readex po sur e October, 2016
t eam PUBLISHER Cal v i n Tyl er (On e M an Ar m y)
publisher @r eadexposur
War r en Bu j ol (Food Bl ogger )
editor @r eadexposur
OFFICEMANAGER Ni k k i Su e Al st on (Dog En t h u si ast )
nikki@r eadexposur
GRAPHICS Chr is Huff (gr aphic design) Shaw n Ar dabili (gr aphic design)
CONTRIBUTINGWRITERS Jor dan Waldm eier M ar sh Buice Jer emy Pr ice M ike 'Happy' Hor ton Jason M achulski Duane Ber ger on Dr. Tr ip Goolsby Kir k Eidson, Not an M .D. Nikki Sue Alston
Bum ping into people w ho ar e tr uly cr eative can either be inspir ing or depr essing. Consider ing that I cannot play an instr um ent, sing, paint, dr aw , and a bunch of other things that the public r espects, I find myself feeling that I've w asted my life aw ay after spending tim e w ith Chr is Huff. He has w alked up to m e, asked how I w as doing, glanced up at the ceiling, said, "I'll be r ight back," gone for a w alk ar ound the block, and then fur iously pr oduce a sketch that sum m ar izes my inner feelings in a w ay that could never have descr ibed. How he does this is beyond m e- I'm not that kind of cr eative- and ther e's definitely a m agic to it. The m an is an absolute m adm an m agician, and SW LA is better for having him her e. Let's suppor t this guy and keep him ar ound.
CONTRIBUTINGPHOTOGRAPHERS Jason Car r ol l m onsour sphotogr
Ch ad W h i t ed chad@chadw
Jam i e Har t n et t har tnettdjam ie@gm
M at t h ew I son m atthew t.ison@gm
Ch r i s Lan gl ey clang.langley@gm
Jon Lan dr y
Know a better than decent ar tist? Contact Calvin: publisher @r eadexposur . They could be published next!
M egan Tyl er m eganw aldm eier @gm
EXPOSURE M AGAZI NE | OCTOBER 2016 VOLUM E 2, NUM BER 9 Published m onthly by Conquer , Inc., P.O. Box 443, Lake Char les, LA 70602. Pr inted in USA. Exposur e M agazine is a r egister ed nam e of Conquer , Inc. Repr oduction in w hole or in par t w ithout w r itten per m ission is pr ohibited. Opinions expr essed in ar ticles ar e those of the author. All r ights r eser ved on entir e contents. Adver tising inquir ies should be dir ected to publisher @r eadexposur . Unless other w ise noted, ar tists featur ed in Exposur e M agazine r etain copyr ight to their w or k . Ever y effor t has been m ade to r each copyr ight ow ner s or their r epr esentatives. The publisher w ill be pleased the cor r ect any m istakes or om issions in our next issue. Exposur e M agazine w elcom es editor ial subm issions; how ever , r etur n postage m ust accom pany all unsolicited m anuscr ipts, ar t, dr aw ings, and photogr aphic m ater ials if they ar e to be r etur ned. No r esponsibility can be assum ed for unsolicited m ater ials. All letter s w ill be tr eated as unconditionally assigned for publication and copyr ight pur poses and subject to Exposur e M agazine's r ight to edit and com m ent editor ially. Exposur e M agazine is Published by Conquer , Inc. em ail to: editor @r eadexposur r eadexposur
PUBLISHER'SNOTEOCTOBER2016 I'm sitting at my desk typing away at this month's Publisher's note, obviously, and a question just popped into my mind. What would today's world look like if dragons existed, and if we lived our lives according to survival protocols?
The dragon query seems simple at first, but you've gotta look past the dystopian fantasy of humanity changing, coming together against a common enemy, and focusing all resources to manufacturing super cool looking weapons. That might happen the first few weeks, but society would have to continue moving forward. This would more likely lead to current companies advancing their products to accommodate a world which now includes fire breathing death machines. The 2017 Toyota Corollas come standard with a secondary horn design to repel dragons, and a paint sealant that is resistant to fire for up to 1,200 degrees Fahrenheit for up to three minutes. I say all of this to say that I'm trying to say it's hard to say that the insurance sales jobs would disappear overnight just because of these flying lizards. Actually, that particular industry would probably boom. There would be a resurgence of the asbestos market as well because the world now needs a siding on their homes that is highly fire retardant. Otherwise...the insurance rates would shoot through the roof. Life would continue on as it does now, just with slightly more fear. Even though dragon attacks on humans would probably be less than the current shark attack rates, it wouldn't stop us from hearing about the inevitable dangers of going outside. The more I think of this the more I'm forced to look at what's going on in today's media. We are constantly fed that the world is more dangerous today than it was ever before in all of recorded history. The Ebola virus seemed like it would become a major problem for U.S. citizens back in 2014, but we've moved onto Trump vs Hillary, and will most assuredly move on to some other terrifying threat in a few months. Humans are biologically hardwired to look for, relate to, and remember fears. Even if the fears are from stories you've heard from somebody else who had heard them from somebody else. It's like me telling you I was attacked when I walked down this particular path in the woods, and you remember that tale the next time you're walking in those woods and make the conscious decision to take a different path. It's a smart evolutionary trait to have because it's basically learning through others' mistakes. The trouble we find ourselves in nowadays is that we are accessing amounts of information unheard of before even yesterday, from content platforms that create content with the intention of people absorbing their content, and our brains not keeping up with technology by evolving past the survival mode fast enough. This causes constant stress, even if we're not completely aware of it. What I've taken away from this thought experiment is what I will now attempt to explain in the following sentence. Don't be controlled by fear; whether it's dragons, the media, political climates, terrorism, etc., you will wake up tomorrow (hopefully/ luckily) and have a single choice to make that actually matters. To be free to choose happiness. So don't stress the small stuff. And feel safe knowing that dragons are not a real thing.
