Co-Creation Neale Donald Walsch
Lynne McTaggart
Steve Farrell :
A 2000 Year Old Reality Check
Learning The Art Of
Mindful Living
Contents 14
Finding Your Path: An Interview Series With Neale Donald Walsch – Part Three
Connection To Source Within James Van Praagh
KT King: Caring For Our Ever-expanding Consciousness
2,000 Year Old Reality Check
The Plum Village Tradition: Learning The Art Of Mindful Living
An Invitation To Work With Upper Management
Denise Linn - Co Creation: Stepping Into Grace
Healed In An Instant by Lynne McTaggart
John De Martini: A Man On A Mission To Unlock The Greatness In Everyone
Anita Moorjani: Near-Death To True Healing
Vicki Gotsis-Ceraso: Re-Ignite The Embers Of Your Life
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Contributors James Van Praagh is a pioneer in the field of mediumship and one of the most celebrated and respected spiritual teachers working today. His work has brought spiritual insights to millions with his numerous guest appearances on television and as host of his own television show, Beyond with James Van Praagh. He is also a number one New York Times best-selling author.
James Van Praagh Neale Donald Walsch is a modern day spiritual messenger whose words continue to touch the world in profound ways. With an early interest in religion and a deeply felt connection to spirituality, Neale spent the majority of his life thriving professionally, yet searching for spiritual meaning before experiencing his now famous conversation with God. The Conversations with God series of books that emerged from those encounters has been translated into 37 languages, touching millions and inspiring important changes in their day-to-day lives.
Neale Donald Walsch KT King is a spiritual ascension guide based in East Yorkshire, England and has been a healer for 20 years. She has recently published her first novel, Little Eden – A Magic Book, available on Amazon and all e-book sites, which holds new matrix energy keys for consciousness expansion and clearance of old matrix energy from the DNA. Her 21 st Century Prayers also carry new matrix keys to help upgrade and clear religious attunements and initiations.
KT King
Kathleen L. Hawkins is the author of several books including Spirit Incorporated: How to Follow Your Spiritual
Path from 9 to 5 Whatever Your Job, Faith, or Challenge.
She also wrote a time-management column for Success magazine and wrote and produced the best-selling audio-learning program How to Organize Yourself to Win.
Kathleen L. Hawkins
Lynne McTaggart is one of the central voices in the new consciousness movement. She is the award-winning author of seven books including worldwide bestsellers, “The Field,” “The Intention Experiment,” “The Bond” and her latest, “The Power of Eight,” now available in paperback. She also serves as Editorial Director of What Doctors Don’t Tell You (, one of the world’s most highly praised health publications. Lynne and her husband, WDDTY co-founder Bryan Hubbard, live and work in London, UK. For more information, visit
Lynne McTaggart
Before Steve Farrell co-founded Humanity’s Team with bestselling author Neale Donald Walsch, he co-founded and led two high-growth technology companies based in Silicon Valley in the 1990s that spanned across both the United States and Europe, were featured on the INC 500 list, and were each operating at more than $75 million in revenue.
Steve Farrell
Vicki Gotsis-Ceraso wears many hats. Her extensive twenty plus years’ experience in the study of Personal Development and Human Behaviour has led her to enjoy a long career as a well-respected Holistic IntegrativeBehaviour Practitioner and as a Life-Vision Consultant. As an Australian Feminine Leader and International Speaker with proud Greek migrant roots, Vicki states that her biggest achievement is her family. Married to the love of her life for 33 years, together, they have three young adult sons whom she often refers to as her ‘greatest life–teachers’, particularly Rick who is autistic.
Vicki Gotsis-Ceraso
Anita Moorjani
New York Times best-selling author of Dying to Be Me and her latest book, What If This is Heaven? Anita Moorjani is a woman with a remarkable story. Dying To Be Me has sold over a million copies worldwide, in over 45 languages. It has been named a Contemporary Classic and a Foreign Language Phenomena by her publishers (Hay House Inc.) and has been optioned by Hollywood producers to be made into a full-length feature film She travels the world speaking her truth with grace and humour to sold-out audiences that want to learn of her journey and experiences of embracing change, the power of healing, and the quest to live a full and unlimited life.
Dr. John Demartini is a world renowned specialist in human behavior, a researcher, author and global educator. He has developed a series of solutions applicable across all markets, sectors and age groups. His education curriculum ranges from corporate empowerment programs, financial empowerment strategies, self-development programs, relationship solutions and social transformation programs. His teachings start at the core of the issue, addressing the human factor and range out to a multitude of powerful tools that have proven the test of time.
Dr John Demartini
Edito Dear Friends, Welcome to the Fourth Issue of Co-Creation Magazine. And how time has flown. It is now 12 months since we launched the first issue, and we have learned so much. I want to thank all the past contributors and writers for their support and inspiring material. I want to thank all the current contributors, of which there are too many to mention, for your support and great words of wisdom and understanding. I also wish to thank the publishing team and my support team, for delivering this magazine through the digital world. I am sending an even bigger hug to all of you that have subscribed to the magazine as well as supported us on social media. In this address I wish to revisit our roots in the first edition, which speaks about consciousness and co-creation. I also wish to review the story as to how and why co-creation magazine and cocreation global were birthed. The journey begins 60 years ago. I have been a channel for a stream of consciousness, addressing itself as SOL, which means Signals Of Love. SOL has been with me since the age of ten, and it is through this medium that Source Energy transmits its infinite wisdom. Early in 2016, SOL transmitted a vision plan for evolving global consciousness on a scale not seen before. It gave me the opportunity and the choice to deliver its messages about Co-Creation and the One Consciousness, to anyone ready to remember their true nature and power. Co-Creation Magazine and Co-Creation Global were manifested from that master vision plan.
