z buz
champaign-urbana’s arts & entertainment magazine
!"#$ ALSO INSIDE move with mhondoro
see nutcracker this weekend!
IUBazaar craft show
11.29.07 - 12.05.07
volu me 5 no. 34
2 9
0 5
2 0 0 7
When you ride LINCOLNLAND EXPRESS, your 10th ride is free! With all that money you’ll save you can afford to get more gifts for loved ones! (and maybe one for your buddy, Li’l Linc’n...)
Deer Hunting 14 Las Vegas Cuisines A
Make Your Wish List
S ee this y ear’s surprise guest at K rannert
AG E E D I T O R :
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Tanya Boonroueng Tatyana Safronova Stephanie Prather Maria Surawska Whitney A. Harris Carlye Wisel Jennifer Ferguson Michael Yohanan Keri Carpenter Mariko Futamura Evangeline Politis Alyssa Vale Gregory Hinchman Anne-Marie Cheely
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Y our guide to this week’s events
Shutt le to ChicBus Service Burbs ago, the & Back 7 days a week 90 min , every utes!
M ove to the Z imbabwean sound
Begin hol iday shopping now!
Music by Mhondoro Nutcracker
taste of S in C ity
Kristine Eudey Pat Fahrner Sam Mullineaux Tanya Boonroueng Matt Harlan Helena Josefsson Renee Okumura Divya Amladi Amanda Brenner Emily Ciaglia Mark Grabowski Brita Vantrease Brandi Willis Mary Cory
W e reserve the right to edit submissions. Buzz
A I L : buzz@readbuzz.com
wil l not publ ish a l etter without the verbal
R I T E : 512 East Green Street
consent of the writer prior to publ ication date.
Champaign, IL 61820 C A L L : 217.337.3802
Buzz M agazine is a student-run publ ication of Il l ini M edia C ompany and does not necessaril y represent, in whol e or in part, the views of the University of Il l inois administration, facul ty or students.
F irst copy of Buzz is free. E ach additional copy is 50¢ N O V 29 – D E C 05 07
© Il l ini M edia C ompany 2007.
come and get it
Complete calendar listings on Pages 16-19
friday 30 T h e N u tcr ack er : O p ening N igh t C el eb r ation C ommemorate the fourth anniversary of The N utcracker at the K rannert’s opening night cel ebration. T ickets range from $ 15-4 0 at the T ry on F estival T heatre at 7: 3 0pm. B atter y — A M etal l ica T r ib u te B and P ay tribute to a tribute band. Battery wil l perform M etal l ica cover’s al l night at C hief’s in C hampaign. T he music begins at 10pm.
Left to Right: Company dancers Erica Johnson, Claire Liu, Simone Ballard await their entrance for the Waltz of the Flowers. Photo by Kevin McGuire
thursday 29 S p ital fi el d’ s F ar ew el l T ou r S ay goodby e to native C hicago band, S pital fi el d, on their farewel l tour at the C anopy C l ub in Urbana. D oors open at 8 pm, tickets are $ 12 in advance.
saturday 01
sunday 02
H ol iday M ar k et G et in the hol iday spirit at the H ol iday M arket in L incol n S q uare V il l age. S hop for arts, crafts, produce and baked goods al l made within Il l inois’ borders. T he market opens at 9am.
T h e B al cony S pice up y our S unday evening with this thril l ing story about l ife inside a brothel during a viol ent revol ution. The Balcony wil l begin at 8 pm at S tation T heatre. P rice of entry is $ 12.
tuesday 04
monday 03
wednesday 05
B ol tini B ingo & Lou nge V ar iety S h ow M ake y our T uesday a l ittl e unconventional with bingo and a variety show accompanied by great food and drink special s at Bol tini L ounge in downtown C hampaign. T he evening kicks off at 6 : 4 5pm.
O p en M ic N igh t J oin M ike Ingram and Brandon T . W ashington at the C owboy M onkey in downtown C hampaign as they host an open mic night. C ome to pl ay or watch. T he event begins at 10pm.
D onnie H eitl er T he G reat Impasta is serving up a side of music with their Ital ian cuisine. D onnie H eitl er pl ay s sol o piano every W ednesday beginning at 6 pm.
U I U C S S D P B enefi t J oin l ocal bands and the S tudents for a S ensibl e D rug P ol icy at this benefi t show at the C owboy M onkey . T he event starts at 9pm with a $ 5 entry fee.
. t h e21
7 . c om
N O V 29 – D E C 05 07
food &
Las Vegas on a P late M
y D ining J ou rnal
N oon S unday, N ov . 1 8 , 2 0 0 7
in City ... the City of Lights ... Las Vegas — where should I even begin? Over Thanksgiving break, my parents indulged me with a belated birthday gift and took me to Las Vegas to partake in the usual debauchery, gambling and of course, cuisine. Over the four-day mini-vacation, I certainly had my share of all three but was particularly interested in checking out the food scene. So if you’ re interested in visiting the big LV or j ust particularly like to read about food, check out my Las Vegas cuisine j ournal. 1 0 a. m. S aturday, N ov . 1 7 , 2 0
N O V 29 – D E C 05 07
A fter spending our previous afternoon and evening shopping and gambl ing at our hotel , C aesar’s P al ace, we ventured bey ond the S trip and stumbl ed over to the H ard R ock C afé , H otel and C asino. A mid the rock and rol l artifacts, sl ot machines and H ard R ock S hop, there stood a diner cal l ed M r. L ucky ’s 24 / 7. W e decided to check it out instead of the other restaurant off the casino cal l ed the P ink T aco as it offended my mother. T his was one of those hipped-out j oints where al l the bl ack-l eather-cl ad, tattooed rockers dine. I again wasted no time and ordered a spiked l emonade, which was strawberry puré e, S tol i S trawberi vodka and l emon j uice. It was $ 9 and a huge bummer. I’m not sure if the waiter didn’t think I was 21 or he j ust forgot to add the l iq uor, but this beverage did not satisfy my hankering, which is a big no-no in V egas if y ou ask me. F or my entré e, I ordered the BL T avocado sal ad for $ 12.25, which got an A in my book. It was a huge hel ping of iceberg l ettuce, generous sl ices of tomato and avocado and about 10 strips of bacon. It was pure goodness, but the portion was so big that I onl y fi nished about hal f of it, and since there was no refrigerator in our room, I coul dn’t take it to go. T hat was a bummer for a coupl e of reasons: O ne, I hate to waste food. T wo, that’s pretty ex pensive for a sal ad, so I fel t as though they shoul d cut down on the portion to cut down on the cost, but al as, it is V egas. H owever, after eating at M r. L ucky ’s, I got a l ittl e l ucky my sel f and won $ 50 on the penny sl ots!
A fter a particul arl y easy fl ight out of Indianapol is, my famil y , boy friend and I wasted no time in j umping right into the aby ss that is L as V egas. W e got our rental car, and since my parents had been there a time or two before, they gave us a mini-tour of the city . W e ended up downtown, which my father describes as the “ seedier side of S in C ity .” A ccording to him, if y ou end up going to the ol d downtown, it is best to do so earl y morning on the weekend as there is l ess riffraff around. W e headed over to the G ol den N ugget and got a tabl e at the C arson S treet C afé . Unfortunatel y , the service was a bit sl ow, but when our waiter decided to pop on over, I promptl y ordered a mimosa ( champagne and orange j uice) . A fter al l , there’s no point in wasting any time, so I got straight to the point and started my day with a l ittl e bubbl y . T he del icious champagne fl ute of mimosa cost a whopping $ 5.50, but that didn’t deter me from ordering another with my meal , which was a spinach frittata — an open-faced omel et made with egg whites onl y . It was topped with spinach, mushrooms, tomatoes and cheese. It was a bit bl and, especial l y for $ 9.99, so I added an ampl e amount of sal t and pepper. O veral l , the service was poor, and I fel t that the prices were too high. I real l y hoped that our first dining ex perience in V egas didn’t foreshadow the ones to come.
S tory and photos by J ennifer F erguson
7 p . m. S unday, N ov . 1 8 , 2 0 0 7
Top: A v ocado Salad at Luck y’ s. Bottom: M imosa at 1 0 a.m.
It was barel y dark, and I was tipsy , but I had to stay awake for a 10 p.m. C irq ue du S ol eil show. W hat to do? F il l y oursel f with pasta, and hope for the best. S o I did. W e chose an Ital ian restaurant in our own | hotel cal l ed R ao’s. W e didn’t make a reservation but were stil l abl e to snag a seat outside on the patio, which proved to be chil l ier than ex pected, even in the desert. A s we sat down, the waiter brought out the usual bread to dip into parmesan cheese and ol ive oil . W e al so ordered a bottl e of C hardonnay , which was actual l y the cheapest on the menu at $ 4 2. F or the entré e, I ordered a simpl e dish of rigatoni al l a marinara. It turned out to be too simpl e, especial l y for $ 23 . It was fi l l ing but rather bl and. I think I coul d have pul l ed off something way more savory .
come and get it
buzz f ood & dr ink
1 1 a. m. Mo
nday, N ov . 1 9 , 2 07
It was M onday , and after promptl y l osing the $50 I won the day before, the parentals and we decided to go on a l ittl e southwestern j ourney to the H oover D am. F inding the right interstates to get there was a sure treat but not as much as stopping for brunch at Bob’s R estaurant and Bar in Bould er C ity , N ev., which cl aimed to have “ T he Best F ood by a D am S ite!” T his town was pure southwest — a l ittl e dusty , a l ittl e isol ated and super friendly li ke a step back in time to old R oute 6. T he restaurant had a strange mix ture of cuisine — some Itali an, some southwest and some good ol ’ A merican diner eats. I perused the menu, scanning the choices of the Big D am P l atter, the Buil d Y our O wn D am O mel et, the D am Buster and the H oover D am H am. A fraid that the portions woul d again be too big, I opted for the traditional biscuits and gravy with a side of hash browns. T his traditionally M idwest plat ter had a southwestern fl air to it. A ccompanied with red peppers and chorizo, the meal had j ust enough bite. It was del icious and j ust what I needed before our long trip to the D am.
4 : 3 0 p . m. M
R i g h t: G len at the Boulder D am Brewing Co. L e f t: V at of Black Canyon Stout. Bottom: R ao’ s I talian R estaurant in Caesar’ s P alace
onday, N ov . 1 9 , 2 0 0 7
“ I p e r u s e d th c h oi c e s o f t h e uilB d Y o u r O w n Bust e r a nd th
O n our way back to V egas, we took a pit stop back in Boul der C ity to the new downtown where we encountered the Boul der D am Brewing C o. S ince my boy friend is an avid beer fan/ brew master, we had to stop. Upon entering the q uaint, stucco establ ishment, eight giant vats of beer that were brewed on-site awaited us. T his spanned from amber al e, pil sner, seasonal pumpkin al e, a stout and even an India P al e A l e. I chose the Bl ack C any on S tout. It was del icious, so I had about three. O n my third stout, I had the beer maid put a touch of the seasonal beer, the S mashing P umpkin A l e, on top of the stout. T his was the best decision I made al l day . T he combo had a sl ight pumpkin spice mel l owed out by the mal ty stout. I highl y suggest, if y ou ever happen to be in Boul der C ity , to stop by this brewery for a post-D am pick-me-up.
e m e nu , s B ig D a m D a m O m e H ov e r
c a ni P la tt e le t, Da m
th e r , th th e D H a m
e e a m .”
So there y ou have it — my dining ex perience in the C ity of L ights. S ome was good, and some was bad, but overal l , it was pretty ex pensive. If y ou do happen to wander out there, be sure to take ex tra cash not onl y for the sl ots, bl ackj ack and roul ette but so y ou can avoid the several M cD onal d’s that li ned the St rip.
