygmalion in September; the CU Folk and Roots Festival in November; The Great Cover Up in January; Boneyard in 8


April and The Blues, Brews, and BBQ Festival in June, take place in the area, shining a light on local acts and drawing crowds from all over. It’s been a concerted effort, from the DIY punks to the mayor’s office, to promote CU music. But one area that’s been largely underutilized has been Campustown, the heart of which is Green Street. Home to several popular restaurants, bars and stores, with thousands of students rushing back and forth throughout the

day (slightly less during the summer months), Green Street seems to be the perfect place for local bands to expand their audience and tap into the student demographic. But sadly, the average University of Illinois student is unlikely to have ever attended a live concert on Green Street. But the opportunity to do so will come this weekend, at least for those students spending the summer in Champaign. On Saturday, June 16, 2012, Champaign City Partnership, along

with Smile Politely and WPCD, will host the first annual Center City Summer Stage, an outdoor concert featuring six of Champaign’s best musical acts. From 6:15 in the evening until after midnight, Dirty Feathers, Evil Tents, Grandkids, New Ruins, Common Loon and Elsinore will perform. The block of Green Street between Wright and Sixth will be closed for the festivities. The event’s organizers at Champaign Center (CONTINUED ON PAGE 14) Partnership are...

Ask Drew your questions, starting next week!

JUNE 14 - 20, 2012


Festival in review

by Evan Lyman and Dan Durley Progressive bluegrass band the Punch Brothers, perform in a media tent at the Bonnaroo Music Festival. Photo by Evan Lyman


ast weekend (June 7-10), the buzz music editors packed their bags and headed to Manchester, Tennesee to experience the fabled Bonnaroo Music Festival in person. Over the four days we spent on the campgrounds, we saw almost 30 full performances by a diverse group of acts that ranged from The Beach Boys to Mac Miller. While Bonnaroo’s reputation is that of a “hippie festival,” the sheer breadth, quality and consistency of its lineup makes it a bucket list item for any music fan, regardless of his hacky-sacking ability. The scope of the festival borders on overwhelming, with attendance numbers nearing 80,000. The campground essentially becomes a town for the weekend, with tents and cars lined up in rows that extend as far as the eye can see (and I think I saw every single one during my four-hour search for Dan Durley’s white Honda Pilot on Thursday night). With the small town of Manchester becoming Tennesee’s 7th largest city during the weekend, Bonnaroo and its performers emphasized the communal spirit of the festival. “Bonnaroo is particularly interesting because the attendees are as much a part of the festival as the artists,” said Chris Thile of Punch Brothers. “You’re not performing for people. You’re performing with people.” If you weren’t one of the 80,000 present, don’t worry! We discussed, categorized and ranked some of our favorite performances at Bonnaroo 2012.

Best Electronic/Dance Music – SBTRKT With Skrillex, Major Lazer and Big Gigantic drawing huge crowds throughout the weekend, this may seem like a left field pick. But SBTRKT’s live show differed greatly from those of his fellow EDM producers in several ways, which ultimately separated him from the pack. While I found Skrillex’s live show to be high-gloss, low-substance and mind numbingly repetitive, SBTRKT kept my brain engaged and my body moving. In the live setting, SBTRKT and collaborator Sampha bring a bevy of synths, sequencers and samplers to the stage, which they use to lay down the outline of the track and then chop it up if necessary. But there’s also the live element, provided by SBTRKT’s drumming and Sampha’s vocals, keyboards and percussion, that adds another dimension to the show. SBTRKT managed to lay down beats that were both technical and danceable. Typical of production culture, each song in the set was somehow extended or remixed. “Hold On” included extended percussion breaks. SBTRKT’s biggest hit, “Wildfire,” featured a verse from Drake and an extended outro. The song must have clocked around ten minutes, but I was transfixed for the duration. SBTRKT and Sampha ended their set with “Right Thing To Do,” with Sampha singing (Jessie Ware sings the studio version). Perhaps my favorite SBTRKT song, the live version featured an extended intro and even a cowbell break towards its conclusion. -EL

Best Hip-Hop – The Roots This contest is a little bit unfair. While we saw almost every hip-hop set at Bonnaroo (sorry, GZA, a journalist has to sleep), nothing compared to The Legendary Roots Crew. The Roots have been touring for twenty years, and now they play for a national audience every night on Jimmy Fallon. They played a mix of originals and covers, including classics “Sweet Child of Mine,” “Jungle Boogie” and “Jump On It.” While the fresher faces (Kendrick Lamar, Danny Brown, Childish Gambino, Das Racist) may have more blog buzz these days, The Roots’ live experience made their performance the best hip-hop show at Bonnaroo. Best Perk of Media Access – Punch Brothers’ media-only set We’ll be honest — media access ain’t half bad. Though we didn’t really have the clout to pull an interview with the likes of Aziz Ansari or Donald Glover, we did get some very interesting opportunities, including a press conference with Kenny Rogers and Ben Folds. Even cooler than the press conference, much-buzzed-about act Punch Brothers played an exclusive set for media on Saturday. When the band’s soundman didn’t show up for the planned performance, what could’ve been a disaster turned into a pleasant surprise. The band called an audible and decided to play an unplugged set, which