Happy Halloween,
Calvin Tyler, Publisher Exposure Magazine
9 TheNightmarishlyBeautiful Mindof ChrisHuff The Huffs of the w or ld deser ve to be m aking ar t full-tim e, and the w or ld ar ound them deser ve the ar t they pr oduce.
Mayor RandyRoachto Honor CreativeWorkforce duringMayor?sArtsAwards
ThisIsYour OnePhotoOp!
TheLost Boys: Still aThrill After ThreeDecades
21 "I am on e d i r t y c of f ee m u g aw ay f r om s u c c es s ." -Calvin Tyler
433.2333 Š Copyright 2016 Monsour's Photography all rights reserved.
433.2333 Š Copyright 2016 Monsour's Photography all rights reserved.
In the Name of Science by Chr is Huff of Hixel Ink 8
T he
N ightmarishly Beauti ful Mind of Chris Huff What Huff said about the sketch to the left of this page: The black and white image [In the Name of Science] is one I just started today. Shame I don't have time to do more since it's the Halloween issue, but I'm gonna have this bad boy drawn and colored before the end of the week. It needs something to give it more depth (I'm thinking mutants stacked in cages throughout the background, lol). The first time I met Christopher Huff was a life altering experience. He, without hesitation, instantly, began riffing on ideas. His insistence on pushing the limits of reality gave insight into the mechanical actions of his thought process. Deep and profound with touches of surrealism, his art comes across as cartoonishly graphic, maybe even a bit silly, but once you spend just a little time looking at it you find yourself looking deeper and deeper into yourself. His work borrows from the cultural zeitgeist and, not unlike great comedy, spins it by showing you what's wrong with society. It's been said that we cannot laugh at what's right with the world, but, as sad as it may seem, can only laugh when what is wrong with the world is presented to us in a relatable and thought provoking way. This is what Huff does so effortlessly. His themes speak volumes, his work transcends that of pop art, and his personality is one that makes you want to be around him. I had the pleasure of watching him work when he would stop into the old office. His method seemed simple. He would drink his coffee, break out his utensils, situate everything, then turn around and ask if we had any ideas. Warren and myself would throw out some less than half-realized concepts, and he, being the gentleman he is, would begin to verbally deconstruct and reassemble our chatter into a cohesive idea that made sense. After inserting his earbuds; Huff
would drift away into the silence of his music, only reappearing back into the "real world" to go for a walk. When the day would come to an end, Huff would present to myself and Warren a not-so-rough draft of what he had worked on. It would blow our minds. Anything he did blew our minds. His ability to work so efficiently and so fast is one that makes me sad he isn't hired by a big time marketing firm. The Huffs of the world deserve to be making art full-time, and the world around them deserve the art they produce. Too bad there only seems to be a major market for store bought hotel art or fleur-de-lies, because true art makes you think while that other stuff is nothing more than empty calories that clog your arteries and destroy your heart. Aside from his work, Huff is one of the most pleasant people you'll ever find yourself next to. He's energetic, authentic, and happy to be alive and awake in any moment. If you ever get the chance to meet this man in person, please do so. Talk to him about pieces he's working on, and maybe even throw him a few sheckles and take one home. When people look up to your wall in curiosity: take the time to tell them the experience behind your investment. That's what this whole exchange we call life is about anyway. Check out more of Huff's work by visiting his website, or find him on Facebook.
Click the image to enter the site OCTOBER 2016
Mayor RandyRoachtoHonor CreativeWorkforceduring Mayor?sArtsAwards By Jody Taylor
In concert with the City of Lake Charles, the Arts Council of SWLA invites the public to the 2016 Mayor?s Arts Awards ceremony scheduled for Friday, November 4 at 6 p.m. in the Benjamin W. Mount Auditorium at Central School. Mayor Randy Roach of Lake Charles will award those working in the arts by recognizing the contributions of Southwest Louisiana?s creative workers, patrons, and artists to the region?s culture. Award categories include Artist of the Year, Citizen of the Arts, Citizen of the Humanities, Arts Educator of the Year, Cultural Organization of the Year, and Patron of the Year. The Keystone award is also given to an individual who works diligently behind the scenes, without whom programs and performances would not be possible. Award winners will be kept secret until the night of the ceremony. Business casual attire is recommended, and a reception will follow the ceremony. For more information, call the Arts Council at (337) 439-2787.