Start your day with a It!s Burger!licious
Breakfast Salte" a
new at Andes Salte" as
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Try our Kobe burgers! W Church St N Neil St
W Park Ave
N Randolph St
A b ov e : Bob ’ s R estaurant and Bar in Boulder City, N ev ada
COME WATCH THE BIG 10! . t h e21
7 . c om
Hours: Mon-Sun: 7-11am
508 E. Green St.
217.344.4000 N O V 29 – D E C 05 07
B uy ing y o ur w a y into p eo p l e’ s h ea rts g i f t l i s t f rom local stores A
by E vangel ine P ol itis, Illustrations by Catherine Lamy
ith H anukkah beginning W ednesday and C hristmas j ust a few weeks away , it is a perfect time to start y ou hol iday shopping. Instead of surfi ng the W eb for presents or heading out to M arketplac e M al l , l ook into these l ocal stores to check off y our gift li st.
G old Clutch, $ 3 2 : G ourme t F oods G if t B askets:
Is y ou best friend or girl friend into vintage sty l es? T hen this is the gift for her. T his ’50s-sty l e bag from P itay a ( 6 25 E . G reen S t., 3 6 5-6 6 6 6 ) is great for hol iday s, and it’s an easy way to spice up any outfi t. It is detail ed with a top cl asp and pl eats al ong the side.
T here’s usual l y one cl ass where y ou’re on the fence between a good and a bad grade. A gift basket of gourmet foods for y our professor from A r t M ar t ( 127 L incol n S q uare, 3 4 4 7979) wil l get y ou the grade y ou want. R emember: A combination of del icious things wil l get y ou anywh ere in l ife.
Sno t Sp $9 . 9 9 :
ot G lov e,
Y ou have that one friend who l ives a mil e off campus and refuses to take the bus. Instead, he or she insists on riding their bike through rain, sl eet and snow. But a resul t of this stubbornness is a l eaky shnoz as the freezing wind bl ows in his or her face. C h amp aign S u r p l u s ( 3 03 S . N eil S t., 3 56 -4 703 ) provides a sol ution for this probl em with the gl ove cal l ed “ S not S pot.” It covers j ust the wrist and the thumb or forefi nger, and its soft fl eece material is a great pl ace to get rid of al l those pesky boogers.
B eaded J ew elry, $1 0 - $1 5 0 :
Knit ted Ha ts, S carv es and G lov es, 2$ 0- $30 : E very one has that one friend or famil y member for whom it’s impossibl e to find a gift. If they l ive any where where the temperature drops bel ow 3 2 degrees, they can al way s use a hat, a scarf and gl oves to keep warm. S tr aw b er r y F iel ds ( 3 06 W . S pringfiel d A ve., 3 28 -16 55) sel l s al paca, hand-knitted goods. T hese accessories are made by A ndesgifts with the guarantee that they are not made in sweatshops or with chil d l abor.
Sce nted Candles, $1 9 . 9 5 : St ill haven’t bought Mom her present? Cand les are the solut ion. J ennif er Nor th (116 N . W aln ut St ., 355-6 4 00) sells 90-hour-burn Sk eem candl es. T hey come in scents li ke clo ver-pomegranate and blood orange and are encased in intricately etched glas s containers. N O V 29 – D E C 05 07
Uh-O h. T hat girl who y ou know but aren’t real l y friends with got y ou a gift. A nd y ou didn’t get her any thing. T en T h ou s and V il l ages ( 105 N . W al nut S t., 3 528 200) comes to the rescue with a wide sel ection of international j ewel ry . T hey carry neckl aces, bracel ets and earrings made out of brightl y col ored beads and shimmery gemstones.
Murv al T rav el Case, $2
Y our friend who is al way s travel ing is coming in for the hol iday s. Su rprise! T he M urval P aris trio travel cases at B el l a H ome ( 110 W . M ain St ., 3 6 7-2222) are the perfect fi t for him or her. T his cute, red patent l eather three-piece set comes with a l arger shoebox -sized case with a mirror inside. T he two other cases that fi t inside are perfect for carry ing makeup or j ewel ry .
come and get it
MH O ND O R O F rom A
T o Z imb ab w e
by K eith H ol l enkamp P hotos used with permission from www.mhondoro.net
nspiration for starting a band can come from any where. It coul d be a group of friends tryi ng to mimic their favorite band or try ing to create something compl etel y new. It coul d simpl y be a person’s preferred method of personal ex pression. W hatever the reason, the common denominator shoul d al way s be a lo ve for the typ e of music being pl ay ed, and the willi ngness to share that music. Cham paign’s Mhon doro was created with that very idea in mind. M any of the songs that the band pl ay s are traditional Z imbabwean songs that have been adapted to instruments such as the guitar.
T he product is ex tremel y vibrant music that is accompanied by l y rics that describe the Z imbabwean l ifesty l e. “ It is ex tremel y danceabl e, happy -sounding music, but most of the l y rics are about how hard li fe is there, ” drummer G ordon K ay said. W hen try ing to categorize M hondoro into a specifi c genre, the easiest way woul d be to cal l them a cover band with a uniq ue source of inspiration M hondoro cover songs made popul ar in the A frican country of Z imbabwe. A ty pe of music usual l y identifi ed with the mbira, a musical instrument composed of a wooden board with metal key s attached to it.
T he band, comprised of members who are either from Z imbabwe, have visited there or j ust l ove the music, have been general l y wel l received for what they do. T his hasn’t stopped some peopl e from wondering why a group of mostl y A mericans decided to create a band devoted to pl ay ing onl y A frican music. W hil e performing at an A frican L anguage C onference outside of the Il l ini Union, a presumabl y intox icated man q uestioned the band as to why they were pl ay ing music that didn’t seem to fi t their outward appearance. T heir answer was simpl e: “ because we l ove it.” C over songs may not be al l the band wil l pl ay ,
Q u i c kie W
though; original songs of Z imbabwe nature may be in their future. “ W e may try and write a few songs, hy bridize what we are as A merican musicians and mix sty l es, ” K ay said. “ W e j ust wanted to start off true to the genre instead of butchering it; we wanted to be a good representation of the music we l ove.” A nd in case y ou were wondering, Z imbabwean music provides the backing to an ex tremel y energetic l ive show that any body who enj oy s dancing, or even j ust good music, shoul d l ook in to. Don’ t miss Mhondoro and Beat Kitchen at Cowboy Monkey this Friday, N ov. 30 at 10pm. Tickets are $ 5.
it h. . . T al l T al e
by E mil y C arl son
The story behind Tall Tale doesn’ t go back much further than Q uad Day when Tracey Morrison and Tricia Scully — formerly known as Tracey and Tricia — set up a booth and recruited David, Justin, and Jeff to complete their sound. Together, the fi ve musicians have been able to play live what Tracy and Tricia had recorded over the summer. The group will be performing at Canopy Club this Saturday, Dec. 1 with U nwed Sailor, Oceans, This Will Destroy You and Books Died On, but check out a chat with the girls right here, right now: buzz: Is th er e any connection b etw een y ou r name and any of y ou r s ongs or l y r ics ? T r acey M or r is on and T r icia S cu l l y of T al l T al e: N ope. W e were al ready known as T racey and T ricia and our e-mail address is t&t@ inbox .com so we thought we shoul d go with two T’ s. A nd we’re al l about tel l ing l ies ... I mean tal es. buzz: You ’ r e mu s ic s eems to b l u r th e l ine b etw een cou ntr y and p op . Wh y did y ou ch os e to tak e th at r ou te? . t h e21
7 . c om
T M & T S : W e don’t real l y think about fi tting our sound into a genre whenever we write — our sound evol ved into what it did when we got into the studio. buzz: Wh at k ind of mu s ic did y ou gr ow u p l is tening to? T M & T S : R affi and kid songs have al way s been a maj or infl uence [ from chil dhood] . Ou r fi rst concert together was C ol dpl ay , and our fi rst cover together was by S tray l ight R un. T hose are defi nitel y mil estones. buzz: You s ay y ou s ou nd l ik e “ b ig cof f ee s h op s . ” Wh at ex actl y does th at entail ? T M & T S : W hen we fi rst started pl ay ing in publ ic, we seemed to circul ate through al l the l ocal coffee shops and Ital ian restaurants around our hometown. buzz: Wh at one th ing do y ou th ink is going to b r ing CU f ol k s to y ou r s h ow ? T M & T S : O ur ridicul ousl y good l ooks. I mean, have y ou seen J eff’s beard? N O V 29 – D E C 05 07
mus ic buzz
u sicians F rom M
h a td o y o u l o v e m o s t a b o ut W
by T ommy T rafton H ave y ou ever checked out a new al bum so whacked-out and abstract that y ou cl aim that the C D is in and of itsel f a fl y ing saucer sent to y ou by s pace worms and/ or G od? H ere’s a l ook at a handful of bands with ideas and musicianship so out-of-this-world that they j ust can’t be human:
surv ey
L up e F ia s c o ?
of man that many instruments were l ost during the recordings due to spontaneous combustion. D espite the distractions of l ush sounds and unfamil iarity , Battl es demonstrates impeccabl e musicianship throughout the al bum.
“ H is strict dietary habits that actual l y keep hospital ity budgets within their goal .” — Matt Fender “ L upe is pretty damn sex y , and sex y is back.” — Roz Walters “ T he fact that he’s ‘ got me.’” —
S i gu
t t le s ’ M irrored T he breakout debut al bum from this N ew Y ork q uartet rel ies heavil y on industrial sound col l ages, mind-boggl ing pol y rhy thm, and a perfected bl end of humanity and artifi cial ity that makes R adiohead’s Kid A seem ... natural . T hey have managed to capture sounds so strange and el usive to the ear
H e la
’ s T here’ s N o 6 6 6 In O uter Space
T his j azz infl uenced, metal prog-rock group demands y our undivided attention in their attempt to bl end ecl ectic improvisation with careful l y composed chaos. W hil e the form and structure of j ust about every song proves undecipherabl e to any sane l istener, the band makes up for it with rhyt hmic acuity and seismic intricacy .
r R o s ’ H v arf/H eim
S til l abiding by their own made-up l anguage commonl y known as H opel andic, S igur R os’ new rel ease comes with no surprises. W ith his pompousl y orchestrated, j ibberish songs, singer J onsi’s makes up for his meaningl ess l y rics with the universal l y understood sound of beauty and el egance. T he band’s use of al ienation as a musical device, however, tempts me to wonder how l ess cool they woul d be if they sung in E ngl ish.
Steve Plock
“ T hat I saw 3 0 seconds of A my W inehouse’s performance at L ol l apal ooza, knew I made a crazy terribl e decision and ran across G rant P ark to catch the rest of L upe’s set.” — Carlye Wisel “ I think it’s the ‘ kick’ ... then again may be it’s the ‘ push’ ... nahh, defi nitel y the ‘ coast.’” — Josh Fisher “ H is sick performance with P atrick S tump of F O B.” — Liz Hutnik “ H onestl y ? It’s the fact that the fi rst time I saw my cousins and brother together in the same room in a y ear was at a L upe F iasco concert this summer.” — Charlie Johnson “ Besides his boy ish charm, I l ove that he’s pretentious enough to name an al bum The Cool.” — Erin Gillman “ A s my 16 -y ear-ol d brother stated so el oq uentl y , ‘H e’s not no gangsta.’ I can’t state it much better than that.” — Amanda Shively
T h e B a d P lu s ’ P rog T his prog-infl uenced trio continues to tear apart al l preconceived notions of the j azz genre through its covers of overpl ay ed pop songs. A s they turn T ears for F ears and D avid Bowie hits upside down, Prog achieves at making virtuosity accessibl e.