frontman Chris Thile described as “the polar opposite of Radiohead,” with media surrounding them in a circle. Ever the gentlemen, the band even rotated after each song so that everyone in attendance got a chance to hear every instrument. Each member of the band showed off his instrumental proficiency on solo-heavy tracks “My Sweet Little Patchwork Girlfriend” and “Flippen.” Best Newcomer – fun. For three days, fellow rookies Alabama Shakes, who practically tore This Tent down Thursday night, seemed to have this spot locked up. But that changed after fun. put on a fantastic show Sunday evening. Fun.’s performance at That Tent was so well received that they returned to the stage for an encore, covering the Rolling Stones’ “You Can’t Always Get What You Want.” Though they weren’t on a main stage, fun. had one of the biggest crowds of the entire weekend. Although it was their first Bonnaroo, it was clear that the three core members of fun. (Andrew Dost, Nate Ruess, Jack Antonoff) have been entertaining crowds for years as members of Anathallo, The Format and Steel Train, respectively. Lead singer Ruess stood several times atop the stage riser, proclaiming that “surreal” didn’t begin to describe the moment. Fun.’s set was split evenly between their two full-length LPs... (CONTINUED ON PAGE 16) buzz






food Spice Up Your Summer With Some South Korean Style Cuisine in CU

By Sherry Yuan

A dish at Woori Jib. Photo by Sherry Yuan.


ver have a craving for kimchi? A dire need for bulgogi beef, cooked to sizzling perfection? Well, out of the several offerings on and near campus, one won’t need to search too long to discover several gems of authentic Korean food. Between Green Street and Neil, there exists a whopping five. Here are a few impressions and suggestions for your epicurean enjoyment. A-RI-RANG Try the: Dduk Mandoo Gook. The surprisingly homey meal of clear, chicken broth chock full of Korean pork dumpling and rice cake goodness belies its intimidating name and promises to answer all your carbohydrate prayers. This hearty soup acts as a beefed up version of chicken noodle soup, brimming with piping hot dumplings and chewy rice cakes. It’s home-cooked perfection and notably has a reputation as a hangover cure. Price: $ Reasonable at $7-9 per average order; comes with Korean side dishes, usually two. Service: The cashier will provide a number to be called when food reaches full preparation. Expect around a five to ten minute wait per order.

stewed kimchi, assorted meats, rice noodles and bean sprouts, the substantial meal tastes tangy and slightly spicy. Less sour than sweet, the savory richness of the soup stock will please anyone’s taste buds. Each jjigae comes with a choice of white or mixed rice. Price: $$ More of a dinner scene with main course options priced at $11-15, especially since it comes with four to six Korean side dishes. Service: The waiters were polite and supplied quick water service. Around a ten minute wait for food. Ambience: Usually low noise level, fitting for its more formal dining setting. Recommended for dates. Location: Far off on S. Neil Street. Not bicycle or pedestrian friendly, given the lack of sidewalks, and quite the trek given the similar food available on campus.

Location: Right off of Green on South Wright Street, A-ri-rang sits right across from Everitt Lab and proves to be quick and convenient for the onthe-go student.

GOOD FELLA Try the: Kimchi Pancake. Their delicious kimchi and pork soup comes as a close second, but Good Fella makes a mean kimchi pancake. It is fluffy, melt-in-your-mouth goodness, and the giant pancake sliced at your table will be devoured within seconds. The hint of sweetness in the dough is balanced by the slight sourness of the pan-fried kimchi studded throughout the pancake. Eaten with a side of green onion soy sauce emulsion, kimchi pancakes will become a new staple for college students craving comfort food.

B-WON Try the: Boo Dae Jjigae. A simmering black pot of

Price: $ More family style, the portions are quite large

Ambience: Moderate noise level with comfortable booth type seating and some tables. Casual dress and dining area. Water and extra seasonings provided near the counter.



and for sharing at an affordable $10-12. Lunch specials are more reasonable, usually around $10 for smaller portions. Service: One waitress, but she moves more than efficiently. Not only does she take and serve orders, but she does the billing as well, and patrons still received their food in less than ten minutes. Ambience: Intriguing choice in décor, with traditional Korean paintings next to rather scandalous beer ads. However, not too crowded with a moderate noise level. Location: Off campus, also on Neil Street. Worth the hike, if one craves their specialty seafood soups.

Ambience: A cheerful, casual and bright place to dine; ideal for a lunchtime pick-me-up from gloomy school days. Location: Right on Green Street next to Juno Hair. Easy to find and get to. WOORI JIB Try the: Bulgogi Beef. With a side of rice, this huge sizzling platter of marinated meat will fill the entire restaurant with its heady, beautiful aroma. Bulgogi tastes quite sweet; the beef soaks in a mélange of soy sauce, sugar, salt and sesame oil, then seared with onions. Ideal for steak-lovers looking for a different but equally satisfying meat dish.

