Venice city Solutions | Creating citizenship: the SDGs as an opportunity for all

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It is divided into three working groups dedicated to social inclusion, economic growth and sustainability. The final objective is to promote better public policies and raise an awareness of Agenda 2030 among all communities in the State of Oaxaca. Madagascar is also one of those countries that have integrated SDGs into the vision and programming of their development model.

the impact finance that binds investments to the social fallout of a project or initiative. In this regard, Mitra Anderson-Oliver, Head of Urban Design and Strategy, Impact Investment Group (Australia) said that it is necessary to demonstrate that finance can strengthen the common good and create a path towards a significant and positive environmental and social impact.

Hanitra Rasamison, Director General of the Municipal Development Fund of Madagascar, spoke at the session highlighting the progressive tendency of the national government to promote administrative decentralization and the empowerment of local governments with respect to Agenda 2030, with the dual objective of providing basic services to citizens and encouraging forms of public participation. The socio-economic stakeholders of the territory were also involved through the establishment of the National Equalization Fund, which helps to reduce disparities between the various areas of the country and promotes solidarity and social cohesion. The second tool put in place to involve the various stakeholders in the development path undertaken is the “local economic game”, which aims to support the creation of infrastructure, open spaces for dialogue with the private sector in the context of economic events and launch publicprivate partnerships6. The dialogue between municipalities and economic operators has been positive because public administrations have been stimulated to continue investments, while investors have been able to receive information and assistance on the procedures necessary to launch activities in specific areas of the country.

The relationship that binds communities, understood as groups of people linked by reciprocal relationships, to the “money market”, and therefore to finance, was at the centre of the speech by Riccardo Moro, Global Co-Chair of Global Call to Action Against Poverty (GCAP)7. Taking up the issues addressed by Massimo Renno form Botteghe nel Mondo at the working group dedicated to the relationship between citizens and local administrators, Moro said that although it is difficult to imagine a world without monetary exchanges, the degeneration of the financial system contributes to creating inequality and poverty. Fair trade, in his view, represents the “real” economy, the model of exchange that contributes to achieving the goals of Agenda 2030.

The second part of the session dealt with the role of finance, which appears to be more and more decisive in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, the basis for thinking about 6

Madagascar has recently enacted the law on public partnership.


Global Call to Action Against Poverty (GCAP) is a network of more than 11,000 civil society organisations organised in 58 national coalitions and electoral groups of women, young people and socially excluded people and aims, among others, to support people in their struggles for justice.


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