“ W hat I l ove most about L upe F iasco is his use of onomatopoeia: ‘ coast ... ’” — T rendy Rende What do you love most about Lupe? Let us know at The217.com, and make sure to catch Lupe Fiasco LIVE this Sunday, Dec. 2 at Foellinger Auditorium!
Topless Female Dancers 18 to enter Mon Thur 8pm 1am Fri Sat 8pm 2am $5 Cover (Always Hiring, We’ll Train)
Silver Bullet Bar
1401 E. Washington Urbana 217.344.0937
www.silverbulletbar.net N O V 29 – D E C 05 07
come and get it
buzz mu s ic 9
by B r i a n M c G o v e r n
I s A l G reen R igh t F or Y ou ? A l G reen makes real l y good study ing music. I don’t know if it’s because it’s rel ax ing or if it makes me enj oy study ing in a deep, sensual l evel . E ither way , A l G reen hel ped me power through a monumental 10 page consumerism paper on a handful of books I may or may not have read. Ei ther way , Al G reen made me happier, more confi dent and noticeabl y more soul ful. Ov er break, my high school friends commented on my compl ex ion. W hat makes it so clear and healt hy ? W ell, Al G reen, of course. F r iend 1: But wait, I’ve heard that’s j ust a bunch commercial hoopl a from the pharmaceutical companies try ing to sel l us something we don’t need. B r ian: W el l , y ou’ve heard wrong. M ay be if y ou turned down y our lef t wing, sociali st-lo ving N ational P ubl ic R adio for two seconds y ou woul d hear that milli ons of Am ericans use and need Al
G reen on a dail y basis. F r iend 2: But Brian, how do y ou know if A l G reen is right for y ou? B r ian: T rue, A l G reen isn’t right for every one. It’s important to tal k to y our doctor and/ or y our J ohn C usak in H igh F idel ity -ty pe friend before y ou try A l G reen. W omen who don’t want to become pregnant, any one with a history of heart conditions, or guy s with barbed wire tattoos should n’t use A l G reen. F r iend 1: T hat sounds l ike there’s dangerous side effects. B r ian: Y ou’re j ust a big downer number one. S ide effects incl ude smoothness, irresistibl e grooving and the uncontrol l abl e urge to speak in fal setto. F r iend 2: C an A l G reen become addictive? H ave ex cessive users devel oped a dependency to A l G reen? B r ian: W hat are y ou tal king about? E x cessive users? Y ou can’t get too much A l G reen. I get j ust as much as I need to get me through the day . I’m not dependent.
F r iend 1: W hy are y ou scratching y our sel f l ike that? F r iend 2: Brian, y our hair is fal l ing out; I don’t think A l G reen is — B r ian: D on’t y ou bad mouth him man, A l G reen’s al l I have. T hese darn bugs. I scratch because of the bugs; these funky , dancing bugs. F r iend 1: Oh my G od, he l ooks l ike E mil y R ose. F r iend 2: T his is j ust l ike when L iz started abusing J ames Bl unt. T he highs are as big and high as their voices, but the l ows go bel ow even G reen’s or Bl unt’s register. T he makers of A l G reen urge its customers to use sparingl y and onl y when necessary . A l G reen is so smooth and so sex y y ou may think y ou’l l never need any thing el se again. M ake G reen a smal l part of a wel l bal anced, nutritional musical meal . N ever mix M r. G reen with musical soundtracks ( Hairspray, Rent, etc.) , because the potency of A l G reen wil l be nul l ifi ed. A sk y our doctor about A l G reen today .
'"3&8&-5063 K=H< GD97=5@ ;I9GHG.
Want to share in Brianâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; s obsession with Al Green? E-mail him at brianmcgo@gmail.com.
R E V I E W by M i k e I n g r a m TBUVSEBZ EFD
G ood new s f or Cowboy Monkey?
T he rumors are stil l running rampant about what wil l happen to C owboy M onkey once 2008 rears its head. W il l the stage be ripped out? W il l that space j ust become another of the fl eet of downtown restaurants? W il l that damn horse be the fi rst thing to go? O ne thingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s for sure: every one has an opinion about it. S ome peopl e are so outraged about the l oss of the music space that theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;v e sworn off the bar entirely . Sad ly , this is a double-ed ged sword. D oes it send a message in the right way ? Or does it simply make it look li ke the whol e â&#x20AC;&#x153; no more musicâ&#x20AC;? thing is a good idea? I mean, if no one is even coming to shows ... S o, hereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s the deal . It seems that the stage is safe, and that even amidst the new restaurant revamp, that music wil l stil l carry on at C owboy M onkey , though l ikel y a l ittl e l ess often. H ow can y ou ensure this ( or an even better resul t) ? K eep those email s fl owing to the owners ( an email to info@ cowboy -monkey .com can be forwarded al ong very easil y ) . A nd actual l y attend shows. In show action this week, the C ourty ard C afĂŠ ( l ocated for y our convenience in the Il l ini Union) is making a pl ay for some l isteners tonight by hosting C u r b S er v ice ( L arry G ates, em-effers) , an act with a new ful l -l ength C D out and an awesome video for â&#x20AC;&#x153; C hurch S treetâ&#x20AC;? up on Y ouT ube. G ates l oops guitar, drum machine and turntabl e scratches on original s and tasty covers ( l ike the L iving Bl ueâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s â&#x20AC;&#x153; M urderous . t h e21
7 . c om
Y outhâ&#x20AC;? ) . T he night wil l be rounded out by B el ik os , J igG s aw , and R ob ots C ou nter f eiting M oney . N o word on a cover charge, but show up and hope for free! 9 p.m. H eading to downtown C hampaign, y ou can catch an earl y ( 8 p.m.) show at A roma C afĂŠ , where the free, weekl y A coustic at A roma series wil l be taken over by el sinore l ead singer R y an G r of f and W andering So ns member M il es N iel s en. T hatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s right, peeps, two artists for the price of none. Am azing. T he W andering So ns have had a great fal l and have some big news on the horizon, which they â&#x20AC;&#x2122;l l hopeful l y be back soon to pass on. Until then, y ou can see M il es, and catch ( guitarist) D an and (k ey tickl er) N oah H arris pl ay ing al ongside Cam eron M cG il l and others. T he G roff/ N iel sen duo wil l pl ay a second show in the area on F riday , when they travel to the l ovel y l and of F airmount, Il l inois, to pl ay at S l eepy C reek V iney ard. T he viney ard is another great pl ace simil ar to C hampaignâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s own A l to V iney ards. C heck out sl eepy creekviney ards.com for more info about the space, which has begun to host music events ( incl uding national acts l ike S teve P ol tz) . Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a q uick drive east on I-74 ( before D anvil l e, even) . T hursday night wil l al so be the date for a benefi t for S tudents F or A S ensibl e D rug P ol icy , which wil l be hel d at C owboy M onkey . T he date has been booked for a month, but as of press time no bands have been announced. T hereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a j oke about stoners in there somewhere. 9 p.m., $ 5 and a pray er. F riday night, whil e G r oov atr on is at the C anopy C l ub, a G roovaT H O N wil l be going down at C owboy M onkey according to B eat Kitch en
drummer G ordon K ay . H is band wil l come out of a dormant period and get back to making peopl e shake their asses. L ead singer Brandon T . W ashington brings the heat on covers and original s al ike. O pening the show ( at 10 p.m. sharp) wil l be the areaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s onl y Z imbabwean band, M h ondor o, bringing the beatz. T hatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s right, with a z. $ 5 gets y ou in the door. A few drinks wil l get y ou on the dance ... surface. R hy ming is for suckas. A hel l uva show is sl ated for S aturday at the C anopy C l ub, as U nw ed S ail or headl ines a bil l al so featuring O ceans , T h is Wil l D es tr oy You , B ook s D ied O n, and my favorite new l ocal act, T al l T al e. 9 p.m., $ 8 . C heck out canopy cl ub.com for l inks to al l of the band websites and for info about more upcoming shows. D owntown Urbana has become the pl ace to be on T uesday nights in D ecember, as C or n D es er t R amb l er s continue their weekl y residency at the R ose Bowl ( 9 p.m., no cover) . T he R ambl ers pl ay straight up country music. L ess than a bl ock away at the O ffi ce, the S u r r eal D eal have moved to a T uesday residency ( 10 p.m., no cover) . T he band features J eff K err, J esse Brown, Bil l y G al t, and J osh Q uick â&#x20AC;&#x201D; al l seasoned vets of the C U music scene â&#x20AC;&#x201D; pl ay ing sel ections from artists l ike the A l l man Brothers, S teel y D an, T om P etty and more. T wo bands fi l l ed with great musicians pl ay ing a stoneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s throw from each other. Bar-hopping is an ex cel l ent idea on T uesday s. Mike Ingram can be reached at forgottenwords@ gmail.com. Send him info about upcoming shows or e-mail ju st to chat.
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FUJY XXX KBZUW DPN N O V 29 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; D E C 05 07
10 buzz
A rch aia’ s W
by M a t t K n i c l
I tal k a l ot about the Big F our — M arvel , D C , D ark H orse and Image. But today the smal l er comic publ ishers are gaining steam in the industry . A rchaia S tudios P ress is one of these publ ishers and one day may very wel l be one of the Big F ive.
U sed with permission from A rchaia Studios P ress
H y b r id Ba s tar ds ! A ny one who has read G reek my thol ogy knows that Z eus is a randy god. H e is the father of the G reek gods not j ust because he is a good l eader, but al so because he is father to a maj ority of the pantheon. O f course his wife, H era, doesn’t l ike Z eus’ earthl y constitutional s and curses him so that for one night, he wil l coupl e with inanimate obj ects. O n this night Z eus fathers several creatures — C otton, a cl oth creature; C armine, an automobil e-l ike person; C orey , an appl e; and W al ter, “ a bel l igerent stack of bricks.” T his series is a humorous commentary on my thol ogy and, if y ou’re into that sort of thing, wil l show y ou what it l ooks l ike for a car to give birth. R ev er e “ T he W erewol ves are coming! T he W erewol ves are coming!” F or some reason, our history tex tbooks l eave this part of P aul R evere’s warning out. Revere, Revolution in Silver is an al ternate history about sil versmith R evere and his war on the British, as wel l as the creatures of the night. F ighting winged demons as wel l as werewol ves; R evere must al so deal with the darkest of monsters — his fel l ow man. C ol l ected in hardcover, Revere offers a fresh take on the R evol ution and werewol ves, but might not capture readers in its brevity . L uckil y , Revere: Salem’ s Plot will continue where this series l eaves off.
M ou s e Gu ar d: F al l 1152 I think we can al l agree that mouse fi ction is a bit cl iché . W e have Redwall and the Rats of N ihm that even take on the T ol kien fantasy aspects. S o do we need y et another series about tal king mice? N o. D o we need Mouse Guard? A bsol utel y . Mouse Guard is a series about the M ouse G uard, a group of mice that pol ice the pathway s between settl ements, protecting the kingdom from vicious animal s l ike snakes and hermit crabs, as wel l as from the darker el ements of mouse society . In S eptember, I spoke highl y of Image’s Mice Templar, a simil ar series about mice in an ancient time. W hil e I stil l l ike Templar, Mouse Guard is superior in art. S eries writer D avid P etersen masterful l y draws the bright col ored panel s of action and captures the vicious as wel l as del icate in his characters. M is er icor dia T his is a story about the future, about a human girl trapped in a city of robots. T ol d, as far as the first issue, without onl y a few words, Misericordia is a series in which images carry the burden of story tel l ing. A n 11-issue series, the my stery of how humans and robots became enemies, trading drugs for information in some sort of tentative al l iance, is a compel l ing one. A nd though I am a l ittl e l ost at the moment, I am sure the pl ot wil l soon begin to unfol d. But, due
to its unconventional ity , I woul d recommend this series to the more art-incl ined. Matt can be reached at buzz.comics@gmail.com
C h eck ou t mor e at b l ogs . th e217. com/ cap es .