SPOON HOUSE Try the: Ja Jang Myun with a side order of Kimbap. A rendition of the Chinese noodle dish “zhajiangmian,” the Korean version stands alone in flavor. With a savory soybean sauce at its base, the noodles mix well with underpinnings of caramelized onions and bits of crisp beef. Be sure to mix the noodles well, as the noodles themselves are a bit on the bland side (to compensate for the salty bean paste). Kimbap, a Korean street food classic, are rice rolls wrapped in seaweed – NOT to be confused with sushi. The filling of kimbap is usually cooked chicken, tuna or some form of luncheon meat accompanied by pickled radish and other veggies. A sweet addition to the more savory noodles creates a well-rounded summer lunch.

Price: $ Meat dishes are pricier at around $10, though more traditional dishes will cost less. Reasonable, given the restaurant’s quantities and quality. Each meal comes with a side dish, though the kimchi tastes quite salty here.

Price: $ Definitely college student friendly at $5-9 an item.

Get adventurous this summer — while these traditional options are amazing, try the “Roll Model” Kimbap and frozen yogurt deal offered by Beri, or the Korean Burrito at Spoon House! Beat the heat with the spice and excitement offered by Korean cuisine. Bon appetit, epicureans.

Service: A bit on the longer side of ten minutes, given the “take a number” set up. Set aside a bit of wait time for a rewarding food experiences.

Service: Fast — take a number at the register. Five to ten minute wait. Ambience: Casual and laid back vibe, a quaint place to take a group of friends. Noise level is usually low to moderate; a calm environment. Location: Located on Sixth Street, a few steps from Beri.

Never excessive, always refreshing

JUNE 14 - 20, 2012



The picnicker's tool of choice. Photo courtesy of flickr user uberculture


une is here, and the hot days are finally starting to outnumber the cold ones. This beautiful weather couldn’t have come at a better time as the month of June is picnic month, and June 18, in particular, is National Picnic Day. Champaign-Urbana is not short on great locations to celebrate the day, so grab a basket and head over to your favorite sunny spot with some friends. So if you’re struggling to come up with a Champaign picnic plan or you’re looking for some new additions to your picnic playbook, here’s a list of a few suggestions on how to celebrate the day.

Sushi Picnic at The Japan House Located at 2000 S. Lincoln Ave. Urbana, IL, the Japan House has some of the most beautiful garden scenery the University of Illinois has to offer. The house itself offers tea ceremonies and educational insights into Japanese culture. It frequently hosts visitors from all around the Midwest, drawn to the stunning gardens, ponds and fields surrounding the house as well as the slice of Japanese culture found within. I can think of no better way to celebrate the day of picnics than by spending an afternoon sprawled out on a blanket in a field overlooking the gardens at this magnificent landmark. As far as the picnic planning for this location, it stands to reason that sushi would be the entrée of choice. Unless you are a sushi expert capable of preparing homemade rolls, takeout is the way to go. Our very own Green Street has a few options for takeout sushi, such as Sushi Avenue or Sushi Rock. Both are reasonably priced (by sushi standards) and prove to be exceptionally delicious sushi providers. For a Japanese picnic side dish consider bringing some korokke. This deep-fried, flat patty is similar to a croquette and typically contains meat or seafood and vegetables mixed with potato. The korokke is a perfect companion to your favorite sushi roll.

Traditional Picnic on the Quad If sushi isn’t your thing or the long journey to The Japan House at the southern outskirts of Urbana is too daunting, you can always turn to a traditional picnic on the beloved university quad. The quad offers ideal opportunities for gazing at the historic academic buildings, tossing a Fris-

bee around with friends, or even attempting to slackline. It is also a prime location for running into old friends or for meeting some new ones. The menu for a picnic on the quad can be taken in any number of directions, but if you’re seeking a traditional picnic, then sandwiches must be involved. The quad is conveniently located close to a number of sandwich shops, and, if you really don’t want to lose any valuable blanket time in the sun, you could always get Jimmy John’s or Silver Mine to deliver. The traditional sandwich picnic, however, can easily be prepared at home. After all, cold cut sandwiches are usually prepared from a pretty straightforward recipe. Potato chips or veggies are excellent companions that fit nicely in the picnic basket. When your meal is finished, a trip to Cocomero for some self-serve frozen yogurt is a perfect way to cap off a picnic on the quad.

buzzed ::

every thursday ::





Krannert Uncorked with PBS, classic covers


Gone Missing

// Marquee

// Depar tment of Theatre



Dance for People with Parkinson’s


Gone Missing

// Marquee

// Depar tment of Theatre


7:30pm 10pm

Shipwrecked! An Entertainment: The Amazing Adventures of Louis de Rougemont (as Told by Himself) // Depar tment of Theatre Sprung and Awakened: A Cabaret about Change // Depar tment of Theatre