The purpose of this Magazine and Co-creation Global, its platform, is to make the message of Co-Creation and We Are One, globally visible to all cultures, creeds and languages. The messages, delivered by SOL, around CoCreation are not new, they have been transmitted through various prophets, philosophers, and avatars since man began to walk the Earth. These messages have been mostly misunderstood, misinterpreted, or misdirected and we see the consequences of Unconscious Co-Creation, or CoDestruction, if you will, globally. So what’s different? Why Now? Right now there is a collective awakening, occurring as we speak. It has happening mainly with the building of conscious awareness around social, environmental, political, cultural, ecological, climate and many other aspects of the human experience. These groups or collectives are responding to an awareness of the need for change, but have not yet understood that they are observing or experiencing the symptoms, and not the cause of the problem. The missing ingredient here is that all of the things going in our physical world are a result of human collective consciousness, separated from its SOURCE self - from the Divine origins of the Creator Self. We were born of LOVE and we are Love, but we act out our lives through the filters of fear, lack, tribalism, inequality, and so on. The paradox is that we are capable and do express love, acceptance, tolerance, generosity in our individual lives and smaller groups. but the mass collective unconscious trumps, individual and smaller groups by size and frequency. In other words, seven billion unawake people overrides the effect of a few million people who are awake.
or In Chief So far the awakening is a small fraction of the planet’s population. We need 300 million to create the tipping point. Why 300 million? According to SOL, this is a tipping point for a global shift. We have never had a better opportunity to come together and work as one unified field towards change. Technology and the internet allow us to reach millions of people all over the world. What took hundreds or thousands of years can now be achieved in just a few. It is our collective intention to make Co-Creation Global a medium for the voice of any person or group who is on a journey as a local or global agent of transformation. We have co-created this space to encourage and inspire up and coming teachers, coaches, and influencers to connect and share their experiences and products globally with a vast and receptive community and movement. It is our desire, to build the community (CoCreation Family) and the movement, so you can act as Agents, Co-Creators and Sponsors for writing the script for Co-Creation Global. We will ask for your opinions and collective guidance about courses, workshops and experiences to support you to evolve and thrive individually and collectively. We are building an online platform as a home and launching pad, for all work related to unity consciousness. A platform for our products and services as well as your compatible products and services. We intend to use most of our surplus financial resources to set up local foundations, to teach Co-Creation, and to sponsor self-help programs
for education, literacy, social justice and for overcoming poverty, inequality, sustainability, and to provide a place where our children are given every opportunity to discover their true Source Self, and learn to apply and act in a heart centered way towards their fellow man, and all life on the planet. Our aim is to uplift everyone we touch, to become aware of the source of their true power. We will demonstrate how this power facilitates benevolence, compassion and love, which transforms, transmutes and heals the unconscious behavior of those still asleep. We intend to sponsor a new generation of youth, who are coming into this world more aware, by recognizing who they are, and providing them with every opportunity to let their genius and light shine on to a world, where they have an opportunity to reverse the fear and lack based conundrum, where they can emerge as pinnacles of wisdom, and the future scientists and architects of what may be a new enlightened and love based humanity. I invite our future community and movement to join us in the vast vision. We can only do this with your individual and collective help. I invite you to come forward as individuals or as groups to mass together and walk as one unified consciousness, with the intention to assist the rest of humankind to awaken. I ask that where you have time, to contribute, your skills, your networking abilities, your time, your social media support, whatever you can spare, we will will be gratefully honored to receive. Love and Blessings
Finding Your Path: An Interview Series With Neale Donald Walsch – Part Three
ver the last two editions of CoCreation Magazine we have chatted with Neale Donald Walsch about spirituality, reality, perception, power and more. The bestselling author and spiritual messenger has much more to share, though, so read on for the final part in this in-depth series, as Neale provides us with tips for living with purpose and making effective changes in our lives. Neale, you’ve often spoken and written about the idea of living with purpose. For those who are struggling to find their own purposeful path at the moment, what suggestions can you offer?
My awareness tells me that the first step is understanding that Life Purpose is not something we “find,” it is something we decide before we “find” it. That is, the deciding of it produces it in our experience. Conversations with God tells us that life is not a Process of Discovery, it is a Process of Creation. The second step is understanding that our Purpose has very little to do with what we are “doing,” and very much to do with what we are “being” while we are doing whatever we are doing.
It is “beingness” that we are after, not “doingness.” Are we being kind? Are we being gentle? Are we being compassionate? Are we being generous? Are we being creative and inspiring? Are we being healing? Are we being thoughtful, sensitive, caring, aware, understanding, consoling, accepting, forgiving, etc.? Most of all, are we being loving?
Many people say they’re too busy to make real change happen in their life. Yet, making changes can lead to having the life they really want.
So many people—perhaps most people—are focused mainly on their career, or their primary life activity. This is understandable, because humanity as a species has demanded that each of us find a way to “make a living,” and told us that only then do we have a right to survive. But I’ve learned from my Conversations with God to make a life, rather than a living.
This might be the most important question I’ve ever been asked. And believe it or not, I have been asked it very few times!
I suggest that people focus on the energy they are projecting into life and onto others as they move through their day-to-day experience. It is from the expression of this energetic state that their Right and Perfect Career or Life Activity will become apparent to them, and will most likely arise. And they won’t have to even think about it. They’ll just slip into it, as an easy, fluid, and even obvious expression of Who They Are. I wrote about this in a booklet titled Bringers of the Light, which many people have found very useful in helping them create and produce a Path to Purpose in their life.
What would you say are the top three changes people could make in 2019 to radically change their lives for the better?