Same thing I always get, Boba Gump Tacos...
ThisIsYour OnePhotoOp! Esquir e M agazine w r iter Cal Fussm an r ecounted a stor y about a r epor ter w ho had the oppor tunity to tr avel w ith the legendar y boxer M uham m ad Ali in the pr im e of his car eer. Running late and near ly spr inting thr ough the air por t to get to the gate in tim e to catch a flight, Ali looked over to see a w om an ner vously fum bling to find her cam er a so that she could snap a pictur e of the cham p. Suddenly Ali stopped, w aited for her to find her cam er a, and posed to take sever al pictur es w ith her. The r epor ter w as aghast-if they w er e going to catch the flight, they didn't have a second to spar e. If they m issed this flight, w ho knew w hen the next one w as-not to m ention ther e w as an entour age of people on the other end of THI S flight w ho w er e w aiting to r eceive the m ost fam ous boxer in the w or ld. ...and Ali stopped to take a pictur e. Post pic and back in a full gallop, the r epor ter stam m er ed to ask Ali w hy did he stop to take the pictur e w ith the w om an. In a cold, steely gaze that only Ali could m uster , he slow ed and said, "Because that w as the only tim e in that lady's life that she'd ever be able to take a pictur e w ith m e and I w anted to m ake sur e it w as per fect." In sear ching for a vehicle, studies show that custom er s ar e not dr iving fr om city to city nor dr iving dow n "car r ow " visiting m ultiple dealer ships anym or e....they'r e visiting ar ound 1. So consider your self for tunate... IF...a custom er pulled up to you r dealer ship and is talking to you r ight now. Statistically, this is the one and only tim e you get to take a pictur e w ith your custom er... A pictur e of pr ofessionalism and know ledge... A pictur e of genuine concer n for their needs... A pictur e of em pathy-never for getting the str esses that your custom er s go thr ough w hen it com es to m aking the r ight choice on one of the biggest decisions they'll ever m ake... A pictur e of devotion not only to helping them today but ser vicing them for the m any tom or r ow s that lay ahead... A pictur e that is so vivid in color ed thoughtfulness and r ich in exper ience that they'll for ever r etur n because they'll never for get how you m ade them feel... This is your 1 photo op... Take the tim e to m ake sur e it's per fect...for them .
By Marsh Buice
I'l l see you next t ime on t he Bl ackt op.
M arsh Buice is the sales manager of M ark Dodge, Chrysler, Jeep. He can be contacted at 866.535.5006, or by email at
REACHOUTTOMARSHTODAY Youcanreadmoreof MarshBuice'sexcellent writingonhisblogover at DealerElite. Just click here,andbesuretohit thefollowbuttontoreceiveanupdatewhenhisnewarticlesarive!
Tr uly an ancillar y benefit to a sm all business star t up, the Business Incubator , pr ovides not only the space needed, but also coaching ,counseling, tr aining, and m any other r esour ces to help a business ow ner gr ow and successfully develop ones business. Those that eventually gr ow out of the Business Incubator to expand their business fur ther into the business com m unity, have show n to be a m or e sustainable in the business m ar ket. If w ould like to inquir e on how the SEED Center can help your business flour ish, please contact them at
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As your local Lennox and Trane dealer, we?re proud to offer the finest heating, cooling and indoor air quality products, with prompt and professional customer service. Regardless of the season or the temperature outside, we can make your home feel perfectly comfortable.