Sprung and Awakened: A Cabaret about Change // Depar tment of Theatre

BBQ Picnic at Your Favorite Park


Whether it’s Scott Park, Washington Park, Heritage Park, Blair Park — just to name a few — Champaign-Urbana is filled with parks. Choose your favorite one and get grilling! If you want to avoid the hassle of loading the grill into the back of your car, consider choosing a location with picnic areas and grills built into the park. Blair Park, for example, offers these amenities. That narrows the checklist of picnic items down to food, drinks, blanket and football/Frisbee/ baseball to toss around. If you want to expand your BBQ beyond the obvious burgers and hot dogs, try some teriyaki chicken kabobs. Simply marinate some boneless, skinless chicken breasts in teriyaki sauce and pineapple juice. Then slice the chicken and place the pieces, vegetables and pineapples onto skewers in an alternating pattern and grill the kabobs over medium heat. Alternatively, for a more authentic BBQ menu that requires no grilling skills of your own, try getting takeout from Black Dog in Urbana. This celebrated barbecue and smokehouse has a lot to offer for a picnic in the park. Choose your favorite menu item for takeout, pick up a case of beer at the store, and your BBQ is set.


Gone Missing

// Depar tment of Theatre



Gone Missing

// Depar tment of Theatre


5pm 7:30pm

Krannert Uncorked with Crofton Coleman and Friends, popular/jazz standards // Marquee Shipwrecked! An Entertainment: The Amazing Adventures of Louis de Rougemont (as Told by Himself) // Depar tment of Theatre

C A L L 3 3 3 . 6 2 8 0 • 1. 8 0 0 . K C P A T I X

Corporate Power Train Team Engine

Marquee performances are supported in part by the Illinois Arts Council—a state agency which recognizes Krannert Center in its Partners in Excellence Program.

40 North and Krannert Center — working together to put Champaign County’s culture on the map.




JUNE 14 - 20, 2012

Complete listing available at


SUBMIT YOUR EVENT TO THE CALENDAR: Online: forms available at • E-mail: send your notice to • Fax: 337-8328, addressed to the217 calendar Snail mail: send printed materials via U.S. Mail to: the217 calendar, Illini Media, 512 E. Green St., Champaign, IL 61820 • Call: 531-1456 if you have a question or to leave a message about your event.


Core Yoga with Maggie Taylor Art & other exhibits Amara Yoga & Arts Walking in Paris: View- 12pm ing the City and Its Miscellaneous Denizens in the 19th Century F.I.N.D. Orphy Krannert Art Museum Orpheum Children’s Sciand Kinkead Pavilion ence Museum, 1pm 9am EXHIBIT: ¡CARNAVAL! Movies & theater Spurlock Museum, 9am Gone Missing By the Expressions in Color: Civilians Selections from the Krannert Center for the 20th-Century Collec- Performing Arts tion 7:30pm Krannert Art Museum and Kinkead Pavilion FRIDAY 15 9am “Crystallography - De- Art & other exhibits fining the Shape of Our EXHIBIT: ¡CARNAVAL! Modern Mind” Exhibit Spurlock Museum U of I Main Library 9am 8:30am Expressions in Color: Parkland College Selections from the Graphic Design Stu20th-Century Collecdent Juried Exhibition tion 2012 Krannert Art Museum Parkland Art Gallery and Kinkead Pavilion 10am 9am “Crystallography - DeClasses, lectures, & fining the Shape of Our workshops Modern Mind” Exhibit U of I Main Library Tango Orientation 8:30am Workshop Walking in Paris: ViewPhillips Recreation ing the City and Its Center Denizens in the 19th 7pm Century Toastmasters ChamKrannert Art Museum paign IL, Toast of and Kinkead Pavilion Champaign 9am Champaign Public Library Live music & karaoke 12pm Urbana Pops OrchesLive music & tra presents “Magical karaoke Tales” 133 West Main Chillax with DJ Belly 7pm and Matt Harsh Late Night with DJ Radio Maria, 10pm Belly Mind, body, & spirit Radio Maria, 10pm Live Karaoke Band at Open Yoga Practice Fat City Bar and Grill with Corrie Proksa Fat City Bar & Grill Amara Yoga & Arts 8pm 5:30pm Karaoke with DJ Hanna Ashtanga Yoga with Phoenix, 9pm Lauren Quinn Amara Yoga & Arts Mind, body, & spirit 5:30pm Yin Yoga with Lauren Power Flow Yoga with Quinn Corrie Proksa Amara Yoga & Arts Amara Yoga & Arts 7pm 12pm Candlelight Hot Flow Vinyasa Krama Yoga Yoga with Luna Pierson with Don Briskin Amara Yoga & Arts Amara Yoga & Arts 7pm 4:15pm 12


Miscellaneous F.I.N.D. Orphy Orpheum Children’s Science Museum, 1pm

Movies & theater Gone Missing By the Civilians Krannert Center for the Performing Arts 7:30pm Ralphie May Watseka Theatre in Watseka IL, 7pm

Power Flow Yoga with Corrie Proksa Amara Yoga & Arts, 4pm Yoga 101 Workshop with Corrie Proksa Amara Yoga & Arts 1:30pm