The three most important changes that people could make to radically change their lives for the better are: 1. Change their idea of Who They Are. 2. Change their notion about What They Are. (The two are not the same.) 3. Change their reason for living. Under #1, I invite people to embrace as their reality the idea that they are not simply physical beings, but that they are spiritual beings having a physical experience. In #2, I invite people to notice that the spiritual being they are is not in any way separated from anything—least of all, God. All Things Are One Thing, there is only One Thing, and all things are part of the One Thing There Is. In #3, I invite people to decide that their reason for living has nothing to do with their Body or their Mind (which are only tools), and has only to do with the agenda of their Soul, which is the same for everyone and for every sentient being in the cosmos. 9
Our agenda is to announce and declare, to demonstrate and to express, to be and to experience Who We Truly Are, by recreating Ourselves anew, in every golden moment of Now, in the next grandest version of the greatest vision ever we held about Who We Are. And Who We Truly Are, we are told in the Conversations with God dialogue, is an Individuation of Divinity, a Singularisation of The Singularity, a Specific and Particular Expression of The Pure and Essential Essence that is The Source of All Of Life. In the language of some, this Pure and Essential Essence is called God. People are often looking for shortcuts in life, particularly when it comes to spirituality and personal change. Is there a faster way to change? Life brings us an opportunity to complete this agenda to be Who We Truly Are in every moment. The conditions, circumstances, and events of each moment offer us a perfect context within which to do this, at the level of spiritual awareness and consciousness within which we then reside, and the abilities we choose to call forth. If there is a “faster” way to complete the soul’s agenda, it would be to see every moment in life as offering us an invitation to undertake this mission. I have been thinking of writing an exposition on all of this, entitled: Every Moment a Mission.
We’d love to read that! One final question: what would you say to people who think that after they’ve made a few changes (to their thinking, their perception, their path to spirituality), that they’re done? In my understanding, completion of the Soul’s Agenda is not a One Time Event. It is not like getting your tonsils out. It is not a “once-it’s-done, it’s-done” experience. Completion of the Soul’s Agenda is an ongoing process, like breathing. We don’t take one breath, and call ourselves “complete” with the experience. Each inhalation and exhalation is a Complete Expression of “breathing,” but we continue that expression to its completion over and over again, because we want the experience to go on and on and on. The same is true of our experience of Divinity. We want it to go on and on and on, and so we continue the expression to its completion over and over again, from one moment to the next. This wraps up the interview series with spiritual messenger Neale Donald Walsch. Neale’s latest book, The Essential Path, was released in June 2019. Head to Neale’s website,, to find out more and to interact with Neale personally.
Connection To Source with
Praagh James Van
ames Van Praagh is a worldrenowned medium and author of many books including New York Times bestseller, Talking to Heaven. He is also the co-executive produce of CBS series Ghost Whisper. A natural born psychic pioneer, Van Praagh is one of the most celebrated and respected spiritual teachers who has bought a mind-full awareness to the subject of communication with the dead. So exactly how did this young man from Queens, New York go on to become one of the world’s leading mediums? Here we chat with James Van Praagh and learn a more about his journey into the spiritual world.
When did you first discover that you were a medium?
When I was a very young child, I would see visions of my deceased grandparents at the foot of my bed at night. Because I was only three or four years old, I didn’t quite know what to make of this! Eventually I mentioned what I was seeing to my mother, and she handled it in a way that made me feel at peace. She very calmly said “Oh you can see spirits? I used to see them too when I was your age.” She explained that I had a special gift and that I was not alone, and assured me there was nothing to fear. 11
How did you grow and develop as a medium over time and with experience?
I’ve been a psychic medium for over three decades. I pushed my gift aside during my teens, and in my early twenties while I was pursuing a career as a screenwriter when an encounter with a medium changed everything. He told me that my destiny was to prove to the world that there is an afterlife. Inspired, I spent hours every week sitting with other mediums in a development circle as we sharpened our intuition and mediumship skills. We would practice reading one another, and spent time meditating to strengthen our connection to Spirit. Over all these years, I have never stopped practicing. These days, I continue to enhance my own abilities as I mentor mediums and psychics at live workshops and through my online school, The James Van Praagh School of Mystical Arts.
Do you think that being a medium is a special gift or is it something that all humans are capable of?
We all start out with psychic abilities, although we are not all capable of connecting with souls who have passed over. When babies are born, their connection to Source energy is very strong. They’re not even aware of the dividing line between the earthly world and the Spirit realm. As they grow older, 12
the judgement and expectation of adults starts to influence them, and most gradually lose that connection. Children who are extremely psychic or mediumistic and who are raised by parents who recognize and encourage their gift can maintain their ability into adulthood. They might become professional psychics or mediums or put their sensitivity to use in a more “mainstream” field like healing, art, music or even sales.
How has being a medium affected your life? It must be at times a difficult skill to have.
I feel so blessed to have this gift and I wouldn’t change my life for anything. Even though mediums deal with the profound grief and loss of others on a daily basis, we are in a unique position to help with the healing process. Although I can’t connect everyone who writes to me or comes to one of my events with their deceased loved one, what I can do is prove through my books, videos, and public appearances that death is an illusion, and the person they are missing is still there – watching over them.
How do you best share your passion for the spirit world?
That’s an easy question! It was always my dream to create a community where like-minded people could connect,
explore, and learn. In 2016 I made my dream a reality. The James Van Praagh School of Mystical Arts is online schools for those seeking to discover and enhance their spiritual gifts, unleash their soul’s power, and fulfill their soul’s destiny. The school offers a variety of online learning experiences, from professional certifications, to audio or video courses, to meditations and mind journeys. I offer advanced mediumship courses where I mentor students via live calls and workshops, as well as providing video and audio lessons. My most advanced students even have the chance to join me onstage at events and on Hay House Radio. And hundreds of spiritual seekers were able to enhance their natural intuition and open up their spirit connection with courses like Predict Your Future with Your Soul Self, and Life Tools for the Highly Sensitive Person. You can find out more at www.
