Venice city Solutions | Creating citizenship: the SDGs as an opportunity for all

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2.1 The National Strategy for Sustainable Development (SNSvS): the development path On 25 September 2015, Italy signed the Agenda 2030 for sustainable development, committing itself to integrate into its economic, social and environmental programming the 17 objectives and 169 targets identified by the United Nations and to set in motion a strategy of reform of its development model1.

The development of the National Strategy for Sustainable Development (SNSvS)2, the document that commits the signatory countries of the Agenda 2030 to the achievement of the objectives, launched at the beginning of 2016 following a bottom-up route supervised by the central Administrations and composed of three preliminary phases: • The analysis of the Italian Position with respect to the 17 Objectives for Sustainable Development of the United Nations3 to compare the initiatives undertaken by Italy in terms of attention to sustainable development to the targets set by the agenda. • The identification of the strengths and weaknesses of the Italian situation through the implementation of multi-level consultations, which involved the Central Administrations and the Italian Regions (through the Conference 1 In order to ensure full and concrete implementation of Agend2030, Agenda 2030 signatory states must prepare a National Strategy for Sustainable Development (SNSvS) and monitor its proper implementation at all levels of government. 2 The SNSvS has replaced the National Environmental Action Strategy (2002) as required by Legislative Decree 221/2015 Environmental provisions to promote green economy measures and to limit the excessive use of natural resources. 3 The document is available in the section of website of the Ministry of the Environment, Land and Sea (MATTM) dedicated to Agenda 2030.


of Regions), to ensure transversally and full ownership of the SNSvS by those called to implement it. Moreover, the world of knowledge and research and civil society to consolidate the indicators used in the positioning document and lay the foundations for the subsequent monitoring and reporting of the strategy. • The development of a system of national strategic objectives organized around the 5 areas (5P) of Agenda 2030 - People, Planet, Prosperity, Peace and Partnership, that bring together all the dimensions of sustainable development.

The verification of the Italian positioning with respect to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, which represents the initial phase of the strategy development process, was conducted by the Ministry of the Environment and Protection of Land and Sea (MATTM) and developed through the identification of indicators closer to those identified by the Inter-Agency and Expert Group on Sustainable Development Goals Indicators (IAEGSDGs)4 of the United Nations. The analysis took into consideration the first set of indicators published by the National Statistical Institute (ISTAT) on December 14, 2016, (95 Italian indicators, related to 66 of the 241 indicators chosen by the InterAgency Expert Group of the United Nations), subsequently updated every six months until the last available survey contained in the “SDGs Report 2019. Statistical information for Agenda 2030 in Italy”, in which ISTAT identifies 123 UNIAEG-SDGs indicators and, for these, 303 national statistical 4 For more details see box 2. Inter-Agency and Expert Group on Sustainable Development Goals Indicators (IAEG-SDGs).

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