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THECRITICALASPECTSOFSOCIALMEDIA ANDITSOVERALLEFFECTIVENESS Social media has established a prominent presence as form of marketing utilized by companies in countless industries worldwide. There are a variety of inherent factors that can prove to substantially increase a company?s brand equity and visibility, or possibly victimize a company?s reputation. The way in which a social media strategy is implemented and monitored can go a long way in determining its overall effectiveness. Today?s market features a wide array of consumers who have certain expectations of brands, products, and services. Discontented and social media savvy consumers are simply awaiting any opportunity to voice their opinions via Twitter, Facebook, and associated social channels. This makes it even more vital for a company to thoroughly research and consider what methods of social media are most appropriate and beneficial to their needs. There are a number of steps that can be taken in order to avoid the aforementioned social media disasters that occur frequently in today?s online marketplace. The first involves being realistic and properly understanding the relationship between conversations on social networks and other types of customer interactions. The next step includes utilizing a multi-channel strategy for customer sales and service. While social media is quite effective, interactions taking place at brick and mortar locations, on toll-free lines, and during online customer service chats are also very important in providing a comprehensive view of consumers? opinions. The following step focuses upon viewing your data and evaluating the technology that is currently in place in order to understand consumer behavior and the voice of the customer. The final measure that can be taken to avoid social media disaster is to have a designated employee that specializes in the customer experience delivery chain. A company that does not currently possess a strong presence in social media does not have to fear making a huge investment in social media. There are a number of low cost options that can be practiced to make that initial leap into the realm of social media marketing. Starting a blog about relevant industry news, trends, or intriguing applications of your product line is an excellent way to embark into the world of social media. Creating a LinkedIn group,
Facebook page, Twitter account, a customers-only discussion forum, or a YouTube channel can provide unique opportunities to present and inform users and fans alike of current company highlights and information. The key to a company?s successful use of social media is all about the results and the ability to properly measure them. Industry analysts are publicizing self-service business intelligence as the so-called ?golden child? of 2011. In terms of marketing, one area that could widely benefit from self-service BI is social marketing. There are a number of best-practices that can be employed in order to measure social media effectiveness using BI solutions. Mapping out the ideal marketing process flow that will best transform prospects into quality sales leads is an exceptional starting point. Another practice involves determining the online marketing initiatives and campaigns that will be implemented to attract and engage prospects. Selection of the appropriate outlets to use is quite important in safeguarding the effectiveness of these initiatives. Each initiative that comprises the marketing plan must then have a pre-established audience profile, outreach, value proposition, and budget that you are willing to spend. The most appropriate set of keywords must then be identified to ensure optimal website content that is designed for those specific keywords. Identifying and adjusting paths on social networks, aligning the website experience with specific landing pages, and setting goals for desired actions are all best-practice techniques in order to ensure continuity. It is also vital to measure all of the initiatives that are being used at a given time to display your activity, outreach, engagement, and outcomes. An even more thorough approach includes tracking all the way through to incremental sales, revenue and gross profit that is derived directly from online marketing. Business intelligence allows insight at the appropriate times during your social media campaigns. It offers the ability to instantly alter campaign focus and direction. Social media marketing can greatly benefit from the use of business intelligence as marketers can produce and exhibit greater value in their social media outreach campaigns.
BUSINESS| SPONSORED by Southwest Louisiana Entrepreneurial and Economic Development Center | 4310 Ryan St , Lake Charles, LA 70605 | 337.433.0977
JAZZINTHEARTSPRESENTSTHECLARINET QUEEN,DOREENKETCHENS Enjoy a taste of New Orleans Jazz. Doreen Ketchens is a native of New Orleans, Louisiana. She attended NOCCA (New Orleans Center for Creative Arts), Loyola University Art School of Music, and Southern University-New Orleans. If you're ever in New Orleans, you'll find Doreen and her band performing on the corner of Royal and St. Peter Streets. Come out on November 6, 2016 to the Governor's Mansion, 1025 Broad Street, Lake Charles at 6:00 pm and enjoy New Orleans Jazz at its best. Don't forget to wear your favorite MARDI GRAS MASK! Support Jazz Education!
Jazz In The Arts is a non-profit 501(c)3 educational foundation. For ticket information call (337) 794-5744 or visit
© Copyright 2016, Tyler Eidson, LLC. All rights reserved.
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?The effect of any writing on the public mind is mathematically measurable by its depth of thought. How much water does it draw? If it awaken you to think, if it lift you from your feet with the great voice of eloquence, then the effect is to be wide, slow, permanent, over the minds of men; if the pages instruct you not, they will die like flies in the hour. 6 ? Ralph Waldo Emerson Over the past three or four years, as I have transitioned my medical oncology practice to an integrative medical one, I embarked on a personal journey as well. Personally the challenges were more related to the concept or thought surrounding the change than the pursuit of success itself. It was within the confines of the challenges endured during the transition and the personal endeavors that I engaged in to meet the challenges that I identified a potential means by which to motivate and empower my patient. Why is it that we have such difficulty achieving the necessary motivation and compliance with patients?? After significant