How does the spirit world connect with you and how does this make you feel?
I receive impressions from the spirit world in many ways, but primarily through clairvoyance (seeing) and clairsentience (sensing and feeling). Spirit will show me images that I can relay to the person who is receiving the reading. Some of these visions are amazingly detailed! It’s so gratifying to share something so personal and specific that the person receiving the reading has no doubt that their loved one is there, reaching out to them.
Do you think that it is possible for all of us to develop psychic or mediumistic powers?
We are all at least a little bit psychic – the trick is to be able to “tune in” at will – and to tune out when you need to protect your energy. Intuition is like a muscle; it gets stronger and more toned the more you use it. I have mentored thousands of gifted psychics and mediums through my live workshops and online at the JVP School of Mystical Arts. I teach my students to respect their gift, and how to gather detailed insights and evidence in a way that is helpful to the person receiving the reading.
If you have one fundamental message that you want to share with the world what would that message be?
I believe that my purpose is to act as a conduit for the spirit world, and to share the message that death is an illusion, and that love - like life – never dies. To add to that, I want to disprove the idea that the living and the dead are very different from one another, and to demonstrate that, first and foremost, we are all souls. Those of us who are here on earth right now are “souls having a human experience, and not the other way around.” 13
KT KING Consciousness
ur consciousness awareness depends upon what we are exposed to, taught, shown, encouraged to explore or contemplate throughout our lives, as well as from our DNA programming. Think of consciousness as a net of sensors which gather information. The ‘mind’ is like the dongle that information is stored into. The brain is the computer which runs the file and the DNA is like the hard drive. After the human body is dead the information from the hard drive can be released back into the collective human consciousness for others to find another time. Conscious awareness could be as simple as knowing that iPhones exist in the world. If we are told about them, our consciousness takes on that information and we have
Caring For Our Ever-expanding
become aware of the existence of the iPhone. If we live in a tribe in the middle of the jungle, we may have no awareness of an iPhone so we are not conscious of their existence. What exists or does not exist can be relative and subjective based upon our conscious awareness. The word consciousness is often appropriated by the new age community linking it to spirituality. But consciousness is not innately spiritual it is simply gathering information. People who are not interested in how a space rocket works will ignore any information they are given on the subject just as anyone who is not interested in how the spirit world works will ignore that information. When we ignore any information our consciousness does not expand any further in that direction.
We often talk about higher or lower consciousness and place judgements on how ‘high’ or ‘low’ our consciousness is. The nervous system registers the information and sends signals to the emotional body. If our flight/fight response is engaged we call it lower consciousness. If our compassionate response is engaged we call it higher consciousness. This is misleading because everyone reacts differently to different ideas. Someone maybe frightened by the idea of an after-life, just as they might be by a spider, a balloon, or by crossing a bridge. If someone believes that we can communicate, exist and function merely as a spirit, then some might say they have an expanded consciousness, but it is no more expanded than someone who knows about some other subject, such as wine or cheese. A person can 15
have a hugely expanded consciousness and yet never have explored any spiritual information. They may know a million facts about sport or politics but know nothing about the supernatural world. It is important that we expand our consciousness in all directions to gain a balanced view of the information we access. When we open our consciousness to any new information we risk getting information overload and risk having no context in which to place that information. Expanding our conscious awareness via drugs or transcendental meditation may seem like a good idea, but knowing how to cook dinner is no less important than communicating with star beings. Instability, stress and even insanity can follow excessive downloads of information. Some people can actually feel their brain aching when downloads of information come in to fast. Think of the stress which students often experience during exam time. If they are not careful to balance the incoming information, they may lose touch with the human world, forget to eat, find it hard to sleep and they may become ill with stress related illnesses and even have a mental breakdown. Expanding our consciousness can be like doing a jigsaw puzzle. We constantly gather more pieces and add them to our picture of how the world works. Exploring spirituality and the supernatural can challenge the information we originally learnt about our existence and reality. We can become disoriented and confused when our logical mind cannot fit the pieces together. If our fight/flight response 16
is triggered by the inexplicable, the intangible and the use of non-linear time, confusion, stress and insanity can start to take hold. Expanding our consciousness awareness in any direction should always be done slowly, with care and hopefully with guidance from someone who has already explored that subject and who understands the pitfalls and dangers. Whether it is how to grow vegetables or how to communicate with spirit beings, we all need to learn the basics. It is important to treat your consciousness with respect and your mind/brain with care. If you are becoming consciously aware of spiritual information, start at the beginning and keep balancing your intake of information with the third dimensional world (stay grounded).
A 2,000 Year Old
Reality Check By Steve Farrell 17
wo thousand years ago, things were much worse than they are today.
Life was very challenging for most people and they often had to make do with very little food, the barest of shelters, and many suffered terribly. In the midst of this, one man emerged with a small team to try to take these problems on. Unfortunately for him, it wasn’t just a challenging time; it was also a dangerous time to be alive, especially when your actions were disruptive to those in power. The Pharisees wouldn’t cut him a break and spoke disparagingly of him, and the Romans decided to hunt him down. The rest is history. And in spite of the way his physical life ended, his teachings continue to inspire hope, possibility, and miraculous healing all over the world two thousand years later. Looking out at today’s world, there are still far too many people who are facing the same kinds of challenges as our ancestors did two millennia ago. In abject poverty, with inadequate food and shelter, repressed and exploited by those in power over them who are often corrupt and cruelly serving their own agendas with no regard for the lives of others. Even though life as a whole is better in a great many ways compared to the way it was two thousand years back, we haven’t evolved as far as it seems like we should have by now.