Miscellaneous F.I.N.D. Orphy Orpheum Children’s Science Museum, 1pm

Movies & theater

Shipwrecked! An Entertainment: The Amazing Adventures Art & other exhibits of Louis de Rougemont (as Told by Himself) By Expressions in Color: Donald Margulies Selections from the 20th-Century Collec- Krannert Center for the Performing Arts, 7:30pm tion Krannert Art Museum and Kinkead Pavilion SUNDAY 17 9am EXHIBIT: ¡CARNAVAL! Art & other exhibits Spurlock Museum, 9am EXHIBIT: ¡CARNAVAL! Walking in Paris: View- Spurlock Museum, 9am ing the City and Its Walking in Paris: ViewDenizens in the 19th ing the City and Its Century Denizens in the 19th Krannert Art Museum Century and Kinkead Pavilion, Krannert Art Museum 9am and Kinkead Pavilion 2pm Food & festivals Expressions in Color: Celebrate Summer at Selections from the 20th-Century Collection the Pines! Wines at the Pines, 10am Krannert Art Museum and Kinkead Pavilion Live music & karaoke 2pm Steve Hardin Memorial Classes, lectures, & Show and Benefit workshops Fat City Bar & Grill 2pm West African Dance Parrish Brothers Classes with Djibril Rosebowl Tavern, 9pm Camara Amy Mitchell Band at Channing-Murray FounBoomerangs Bar and dation, 6pm Grill Food & festivals Boomerang’s Bar and Grill Industry Night 9pm Radio Maria, 10pm Salsa night with DJ Live music & karaoke Juan Radio Maria, 10:30pm Surreal Deal Intro Tango Lesson & Rosebowl Tavern, 8pm MIlonga at McKinley Mind, body, & spirit Foundation McKinley Presbyterian Slow Flow Yoga with Church and Foundation Lisa Haake 7pm Amara Yoga & Arts 2:30pm Mind, body, & spirit Yoga for Men, Dudes and Regular Guys with Yoga Fundamentals Jim Rector with Linda Lehovec Amara Yoga & Arts Amara Yoga & Arts 6:30pm 9am


Happy Challenge Yoga with Maggie Taylor Amara Yoga & Arts, 4pm Gentle Yoga with Rebekah Deter Amara Yoga & Arts 9am Yogini Bliss - Prenatal/ Postnatal/Restorative Yoga for Women with Rebekah Deter Amara Yoga & Arts 1pm


EXHIBIT: ¡CARNAVAL! Spurlock Museum, 9am “Crystallography - Defining the Shape of Our Modern Mind” Exhibit Alice Campbell Alumni Center, 8:30am Walking in Paris: Viewing the City and Its Denizens in the 19th Century Krannert Art Museum and Kinkead Pavilion, 9am

F.I.N.D. Orphy Orpheum Children’s Science Museum, 1pm Baha’i devotions, studies, and game days 133 West Main 10:30am

Classes, lectures, & workshops


Live music & karaoke

Classes, lectures, & workshops Andean Knitting and Weaving Update: Textiles from Peru and Bolivia Spurlock Museum, 4pm

Food & festivals

Keith Harden solo acoustic concert at Blair Park in Urbana Bolivia’s Flamboyant Carnival: Dancing Dev- Crystal Lake Park, 6:30pm Caribbean Grill Lunch ils, Angels and Llama To Go - Wednesdays @ Herders on Parade! Spurlock Museum, 7pm Refinery Refinery, 11am BRANDON WASH-

Art & other exhibits INGTON & LARRY EXHIBIT: ¡CARNAVAL! Spurlock Museum, 9am “Crystallography - Defining the Shape of Our Modern Mind” Exhibit U of I Main Library 8:30am

Walking in Paris: Viewing the City and Its Denizens in the 19th Century Krannert Art Museum and Kinkead Pavilion, 9am

GATES The Clark Bar, 7pm

Mind, body, & spirit Vinyasa Flow Yoga with Maggie Taylor Amara Yoga & Arts 12pm Slow Flow yoga with Amanda Reagan Amara Yoga & Arts 5:30pm

Live music & karaoke Open Mic Night! Samuel Music, 5pm Open Decks with DJ Belly Radio Maria, 10pm

Mind, body, & spirit

Open Yoga Practice with Corrie Proksa Live music & Amara Yoga & Arts karaoke 5:30pm Hatha Flow with Linda Lounge Night Lehovec Radio Maria, 10pm Amara Yoga & Arts Mind, body, & spirit Miscellaneous 5:30pm Ashtanga Full Primary Restorative Yoga with F.I.N.D. Orphy Maggie Taylor Orpheum Children’s Sci- Series with Lauren Quinn Amara Yoga & Arts ence Museum, 1pm Amara Yoga & Arts, 7pm 7pm Yoga Fundamentals Hatha Yoga with Grace Movies & theater with Grace Giorgio Giorgio Gone Missing By the Amara Yoga & Arts Amara Yoga & Arts Civilians 4:15pm 5:30pm Krannert Center for the Power Flow Yoga with Performing Arts, 7:30pm Candlelight Hot Flow Yoga with Luna Pierson Corrie Proksa Amara Yoga & Arts, 7pm Amara Yoga & Arts WEDNESDAY 20 12pm