distillation, the cause appears most apparently related to a perception of need. Clearly, if there is no perceived need then desire, conviction and commitment will not be present. If we are spiritual / energetic beings living a physical experience and one of our purposes in this life is to advance or learn during our time in our physical embodiment, then, in order to accomplish new learning we should be provided, on occasion, with an option for information acquisition and advancement. In the advancement of knowledge is sheltered the need of knowledge, occasionally without perception of need. Our naturally inquisitive nature should provide us with the curiosity to acquire the knowledge. Our desire to know the truth provides us with the intuition and means to verify knowledge provided to us. Our innate nature of giving advocates subconsciously and forcefully to provide knowledge when we are empowered and positioned to do so. In this way we become partners, the knowledgeable and the seeker that desires greater knowledge. Many of the challenges and efforts necessary to achieve success from the initial implementation of a therapeutic plan for each person requires powerful motivation and dedication on the part of the partners involved in the endeavor. Not surprisingly, the more complicated the case and numerous the conditions, the greater the energy and motivation to achieve success. In this book we have summarized the pathway used by our patients so that, it may be used as a template of empowerment and guidance in achieving virtually any healthcare goal upon which one may have designs. Our Desire is to facilitate and hopefully clear a path to a clearer understanding of the concepts that many patients have questioned, researched and studied along their own journey. At
Infinite Health (this is the name of my integrative health practice), much more of our time is spent on interpreting the practical meaning of universal laws in the context of individual challenges. More significant than that of the physical exam and the review of laboratory and imaging abnormalities, the adaptation to the concepts of universal creativity for our lives has been the true turning point for the majority. That is to say, in the long term, more success is obtained when clear pictures of the rules of engagement are generated and a clear image of the empowered, desired outcome is created. These concepts are often poorly understood and, even more so poorly incorporated into the daily thought process, behavior, and habits of the majority of individuals. This ultimately translates into challenges in the creation, not only of the desired lifestyle but also challenges the determinism of an optimized health. Generating a clarified meaning and concept in all of our minds is one of the most empowering exercises we can accomplish. Dr. Deepak Chopra expressed it well when he related, ?Everything that exists in the physical world, is the result of the unmanifest transforming itself into the manifest. ? anything and everything that we can perceive through our senses? is the transformation of the unmanifest, unknown and invisible into the manifest, known, and visible. 4 ? That correlates well with the fact that we are continually transforming our bodies by virtue of the environment we create inside ourselves by virtue of our nutrition, exposures and the internal responses we generate to the interactions we have to the world around us on a continual basis. These responses, in their summation, create processes that help us and heal us or, conversely, make us ill. They are also the source of empowerment and enable us to achieve whatever outcome we desire for our health!
Dr. Tr ip Goolsby and the team of Infinite Health Integr ative M edicine Center ar e dedicated to inspir ing and em pow er ing our patient-par tner s to achieve tr anscendent health by pr oviding excellent patient-centr ic integr ative health car e that em br aces the m ind, body, and soul. Our com pr ehensive tr eatm ent str ategy takes an individualized integr ative appr oach by com bining w ester n m edicine w ith peer -r eview ed and clincally suppor ted com plim entar y ther apies. Our 4Pillar s Appr oach? addr esses nutr ition, fitness, hor m onal and m etabolic balances, com bined w ith var ious m ind-body pr ocesses such as dir ected im ager y, suppor tive gr oup m editation, r eiki ener gy ther apy, and tailor ed m ind-body life and health coaching. For m or e infor m ation visit w w w.Your or to schedule your initial consultation call 337.312.8234
Reduceyour stress& anxiety by devel oping sel f-regul ationskil l s whil ebuil dingmental & emotional resil ienceat InfiniteHealth. WWW.YOURI NFINITEHEALTH.COM
W h at you d o t od ay c an im p r ov e all of your t om or r ow s. -
Ra l p h Ma r s t o n
Lake Charles Pit Bull Rescue (LCPBR) is a 501c3 organization. We are a community based organization that, not only provides service dogs and therapy dogs (See ?The Positive Pit Project?), but are instrumental in helping with animal cruelty cases (See ?Team Halo? and ?Eylsa?s Purpose?). We also provide training workshops as well as community services, such as helping to build fences for families in need. All of our dogs are fully vetted (spay/ neuter, microchip, all shots, heartworm neg,), and our adoption fee includes a training session with our trainer. All dogs under our care receive the best care possible, which has included heart surgery, Cancer treatment, and MRI?s all done at LSU Veterinary School of Medicine. We provide continued support for all of our adopted dogs when needed, and consider our foster parents part of our family!
