Inda propone un’unica soluzione cromatica per tutta la stanza dabagno, con 15 colori opachi selezionati per:
- le pareti doccia WALK IN e CLAIRE DESIGN
- gli accessori LEA, GEALUNA, MY LOVE e MY SECRET
- gli specchi PIRANO, MAGGIORE, TENNO, ZARA e SPALATO da abbinare alle stesse finiture mobili e piani top, ai lavabiintegrati GIOTTO, TIZIANO e ai lavabi in appoggio in mineralguss.
Inda suggests an entire colour solution for your bathroom, with 15 selected matt shades for:
- WALK IN and CLAIRE DESIGN shower enclosures
- LEA, GEALUNA, MY LOVE and MY SECRET accessories
- PIRANO, MAGGIORE, TENNO, ZARA and SPALATO mirrorsto be combined with the same finishes of cabinets and worktops, GIOTTO, TIZIANO integrated washbasins and tabletop washbasinsin mineral marble.
Inda ofrece una ùnica solución cromatìca toda la habitación debaño, con 15 colores opacos seleccionados para:
- las mamparas de ducha WALK IN y CLAIRE DESIGN
- los espejos PIRANO, MAGGIORE, TENNO, ZARA y SPALATO para combinar con los mismos acabados de muebles y encimeras,con los lavabos integrados GIOTTO, TIZIANO y los lavabos deapoyo de mineralguss.
Inda propose une solution de couleur unique pour toute la salle debain, avec 15 couleurs opaques sélectionnées pour:
- les parois de douche WALK IN et CLAIRE DESIGN
- les accessoires LEA, GEALUNA, MY LOVE et MY SECRET
- les miroirs PIRANO, MAGGIORE, TENNO, ZARA et SPALATO à combiner avec les mêmes finitions des meubles, plans topdes meubles, avec les lavabos GIOTTO, TIZIANO intégré et auxlavabos en mineralguss.
Inda biedt één kleuroplossing voor de hele badkamer, met 15 matte kleuren geselecteerd voor:
- WALK IN en CLAIRE DESIGN douchewanden
- de PIRANO, MAGGIORE, TENNO, ZARA en SPALATO spiegels te combineren met dezelfde meubel afwerkingen, meubelbladen, met geïntegreerde GIOTTO, TIZIANO wastafels en mineralguss wastafels.
Inda bietet eine einfarbige Lösung für das gesamte Badezimmer, mit 15 ausgewählten matten Farben, an für:
- die Duschkabinen WALK IN und CLAIRE DESIGN
- das Zubehör der Serien LEA, GEALUNA, MY LOVE und MY SECRET
- Spiegel kombinierbar mit den gleichen Ausführungen der Möbel und - Abdeckplatten, mit den integrierten Waschtischen GIOTTO, TIZIANO und zu den Aufsatzwaschbecken aus Mineralguss.
