03 OPENING WELCOME The Institutional welcome was offered
partnerships, cities will be key as 70%
by the host of the event, the Italian
of the population will be urban, as urban
Association for the Council of European
will be the places of production and
Municipalities and Regions (AICCRE) in
consumption. Future investments and
the voice of its Secretary General, Carla
innovation need to be centred around
Rey, who introduced the “Localizing SDG�
people if we want to achieve the SDGs.
concept focusing the action of local governments and their communities
Frederic Vallier, Secretary General of CEMR
around 5 key themes: people, planet,
- Council of European Municipalities and
prosperity and partnership. In Italy, still
Regions, spoke on behalf of Platforma, a
1.778.000 citizens live in absolute poverty
European coalition of 30 partners active in
and climate change constitutes not a
decentralized cooperation. He mentioned
future thread, but rather a present one.
how Agenda 2030 is the first global public
Only in the past year, natural disasters
policy devised by United Nations member
have affected 198 Italian municipalities.
states, but that also counted with the
The world needs to move away from
participation of local governments. Venice
present consumption and production
City Solutions 2030 fully subscribe the
models and start thinking about future
objectives of Platforma to imagine the
generations, who are also in need of
future of our continent and our cities.
decent jobs. Women are still excluded
Venice is a symbol of one of the main
in many countries of the world, and the
challenges linked to climate change; as
elder population is at risk. Promoting
it was only two weeks ago that the city
the SDGs equals promoting peace and
was flooded, reminding us how grave the
good government, human rights, rule of
situation is. There is no alternative, either
law, freedom and equality access as well
we change our development model or life
as fighting corruption and promoting
on planet will be compromised. We need
efficient institutions. Agenda 2030 needs
to think about future generations and the
Venice City Solutions 2030 / Final Report 9