U sed with permission from A rchaia Studios P ress
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N O V 29 – D E C 05 07
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come and get it
buzz 11
W E L L by K i m
R ic e &
R o s s W
a n t la n d
S ex y no is es turn m
e o n a nd o n . . .
W e don’t have any proof, but sex and music must have a l ong-standing rel ationship. M usic and sex both have a rhy thm, energy and meaning. F rom mix ed tapes to the tunes on y our iP od S huffl e, music has been given to others to ex press l ove, crushes, desire or to turn peopl e on. D oin’ It W el l wanted to investigate these sex y noises further.
L isten U p M usic can set the tone, communicate or ex press feel ings to y our partner that may be hard for y ou to say . It can increase energy and ex citement, drown out background noises ( l ike the washing machine) , or hel p cover the sounds of l ovemaking if y ou’re in the dorms, an apartment or have chil dren. M usic can hit us at our core and bring to the surface deep feel ings of l ove, j oy , arousal and raw sex ual energy . S ometimes music hol ds associations for us to other things, li ke a certain person, a time in our l ife or a specifi c sex ual encounter. S oundtracks carry a whol e host of connotations! A n ex cel l ent ex ampl e is the soundtrack to Brokeback Mountain. W hil e the songs aren’t necessaril y romantic, the heartwrenching scenes from the movie, the deep l ove, sadness and l onging portray ed and the themes of forbidden l ove and sex can fi l l us with deep passion and turn us on. A ccording to D on C ampbel l , author of The Mozart Effect, music can slo w down brain waves, change respiration, heartbeat, pul se rate and blood pressure, reduce muscle tension, increase endorphin l evel s, enhance endurance, regul ate stress hormones, generate a sense of safety and well-bei ng and enhance romance and sex uali ty . A l l of these are positive conditions that al l ow people to respond sex ually .
S tereo T ested, R eader Ap p rov ed D oin’ It W el l asked readers to identify their favorite sex songs. Bel ow are posts made to our bl og ( www.doinitwel l .bl og.com) . R eader comments are in parenthesis. T hanks to al l our readers who posted! W e hope the follo wing l ist might hel p y ou create y our own mix ed tape/ shuffl e and enhance y our sex li fe. “ F eeli n’ L ove” by P aula C ol e. ( Y um.) “ D rive” by Meli ssa F errick “ R ock the Boat” by A ali y ah “ One in a Mi li on” by Aali y ah “ Brown Sugar” by D ’Ang elo (D ouble Y um.) “ P ony” by G inuwine “ M K L V F K W R ” by P ubl ic E nemy and M oby . ( It is something y ou can both dance and revol t to.) “ D o W hat Y ou D o” by Chuc k R agan “ I’m a Man” by F ifteen J ane’s A ddiction’s cover of “ S y mpathy for the D evil. ” (W O W O! W O W O! ) w
. t h e21
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I llustration b y Linus G og
“ G oodtime M usic” from T he Brady Bunch season 5, episode 98 ( I can’t ex pl ain ex actl y why the song stokes the fi res within ... aside from memories of the bul ge G reg’s weenie made in the costume.) “ C lo ser in D a C l ub” — “ In D a C l ub” by 50 C ent and “ C los er” by N ine Inch N ail s mash-up ( it’s a guilt y ple asure) M ost of P rince’s earl y stuff ( especial l y “ D arl ing N ikki” !) “ So Anx ious” by G inuwine “ P ossession” by S arah M cL aughl an “ Into the M y stic” by V an M orrison. ( A h ... col leg e y ears....) Sad e and J ohn L egend “ J ustify M y L ove” by M adonna. ( G ets me hot j ust thinking about it! I don’t know about the l y rics, but her voice and the music is so f$ * &ing hot!) P retty much any thing by J eff Buckl ey ( T hough his songs were mostl y about heartache and sadness, it’s the raw passion in his voice that is unbeli evabl y hot.) ( A nd to me, the Massive Attack al bum, Mez zanine, is pure sex .)
“ K iss Y ou A l l O ver” by E x il e ( Y ears ago, when I worked at R ed L obster, some customers compl ained when that song came over the M uzak. Se x y A N D controversial — y ummy !) “ R ead Y our M ind” by A vant
L istening T ip s C ompil ation C D s may hel p y ou create the soundtrack that’s perfect. S ome may want to start out with sl ow romantic ( possibl y R &B) music and move into more el ectronica once the energy of the sex ual scene picks up and becomes more erotic. P ay attention to what both y ou and y our partner l ike and y ou may j ust discover the secret ingredient needed to spice up y our sex l ife. P ick the tunes according to the ty pe of sex y ou are going to have. D eath metal may not be appropriate for a sl owed-down romantic evening, but hey , who are we to j udge?
T he S ounds of S ex If it’s the sounds of sex y ou want to hear, y ou might be interested in a C D featuring peopl e
making orgasmic sounds. C heck out http: / / www. tritriadproductions.com/ index .html for C D s with titl es l ike “ L ive Or gasms in C oncert.” But heck, if y ou’re going to pay for a recording, why not cut y our own al bum? S tay tuned until nex t week, as D oin’ It W el l discusses the ins and outs of gay bathhouses!
S ex 41 Sol oP
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a nc
Do n ’ t f o r g e t , p a rtn e r to e n p la y w h e n y o a d iffe r e n t e x
y o u jo y u ’r e p e r
e : d s e g ie
o n ’t n e e d a x y s o n g s ; p re s s o in g a t it s o lo fo r n c e .
Kim Rice and Ross Wantland are professionals in the fi elds of human sexuality and violence prevention. E-mail them at buzzdoinitwell@yahoo.com. N O V 29 – D E C 05 07
I U B a z a a r
C ra f t S h o w W
alk in’ I n a U nion Craf ty -L and By E rin G il l man
A s a chil d I bought my mom a kitchen hand towel every C hristmas for about fi ve y ears. I gave someone very cl ose to me a s’more maker as an anniversary present. So metimes I simpl y by pass the rituals of secret santas and fl uffy sil ver bows. I’ve come to terms with the fact that I’m not a very good gift giver, and I don’t bel ieve in gift cards. W hat’s a sad l ittl e hol iday shopper to do with such a reputation? T he annual IUBazaar can hel p with that dil emma. C l ear those winter worries with a sl ew of crafty snowfl akes, snowmen, gingerbread houses and col l ectibl e winter scenes to cover every sq uare inch of the house. A house is simpl y not a house without teeny meticul ousl y crafted cottages covering every end tabl e in a wintry glo w. L ocal merchants come to sel l their goods at the IUBazaar every y ear. O ver 50 vendors will displa y their creations today from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the Il l ini Union rooms A , B & C and the S outh L ounge. T hey ’re guaranteed to have al l y our decorating necessities and more. M om al way s pretended to enj oy y our macaroni scul ptures and handprint turkey s, so why not treat her to some more mature crafts this hol iday season?
O ur F a v o rite C h ris tm a s T im e C h im e A S pecial G u est h elps b ring T h e N u tcrack er to L if e
By K eri C arpenter A t some point in our l ives, we’ve al l been mesmerized by the chiming of T chaikovsky ’s The N utcracker theme song. H ear the catchy ringing al ong with l ittl e feet pattering this weekend and nex t weekend at K rannert’s T ry on F estival T heatre. W e know the story of The N utcracker and wait anx iousl y for certain parts — the giving of the fancy gifts to the chil dren, the breaking of the nutcracker and the scene where al l the toy s maj estical l y come to l ife in the middl e of the night — but there is one surprise at tomorrow’s opening night that y ou have never seen. I’m going to ruin that surprise because even when I tel l y ou that C hancel l or R ichard H erman wil l be guest starring as M other G inger in F riday ’s opening night production, y ou’l l have to see it to bel ieve it. W ithout say ing one word, H erman and the
Fg\iXk`fe JXekX `j fe k_\ X`i
C hampaign Urbana Bal l et company dancers wil l grace the stage with ex travagant costumes, el egant dancing, and effective body l anguage to tel l us a story about the beauty of imagination. T ravel with the gifted dancers through an astounding snow forest, satisfy y our sweet tooth with a stop in the L and of S weets and be amazed by ex q uisite wal tzes throughout the performance. E ven if y ou see The N utcracker every y ear, this y ear’s ex traordinary K rannert production wil l be matchl ess. A nd if that doesn’t get y ou ex cited, go j ust to see C hancel l or H erman in a dress. Tickets are $ 39 -$ 4 0 for the public, $ 24 -$ 25 for students and $ 15-$ 16 for children 12 and under. Visit www.krannertcenter.com or call 333-6280 for more information.
let green st. be your
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come and get it
buzz ar t 13
Y o u C a n’ t S to p th e
B eat
C a d il l a c P a l a c e Ph antom of th e O pera T h ea tre M y stifi es th e S tage
H airspray comes to A ssemb ly H all T onigh t
By M organ M artin
By J eff N el son
Full Cast of the national tour of H airspray. Photo by Chris Bennion
rab y our best outfi t, hide y our hair products, and get out y our dancing shoes because tonight C hampaign is gonna party l ike it’s 196 2 — ol ’school Bal timore sty l e. T he energetic, musical -comedy Hairspray is taking over C hampaign tonight at the A ssembl y H al l S tar T heater. G et ready for some rockin’ and rol l in’ as A ssembl y H al l transforms into the new ’6 0s hot dance spot at 7: 3 0 p.m. T his award-winning musical tel l s the tal e of the big girl with an even bigger heart. W hen chubby T racy T urnbl ad wins a spot on a l ocal T V dance program, The Corny Collins Show, it catapul ts her from outsider to teen q ueen sensation overnight. S til l , many obstacl es are ahead for this once-unpopul ar girl , one of which incl udes the skinny , bl ond T V producer V el ma T ussie who is destined to stop T racy from sky rocketing to success. But are her big hair and trendsetting dance moves enough to outshine the reigning dance princess, win the affection of her crush L ink L arkin, and overcome racist Bal timore attitudes due to her bl ack friends? C ritics continue to rave about this production, The N ew York Post cal l s it “ A great big fat gorgeous hit!” and The N ew York Times say s it is “ Irresistabl e!” Hairspray is currentl y enj oy ing its fi fth recordbreaking y ear and continues to bring down the house fi l l ing theaters with j oy ous l aughter, teen romance, and l arger-than-l ife hairdo’s. T his musical phenomenon has captured audiences al l across A merica and won eight T ony A wards, incl uding Best M usical . Hairspray is based on T he N ewl ine C inema fi l m written and directed by J ohn W al ters. It al so features a book by M ark O ’D onnel and T homas M eehan. T his production was original l y directed by J ack O ’Brien and choreographed by J erry M itchel l . T his time around, M att L entz and D anny L entz have taken on the chal l enge of recreating this pul sating
. t h e21
7 . c om
production and bringing it to l ife. Hairspray is fi l l ed with heart-pumping tunes that are sure to have y our soul dancing, y our feet moving and y our body twistin’ out of y our seat. C an T racy T urnbl ad’s big heart can win over A merica without messing up her updo? C heck out Hairspray T O N IG H T to fi nd out. Tickets range from $ 32 to $ 4 5 and are on sale now at the Assembly Hall Box Offi ce, all Ticketmaster outlets including ticketmaster.com or charge by phone at 333-5000. Group discounts are available for this show. For details contact the Group Sales Offi ce at 333-540 4 . For more information, visit www.uofi assemblyhall.com or www.hairsprayontour.com.