_LEA accessories
_WALK IN shower enclosures
_MINORCA tabletop washbasin
_PIRANO+ mirror
_GEALUNA accessories
_WALK IN COULISSANTE shower enclosures
_GIOTTO COLOR integrated washbasin
_PIRANO+ mirror
_GEALUNA accessories
_CLAIRE DESIGN shower enclosures
_GIOTTO COLOR integrated washbasin
_PIRANO+ mirror
mirror with lighting L160 H80 P6,5
A1018B VV towel holder L47 H1,6 P7
L160 H48 P50
GEALUNA A1020A VV clothes hanger L5 H5 P6
A1051B VV basket L39 H3 P13
A1010A VV 03
wall-mounted tumbler holder with extra clear transparent glass tumbler
L8 H10 P12
DESIGN B5747 S VV 01 shower enclosure L120 H195 - 6mm
T852201 NE LC 521 integrated washbasin mineral marble color
L160 H1,6 P50
_LEA accessories
_CLAIRE DESIGN shower enclosures
_GIOTTO COLOR integrated washbasin
_PIRANO+ mirror
PIRANO+ S921260RABT mirror with lighting L160 H80 P6,5
A18100 BD 21
wall-mounted tumbler holder with satined glass tumbler
L7 H11 P11
B5887 S BD 01
B5756 O BD 01
shower enclosure
L160 H195 P80 - 6 mm
A1851A BD basket
L25 H3 P12
GIOTTO COLOR T862201 NE LC 520 integrated washbasin mineral marble color L160 H14 P50
_LEA accessories _MY SECRET accessories
LC 690
LC 516
Blu Denim
LC 520
LC 517
LC 922
LC 684
LC 925
LC 515
LC 514
Verde salvia
LC 521
Verde felce
LC 522
LC 913
LC 919
LC 512
Terra di luna
LC 472
H1,6/14 P40/50/54
H1,2/13 P40/50/54
H1,6/14 P40/50/54
H1,2/13 P40/50/54
x 18H x 9 cm
Wall-mounted soap dispenser with extra clear transparent glass container and n finish brass pump 8 x 16H x 12 cm
Wall-mounted tumbler holder with extra clear transparent glass tumbler 8 x 10H x 12 cm
Wall-mounted soap holder with extra clear transparent glass dish 13 x 5H x 15 cm
Optional wall mounting kit. Includes glue pack 6 x 3H x 1 cm
A1815 Fixed towel holder 6 x 3H x 32 / 45 cm
A1818 Towel holder 36 / 51 / 66 / 86 x 3H x 8 cm
A1820C Triple clothes hanger 17 x 3H x 5 cm
Wall-mounted soap holder with satined glass dish 12 x 5H x 13 cm
Tabletop tumbler holder with satined glass tumbler 7 x 10H x 7 cm
A1826A Paper holder with cover 17 x 2H x 13 cm
Double towel holder 51 / 66 x 3H x 13 cm
A18160 Ring towel holder 22 x 14H x 6 cm
Wall-mounted lever soap dispenser with satined glass container, lever in finish 7 x 11H x 11 cm
Wall-mounted double support with satined glass tumbler and soap dispense in finish brass pump 20 x 15H x 11 cm
A1811Z Tabletop soap holder with satined glass dish 12 x 4H x 12 cm
A18280 Spare roll holder 6 x 17H x 8 cm
A18680 Bath towel rack with towel holder 66 x 9H x 25 cm Corner 16 x 7H x 17 cm
A1820A Clothes hanger 6 x 3H x 5 cm
A1820B Double clothes hanger 11 x 3H x 5 cm
Wall-mounted soap dispenser with satined glass containerand in finish brass pump 7 x 15H x 12 cm
Wall-mounted tumbler holder with 2 satined glass tumblers 20 x 11H x 11 cm
A18250/A Paper holder 19 x 3H x 8 cm
Wall-mounted tumbler holder with satined glass tumbler 7 x 11H x 11 cm
Tabletop soap dispenser with satined glass container and pump in finishing 7 x 15H x 7 cm
A1825B Double paper holder 31 x 3H x 8 cm
A1895 Safety grip 30 / 45 / 60 x 3H x 5 cm
A18260 Tilting roll holder with cover 15 x 10H x 5 cm
A18510 Basket
A1849A Basket
Tempered satined crystal shelf, 6 mm glass, with brackets 60 x 3H x 13 cm
A18140/A Wall-mounted toilet brush holder, with satined glass dish 10 x 35H x 13 cm
A80750 Recessed modul with tumbler holder and soap dispenser 35 x 26H x 15 cm
A8085B Recessed modul with paper holder and hydrobrush 19 x 66H x 15 cm
Recessed modul with paper holder, spare roll holder and hydrobrush 19 x 86H x 15 cm
