02 PARTICIPANTS The dialogue brought together
Gambia, Germany, Greece, Italy, Ivory
representatives of central governments,
Coast, Jordan, Montenegro, Morocco,
local and regional government
Netherlands, Peru, San Marino, Serbia,
associations, Mayors, Governors and
Spain, Tanzania, Togo, Uganda, United
other governmental representatives and
Kingdom and Uruguay. Of the total number
selected partners to identify existing
of participants, a 34% were female and a
experiences, gathering data and providing
66% male. The activity counted with a total
solutions to the challenge of how to
of 36 participants from local or regional
finance the implementation of the SDGs
governments, 21 representatives from
at local level. A total of 114 participants
central governments, 20 local government
attended the event, including central and
networks, 2 from financial institutions, 2
local governments from the following 30
from cooperation agencies, 8 partners or
countries: Bangladesh, Benin, Belgium,
universities and 19 colleagues from the
Bosnia Herzegovina, Burundi, Cameroun,
United Nations System.
Congo DRC, Costa Rica, Croatia, France,
Venice City Solutions 2030 / Final Report 7