Read Dirty to Me

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Dear Dirty Readers, At the beginning of this year, the idea was conceived of a literary forum where sexuality could be explored in a modern and liberated as much as liberating way. Though we may live in a more permissive society, a real discussion of sex rarely occurs in the public realm. Don’t be fooled by the plethora of Page 3 tits: Issues like gender and non-normative behavior are considered left-field, only of minority concern, or simply ‘unfit’ for polite conversation. Throughout the ages, it was artists as opposed to the mainstream media, that fought on the forefront of engaging with sexuality in a more progressive, creative and provocative manner. Literature has an infamous history of producing works initially considered so indecent that they were put on trial, censored and often banned for obscenity. Many of these works, including Nabokov‘s Lolita, Ginsberg‘s Howl and Lawrence‘s Lady Chatterley‘s Lover, went on to become highly acclaimed works of art by a more discerning audience. Highly sexual literature, especially when dealing with topics that divert from widely accepted, comfortable societal norms, require an open mind as well as a certain emotional and intellectual intelligence from writer and reader alike. When this is given, sexual preferences, kinks and phantasies might be expressed and celebrated shamelessly, offering a source of creative energy and empowerment to the individual and their sexual imagination. So, instead of relying on Katy Perry and the likes for the lowdown on 21st century kink, we began assembling some truly talented creatives. We sought purveyors of bold, sex-positive, honest writing, but also quirky, sensitive and experimental pieces. Now we can present to you the result, a stimulating collision of high and low art, hardcore smut and iambic pentameter: the first issue of Read Dirty to Me Zine. We hope you enjoy the read and find some food for thought. Laura J, Laura T and Josephine

There is no such thing as a moral or an immoral book. Books are well written, or badly written. That is all. Oscar Wilde

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