Thoughts like these can be deeply disheartening, making us feel powerless, unable to do anything to create real change or help those who are most in need. Those feelings can cause apathy and inertia. The truth is, there is more generosity and compassion in the world than ever, as more and more people awaken to the deep, nourishing joy that comes from caring about and feeling connected to other people you will likely never meet who live elsewhere on the planet. Awareness, support, and services are growing for those who are impoverished, and for the general betterment of humankind. My relationships with family and friends continue to grow closer as my experience of presence, connection, affection, and love is on a much deeper level than ever before. There is a deep intimacy present in my interactions with them that is not forced. It is the fruit of the relationship we’ve nurtured over the years. My senses have also become more keen. In my more “unconscious years,” many moons ago, I was purely focused on tasks I had to accomplish and schedules that must be kept, and I missed a whole lot of life, as a result. Today, the data my senses seem to be taking in is at times almost overwhelming, as I notice every slight shift in the breeze, the scent of every flower, and every individual sound in the symphony of noise that surrounds me wherever I go, even the faint ones, like a squirrel running across the yard or a bird cleaning its beak on a nearby branch.
I notice where the sun is in the sky and the shifting of the cloud formations as they slowly drift across the blue. I feel held in a place of deep feeling, meaning and clarity, where very little escapes my attention. Synchronicities seem to be happening in my life more often. I feel I am living in flow, always where I need to be and meeting the people I am meant to meet. I understand that all of this—and I do mean ALL of THIS—is being orchestrated by the Divine/One Mind, which is Love. So I move through my life each day with the understanding that everything is being orchestrated by Love, and that I am in service to Love and Love is in service to me. Our journey is of course into conscious evolution, a journey into Oneness, into innocence, peace, and blessing, and a journey into love. Imagine what our relationships with others, what education and global
society will look like when we extend this progressive evolution out into the future. And then, in moments of overwhelm or challenge, when that hopelessness and powerlessness tries to set in, simply bless its presence in your life and be grateful for the perspective and insight it offers you. And once you have blessed it, release it from your mind and your body. Release it from your life. Then choose again, but this time choose your intention and bring your attention to our modern day “ministry,” a ministry of health, healing, and wellbeing. Choose the future we are devoted to building together. Choose Love. When we do this together, we co-create the planetary awakening, and step into a whole new way of living together in harmonious connection. Let us bring this dream into form. 19
The Plum Village Tradition:
Learning The Art Of Min
et amongst picturesque farmland near Bordeaux in Southwest France, sits Plum Village monastery; an unassuming, idyllic place that has grown since 1982 to become Europe’s largest Buddhist monastery. Over 200 monks and nuns now live on the premises, and up to 10,000 people from all walks of life visit each year to learn the art of mindful living from some of the world’s most dedicated and talented teachers. Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh was exiled from his home country of Vietnam for speaking out against war and became a novice monk at aged 16. He felt in his heart that he could do more to help the suffering of those around him.
“During his time as a young monk, when the country was being bombed and the war and violence was reaching a very high level, he saw that to be a monk and to only be in the temple was not enough,” explained Br Phap Huu, the Abbot of Plum Village’s Upper Hamlet. “He had the aspiration to go outside the temple to lead people to help relieve suffering. After calling for peace and doing the work he needed to do, but knowing he could not return to Vietnam, he committed to create the practice centre in the West,” Br Phap Huu says. Br Phap Huu became inspired to follow in Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh’s
ndful Living
footsteps at just nine years of age, when he visited Plum Village with his father and sister to witness a Dharma talk from the great teacher. “I remember his presence was of someone who is at peace in himself and at peace with the world. He had this capacity of understanding and this capacity of love, of non-discrimination. There’s this warmth this energy around him that was produced from his practice,” he said. With his family’s blessing, Brother Phap Huu (meaning ‘dharma friend’) began his journey as a monk at aged 13 when he was accepted as an aspirant to
begin training. He became ordained as a novice monk just five months later, committing to Plum Village in 2002. Mindfulness is central to Plum Village teachings and key to Br Phap Huu’s connection to his brothers and sisters. As he explains, mindfulness is not just a moment, but an acute awareness that allows the mind and body to fully understand our thoughts, feelings and actions. “What the Buddha and our teacher has taught us is that life can only happen only in the present moment. The present moment is what contains the past and what is building the future,” he said. 21
“The practice of mindfulness is the key to help us come home to the present moment, to come home to our body to be aware of what is happening in our self and what is happening around us.” Beginning the practice of mindfulness starts with the breath. By paying attention to the in breath and out breath, our mind is quietened and can be guided towards a more positive path. Plum Village was created in the Zen tradition, but is unique in its openness and forward-thinking philosophies. There is a diverse group of monks and nuns living within the grounds, ranging in ages from aged just 13 through to elder brothers and sisters aged in their 70s. They are from varied backgrounds and birth country, but have come together as one family and are committed to sharing the teachings. “The monks and nuns are very real, not like in the movies where they sit on a cloud in the mountains all day! No, they have real aspiration, they have real intention in being a contribution to society. We want to offer a more mindful and compassionate society and we want to show the way and we want to also apply it for ourselves.” Visitors are invited to walk with the monks and nuns, they eat with them, they study mindfulness together and they even play sport as a group. Everyone is equal, supported and encouraged. Everyone is known as ‘friends’, even when there are 500 people coming together at one time. It is this sense of connection and sharing that Br Phap Huu says is the greatest gift people take from Plum Village.
