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Japanese Foods

Have you ever wanted to know all about Japanese foods? I will tell you about Japanese diet, staples, and about their meals. Have you ever wondered what meat and potatoes were like in Japan? This paragraph is all about the most complex and some of the simplest meals. Japanese food is an interesting topic.

This will tell you about Japanese diet, staples, and meals. The Japanese diets are based on rice and noodles. Japanese people eat three meals a day. While breakfast and dinner are heavy meals, lunch is a lighter meal. Tofu is used a lot and can be served hot, cold, sweet, salted, solid, or liquid, and is a Japanese staple.


Meat and vegetables are popular here, and in Japan. Gyudon is a bowl filled with meat, and nikujaga is a lot like meat and potatoes. Wasabi is like Japanese horse radish. Grated daikon is shredded radish and is used a lot in salads. Lots of vegetables are marinated and deep fried in age-batashi.


This paragraph is all about complex and simple meals. Okonomiyaki is a lot like a pancake with your favorite toppings. Tsukemono or umeboshi are pickles, and are served with practically every traditional meal. Rice porridge is called okayu or kayu in Japan, and is served a lot in breakfast. Hiyayakka is chilled tofu served with various toppings.


Know you know all about Japanese foods. You learned about Japanese diet, staples, and meals. You learned about Japanese meat and vegetables. You learned about simple and complex meals. You now know everything there is to know about Japanese foods.

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Sports have been important to the Japanese for more than 1,000 years and more people are starting to do them, here some Japan is known for. Japanese’ favorite team sport is baseball; in which Japan have really good players. Sumo wrestling is a sport Japanese have been doing for more than 1,000 years. Martial

nt types that important to Japanese culture.

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The most popular team sport team sport in Japan is baseball. Baseball in Japan is played at all levels including elementary, high school, adult social clubs, to the major leagues. There are 12 professional baseball teams, six in the Central league, and six in the Pacific league. The teams

in each league play about 140 games each during the season, at the end of which the two leagues winners meet. Since baseball is the most popular, Japan has the world’s largest baseball leagues.


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Martial arts still thrives today from people still practicing it today. Traditional martial arts include judo, kendo, karate-do, and aikido. Martial art has different levels in all the types of

forms it has such as judo or kendo. Many popular leisure activities, such as sumo, judo, and kendo are important to the Japanese. Martial arts are really important to their culture.

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Sumo is Japan’s national sport and has a history of more than 1,000 years. As it used to be held as a way of giving thanks for harvests. Sumo is two large men up to 594 pounds try to throw each other to

the ground or out of the small dirt ring. A sumo wrestler or also called Rakish weighs over 286 pounds. Sumo wrestling is still done today Since Sumo wrestling has been practiced a long time and has become as it was

1,500 years ago.

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How important are sports fans to Japan and how are some players treated? Over 15million fans attend baseball games each year. Since Japan’s own professional soccer league. The league founded in 1993 and soccer has won


more and more fans in Japan. The best baseball players are treated like stars, like top athletes all over the world.


Culture and Religion in Japan

The culture and religion in Japan is fascinating. It has a wide verity of close to religion. Now I’m going to tell you about it.

japaneselanguageculturefood.com/japanese-culture.htm http://

Do you want to know the top two religions in Japan? Well if you do I’ll tell you. The top two religions in Japan are

Shinto and Buddhism. In the world 2% of the population worships Buddhism. For Shinto 0.02% of the population worships it. In Japan religion does not play a big role, but Shintoism and Buddhism is big there.


The culture in Japan is amassing and I’m going to tell you some facts about it. Traditionally Japanese dress for men, women and children is Kimono. Also the Japanese culture favors rice. For their music they use Shanison and Koto to play it. Also, historically, Japanese architecture was influenced by Chinese styles. The main material was wood.


Shinto Here are some more facts about culture and religion. Japan does cultural performing arts such as Kabuki, Hon, and Kyogen. Another traditional thing they do is tea ceremonies. Traditional Japanese meals are named after the number of side dishes. That was some more facts about religion and culture.


Japanese tea ceremony Now let’s recap the most important facts. 2% of the world’s population worships Buddhism. 0.02% of the world population worships Shintoism. Finally kimono is the dress for men, women, and children. That was some facts about culture and religion in Japan.




Have you ever wondered about Japanese technology? Find out about

their electronics and robots. Learn about the super computers and education. See the business and trading they do. For one thing, Japanese technology is complex and very interesting.

http://www.google.com/imgres?q=Japan+computer+dog&um =48&surl=1

Today robotics, or computer controlled mechanical devices, is a hot field in Japan. Many personal robotics products such as robotic pets can be seen

throughout the country. In the Aibo electronics store in the Ginza of Tokyo they feature computer dogs. In the 1980’s Japan was internationally known as an exporter of entertainment products. Manufacturing. Technology said it planned to develop a “green” super computer that used snow, ice, and underground water for cooling.

http://www.google.c om/imgres?q=Japan+supercomputer&um =143&tbnw=200&start=20&ndsp=28&ved=1t:429, r: 11, s: 20&surl=1

Japan has tough times when it comes to computer research that’s efficient and education with proper technology. Tokyo universities have been accused of having rundown equipment and out of date curriculums. Super computers are used for earthquake simulations, climate modeling, nuclear research, weapons development, and testing. Tokyo institute of things insist to hold it up.


Countries around the world always trade and do business with Japan, but sometimes those countries face consequences. Japanese sells most of their goods cheaper than the west does. United States and Great Britain complain that Japanese are unfair and make it difficult for countries trying to sell goods there. Many Japanese companies show little respect for the peoples or environments of the countries from which they import resources. Japan has its own problems in economy so they don’t have time for other countries.


Japan is a thriving yet advancing country where technology is their slave. Japan has always tried to find new ways to advance in technology for a long time. Japans economy is consisting on technology to hold its self up. As Japan grows so will the technology and still Japan remains strong.

Bibliography Whyte, Harlina Japan Countries of the World Milwaukee, WI Gareth Stevens Publishing 1998 Explore kids “sports” Japan.org 19, 1March 2012 Japan kids. <http://web-japan.org/kidsweb/explre/sports/index/.html Baines, John Country fact files Japan

Austin, TX Raintree Steck-Vaughn publishers 1994

Greene, Meg. Japan. New York: Rosen, 2005. Print

Food Blog." About.com Japanese Food. Web. 29 Mar. 2012. <http://japa "Japanese nesefood.about.com/b/>.

"Japanese Food." Japan-guide.com. Web. 29 Mar. 2012. <http://www.japan-guide.com/e/e620.html>

"Japan - Language, Culture, Customs and Etiquette." Doing Business, Culture, Customs, Etiquette. Web. 22 Mar. 2012. <http://www.kwintessential.co.uk/resources/global-etiquette/japan-country-profiles.html>.

"Kids Web Japan." Religion. Web. 20 Mar. 2012. <http://web-japan.org/kidsweb/explore/culture/q6.html>.

Tidmarsh, Celia. Focus on Japan. Milwaukee, WI: World Almanac Library, 2007. Print http://tartranddetails.com/japan.php?itemid=875&cdtid=26&subcatid=163

Whyte, Harlinah. Japan. Milwaukee, WI: G. Stevens Pub., 1998. Print.

Donovan, Sandra. Teens in Japan. Minneapolis, MN.: Compass Point, 2007. Print.

1.Jacob Fredricks 2.Mason Peterson 3.Devon Peterson 4.Peyton La Mere

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