A l l w i nne rs w i l l b e c h ose n rand oml y f rom re g i st e re d p ro! l e s at t h e 2 17. c om. I l l i ni Me d i a e mp l oy e e s are not e l i g i b l e . Y ou must b e 18 y rs. ol d t o w i n. O t h e r re st ri c t i ons may ap p l y .
By M organ M artin
T he L oop’s magnifi cent and redecorated C adil l ac P al ace T heatre is hosting another performance of A ndrew L l oy d W ebber’s The Phantom of the Opera, directed by H al P rince. T he story began on L ondon’s west end in 198 6 , the 100th anniversary of its source material , G aston L eR oux ’s novel . D espite its 3 6 member cast and incredibl y ex pensive production budget ( now about $ 6 20, 000 a week) , it has been a hit from day one. T wo y ears l ater, it captured seven T ony A wards on Broadway and it has been running to appreciative audiences in its original l ocations ( In case y ou are wondering, it is now the l ongest running Broadway musical ) for the l ast two decades. T he numerous H al P rince directed productions have grossed more than $ 3 .2 bil l ion — more than Titanic. W hy is this performance so magical ? It is a spectacl e, but cl assy spectacl e. S uperb production design by M aria Bj ornson compl iment the thril l ing l ight and effects by A ndrew Bridge and M artin L evan, but the staging by H al P rince is possibl y the real key . H is careful craftsmanship has kept this show fresh through two decades and cast repl acements — 24 4 in the N ew Y ork production al one. T he music has the magic too, but it is one mesmerizing song that we tend to remember. A ndrew L l oy d W ebber, R ichard S til goe and C harl es H art have written 22 songs for Phantom, but it is Music of the N ight that we remember most. T his ex traordinary number uses an artifi cial stage
river, a radio-control l ed boat and 550 pounds of dry ice in each performance. T his fl awl ess spectacl e is a perfect match for the one great song in the show and reveal s the tal ented voices that must be cast for the l eads. A fter hearing stars J ohn C uida and S ara J ean F ord sing that incredibl e song of seduction, y ou cannot hel p but notice that this is the one great song in the show. S o much of The Phantom of the Opera is visual that y ou tend to overl ook the mediocre and often derivative music of the rest of the score. E ven the outstanding singing of the two stars cannot del iver this score into greatness, but the music does provide a pol ished singer an opportunity to show a vocal trick or two, and they successful l y take advantage of the opportunity . O ne more visual el ement here is necessary ; these stars need a presence to match their voices. C uida and F ord have a presence that al most matches their incredibl e singing: the general l y sol id l evel of performances by the cast is a perfect fi t for this visual l y stunning show. It seems that after two decades, the magic that H al P rince has assembl ed onstage for The Phantom of the Opera can’t be ignored. The Cadillac Palace Theatre is at 151 West Randolph and The Phantom of the Opera will be with us until Jan. 5, 2008. Call, 312-9 02-140 0 or check out www.broadwayinchicago.com.
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front &
ce nter
!"#$%&'($ )!*+)$"#,# n o s a e S g in t n u H It’s Deer
From top, clock wise: Buchanan holds up his hunting b ow. Buchanan pack s up his b ow and arrows. Buchanan holds up his collection of pins that represent each deer collected on past hunting ex hib itions; hunters are g iv en these pins b y the state of I llinois.
by S tephanie P rather Photos by Tom Root
If y ou’ve wal ked down any l ocal beer aisl e recentl y y ou might have noticed that a few of the domestic beer companies are dressing their 3 0-packs of cheap booze in camoufl age j ust in time for deer hunting season.
B u c h a na n s h u nt er s a r e t h ki l d eer t o ea t o wou nd t h em h e s t r es s es a c c wh en h u nt i
W hil e the connection between beer and deer hunting is vague and possibl y dangerous, these companies are attempting to tap in to the evergrowing hunting industry . A ccording to the US C ensus Bureau, hunting is a $ 4 50 mil l ion per y ear industry in the US. D ue to its vast deer popul ation, Il l inois has gained a reputation for some of the best deer hunting in the country . T his y ear marks the 50th anniversary of the resumption of deer hunting in Il l inois. D eer hunting was banned by the state in 1901 in an effort to grow the dwindl ing deer popul ation in Il l inois, and then l egal ized in 1957. S ince then the popul ation has skyr ocketed due to high birth rates among deer. T his popul ation growth is good news for deer hunters l ike D oug Buchanan, an auto mechanic for the C ity of Urbana. A mid the homey knick-knacks
From top, clock wise: O ne of D oug Buchanan’ s stuffed deer heads is displayed on a wall of his U rb ana home. Buchanan stands in his home where many of his hunting trophies are on display. Buchanan holds up an arrow.
of Buchanan’s Urbana home hang four deer heads mounted on the wal l s of the l iving room, the l argest of which is an 11-point buck with a strong, thick, neck and gl assy ey es. Buchanan say s he has seen the deer popul ation grow dramatical l y since he began hunting 25 y ears ago, and describes the animal s as “ prol ifi c breeders.” W hen he started hunting he was happy to see even one deer on a hunting trip, but now he is disappointed if he doesn’t see one every day he goes out. In recent y ears the number of deer-rel ated car accidents has increased with the deer popul ation. A ccording to the Insurance Institute for H ighway S afety , 1.5 mil l ion deer-motor vehicl e col l isions occur
N O V 29 – D E C 05 07
u nt er s a r e ou r m a i n s ou r c e i n c ont r olli ng t h e d eer p op u la t i on” annual l y , resul ting in about 150 occupant deaths and more than $ 1 bil l ion in vehicl e damage. A ccording to C hris M cC l oud, Il l inois D epartment of N atural R esources ( ID N R ) communications manager, deer hunters are serving the publ ic by control l ing the popul ation. T he deer popul ation
come and get it
a ys er e t o t , not , a nd u r a c y ng .
in Il l inois is currentl y around 8 00, 000, where it has hovered for the past fi ve y ears, and nearl y 200, 000 deer were harvested during the 2006 2007 seasons. “ H unters are our main source in control l ing the deer popul ation, ” say s M cC l oud. In recent y ears the state has increased the number of hunting permits, and for the 2007-2008 season 3 78 , 000 shotgun deer hunting permits were issued in Il l inois. T o obtain one of these permits hunters can appl y for them onl ine at the ID N R W eb site. Buchanan say s he fi ts the description of a ty pical hunter, but that there are peopl e from al l wal ks of l ife that are hunting deer. A deer hunter is an average working guy , say s Buchanan. “ But there are guy s that work in offi ces and wear suits that do it too.” T here are four basic l egal methods of hunting deer in Il l inois: shotgun, muzzl el oader, pistol and bow. T hough shotgun hunting is by far the most popul ar, Buchanan say s he is primaril y a bow hunter. Bow hunters general l y cl imb 15-20 feet up into a tree and stand on what is known as a “ tree stand” whil e waiting for a deer. T hey take with them a bow, model ed after bows used by N ative A mericans, but with modern features that increase ease and accuracy . T hese bows, al ong with arrows and the necessary eq uipment, can cost up to $ 1, 000.
. t h e21
7 . c om
D ressed head to toe in camoufl age ( orange vests and hats are onl y req uired during shotgun season) , they general l y go out for three to fi ve hours at a time, during both the evening and earl y morning. Buchanan say s sometimes he wil l wait for l ong periods of time before seeing a deer. “ W hen y ou sit in a tree stand for three or four hours y ou do a l ot of thinking, ” say s Buchanan. “ It’s real l y peaceful .” H unters might be eq uipped with doe, or femal e deer, urine to sprinkl e around the base of the tree to attract the bucks. Buchanan say s he hasn’t been l ucky using doe urine, but instead brings al ong a pair of sy nthetic deer antl ers and a horn that makes deer noises. Buchanan say s using these tool s can hel p keep his attention. “ S ometimes it’s j ust because I’m bored and I don’t have any thing el se to do, ” he say s, l aughing. “ W hen y ou first start hunting al l y ou want to do is be abl e to kil l the deer, ” say s Buchanan. “ A s an average person, y ou don’t get to see that deer as natural l y as what I do. It’s not nearl y as important to me to kil l a deer. L ots of times … I’ve j ust sat there and watched.” Buchanan say s hunters are there to kil l deer to eat, not to wound them, and he stresses accuracy when hunting. “ T hat’s very important to me, to not wound ani-
mal s, ” he say s. “ It’s easier to make a bad shot with a bow. T hat’s why it’s important to practice.” Bow hunters aim to hit deer in either the heart or the l ungs. W hen deer are hit with an arrow they wil l often run from the scene. H unters al l ow the deer to go die and then fol l ow a bl ood trail to fi nd them. T hey gut them there in the woods to al l ow other animal s in that habitat, primaril y coy otes, to feed on their remains. Buchanan then takes the deer home and butchers it. A fter cl eaning and butchering the animal , Buchanan, his wife, and their son and daughter wil l eat the meat as part of their regul ar diet. Buchanan’s son, J ake, is al so a deer hunter. “ I enj oy doing it that way as opposed to going to the grocery store and picking out some meat at the meat counter, ” say s Buchanan. A ccording to N utritionD ata.com, deer meat, or venison, is l ow in fat and is a very good source of protein, niacin, vitamin B6 and vitamin B12. A one-
inch-thick venison steak contains onl y 8 1 cal ories and 1 gram of fat. S ince deer are found in the wil d, they don’t contain the hormones found in animal s that are raised for human consumption. Buchanan say s that on average he wil l harvest two deer per y ear. H e is continual l y thinking of new way s of eating the meat. “ It’s a richer meat, ” he say s. “ I don’t real l y taste a l ot of difference between it and beef.” H e usual l y makes j erky , meat sticks ( think S l im J im) , burgers, stew, summer sausage and countl ess other dishes from venison. T his y ear Buchanan wil l ex periment with C aj un seasonings. F or the l ast 15 y ears, Buchanan and a group of fel l ow hunters have been going to the S hawnee N ational F orest in S outhern Il l inois on a 10-day camping and hunting trip. Between hunting sessions the men l ook for better hunting spots, eat hearty meal s, and drink an occasional beer. It’s not the camo beer, though. T hey prefer Bud L ite.
N O V 29 – D E C 05 07
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Saturday December 8th, 7:30pm Sunday December 9th, 4pm McKinley Presbyterian Church 809 S. Fifth St, Champaign
K_\ @cc`e` Le`fe 9Xcciffd `j ^f`e^ kf ^\k X cfk ]lee`\i K_lij[Xp n`k_ jkXe[$lg Zfd\$ [`Xe# Alc`\ >fc[dXe% >fc[dXe `j X A\n`j_ c\jY`Xe Zfd\[`Xe ]Xdflj ]fi _\i Xgg\Xi$ XeZ\j fe K_\ 9`^ >Xp Jb\kZ_ J_fn Xe[ :fd$ \[p :\ekiXcĂ&#x2039;j C`m\ Xk >fk_Xd% N`k_ Ă&#x201D; eXcj aljk Xifle[ k_\ Zfie\i# Y\ jli\ kf ^Xk_\i pfli ]i`\e[j KXb\ k_`j fggfikle`kp kf cXl^_ Y\$ ]fi\ Zfcc\^\ ^\kj k_Xk dlZ_ _Xi[\i%
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A portion of this concertâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s proceeds will go to this yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Women Build project with Habitat for Humanity.