“We see now that what is separating our society much more is loneliness. People don’t feel connected to each other. Even though we have all the technology to communicate, being face to face and being in person can be very difficult. So, in Plum Village we create conditions for people to really be together.” Plum Village teacher Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh says that in today’s modern world, one Buddha is not enough. There has to be many Buddhas, awakened minds, awakened hearts. This is what is taught at Plum Village, so everyone who visits takes away with them a new connectedness, a new commitment to mindful living and a strengthened desire to do good for those around them. “And spirituality here doesn’t mean you have to be Buddhist. As long as you are a human being, you want to be more loving, you want to be more compassionate, you want to be more alive, and you want to learn to offer the best of you for the future – the practice is there, take that courageous step and go look for it,” Br Phap Huu says. If you are ready to take your own spiritual journey to Plum Village and immerse yourself in the calm, quiet and commitment to finding your peace, visit the Plum Village website;
An Invitation To Work With
Upper Management
by Kathleen L. Hawkins
hat’s the bottom line in business? Many people answer, “money” or “profit.” There are growing numbers of us, though, who believe that the real bottom line is spiritual or personal growth. We believe that there’s a Power greater than we are that’s active within all things. This Spirit, absolute on a universal level, is relative on the human level and expressed individually through each of us. Since you’re a personalized expression of this greater Power you can use it to improve every aspect of your life, including the time that you spend in the workplace. Using universal principles at work gives your spiritual life a nuts-andbolts practicality.
To free your inner spiritual genius, keep in touch with “Upper/Inner” Management (your Higher Self/Inner Self/God), your source of inspiration.
Spiritual Laws Operating in the Workplace We’re one with Life because we are created from it. Author Ernest Holmes compared our union with the Whole to drops of water in the ocean, saying that a single drop of water isn’t the whole ocean but contains within itself “all the attributes of the limitless deep.” The Bible declares that we are “made in the image and likeness of God.” And quantum physics confirms the oneness of the universe by proving that everything—visible and invisible—is a form of the same energy, including each of us.
This Life Force operates according to the following universal laws. If you work with them, and act for the highest good of all involved, your daily experiences take on a life-affirming, spiritual quality.
Just as you’re an expression of the one universal Energy, your experiences are also spiritual in nature. You can use your spiritual understanding to enhance your job satisfaction, improve your working relationships, increase your income or profit, and build a cooperative consciousness with others.
Cause and Effect
Thought—fueled by feelings—acting on Energy leads to action, which in turn, produces the effect, the outward experience. The quality of your thoughts affects the quality of your experiences. When you live with honesty, integrity, and a spirit of cooperation, your life tends to get better and the lives of others are enhanced for knowing you.
Attraction: Like Attracts Like
What you think about regularly, tends to appear in your outward experience. If you believe that there’s a power for good that operates through all things, and you act with confidence, your life will run more smoothly. And, if you’re faced with challenges, you’ll be more self-assured, creative, and resourceful. 25
Energy is always in motion, Life in full, abundant expression. You risk interfering with the flow of this vibrant Energy if you engage in less than lifeaffirming behavior, such as dwelling on fear of loss or lack, which could affect greater good from coming into your life.
To keep the Life Energy flowing, release any uncertainty and affirm a belief in an abundance of wealth, ideas, solutions, and answers. Share your talent, time, and knowledge, which asserts that there’s more where that came from.
Energy is neither created nor destroyed, just transformed. Many of us spend a lot of time at work and in business acquiring money, accounts, clients, promotions, and prestige. We’re geared up to “get and gain,” but if we’re in the work world long enough, we’ll probably encounter difficult challenges, such as downsizing, personality conflicts, or what seems to be a missed opportunity. If you remember the Law of Resurrection, you realize that the one Life that permeates everything is a constant regardless of the forms the outward conditions take. You can use this knowledge to maintain your poise and equilibrium, recover faster from apparent losses or difficulties, and reinvest your creativity to achieve something as good as you had or better.
Welcome to a New Way of Working
To do your job more consciously, act on your personal relationship with “Upper/ Inner Management,” as you understand it. If you choose life-affirming alternatives over the traditional warfare model of doing business, you’ll discover that when you put people and principles before profit, success comes naturally, and each day is a fulfilling spiritual experience.
Linn O
ver 50 years ago, Denise endured an event that would lead to a revolutionary spiritual journey and would change her life forever. Now referred to as “America’s best-kept secret,” Denise travels to the far corners of the world speaking to audiences of thousands about the tragedy and revelations that eventually led her to become an internationally respected healer, writer, and teacher.
Stepping Into Grace At 17, Denise was living free and easy as any teen would. However, life can change remarkably fast. That would be the day a car would intentionally run her off the road, and then, the man who hit her would pull out a gun, shoot her and leave her to die. (It would later be discovered this man had killed several unsuspecting women.) However, Denise didn’t die and is the only survivor of the man’s attacks. 27
The Revelation That Changed Everything Denise suffered the loss of a kidney, her spleen, an adrenal gland and part of a lung, as well as damage to her small intestines, stomach, and aorta. The bullet had left a hole in her spine. “I wondered if I was dead,” Denise explained, “I felt as if I was encased in a black bubble. Then suddenly [it] burst and I was bathed in brilliant light. It was the most peculiar experience—because I wasn’t looking at the light. I was the light. I became aware of a sweet, pure music that ebbed and flowed. It was more exquisite than any symphony I’d ever heard. In that moment I was only made of light and sound,” she said. “I had no sense of time—no past or future. Everything just was. I felt so loved and loving. There was a profound, loving presence there. It was supporting me, caring for me. Something about the place I’d traveled to felt familiar. I know I’d been there before.” She remembered screaming “Nooo!” as she was pulled back into her body.
Struggling with an NDE This is described as a near death experience (NDE), a foreign concept to Denise. Her parents both had scientific backgrounds and grew up being taught that the only things that were real were those that were tangible and provable by laws of science. Her parents were both atheists and Denise believed in the provable laws of science.