Art & other exhibits Miscellaneous

Expressions in Color: Selections from the 20th-Century Collection Krannert Art Museum and Kinkead Pavilion TUESDAY 19 9am Art & other exhibits EXHIBIT: ¡CARNAVAL! Spurlock Museum Expressions in Color: 9am Selections from the “Crystallography - De20th-Century Collecfining the Shape of Our tion Modern Mind” Exhibit Krannert Art Museum U of I Main Library and Kinkead Pavilion, 8:30am 9am F.I.N.D. Orphy Orpheum Children’s Science Museum, 1pm

F.I.N.D. Orphy Orpheum Children’s Science Museum, 1pm

Movies & theater Gone Missing By the Civilians Krannert Center for the Performing Arts, 7:30pm

Sports, games, & recreation Nomad SF Book Club Champaign Public Library, 7pm

CLASSIFIEDS Place an Ad: 217 - 337 - 8337 Deadline: 2 p.m. Tuesday for the next Thursday’s edition.




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3 Bedroom, 301 W. Illinois St, U and 1320 Alms, C. Fully furnished if needed, washer/dryer, heat/elec/ water included, available August 16, call Chris (217) 419-0588, 684-2226,


808 W. Springfield, Urbana, $620. 1 parking space. All utilities included, on-site laundry. Contact Chris: 217-419-0588, 684-2226 Available June 1

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802 W. Illinois 2 Bedroom, $800/month. 1 Bedroom, $500/month. Heat, Water, and Free Parking. Good Tenant Union Reputation. 898-0794. Available August On campus, two bedroom apartment for rent. Includes parking. Washer/dryer in unit. Convenient location at 813 W. Main. Rent for $795 per month. Call Green Street Realty: breaking news sports opinions diversions classifieds apartment search 217-356-8337

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“The whole emphasis is for the community to revisit Campustown and get re-acclimated with the area,” said T.J. Blakeman, executive director of Champaign Center Partnership. “For most, it’s been a while since they graduated — if they went to U of I — and things look completely different.” The Champaign Center Partnership is an organization that aims to promote and market the businesses, organizations and recreational opportunities in the Downtown, Midtown and Campustown areas of Champaign. The organization formed in 2010 when the Champaign Downtown Association and the Campustown Business Group merged because of their similar motives. While Center City Summer Stage may be an atypical event today, Green Street was once a hot spot for live music. In the 70s, The Red Lion hosted major acts such as REO Speedwagon and even The The Dirty Feathers performs at Mike N Molly’s during last year’s Pygmalion Music Fest. Photo by Zach Dalzell. Ramones. Mabel’s, a concert venue (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 8) heralding the event as the “return of live, that resided at 613 E. Green (in the space now occupied by Brothers local music back to the streets of Campustown.” While Unionfest Bar & Grill), brought some of the largest acts of the 80s and 90s showed off CU favorites Elsinore, Santah and Grandkids (as well as while also showcasing local talent. Students who were lucky enough other student acts) to the campus audience, this is certainly the largest to live in Campustown during those years could’ve caught Joan Jett event of its kind to be held outside of a University building in a while. and the The Blackhearts, The Smashing Pumpkins or Wilco.

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“Residents who attended the University in the 70s remember that REO Speedwagon got their start playing in Campustown,” said Blakeman. “It’s a shame that the live music scene on campus hasn’t been active. We’ve got so many great bands to showcase.” Joe’s Brewery will also host an after party beginning at 11:30 (so more of an overlapping party) with a set from punk favorites Midstress. Afterwards, That’s No Moon and Santah will perform to finish off the evening. Prior to the concert, the Partnership has scheduled some family-oriented events for parents and children to enjoy together. The Scovill Zoo will host a mobile petting zoo beginning at 4 in the afternoon. At the same time, Panera Bread will host games and other activities. But that’s not all. Illini sports fans can even get a chance to meet recently hired Illini football coach Tim Beckman. Beckman, who coached the University of Toledo Rockets to a victory in the Military Bowl in 2011, will be signing autographs from 5-6 at Gameday Spirit.

Green Street: Time: 6:15 p.m, / Band: The Dirty Feathers Time: 7:15 p.m. / Band: Evil Tents Time: 8:15 p.m. / Band: Grandkids Time: 9:15 p.m./ Band: New Ruins Time: 10:15 p.m. / Band: Common Loon Time: 11:15 p.m. / Band: Elsinore Joe’s Time: 11:30 p.m. / Band: Midstress Time: 12:30 a.m. / Band: That’s No Moon Time: 1:30 a.m. / Band: Santah


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Events & Meetings

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Events & Meetings


Globalized Soul

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The DailyIllini



720   June 14 - 20, 2012

I’ll have a journalist on the rocks

meet the summer stage lineup

jone sin’

by Matt Jones

“Pretty Cheesy”--but not quite the same

by Evan Lyman

Green Street The Dirty Feathers:

If there’s one CU band that should include the word “Dirty” in their name, it’s The Dirty Feathers. They play the kind of ass-shakin’ grooves and fuzzed out riffs you’d expect to hear in a bar scene of a Quentin Tarantino flick. Fans of The Black Keys, Band of Skulls, or Bass Drum of Death would be right at home in the audience of a Dirty Feathers’ show.