Cinema history has been replete with horror films going back primarily with the Universal creature films in the early 1930s which launched the likes of Dracula, Frankenstein and others. Of course, while these classic monsters have been sequelized and remade to death (pun intended) others have joined their ranks such as Freddy Kruger, Michael Myers and Chucky. When October rolls around there is no shortage of films to choose from to get a good fright when it comes to celebrating Halloween. Whether picking something recent or deciding to check out a classic from days gone by, there are plenty of options on what to choose for a delightfully Trick or Treat experience. But, in order to create creature features that are different from what has come before some filmmakers have been inspired to concoct "hybrids," which means in this case taking two or more established elements from other aspects of cinema and merge them to bring about something different. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. But, in July 1987, one such hybrid brought about successful results at the box office and would go on to create a cult classic. This means in the previous 29 years, there is still a viewership that provides screenings for this production in and out of Halloween. This is in reference to The Lost Boys. The title is a "tip of the hat" to the lost boys of Peter Pan fame, who like the central characters in this film, never grew up and never got old. Produced by Richard Donner (director of 1978's Superman and the Lethal Weapon
36 16
franchise), and directed by Joel Schumaker (also directed among others Batman in 1995 and Batman and Robin in 1997), The Lost Boys was a successful mix of horror and comedy. It is also best remembered as modernizing the image of the vampire in the late 1980's. The concept was more than just a horror/ comedy hybrid. It took vampires from the classic Dracula mythos and made the bloodsucking killers a lot younger and more hip. Another factor that made the film a smash hit and has kept it alive in the minds of horror and general movie fans is that it had a strong appeal to both younger and more traditional audiences at the same time. The cast was headed by Jason Patric, Jami Gertz, Corey Haim, Corey Feldman, Kiefer Sutherland, Dianne Wiest, Edward Herrmann and Barnard Hughes. It was an impressive cast to say the least. And this was before stardom broke out for some of these actors. There were two direct-to-video sequels since but there have been no theatrical sequels. The story revolves around two young boys. Sam (Haim) and Michael (Patric) Emerson, move to Santa Carla, California, to move in with their grandfather (Hughes). Also with them is their mother Lucy (Wiest), who brings them there after a nasty divorce from her husband. Sam and Michael spend time on Santa Carla's Boardwalk while Lucy gets a job at a video store (this was back when video stores were popular before becoming extinct) owned by Max (Herrmann). Michael encounters a girl named Starr (Gertz) who is connected to a local gang lead by David (Sutherland). Michael is
EXPOSURE EXPOSURE | CULT|URBEUS|INSPONSORED ESS| SPONSORED BY SWLA BY Southwest CONVENTION Louisiana & VISITORS Entrepreneurial BUREAU and | WWW.VISITLC.ORG Economic Development| Center Dow nload | 4310 the Ryan app,Sttoday! , Lake Charles, LA 70605 | 337.433.0977
invited to join the gang while simultaneously Sam meets two boys named Edgar (Feldman) and Alan (Jamison Newlander) Frog. They do part-time work in their parents' comic book store. Imagine the surprise of Sam when the Frog brothers inform him Santa Carla is "crawling" with vampires. Michael partakes of a drink after following David's gang to their lair and wishes he had not. The drink was actually David's blood which begins for Michael a transition from human to vampire. As Michael becomes more involved with the vampire gang, it winds up falling to Sam and the Frog brothers to rescue Michael and take on David's vampire brood. The majority of the shoot took place in Santa Cruz, California. The Boardwalk actually existed in Santa Cruz and was used in later productions. The lair shots were made in stages 12 and 15 which contained fake caves on the Warner Brothers lot, which was the studio that produced and released the film. The original script was written by Janice Fischer and James Jeremias, while Jeremias came up with the initial idea of taking characters based upon Peter Pan and giving them a vampire-oriented makeover. Screenwriter Jeffrey Boam came on board to polish the original Fischer/ Jeremias script and to write the final draft version. It goes without saying Edgar Allan Poe was the inspiration for the Frog brothers' first names. With a gross of $32 million, The Lost Boys was a smash hit. Keep in mind this was in 1987 dollars. The monetary exchange system has undergone a lot of changes since then. Reviews were generally positive at the time of its release. The accompanying soundtrack was also a hit
on the music album charts. Though there were no commercially successful single releases, it did feature a lengthy rendition of "Lost in the Shadows," an outstanding contribution by former Foreigner lead singer Lou Gramm. A more recognizable track was "Cry Little Sister" by Gerard McMann. The collection included a cover of the classic Doors single "People are Strange" by Echo & the Bunnymen. The rock band INXS contributed two songs also featuring Jimmy Barnes. There was another cover in which in this case Roger Daltrey, member of the legendary group The Who did his own interpretation of the Elton John hit "Don't Let the Sun Go Down on Me." In the initial Boardwalk sequence, singer Tim Cappello performed in the front of the cameras "I Still Believe" in addition to the recording studio. Cappello's featured a killer saxophone bridge. Composer Thomas Newman wrote the original score to the film and it was memorable for its unique blend of instrumentals and the organ. With this much star power in the soundtrack, it is no wonder The Lost Boys was a one-two punch with both its cinematic content and musical output. It is a true entertainment relic of the era that produced it. While the number of vampire-oriented horror features are numerous over the years from the original Bela Lugosi version of Dracula to the present day, The Lost Boys deserve its place as being among the best this sub-genre had to offer. Though its 1980s era representations are everywhere in the film, The Lost Boys continues to entertainment and thrill audiences after the passage of three decades. What else is there to say? Good movies, like vampires, are timeless. It still remains a great option for anyone's Halloween party.
Photos by Elizabeth Medwick
My name is Sarah Medwick, and I am 15 years old. I am a student of Jazz In The Arts, and I play clarinet. I was so excited when I was given this assignment to interview Ms. Doreen Ketchens for Jazz In The Arts upcoming November 6th concert at the Governor's Mansion in Lake Charles. I was a bit nervous. Well that is a bit short of telling the truth, I was very nervous.
there and it is out in front of me that changes things. But normally my horn is up in the air when there is not a mic in play and that is basically because when we first started playing music and playing big band for the brass players you couldn?t get over the brass players with the horn down so it just happened, up went the horn. It is all God, it is not me, it is all God, God helped me figure out what I had to do.