Suggested donation $10-$20, more if you can, less if you canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t.
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Wine tastings every Saturday from 2 to 6 p.m. This weekâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s tasting: Spain!
The Corkscrew 217.337.7704 :: 203 N. Vine Street, Urbana IL
Pasha is the only Mediterranean restaurant in Champaign-Urbana that offers authentic food and beverages from Turkey, Greece and Italy.
HOURS Monday-Thursday :: 11am-9pm Friday-Saturday :: 11am-10:30pm Sunday :: 11am-9pm Duncan
Beer tastings every Sunday from 2 to 5 p.m. This weekâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s tasting: Winter Warmers!
Gift cards available in all denominations.
Hours: Mon-Fri: 11 to 8 Sun: 12 to 5
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Windsor Rd.
2506 Village Green Place, Champaign 217.355.2200 www.pashafood.com EFM )0 Ă&#x2020; ;<: ', '.
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movie s &
Sailing Coen B roth ers’ N ew
U sed with permission from M iramax P ictures
Y o utub e
B yza n t i u m
Cou ntry f or an O ld W
P ic k by M ichael Y ohanan
H ave y ou ever tried reasoning with a pol ice offi cer? “ Is there a probl em offi cer? I coudn’t have been speeding.” M any of us rel ent to authority fi gures, especial l y highway patrol men, but one Utah man accused of speeding asks a patrol man, “ J ust how fast was I going? ” W hen the Utah man won’t sign the speeding ticket he doesn’t bel ieve he deserved, the cop shocks him with a taser. D oes this pol ice offi cer take his power too far, or is this one stupid pedestrian? Y ou decide. G o to http: / / www. y outube.com/ watch? v= IM aM Y L _ shx c or visit www.the217.com to see the video.
by R andy M a
n the wake of the fi nancial and critical success of All the Pretty Horses, P ul itzer P rize winning author C ormac M cC arthy has come under fi re. C riticisms decl are his form as stagnant while others clai m that Mc Car thy has become a parody of his former sel f. W hen N o Country for Old Men, a titl e drawn from W il l iam Butl er Y eats’ poem Sailing to Byzantium, was rel eased in 2005, it was considered a minor novel, but by then, the fi lm rights had alr eady been sold . T he plot is as follo ws: 36- y ear-old V ietnam vet L le welyn Mos s stumbles upon a drug deal gone wrong at the border region of T ex as and fi nds $2 mil l ion. T his sparks a chain of events as M oss fi nds himself hunted by a mercenary named Anton Chi gurh, who lea ves a gruesome body count in his wake. N o Country for Old Men is an interesting novel in that it maintains al l the notabl e “ M cC arthy isms” : sweeping imagery of the A merican S outh, precise descriptions of movement and action and unforgiving accounts of viol ence. M ake no mistake, N o Country for Old Men is bleak with helli sh al l usions to the end of day s. A t the same time, the novel has been considered a structural mess. D ivided into 13 parts, each section begins with a narration by S heriff E d T om Bel l , and the story weaves in and out of various pl otl ines riddl ed with an unusual number of chronol ogical and historical inaccuracies and a dramatic shift attempting for sy mbol ic signifi cance. O n the other hand, it is one of the most cinematical l y attuned novels of Mc Car thy’ s work. T he silv er screen hasn’t been kind to the C oen brothers in recent y ears. T hey have fallen under criticism, returning to the noir genre, dabbli ng in S outhern cul ture and spitting out idiosy ncratic
N O V 29 – D E C 05 07
comedies. N o Country is the fi rst adapted screenpl ay from the C oen brothers, and in retrospect, this novel seems l ike the perfect proj ect for them. Man y comparisons have been made to Fargo in that both fi l ms are set in A mericana l ocations, use “ H itchcockian” narrative form, describe surreal characters, usual l y with a homel y protagonist, and depict unspeakabl e evil and ex cessive acts of viol ence. M ore importantl y , the C oens have produced one of the most faithful and l iteral adaptations of a novel to the screen. N o Country for Old Men is basical l y the abridged version of the novel , taking out al l the fat and l eaving the atmosphere, l anguage and sy mbol ism in tact. By adapting from M cC arthy , the C oens have found a narrative structure that has been absent of l ate from their fi l ms, and with their wise editing, they have given structure to a muddl ed novel . T hey have even improved the novel by providing a sardonic wit that is absent in M cC arthy ’s somber universe. T he resul t is a fi l m that is better than its source material , a rare feat for a pair of fi rst-timers. T he C oens and M cC arthy have created a W estern that’s not about post-frontierism but about the wake of its aftermath. A fter countl ess debates about the death of the W estern and various “ foreign” W estern rel eases, N o Country brings the genre back to A merica, destroy ing preconceived notions of what a W estern shoul d be. It is fitting that the fil m takes pl ace in 198 0, detaching itsel f from ideas of the cl osing frontier and focusing on the generation that grew up without it compl etel y . Y et, throughout the fil m, there is cl earl y open l andscape every where. T he probl em is that there is too much country and no men to take it — onl y the monsters and the dead.
P ic k
Mod er n T i m es ( 1936)
It’s diffi cul t, if not impossibl e, to name an actor more international l y recognizabl e than C harl ie C hapl in. T he funny l ittl e man with big shoes, a narrow mustache and a bowl er hat stands as the foremost sy mbol for fi l m comedy — and for good reason — because his movies stil l resonate with humor and meaning today . Modern Times is not j ust 8 7 minutes of nonstop hil arity ; it shows how assembl y -l ine mass production can make machines out of the peopl e who use them. A nd don’t l et the movie’s age fool y ou; C hapl in’s infectious phy sical comedy transcends time.
come and get it
buzz mov ies & tv
T op 1 0 F antasy F il ms of the â&#x20AC;&#x2122; 8 0 s 1) Legend (1 98 5) T his is perhaps R idl ey S cottâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s most overl ooked fi l m, which is a real shame since it encapsul ates every aspect of the fantasy genre and is visual l y one of the strongest fi l ms made during this era. T om C ruise stars as our L ink-esq ue hero, highl ighted by a crazy soundtrack by T angerine D ream. T his fi l m is defi nitel y a trip. 2) Retu r n T o Oz (1 98 5) A n unforgettabl e fi l m. S ome donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t even know that there is a seque l to the clas sic The Wizard of Oz. In my opinion, this fi lm is j ust as deserving in status as its predecessor. S ure itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s dark, scary and far different from the fi rst fi lm , but thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s why itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s such a l oveabl e movie. M ombi and her heads wil l forever haunt y our dreams. 3 ) T he G oon ies (1 98 5) A t fi rst, I wasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t sure if i coul d incl ude The Goonies on a l ist of fantasy fi l ms, but after reviewing some of the fi lm â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s plot key words, I decided it would be OK . N ot only do y ou get to enj oy y our cl assic q uest scenario but y ou al so get: G roup V omit, Bl ender, H idden T reasure, C l ass D ifferences, H it in C rotch, Booby T rap, A sthma, D eformity , D ungeon, O ctopus, W ater S l ide, F ake S uicide, and Je wish! C ome on now, how can y ou resist?
4) B eetle Juic e ( 198 8 ) A l though some peopl e might argue this movie as a supernatural comedy , we do get to enj oy q uite a bit of fantastic imagery throughout. D el iaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s scul ptures coming to l ife and the sandworms of S aturn are j ust a coupl e of ex ampl es. T his is one of T im Burtonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s most iconic fi l ms. 5) Lab y r inth ( 198 6) P art musical , part puppet ex travaganza, part D avid Bowie, this movie has it al l . P receding the Ji m H enson production of Dark Crystal, Labyrinth is more grounded in real ity , which makes it much easier to appreciate. T he fi l m presents the budding starlet J ennifer C onnel l y . Beware the bog of eternal stench! 6) T he N ev er E nd ing S tor y ( 198 4) O K , so l isten to this tagl ine: â&#x20AC;&#x153; A boy who needs a friend fi nds a worl d that needs a hero in a l and bey ond imagination.â&#x20AC;? T his movie, al though a l ittl e sl ow by today â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s standards, does keep true to the heart of fantasy . P l us, the theme song is so cool . M any of us fondl y remember this movie from our chil dhood, and itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s real l y not al l that bad. C orny , however? Y es. 7) W illo w ( 198 8 ) A l though Willow doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t make a whol e l ot of sense, it gets credit for maintaining its epic vision.
S u prisingly E nch anting D isney S atire P G
a n
h en T h ird-Person S h ooters G o H olly w ood R by J eff Brandt
W ritten by S kip W oods, directed by X avier G ens and based on a hit video game series of the same name, Hitman tells the story of a chrome-domed contract kil l er who possesses a machine-l ike shot accuracy and personal ity . A gent 4 7 ( pl ay ed by T imothy O l y phant) terminates his targets with a deadpan stoneface more befi tting of a statue than a man. T hink D ata from Star Trek: The N ext Generation ex cept heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s bal d, wears a suit and tie â&#x20AC;&#x201D; instead of a blac k and y ello w j umpsuit â&#x20AC;&#x201D; and shoots with a silenc ed pistol instead of a phaser. . t h e21
7 . c om
It al so proves that a dwarf is, in fact, a l ikel y hero. T he pl ot fol l ows the capturing of a baby by the evil witch Bavmorda ( what a name) . 8 ) C las h of the T itans ( 198 1) T his fi l m marks the l ast-stop motion artistry of R ay H arry hausen ( the ol d S inbad movies) , presenting some of the best visual effect seq uences. T y ing together many assorted ancient G reek my ths, this fi l m boasts some great cheesy moments, but it is al so immensel y entertaining. T he M edusa seq uence is cl assic and al one makes this fi l m worthwhil e. 9) T he A d v en tu r es of B a r on M u n c ha u s en ( 198 8 ) T his q uirky fi l m comes from T erry G il l iam of M onty P y thon fame. S ome of his other â&#x20AC;&#x2122;8 0s fi l ms such as Time Bandits and Brazil might even be better than this fi l m, but this fi l m in particul ar has a special fantastic vision. T he seq uences set on the moon are incredibl e. 10) F l igh t of th e N av igator ( 198 6) T his famil y -friendl y fil m sits at the end of my l ist for good reason. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s more sci-fi than fantasy , and itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s kind of dorky , but what won me over was that P ee W ee H erman voiced the spaceship, M ax . Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a great movie to remember from way back when, and watching it now, it hol ds the test of time.
