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Upcoming Events For Our Members
*Taken from our Calendar of Events
All events will be posted on The International Pulpwood Queen and Timber Guy Reading Nation Facebook page and on Kathy L. Murphy's YouTube Channel. We encourage everyone to join us live in 2021. Each event is an opportunity to show support, share stories, and make connections!
Join Kathy L. Murphy and Robert Gwaltney every Saturday at 6:30pm CST for The Pulpwood Queen Book to Film Club. Email Kathy L. Murphy at thepulpwoodqueen@gmail.com for the link up to one hour prior to the event.
Guest Host schedule for Breathless Bubbles and Books:
August 30th-Sept 5th Lauren Marino - Bookish Broads
Sept 6th -12th Ilene English - Hippie Chick: Coming of Age in the 60s
Sept 13th-19th Nancy J. Martin - Summer of Love to the Valley of the Moon
Sept 20th-26th Debra Thomas - Luz
Sept 27th-Oct 3rd Caroline Leavitt - With or Without You
Featured Author Schedule for Tuesday Night Online
Aug 31st Lauren Marino
Sept 7th Ilene English
Sept. 14th Nancy J. Martin
Sept 21st Debra Thomas
Sept 28th Caroline Leavitt
Writing Workshop (2nd Saturday of each month at 10am CST) Email Kathy L. Murphy thepulpwoodqueen@gmail.com for the link up to one hour prior to the event.
Sept 11th Janet Oakley How to Research Historical Fiction
If you’re an author member and would like to purchase a page (or more) to feature your book, I have several pages left in upcoming issues for 2021. (I’ll be taking orders for 2022 soon )
If you’re a member of the International Pulpwood Queen or Timber Guy Book Club and have a story you’d like to share in the READING NATION MAGAZINE, I’d love to hear it. Book Club Members that includes you!
We love our readers and you will always have a place in the magazine to share your news.
I’m looking for pets to feature on our If Our Pets Could Talk page, authors and their art, photos of your local bookstores, and libraries.
Maybe you have an interesting blog article you’d like to share that you think our reader’s would enjoy?