I?ve heard Ms. Doreen play clarinet before. I?ve even had the privilege of having a short lesson with her. As a young musician I think she is incredible and I was really wanting to find out more about her. I was not sure how to begin or where to go so I decided to do this oral history of her. I researched and learned all I could from the internet and prepared my questions. My mom and I then contacted Mr. Braylin Jenkins to give me some advice and pointers on interviewing musicians, of which I had no experience at all. Braylin graciously met us at Starbucks and shared his expertise on interviewing. Braylin advised me that the 40 questions that I initially had be cut down to as few as possibly needed to achieve an effective interview. He said, ?Not every musician is willing to sit and answer a bunch of questions. They are busy. They have gigs to get to. So find your most important points and put them in order. Pay attention to the answers given. They could answer other questions that you may have.?Mr. Jenkins, all of that advice and information was spot on, thanks!! I was then ready to call Ms. Doreen Ketchens to set up an interview. On the day of the interview we left super early from Sulphur, LA and arrived to a beautiful day in New Orleans. I contacted a local radio station, WWOZ, who was kind enough to allow me to use their recording studio for my interview. When Ms. Doreen arrived, my somewhat calm nerves went into shaking and I thought, oh my? she is here, Doreen Ketchens is really here and I am about to interview her. Pull it together Sarah, pull it together! Doreen's presence is kind, humble, and generous. The other thing about Ms. Doreen, is her smile. She has an incredible smile! As I am introducing her to my family, who brought me to New Orleans for the interview, all I can think is? I want to be just like her.
Ms. Doreen then picked up her clarinet and played a little of ?When the Saints go Marching in?. What an incredible musician!
So here we go and tape is rolling? ? Hi, Ms. Doreen, how are you? Her response is light, with ?Hi Sarah, I am good?, of course with her ever bright smile. And now everything I wanted to know about Ms. Doreen is about to roll forward. Question: You are the ?Clarinet Queen?. What makes your music so distinct? Answer: I was a classical player who fell in love with a tuba player who played jazz. He asked me to join his band. I started playing jazz, I didn?t know anything about it. I didn?t like clarinet players I had heard. Their tones were bad and their technique was not that great. I started listening to Louis Armstrong. I started copying him. I could relate to him really well. It was motivation. Then I started listening to the clarinet players that was playing with Louis. Some of them were really great. I thought, I can really find a place here. I had already started learning from Louis and the trumpet player concept is what makes me different. My thoughts were of leading the band as opposed to playing behind the band. So when I play melodies I play them like a trumpet player. The melodies are not out of my range; it is what I feel. That is what makes me different. Sometimes I hold my horn up in the air, I don?t always do that. When we are at a studio session or on stage and the mic is not way up
Question: How did you get started in the music industry? Answer: Dumb luck! She laughs? and finally says, we were in Connecticut attending University of Hartford. We practiced at school, and it sounded really good. It was New Orleans music in Connecticut. People would say, ?Oh my goodness gracious, can we hire you out?? And that is basically how we started. Just doing parties. Then this entertainment agency picked us up and had us doing a few gigs in different places. We hired some musicians up in Connecticut, taught them how to do a few New Orleans songs, there it started and snowballed from there. Question: What impact do you think you are having in the Jazz World? Are you leaving a legacy? Answer: She laughs and smiles? Yes. Doreen continues with I am a humble soul. She continues with when she was young and back in school, there were plenty of female clarinet players, as a matter of fact there were more girls than there were boys, but as I went through college and into performing there were hardly any. She laughs and her smile lights up her face. She asks herself, ?When is the last time I heard a female clarinetist playing jazz?? and her answer, ?I haven?t?, she corrects herself and says Annette Cole, at the moment that is all I can think of. So I figure, if more little girls decide to continue on with clarinet and play jazz and whatever else, that is wonderful because this is a man?s world (she nods thinking about what she said it being a man?s world, but then again agrees with her words). Yes, it is a man?s world, she gives a smile and a nod and says? but I am going to change that. Question: You have 22 albums and 3 DVDs, do you have plans to do anymore? Answer: We are overdue to go into the studio. I want this next CD to be special so it is taking a little longer to put it together. Question: You?ve taught other people how to play New Orleans songs. What is your favorite song? Answer: It changes. I have favorite songs for sure? When the Saints go Marching In. A lot of people from New Orleans will say they are so tired of that song. I have made more money on that song than any other song ever. It is a really good song for me. It is both jazz and gospel. A lot of people know how to play it, so yes, it is one of my favorites, for sure. This Train, a wonderful song that I just started playing a few months ago. I just love it and it?s a gospel song. La Vie En Rose, I love this song because when we start playing it people stop and turn around, it is one of those songs. There are so many? House of the Rising Sun, that is another one that people