E nc h a nted
by H al l ie Borden In D isneyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; s newest feature, a beautiful cartoon princess named G iselle ( A my A dams) is pushed through a portal by the evil q ueen ( S usan S arandon) . S he l ands confused, al one and human in N ew Y ork C ity , a pl ace where â&#x20AC;&#x153; there are no happy endings.â&#x20AC;? A fter D r. M cD reamy ( P atrick D empsey ) fi nds her roaming around in a wedding dress bigger than the average N ew Y ork apartment, he kindl y takes her in and hel ps her fi nd
by C ol eman Bal ogh
U sed with permission from Walt D isney P ictures
her soon-to-be husband P rince E dward ( J ames M arsden) so she can return to the animated l and of And ala sia. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s mild l y shocking that this fi l m made it past D isney â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s band of crazy l awy ers and censors since
A fter receiving money from a previous hit, A gent 4 7 receives a mission to snipe R ussian P resident M ikhail Bel icoff ( Ul rich T homsen) in broad day l ight, which he accepts even though he woul d prefer to bl ast Bel icoff in private. H e does, however, refuse to murder N ika ( O l ga K ury l enko) , a hooker with a heart of gol d who his boss cl aims witnessed the crime. A spl it second of ey e contact with her confi rms that she never saw him before. S hit hits the fan when Bel icoff appears on tel evision the nex t day with a bandage on his head â&#x20AC;&#x201D; as if that woul d heal a puncture from a sniper round. D etermined to get to the bottom of this debacl e, A gent 4 7 abducts N ika and stal ks Bel icoff. W hil e fun to watch, Hitman breezes over ex pl anations and character devel opment. A s is the case with many action fl icks, the story unravel s too q uickl y to comprehend the convol uted pl ot twists. A gent 4 7â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s origins are stil l l argel y a
Enchanted is a pretty brutal satire on pretty much every thing W al t coul d get his hands on. But itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a good thing it did because, whil e not the best fi l m ever made, it is perhaps the most del ightful . A dorabl e and l augh-y our-pants-off funny the whol e way through, Enchanted doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t try to be any thing itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not and succeeds at what it is â&#x20AC;&#x201D; a charming fi l m for al l ages that l eaves y ou smil ing and wanting nothing more than to pl ay dress-up for the nex t three day s. A my A damsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; impeccabl e comic timing carries the fi l m, and it woul d have fal l en apart in the hands of a l esser actress. If y ouâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re an uber-skeptic, it may be hard to give in to Enchanted as being l oophol e-free was not this movieâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s strength. But if y ouâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re wil l ing to l et go and bel ieve in a l ittl e magic, then this oneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s defi nitel y worth y our $ 6.50 .
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my stery at the end of the fi l m. A nd why donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t peopl e stare at the barcode tattooed to the back of his shiny mel on? I canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t hel p but wonder if some cheeky grocery store cashier ever tried to scan it as a j oke, l ater being bl own to a pul p from the ignition-triggered bomb wired to his carâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s engine. N O V 29 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; D E C 05 07
22 buzz
F ree W A R I E S
ill A strology M
a r c h 2 1 - A p r il 1 9
H o w m uc h m o r e c a n y o u h o l d ? H o w m uc y o u w i l l i n g t o r e a c h ? H o w m uc h bi g g e r o f c a n y o u o p e n y o ur m i n d t o s e e ? W e w i l l s t h e a n s w e r s t o t h o s e q ue s t i o n s , a s w e l l a s s t h a t h a v e t o d o w i t h t h e t h e m e s o f un bi n d i n t i o n , a n d t h e l o s s o f i n h i bi t i o n . J ud g i n g f r o m o f t h e a s t r o l o g i c a l o m e n s , I ’d s a y t h e p r o s p f o r y o u t o a c h i e v e a r e c o r d - br e a k i n g s t a t e o c ur i o us e x p a n s i v e n e s s .
h f ur t h e r a r e a bi g p i c t ur e o o n d is c o v e r e v e ra l o th e rs g , e m a n c ip a m y r e a d in g e c t s a r e h ig h f r e la x e d a n d
A p r il 2 0 - M
O c t. 2 3 - N o v . 2 1
N o v . 2 2 - D e c . 2 1
D e c . 2 2 - J a n . 1 9
J a n . 2 0 - F e b . 1 8
a y 2 0
E x p l o r e t h e o f f - l i m i t s a r e a o f y o ur i m a g i n a t i o n , T a I ’ m t a l k i n g a bo ut t h a t ba r e l y c o n s c i o us p a r t o f p s y c h e w h e r e t a bo o f a n t a s i e s a n d un r ul y n o t i o n s be e n s t e a d i l y g r o w i n g i n t h e d a r k , a c c um ul a t i n g t h e l um i n o s i t y t h a t a l l s e c r e t t h i n g s d o . I f y o u c o n s o r t t h e m n o w , y o u’ l l be j us t i n t i m e t o p r e v e n t t h e m be c o m i n g m o n s t r o us a n d r e e l i n g o ut o f c o n t r o l . be t t e r , y o u’ l l h a v e a g o o d c h a n c e o f s h a p i n g t h e m r e s o ur c e s t h a t w i l l s e r v e y o u w e l l .
N O V . 29– D EC . 05 w e e k , L i br a , s h o ul d be t o p r e v e n t c o m p a r a bl e o ut br e a k s o f t h e “ l o s t i n t r a n s l a t i o n ” s y n d r o m e . I n f a c t , I ur g e y o u t o a c t a s a n i n t e r p r e t e r i n s i t ua t i o n s w h e r e d i f f e r e n t w o r l d s o v e r l a p . B e s ur e , f o r e x a m p l e , t h a t e x t r o v e r t s a n d i n t r o v e r t s un d e r s t a n d e a c h o t h e r . F a c i l i t a t e t h e c o m m un i c a t i o n be t w e e n c y n i c s a n d o p t i m i s t s , m o r n i n g p e o p l e a n d n ig h t o w ls , c a ffe in e a d d ic t s a n d p o t h e a d s , d r e a m e r s a n d r e a l i s t s . B e e s p e c i a l l y a l e r t f o r m i s un d e r s t a n d i n g s t h a t m a y a r i s e d ur i n g i n t e r a c t i o n s be t w e e n t h e r i g h t a n d l e f t s i d e s o f y o ur o w n br a i n .
ur us . y o ur h a v e d a rk w it h fro m E v e n in t o
a y 2 1 - J u n e 2 0
A r e y o u r e a d y f o r y o ur n e x t bi g i n i t i a t i o n ? P r o ba bl y n o t , but t h a t ’ s O K . Y o ur up g r a d e t o t h e n e x t l e v e l s h o ul d g o fi n e , e v e n i f y o u w o bbl e a n d s p ut t e r f o r a w h i l e be f o r e a n d a f t e r . J us t t o l e t y o u k n o w , t h e r e m a y be n o s i n g l e s t r i k i n g e v e n t t o d r a m a t i ze i t f o r y o u. I t c o ul d a r r i v e a l m o s t s e c r e t l y i n a r o l l e r c o a s t e r d r e a m , o r a n n o un c e i t s e l f w i t h a w a r m r us h o f un f a m i l i a r e m o t i o n w h i l e y o u’ r e i n t h e m i d d l e o f l un c h . B ut h o w e v e r i t i n s i n ua t e s i t s w a y i n t o y o ur a w a r e n e s s , S c o r p i o , i t w i l l o p e n y o u t o t h e p o s s i bi l i t y o f s e e i n g t h i n g s t h a t h a v e be e n i n v i s i bl e t o y o u be f o r e n o w .
I r e c o m m e n d t h a t y o u r e a d o n e o f t h o s e g r o un d - l e v e l bo o k s o n i n t i m a c y s k i l l s , l i k e R e l a t i o n s h i p s f o r D um m i e s o r T h e C o m p l e t e I d i o t ’ s G ui d e t o R o m a n c e . I t ’ s n o t t h a t y o u a r e a n y d um be r a bo ut t h e s e m a t t e r s t h a n t h e r e s t o f us ; i t ’ s j us t t h a t t h i s i s a f a v o r a bl e t i m e f o r y o u t o w o r k h a r d e r t h a n us ua l o n bo o s t i n g y o ur L o v e I Q . R e m e d i a l e ffo r t s t a k e n n o w w ill g e n e r a t e a s s is t a n c e a n d in s p ir a t i o n f r o m un e x p e c t e d s o ur c e s . F o r be s t r e s ul t s , I s ug g e s t y o u c o n s i d e r k e e p i n g a j o ur n a l a bo ut t h e l e s s o n s y o u’ l l be a s k e d t o m a s t e r . E n t i t l e i t s o m e t h i n g l i k e “ H o w I ’ m B e c o m i n g a s S m a r t a bo ut L o v e a s I A m a bo ut E v e r y t h i n g E l s e i n M y L i f e .”
J u n e 2 1 - J u ly 2 2
“ I n e e d a s t r a t e g y f o r br i n g i n g c o n s t r uc t i v e c h a n g e i n t o m y l i f e o n a n o n g o i n g ba s i s , ” a S a g i t t a r i a n r e a d e r n a m e d U r s ul a w r o t e t o m e . “ I w a n t t o fi g ur e o ut h o w t o a r r a n g e f o r a n e v e r - e n d i n g s e r i e s o f g e n t l e w a k e - up c a l l s . W h e n t h a t h a p p e n s , I w ill h a v e m a s t e r e d t h e s in e w y m a g ic o f be i n g p e r m a n e n t l y un s t uc k . I w i l l h a v e m a d e i t a h a bi t t o be h i g h l y a l e r t a n d w i l d l y r e s p o n s i v e i n t h e m o s t r e l a x e d w a y s p o s s i bl e . T h e w o r l d w i l l l o o k c o m p l e t e l y d i f f e r e n t t o m e t h e n ; r e a l i t y i t s e l f w i l l h a v e m ut a t e d . I w o n ’ t c l i n g t o l i t t l e s c r a p s o f h o p e t h a t m a k e m e f e e l s e c ur e , but w i l l i n s t e a d be o n t h e p r o w l f o r f r e s h c h a l l e n g e s t h a t c o n s t a n t l y e x p a n d m y l o v e f o r l i f e . ” U r s ul a ’ s l o n g i n g i s a br i l l i a n t a r t i c ul a t i o n o f w h a t I t h i n k a l l o f y o u S a g i t t a r i a n s s h o ul d q ue s t f o r i n t h e c o m i n g w e e k s .
D ur i n g t h e h e y d a y o f s a m ur a i c ul t ur e , t h e J a p a n e s e w o r d t s uj i - g i r i m e a n t “ t o t r y o ut a n e w s w o r d o n a p a s s e r by . ” A f t e r a n a l y zi n g y o ur a s t r o l o g i c a l o m e n s , C a n c e r i a n , I’m a p p e a lin g t o y o un o t t o c o m m it t h e m e t a p h o r ic a l e q ui v a l e n t o f t h a t i n t h e c o m i n g w e e k . H e r e ’ s w h a t I m e a n : Y o u’ v e g o t g o o d r e a s o n s t o us e t h e m e t a p h o r i c a l e q ui v a l e n t o f a n e w s w o r d , a n d y o u w i l l w r e a k s o m e c o n s t r uc t i v e h a v o c i f y o u d i r e c t y o ur w a r r i o r a t t i t ud e a t t h e r i g h t t a r g e t s . B ut i f , o n t h e o t h e r h a n d , y o u c a r e l e s s l y s l i c e a n d d i c e p a s s e r s - by a n d o t h e r i n n o c e n t s w h o d o n ’ t d e s e r v e i t , y o u’ l l w a s t e t h a t v a l ua bl e r e s o ur c e a n d w o n ’ t c o r r e c t t h e p r o bl e m s t h a t h a v e p i q ue d y o ur s e n s e o f i n j us t i c e .
J u ly 2 3 - A u g . 2 2
“ W h e n l o v e i s n o t m a d n e s s , i t i s n o t l o v e ,” s a i d S p a n i s h d r a m a t i s t P e d r o C a l d e r o n d e l a B a r c a . B ut a c c o r d in g t o m y a n a ly s is o f t h e a s t r o lo g ic a l o m e n s , y o uw ill d r a m a t ic a lly d is p r o v e t h a t n o t io n in t h e c o m in g w e e k s , L e o . I n f a c t , I ’ m be t t i n g t h a t l o v e w i l l m a k e y o u s t a r k , r a v i n g s a n e . I t w i l l c a l m y o u d o w n , h e a l a w o un d o r t w o , i m p r o v e y o ur e y e s i g h t , h e l p y o u un d e r s t a n d y o ur s e l f be t t e r , i m p r o v e y o ur d i g e s t i o n , a n d s t i m ul a t e y o u t o be c o m e y o u m o r e t o l e r a n t a n d f o r g i v i n g t o w a r d s t h e e n t ir e w o r ld .