Evil Tents:

Evil Tents’ style is a bit harder to pin down than most, but their dreamy, atmospheric pop tunes draw equally from electronic music and folk. On record, their signature sound relies heavily on acoustic guitars and filtered vocals, but lately, they’ve gone electric in the live setting.


Grandkids brand themselves as “humblecore,” and I was never really clear what that means — other than that they are really nice kids, maybe? Anyway, they’re a treat to see live; their understated, heady songs occasionally transform into bigger, looser movements, and “bosslady” Vivian McConnell’s voice rarely, if ever, falters.

New Ruins:

New Ruins are CU rock vets, releasing albums and gaining members since 2003. Their last offering, produced by Brian Deck (Modest Mouse, Iron & Wine), is one of the best releases to come out of the area in a while, getting praise from our Year End list as well as Smile Politely’s.

Common Loon:

Lifelong friends who’ve been playing together since high school, Common Loon have got the “chemistry” thing down to a science (get it). Bad jokes aside, Common Loon find a way to make a two-piece rock outfit sound lush, with plenty of space in their big sound.


Elsinore’s brand of indie rock draws heavily from big names like Death Cab For Cutie while remaining unique. Part of that uniqueness comes from the voice of lead singer Ryan Groff, whose towering voice is definitely something to marvel at. But Groff has both guitar-playing and songwriting skills in his arsenal, and the rest of the band ain’t half bad either!

Joe’s Midstress:

Midstress are the type of punk band anyone can get behind, with shouted (but still melodic) vocals and huge, energetic guitar riffs throughout. Fans of the 90s era Polyvinyl roster will certainly remember screaming along to tunes like this during their formative years. Midstress keeps it fun, fresh, and a little cheeky, with song titles like “I’m From the Midwest. I’m Softspoken.”

That’s No Moon:

If you’re like me, you like rock built on solid grooves. Rock that encourages you to dance is sometimes seen as a dying breed, but That’s No Moon is keeping it alive in the CU, thank god! Packing in synths, fuzzy guitars, and rapid-fire precision drumming under the vocals of Ben Wilson, they might have fans getting crazy on the dance a typical night at Joe’s.


Since moving from Champaign to Chicago, Santah’s been popping up everywhere, garnering praise in the Chicago Reader and Time Out Chicago and playing SXSW. But they still make time for those who miss ‘em in CU (maybe because Viv McConnell’s still here). This is sure to be a well-attended, fun-filled set.

Stumped? Find the solutions in the Classifieds pages.

Across 1 Crawls, for example 6 Wrapped item 10 Mac 13 Words said while smacking your forehead 14 Namesakes of a Gilbert and Sullivan princess 15 Former Israeli prime minister Olmert 17 Prank where you pour seasoning over the captain of the football team? 19 Review on Yelp, e.g. 20 “___ the DJ, I’m the Rapper” (1988 album) 21 “There’s ___ in the bottom of the sea” 22 Jean-Pierre Rampal’s instrument 23 ___-ball (arcade rolling game) 24 Danced ungracefully 26 Rodin work 29 Update the decor 30 Get ready for a bodybuilding competition 31 Area where everything feels like a Utah city? 36 Mass ___ (Boston thoroughfare, to locals) 37 Historic French town (anagram of LUCY N.) 38 Icelandic band Sigur ___ 39 Rampart for rebels? 42 Typeface units 44 Food for pigs 45 Letter-shaped house

46 Jeer toward a play’s villain 49 Arduous journey 50 History Channel show that follows loggers in the Pacific Northwest 51 Condescend 53 Org. that fined over a “wardrobe malfunction” 56 Construction beam 57 Emile’s lesser known author brother? 59 Seaweed, in sushi bars 60 It’s under a toddler’s Band-Aid 61 Like actor Michael Emerson of “Lost,” by birth 62 Ashy 63 Cash register section 64 Former Israeli prime minister Meir


1 Jr., last year 2 “This is fun!” 3 Little devils 4 Treasure hunt need 5 Get closer, really quietly 6 “And knowing is half the battle” cartoon 7 Show for Lopez and Tyler, for short 8 Order from a mug shot photographer 9 “For shame!” noise 10 “The Aristocats” kitten, or his composer namesake Hector 11 Company with orange and white vans 12 Montana city