not even paying attention to you, start playing house of the rising sun and they are like "What?" There are a bunch of them, but on a short list those are the ones at this time. Question: Who is your role model? Answer: Louie Armstrong! You know there was this program when I was coming up, I was about your age called ?Name That Tune? and they would play a tune or they would just have a few notes played and the person that won could name that tune in the fewest number of notes. When Louie (Armstrong) comes on, with one note I know it is Louie Armstrong. For me it?s the essence of the music and the passion that he puts into the music. Question: What advice would you give to young aspiring musicians having that you had to make your way in the music industry and go through college and other experiences? Answer: I would say Don?t give up. Don?t go into it thinking that everyone is going to welcome you with open arms, because it is not going to be that way. Some will say, oh she is so cute and expect you not to be able to hold your own, when you can hold your own. Some people are alright with you not holding your own and they will have you make them sound good, but then if you can hold your own, a lot of people don?t want you around them. I lost a lot of jobs just from auditioning. Just wasn?t going to happen because I am a modest person. I kid you not, but it is just the truth. I?d go and they say come on, come on stage with us, I?d get on stage and I?d play a song and they would do a solo and the people would applaud and when I played my solo people would really applaud and say oh my goodness, and you know cats don?t like that. Cats don?t like for you to show them up on their own bandstand, they don?t like it. So, I would suggest you go in strong and do not let anyone deter you. Have faith in yourself and practice really hard. You are going to have to be 3 or 4 times better than the next guy just to get noticed, and that is the honest truth. Question: How did Hurricane Katrina affect you? Answer: Well with Katrina? we had 2 houses at that time one of them just sustained roof damage, my husband is a contractor also so he was able to fix that and we were able to come into our home very soon after Katrina. But the other home which is in the city got 4 1/2 feet of water and it was not workable for us for a long time. We had family that was affected also. Lawrence mother's home had sustained 22 feet of water so in addition to trying deal with what was going on and what had happened and what was lost? we lost some friends too in attics and stuff like that. You still have to rebuild and in the meantime you're not playing because there is nothing here. I mean, you figure, well y'all are street musicians y'all can go out on the streets, heavy breath? saying there was nobody. I remember riding on the Interstate one day and we were the only ones there. There were no cars in front of us, no cars behind us, no cars on the other side of the interstate, just us. It was just spooky-crazy. The place stank for a long time it was just a stench that was awful. So we are working between the two houses, losing our lip, fans are calling us and writing us saying oh can we send you money what can we do. I said to the guy who is managing us now, who at the time was a professor in Iowa at Des Moines Physiology when he called to ask what he can do; I said we need to get us some jobs because we need to work. Musicians need to work. Sending us money that is cool? but we NEED to work, so he said I will see what I can do. And then there was this other guy, a principal at a school, on the other side of Iowa, he asked the same thing? I said we need work, and before long, actually the first place we played was Sioux City, Iowa after Katrina, it was about 3 weeks after Katrina and I remember we got off of the plane, we were riding downtown Sioux City and it was like this shock because I had been in New Orleans were there was nothing going on just devastation everywhere. And to go to this beautiful city where the people are playing in the park, and walking around and stuff, I started to cry? oh my I am so sensitive. We are still rebuilding from Katrina, that house that got 4.5 feet of water in it we are still working on it because we didn't get any money from Road Home or anything like that so everything has been blood, sweat and tears, but the impact was great it was definitely a point in our lives where everything stopped and we had to
grind it to make it start again. Question: Who is Doreen Ketchens?Describe yourself. Answer: Doreen's whole demeanor changes? she become quiet, still with her bright smile? and quietly says, ?I am a clarinet player?. I am a mother, a wife, and I try to be as great at all of those as I can. I am very nice? unless you make me mad, and then I am not very nice at all. I am lazy? even as I was coming up. God gave me a gift so a lot of things came naturally. Actually if I worked as hard as I should or could have I'd be floating off the ground about that high (she motions with her hand). I am compassionate; I like helping people. I have gotten in trouble with the police for giving the bums money, giving them food and stuff like that. Doreen Ketchens is a very nice person. Question: Earlier we mentioned that you have 22 cds and 3 dvds. Is your website the only place people can find your music? Answer: Well, no. But it is pretty limited outside the website. We do have some local music stores here in New Orleans, such as the Louisiana Music Factory, Forever New Orleans Gift Shop (really awesome stuff inside of there, and we actually play in front of there). But yes, mostly on the website. Question: What is your website? Answer: Question: In conclusion, is there anything else you would like to add to the interview? Answer: What, you haven't heard me talk enough yet? I am always talking. No but really, I would like to say thank you for this interview. Thank you for finding us and bringing us to Lake Charles. Thanks to the fans of old and the new fans that we will get. And the show is going to be a really great show. We are going to talk a little bit and play a lot and hopefully get some audience participation because it is all a part of it to us. Not to just play at you and play what we want to play but to entertain you and to have you do a little feedback so we can all can leave with a little bit of each other.
" Trolling the Internet like......." -Chris Culotta
Tel l your f ri ends! readex