A u g . 2 3 - Se p t . 2 2
F ir s t le t m e m a k e it c le a r t h a t I’m n o t p r e d ic t in g y o u w i l l f a c e d i f fi c ul t e v e n t s i n t h e c o m i n g d a y s . N o t a t a l l . S e c o n d , I ’ m n o t s a y i n g y o u w i l l h a v e t o e n d ur e m o r e p a i n t h a n us ua l . T h i r d , I be l i e v e y o ur s uf f e r i n g w i l l be a bo ut a v e r a g e - - s i m i l a r t o w h a t n o r m a l p e o p l e be a r i n n o r m a l t i m e s . H a v i n g s a i d a l l t h a t , t h o ug h , I e n c o ur a g e y o u t o be a g g r e s s iv e ly e x p lo r a t o r y t o w a r d t h e p a in y o uf e e l. H a v e l o n g t a l k s w i t h y o ur m ur k y f e a r s . G a ze br a v e l y i n t o t h e p a r t s o f y o ur l i f e t h a t m a k e y o u s a d . W h y ? B e c a us e i t ’ s a f a v o r a bl e t i m e t o s e a r c h f o r t r e a s ur e t h a t ’ s bur i e d i n t h e s h a d o w s - - t o e n h a n c e y o ur p s y c h o l o g i c a l h e a l t h by d e a l i n g w i t h w h a t ’ s n o t s o h e a l t h y . R e c a l l C a r l J un g ’ s w i s e w o r d s : “ T h e f o un d a t i o n o f a l l m e n t a l i l l n e s s i s a n un w i l l i n g n e s s t o e x p e r i e n c e l e g i t i m a t e s uf f e r i n g . ”
Se p t . 2 3 - O c t . 2 2
S o m e y e a r s a g o , in a n a d v e r t is e m e n t d e s ig n e d t o a t t r a c t S p a n i s h - s p e a k i n g fl y e r s , U . S . - ba s e d B r a n i f f A i r l i n e s br a g g e d a bo ut i t s l e a t h e r s e a t s w i t h t h e p h r a s e “ v i a j a r e n c ue r o . ” B ut t h a t p h r a s e a c t ua l l y m e a n s “ t o t r a v e l s t a r k n a k e d ,” n o t “ t o t r a v e l o n l e a t h e r .” T h e m a r k e t i n g d e p a r t m e n t g o o f e d . O n e o f y o ur m a i n g o a l s i n t h e c o m i n g N O V 29 – D E C 05 07
I t h i n k i t ’ s a g o o d i d e a f o r y o u t o g i v e up m e d i o c r e p l e a s ur e s t h a t d r a i n y o ur e n e r g y a n d d i m i n i s h y o ur i n t e l l i g e n c e . I a l s o w i s h y o u w o ul d s a c r i fi c e i r r e l e v a n t f a n t a s i e s a n d d e l ud e d h o p e s t h a t l e a d y o u a w a y f r o m y o ur r i v e t i n g d r e a m s . O n t h e o t h e r h a n d , I w ill r e jo ic e if y o uc o m m it y o ur s e l f t w i c e a s i n t e n s e l y t o t h e r o bus t p l e a s ur e s t h a t r e fi n e y o ur e n e r g y a n d bo o s t y o ur i n t e l l i g e n c e . A n d I w i l l l o v e i t i f y o u t a k e t h r e e p r a c t i c a l a c t i o n s t o s up e r c h a r g e o n e o f y o ur r i v e t i n g d r e a m s . W
h a t i f I t o l d y o u t h e r e w i l l be 1 3 m i l i t a n t l y h e l p f ul a n g e l s i n g o s s a m e r a r m o r s t a n d i n g g ua r d a r o un d y o ur be d e v e r y n i g h t , fi g h t i n g o f f n i g h t m a r e s a n d e n s ur i n g t h a t y o ur d r e a m s a r e bl e s s e d w i t h fl o o d s o f s ubl i m e l y p r a c t i c a l r e v e l a t i o n s ? W o ul d y o u r e g a r d w h a t I s a i d a s a p o e t i c m e t a p h o r , a s t h e h y p e r bo l i c f a n t a s y o f a k o o k y a s t r o l o g y w r i t e r ? O r i s t h e r e a c h a n c e y o u’ d t a k e m e l i t e r a l l y ? T h a t y o u’ d c o n s i d e r m y v i s i o n t o be t h e p r o p h e t i c t r ut h a bo ut a n a c t ua l e v e n t ? I f i t ’ s t h e l a t t e r , t h e n I ur g e y o u t o be a g g r e s s i v e a bo ut a s k i n g t h e a n g e l s f o r t h e v e r y be s t m o j o t h e y c a n m us t e r . T h i s i s o n e t i m e w h e n y o u h a v e l i c e n s e t o be g r e e d y a bo ut t a p p i n g i n t o t h e p r i m a l p o w e r o f s up e r n a t ur a l g o o d n e s s .
F e b . 1 9 - M
a r c h 2 0
T h i s w o ul d be a g o o d w e e k f o r y o u t o t e l l p e o p l e ’ s f o r t un e s a t p a r t i e s a n d h e l p t h e p o l i c e s o l v e c r i m e s w i t h y o ur c l a i r v o y a n t a bi l i t i e s a n d r e a d t h e m i n d s o f t h o s e y o u l o v e i n o r d e r t o c o m m un i c a t e w i t h t h e m be t t e r . W h a t ? Y o u s a y y o u d o n ’t h a v e a n y p s y c h i c p o w e r s ? T h a t ’s a d i r t y l i e ! Y o u m o s t c e r t a i n l y d o . I t m a y be t r ue t h a t y o ur c ul t ur e h a s br a i n w a s h e d y o u i n t o d e n y i n g a n d s up p r e s s i n g t h e m . B ut I a s s ur e y o u t h a t t h e y a r e l y i n g t h e r e h a l f d o r m a n t , j us t w a i t i n g f o r y o u t o be l i e v e i n t h e m a n d us e t h e m f o r e v e r y o n e ’ s be n e fi t . A n d t h i s i s a n i d e a l t i m e , a s t r o l o g i c a l l y s p e a k i n g , f o r y o u t o d o j us t t h a t .
H omework
I m a g i n e i t ’ s 6 0 y e a r s f r o m n o w a n d y o u’ r e t e l l i n g G o d t h e w o r s t t h i n g a n d be s t t h i n g y o u e v e r d i d . W h a t w o ul d t h e y be ? T e s t i f y a t w w w . F r e e W i l l A s t r o l o g y . c o m . come and get it
buzz 23
“ T ow n W
ot? ” --y ou are now
entering/ leav ing. .
by M att J ones A cr os s
1 W ord from Sc rooge 4 A tkins D iet concern 9 “ 60 Mi nutes” name 14 R oosevelt or Ei senhower 15 Seques tered 16 Mak e happy 17 Soli tary t yp e in N evada? 19 E cologi cal Seus s character, wi th “ T he” 20 “ Eat ing _ _ _ ” (1982 blac k comedy ) 21 C olorf ul gas tropod 23 _ _ _ were 24 “ It’s pretty ob vious, i sn’t it? ” 25 C ooked 28 _ _ _ cell r esearch 30 Brownback who withdrew from the 2008 elec tion 32 “ Bop _ _ _ ” (P arli ament song) 33 L ikes a lot 36 T imes itself 38 See 4 6-ac ross 39 L ike lad ies’ men 40 F ills the tank 43 Ant icipate 45 Ar ticle i n “ El Mund o” ? 46 W ith 38-ac ross, f ood drive benefi ciaries 47 1/ 63, 360t h of a mile 48 D rink sometimes referred to as “ nihonshu” 50 On d rugs 52 Mult icolor ed gemstone 56 T hey t ake bows 58 D rew Car ey fi gure 59 T est section, of ten 61 Eas y p ickup in Ok la homa? 63 H ead loc k? 64 It’s said coming and going 65 Bill d ispenser 66 D asher’s teammate 67 N inj a T urtle hom e 68 Char ge from a 65-ac ross Solut ion in C las sifi eds.
Experience this year’s hit movies at yesterday’s prices .... only at the historic Virginia Theatre! Watch the action, romance, drama, and suspense unfold on the BIG screen.
D o w n
1 Y ogi who misspeaks a lot 2 N eighborhoods 3 It was the capital of F rench Indochina 4 P rediction 5 W here mil. let ters are deli vered 6 Illegal d emands 7 Mak e babies 8 “ T he W alt z K ing” 9 W ord y elled on the stock market fl oor 10 F un way t o read 11 T ennis star reloc ated to N orth D akota? 12 It look s li ke an H , i n G reek 13 T . _ _ _ 18 Magaz ine for active people 22 H eat center, f amili arly 24 W ord before a maiden name 26 _ _ _ L atino (hi p cuisine) 27 Or son Sc ott Car d protagonist 29 Sec ret meeting 31 Melod ic maj or 33 Beef variety ridicul ed in a series of J ack in the Box ads 34 “ St rawberry W ine” singer Car ter 35 F ormer “ Am erican T op 4 0” host comin’ at y a from Ari zona? 37 Book signing participants 41 “ N o way! ” 42 Sp anish money bef ore euros 43 Mi chael of the “ P oli ce Ac ademy” series 44 “ Cr ouching T iger” director L ee 49 G et rid of 51 Self -satisfi ed congratulat ion 53 R ice side 54 L ess than 90 degrees 55 “ _ _ _ tell y ou something...” 57 Bodily s ac 58 Early TV hos t Jac k 59 L ist clos er 60 Si gn of a Broadway hi t 62 “ _ _ _ Bangs”
Holiday Coffee Event Dec. 6 in both stores
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DOWNTOWN URBANA 110 west main street . 2nd floor 217.367.2222 N O V 29 – D E C 05 07
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P l ace an A d: 217 - 3 3 7 - 8 3 3 7
INDEX Employment Services Merchandise Transportation Apartments Other Housing/Rent Real Estate for Sale Things To Do Announcements Personals
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420 APARTMENTS Furnished
420 APARTMENTS Furnished
420 APARTMENTS Furnished
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420 APARTMENTS Furnished
420 APARTMENTS Furnished
420 APARTMENTS Unfurnished
203 W. Columbia, C Downtown living, cozy space in upstairs converted home w/ yard. NOW AVAILABLE Totally remodeled, two bedroom w/ hardwood floors. $540/mo. 217-352-8540 www.faronproperties.com
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420 APARTMENTS Furnished
420 APARTMENTS Furnished
N O V 29 – D E C 05 07
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Lincoln Square Village located in downtown Urbana Saturdays, November 17, 24 December 1, 8, 15, & 22 Open from 9am-2pm
Everything you need for this winter season.
Wonderful products from within Illinois
! arts ! crafts ! produce ! baked goods
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Beginning Nov. 24th, Santa will be here each Saturday from 10am-3pm. Sponsored by the Urbana Business Association 344-3872 â&#x20AC;˘ urbanabusiness.com
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MiKasa Hispanic Grocery Store
9ehfehWj[ Fem[h JhW_d ;d]_d[0 FWjhed I[Wied Ifedieh0 7dedoceki
N O V 29 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; D E C 05 07
*& Dehj^ WdZ AhWdd[hj 9[dj[hĂ&#x2020;meha_d] je][j^[h je fkj 9^WcfW_]d 9ekdjoĂ&#x160;i Ykbjkh[ ed j^[ cWf$
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1 509 Pros pect Ave. Cham paign, IL 61 820 (21 7 ) 35689 come and get it
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