16 Monopoly card 18 Taekwondo great Jhoon ___ 22 Sorrowful Portuguese folk music 23 Disco ___ (“The Simpsons” character) 25 Eugene of “American Reunion” 26 Fly with the eagles 27 Record for later 28 “Break ___!” 31 Falls into a chair haphazardly 32 Play that introduced the term “robot” 33 Aquatic killer 34 Linguist Chomsky 35 In ___ (at heart) 37 Business execs in charge of the numbers 40 Welcome, like the new year 41 Tiger’s ex 42 German coin, before adopting the euro 43 Bug 45 Jason’s ship 46 ___ Capital (company founded by Mitt Romney) 47 Extreme curve in a river 48 Actress Kate of “Dynasty” 49 They’re influenced by the moon 52 Ohio’s Great Lake 53 Poultry 54 Decked out (in) 55 Jesus’s water-into-wine city 57 Slimy stuff 58 Chaotic situation



June 14 - 20, 2012

(Continued from page 9) While the crowd obviously sang along to hit single “We Are Young,” plenty of those in attendance seemed to know the lyrics to all of the deep cuts as well. They commanded the stage with the prowess of an arena-rock band rather than an indie-pop one-hit wonder. It seemed evident that fun.’s audience will only grow from here. -DD Biggest Surprise – Superjam with D’Angelo Late Saturday, as we were charging our phones/laptops, Spin Magazine tweeted “Holyshitholyshitholyshit D’Angelo has hit Tennesee.” If anyone could get the neo-soul icon to stage a comeback, we assumed it was his buddy ?uestlove, so we headed to This Tent to investigate. After playing a string of extremely well-received European shows, D’Angelo joined ?uestlove on stage for a cover/jam session. Officially titled “Superjam featuring ?uestlove and Very Special Guests,” D’Angelo’s unannounced appearance shocked those in attendance. D’Angelo stole the show by playing keyboards, singing and directing traffic in the vein of James Brown. The all-star lineup, which included Cap’n Kirk and Frank Knuckles of the Roots, Kendra Foster, James Poyser, Eric Leeds, Jesse Johnson and Pino Palladino, ran through some classic covers of songs by The Beatles, Jimi Hendrix and Led Zeppelin. The crowd begged for an encore, but unfortunately ?uestlove explained that they didn’t have any more songs. The supergroup had only put together the show during one six-hour practice session during the day. Hopefully we won’t have to wait another 12 years to see D’Angelo play in the states again.

Best Show (Non-Headliner) - St. Vincent While St. Vincent wasn’t necessarily one of the acts I had considered a “must-see” going into Bonnaroo, it may be the performance I remember for the longest afterward. Song after song, Annie Clark and friends’ subtle, beautiful arrangements gave way to intense, humongous guitar solos and instrumental breakdowns that left the crowd gasping for air. Clark convulsed and tip-toed across the stage as she ripped off distorted riffs and technically sound runs. When she

Song after song, Annie Clark and friends’ subtle, beautiful arrangements gave way to intense, humongous guitar solos and instrumental breakdowns that left the crowd gasping for air. wasn’t melting faces on the guitar, Clark was at the microphone. Her beautiful, operatic vocals filled the room. Her presence was that of a siren — her dark, haunting voice lures you in before a dynamic shift blows you away. The consummate performer, Clark never faltered. She continued to play and sing flawlessly even as she crowd-surfed during the final song.

National Pollinator Week in Champaign-Urbana June 18-24, 2012

Events Include: - Food Guides at Common Ground Food Co-Op - Pollinator Dinner at Buvons Wine Bar - Honey and Cheese Tasting at Prairie Fruits Farm - Insects and Music Performance at the Pollinatarium - Music by The Duke of Uke and His Novelty Orchestra - Guided nature walk, photo workshop, kids’ activities



Best Headliner ­- Radiohead ...And it wasn’t even close. While Saturday night’s headliner, The Red Hot Chili Peppers, put on a great rock show, Radiohead’s Friday night set was an immersive experience. As expected, Radiohead played a set heavy on their more electronic material, only playing “Karma Police” and “Paranoid Android” from OK Computer, (commonly known as Radiohead’s last “conventional rock album”) and played nothing from their earlier guitar-driven albums Pablo Honey and The Bends. A few newer tracks were featured, including the Record Store Day single “Supercollider.” Thom Yorke dedicated the song to Jack White, hinting at a future collaboration between him and the band. Radiohead truly created a larger-than-life experience for fans to get lost in. Their set was enhanced by incredibly engaging visuals. Several paper-thin video screens moved and rotated often between songs, surrounding the band on stage. Many bands and artists fed off the crowd’s energy during their performances at Bonnaroo. This was not the case during Radiohead’s set. Radiohead performed. The audience witnessed in awe, enthralled by the music, the lights and the visual effects. There were no complaints. No questions were asked. Bonnaroo organizers have a special place in their heart for Radiohead since their 2006 headlining set put the festival on the map. With so much emphasis put on Radiohead coming back to headline Bonnaroo this year, anything less than an extraordinary performance would have been a let down. Fortunately, Radiohead was extraordinary. We’re glad we were there to experience it.

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