“I struggled to find a way to fit my NDE into my beliefs about the nature of reality. Everything I believed growing up began to slowly disintegrate. And in its place, a new understanding began to emerge. My life began to take an entirely new direction.” As she recovered from her injuries, Denise began to hear music no one else could hear. She began to see light emanating around people, plants, and animals. And strangely, the strange sights became normal to her. Another astonishing revelation she explained was “the awareness that ‘I’ was separate from my body; ‘I’ wasn’t my body.” Until she was shot, she thought she was her body. After, she realized she had an existence outside from it.
Life or Death Denise felt a desperate yearning to be back in the place she’d visited when the doctors assumed she had died. “I felt an ache of homesickness,” she remembered, “I was very sad to be separated from it. I felt there was a way to reach that place without committing suicide, but I didn’t know how to get there until I discovered Zen Buddhism and meditation.” According to the practice, once enlightened you become one with all things. Citing the belief as being similar to her experience in that hospital, she moved into a Zen monastery and meditated for 4-16 hours a day for two and a half years! While she said she wasn’t enlightened, it was a valuable time in her life where she learned the power of stillness.
Starting to Heal The last area she explored after her NDE was the realm of healing. The doctors were astounded she had survived and told her parents not to expect her to live long. However, she healed. Doctors also told her she would be unable to bear children, yet she has an amazing daughter. “Intuitively I know it wasn’t so much a miracle as it was a shift of identity. The more you connect with your soul and release your attachment to your physical form, the easier it is to activate your natural healing forces.” She also knew there were ways to teach other people how to reach that place and heal their bodies. So she trained in massage and shiatsu and became a healer. Her healing courses combined massage and shiatsu with meditative journeys, and she taught all around the world. “In every instant an individual relaxed in a meditative state, they could tap into the deeper wisdom of their soul, and thus activate the healing abilities innate within their bodies,” she explained. “When I found myself back from the other side, I felt an overwhelming gratitude for everything. Being grateful is a state of grace in which you surrender to forces greater, let go, and step into grace. To transform your life, step into gratitude!” 29
Healed In An Instant
By Lynne McTag gart
had grown especially curious about the idea that thoughts are an actual something with the capacity to change physical matter. Is this a true power and exactly how all-purpose is it? I wondered. What can you do with it? Are we talking here about curing cancer or shifting a quantum particle? And what happens when lots of people are thinking the same thought at the same time? Does this magnify the effect? I gathered together a consortium of physicists, biologists, psychologists, statisticians, and neuroscientists highly experienced in consciousness research to take part in what I called The Intention Experiment. Periodically, I would invite my internet audience, or an actual audience when I was delivering a talk or workshop somewhere, to send one designated, specific thought to affect some target
in a laboratory, set up by one of the scientists I was working with, who would then calculate the results to see if our thoughts had changed anything. Eventually this project evolved into the world’s largest global laboratory, involving several hundred thousand of my international readers from more than a hundred countries in some of the first controlled experiments on the power of mass intention to affect the physical world. As it turned out, the experiments did work. In fact, they really worked. In the 33 experiments I’ve run to date, 29 have evidenced measurable, mostly significant change. But that isn’t the most interesting part of the story. In 2008, in one of my early workshops, I placed participants in small groups of about eight, just to see what would happen if group members tried to heal one of their groups through a collective healing intention. I thought the group effect would be a feel-good exercise—something akin to a massage or a facial – but I was shocked to listen to more than an hour of instant, near-miraculous healings the following day. And throughout the next year, in every workshop we ran, whenever we set up our clusters of eight or so people in each group, gave them a little instruction and asked them to send intention to a group member, we were stunned witnesses to story after story of physical and psychic transformation. Marekje’s multiple sclerosis had made it difficult for her to walk without aids.
The morning after being the target of a Power of Eight group, she arrived at the workshop without her crutches. Marcia suffered from a cataract-like opacity blocking the vision of one eye. The following day, after her group’s healing intention, she claimed that her sight in that eye had been almost fully restored. Diane in Miami had with such pain in her hip from scoliosis that she’d had to stop working out. During the intention she’d felt intense heat and a rapid-fire, twitching response in her back. The next day, she declared, “It’s like I have a new hip.” For many years, I believed I was witnessing a placebo effect - until I began to realize that the senders were getting healed too. Wes Chapman, for instance, was in college working on a science degree when he was drafted and sent to Vietnam for the final year of the war. The experience so traumatized him that he did not finish his university degree, and was left in a state of depression. His bad luck seemed to carry on; even the high point in his life - his second marriage - was quickly extinguished after his wife died from cancer. At 65, he’d gotten to ‘what’s the use’ stage where it was difficult for him to even make breakfast. In August, he joined a Power of Eight group, but sent healing intentions for two group members. Afterward, he said, he experienced his own amazing shift – a feeling of intense joy. All the activities that would have debilitated him he was able to handle with ease. 31
During a dream shortly afterward, he met his 19-year-old self, who told him ‘there’s still time.’ Suddenly he felt compelled to re engage in writing and even intense exercise, including weightlifting and 90 minute power-walks. ‘It feels like I’m 25, not 65,’ he says. Andy Spyros had tried everything to remove old patterns that had interfered with her ability to make a good living. When she joined a Power of Eight group, she shared her intention to find a dream job with ample income. None of intentions the group tried were working for her. Andy then started shifting her intention to a young boy who’d tried to commit suicide. “Two days after that, I got an unexpected offer to do product development and strategy for an online organization involved in human development, a job that would joyfully bring me money doing work I love!” said Andy. Working in a large or small group and doing something altruistic activates the vagus nerve, one of the longest of the body, which connects with all the communication systems involved with caretaking. It slows down heart rate, calms the effects of any fightor-flight autonomic nervous system activity, and initiates the release of oxytocin, a neuropeptide that plays a role in love, trust, intimacy, kindness or compassion.