Recessed modul with glass shelves, hairdryer holder, pivot door with internal mirror 35 x 160H x 15 cm
A8086A Half built-in modul with paper holder and My love toilet brush holder 19 x 66H x 15 cm
A8085A Recessed modul with paper holder and My Love toilet brush holder 19 x 66H x 15 cm
A8085C Recessed modul with paper holder, spare roll holder and My Love 19 x 86H x 15 cm
A8035A Recessed modul with glass shelves, pivot door with internal mirror 35 x 160H x 15 cm
A8035C Recessed modul with glass shelves 35 x 160H x 15 cm
A8086C Half built-in modul with paper holder, spare roll holder and My Love 19 x 86H x 15 cm
35 x 160H x 15 cm
External modul with glass shelves, pivot door with internal mirror
35 x 160H x 15 cm
Half built-in modul with tumbler holder and soap dispenser
35 x 26H x 15 cm
External modul with glass shelves, pivot door with internal mirror 35 x 160H x 15 cm
Built-in niche for shower area. External modul with glass shelves, hairdryer holder 35 x 160H x 15 cm
Specchio con telaio in alluminio verniciato. Con luce frontale superiore interno telaio. Mirror with painted aluminium frame. With upper front light inside the frame. Espejo con marco de aluminio barnizado. Con iluminaciòn frontal superior al interior del marco. Miroir avec cadre en aluminium laqué. Avec éclairage supérieur à l’intérieur du cadre frontal. Spiegel met gelakt aluminium frame. Met frontverlichting bovenste koplamp in het frame. Spiegel mit lackiertem Aluminiumrahmen. Mit oberem Frontlicht im Inneren des Rahmens
RA 40 1700 6 S920000 … 30
S920000RA … 50 1700 7 S920005 … 31
60 1700 8 S920010 … 41
70 1700 9 S920015 … 43
80 1700 11 S920020 … 63
S920005RA …
S920010RA …
S920015RA …
S920020RA … 90 1700 12 S920025 … 78
1700 13 S920030 … 79
S920025RA …
S920030RA …
1700 14 S920035 … 80 S920035RA … 120 1700 15 S920040 … 109 S920040RA … 130 1700 17 S920045 … 110 S920045RA … 140 1700 18 S920050 … 111
160 1700 19 S920060 … 151
180 1700 20 S920070 … 152
200 1700 21 S920080 … 153
S920050RA …
S920060RA …
S920070RA …
S920080RA …
Specchio con telaio in alluminio satinato e verniciato. Con luce frontale interno telaio.
Mirror with satined and painted aluminium frame. With frontal light, integrated to the frame.
Espejo con marco de aluminio satinado y barnizado. Con luz frontal interno perfil.
Miroir avec cadre en aluminium satiné et laqué. Avec éclairage frontale à l’intériuer du cadre. Spiegel met satijn en gelakt aluminium frame. Met frontlicht in frame. Spiegel mit Rahmen aus satiniertes und lackiertes Aluminium. Mit Innenrahmen-Frontlicht.
H 80 L Lumen/mt Watt cod. 40 1700 29 S921000 …
1700 36 S921010 …
1700 38 S921015 …
1700 40 S921020 …
1700 42 S921025 …
1700 44 S921030 …
1700 47 S921035 …
1700 49 S921040 … 130 1700 51 S921045 … 140 1700 53 S921050 … 160 1700 57 S921060 … 180 1700 62 S921070 … 200 1700 66 S921080 …
Specchio con telaio in alluminio satinato e verniciato. Con luce frontale interno telaio e ambientale.
Mirror with satined and painted aluminium frame. With room light and frontal light, integrated to the frame. Espejo con marco de aluminio satinado y barnizado. Con luz frontal interno perfil y ambiental.
Miroir avec cadre en aluminium satiné et laqué. Avec éclairage frontale à l’ntériuer du cadre et ambiance.
Spiegel met satijn en gelakt aluminium frame. Met frontlicht in frame en omtrek. Spiegel mit Rahmen aus satiniertes und lackiertes Aluminium. Mit Innenrahmen-Frontlicht und Indirektebeleuchtung.