Increased levels of oxytocin also has a marked healing effect on the body; it lowers inflammation, boosts the immune system, aids digestion, lowers blood pressure, heals wounds faster and even repairs damage to the heart after a heart attack. Other evidence from neuroscience studies scientists have carried out on Power of Eight groups shows that members of the group undergo major brain-wave changes that are akin to those of a Sufi master during a state of ecstatic prayer: a feeling of blissful oneness. The powerfully transformational mechanisms at work in my healing intention groups appeared to be the unique power of group prayer coupled with an amazing mirror effect. Focusing on healing someone else brings on a mirrored healing. Intending in a group is a fast-track to the miraculous. *Excerpted from Lynne’s new book The Power of Eight (Atria, 2018), which includes full instructions about how to do group intention and construct your own Power of Eight group.
WE WOULD LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU…. Do you have a story you think our readers could learn from? Or would you like to become a Co-Creation Magazine contributor?
John DrDemartini a man on a mission to unlock the greatness in everyone
r Demartini is considered one of the world’s leading authorities on human behaviour and personal development. He is an author of over 40 books, a much sought after keynote speaker as well as the founder of the Demartini Institute, a private research and education organisation with a curriculum of over 72 courses covering multiple aspects of human development. Dr Demartini’s career has been focused on ‘ helping people fulfill what is most inspiring to them”. And if anyone is an expert on fulfilling their dreams and potential it is the doctor himself. A high school drop-out with a speech impediment, Dr Demartini’s life changed when he was living in a tent in Hawaii and surfing every day. He attended a talk with a man whose one hour lecture changed the course of his life and gave him the vision to follow his dreams and conquer his fear.
From that moment on Dr Demartini’s vision was to share his knowledge with the rest of the world and help others to change their destiny just as he had done. Here Co-Creation Magazine asks Dr John Demartini about his journey to fulfilling his own personal development and what he hopes to instil on others. If you had to give us a snapshot of who John Demartini is how would you describe yourself? I am a 65-year young man on a mission of creating original inspiring, educational products, services and ideas or methods that serve global humanity. For 47 years, an international professional speaker/ educator, polymathic researcher, best-selling author, philosopher and world traveller.
You are well known for developing the Demartini Method. Can you explain this approach and what led you to develop it? It is a reproducible method that I have developed for the past 47 years. It is composed of a series of specific insightful and reflective questions that help clients or attendees become aware of the unconscious hidden order in their apparent daily chaos. It helps them transform their distressed psychology and physiology into eustress upon perceiving the hidden balance. It is used to dissolve resentments, conflicts, grief, fears and other burdening emotions. It has been used by hundreds of thousands of individuals worldwide. Since I was 18, I have had a quest to assist individuals in discovering the magnificence of the universe and within themselves. It results in gratitude and love of the heart and certainty and presence of the mind. You had a significant realisation when you were 17 years of age which was a catalyst point for your own personal transformation. Can you explain this life changing moment? I had the opportunity to meet Paul C. Bragg at the Sunset Recreation Centre on the North Shore of Oahu Hawaii who in one hour during his one special evening presentation inspired me to do what I am doing today – travelling the world and professionally speaking and educating others. It was the first moment in my life to that point that I actually thought I could become intelligent and overcome my learning, reading and speaking challenges. My
life trajectory changed. I have been inspired since that day to do what I get to do today. When was the breakthrough moment that you realised that you had a calling to help people realise their potential and how did you act on this? The moment Paul C Bragg guided myself and the other attendees through an alpha meditation experience during his special evening presentation. It was in that moment that I experienced seeing an inspiring vision of me being a teacher, healer and traveller around the world. I inwardly stated that I wanted to step foot on every country on the face of the earth and share my research findings with others. I presently live on board The World ship that travels to most countries around the world as a result of that vision. I also had a second life changing moment after failing my first class after attempting to return to school at age 18 after being a high school dropout. My mother found me distraught and crying after receiving a failing grade and stated to me when I momentarily lost my vision that: “Whether you become a great teacher, healer and philosopher and travel the world like you dream; or whether you return to Hawaii and ride giant waves like you have done; or whether you return to panhandling and bumming on the streets like you have also done, I just want to let you know that your father and I are going to love you no matter what you do son. We just love you.� It was at that moment that I again saw the inspiring vision that I saw the evening I met Paul C Bragg. And I said to myself at that moment that I am going to master this thing called 35
reading, master this thing called studying, and master this thing called teaching and healing and I am going to do whatever it takes, travel whatever distance and pay whatever price to give my service of love across the world. From that day on I have been a man on a mission and am just inspired today as then to research, write, travel, teach and serve. Of all your books, which one would you choose as an absolute must read and why? The Values Factor because it helps readers access their hierarchy of values and shows them how to maximize their awareness and potential by living congruently with what is truly most important and meaningful to them individually, to prioritize their life, to live an inspired life, to delegate all else to those inspired to do what is to be delegated, to serve others doing what you love. The next book would be The Breakthrough Experience. Although this was written two decades ago, it is the basics of the The Breakthrough Experience seminar program I still do today, which I have had the blessing to present over 1,080 times over 30 years in 63 countries. It is inspiring to see the transformations I see weekly from this program and book. Why is that you believe that gratitude is so essential for people? Gratitude is the key that opens up the gateway of the heart which allow love to radiate outward that brings inspiration to the mind and enthusiasm to the body. It is key to healing and maximum performance. It represents a 36
state of perfect equanimity of mind and maximizes the performance in all seven primary areas of life. If you had to give people just one piece of advice what would that be? Determine their highest value, most important objective and stick to it by prioritizing their daily actions and delegating all other actions to others most perfectly to do them. Finding the niche of service that allows you to do what you love each day. Ask yourself these seven questions each day. • What would I absolutely love to do in my life each day? What mission or service does my life demonstrate I am truly committed to? • How can I become handsomely or beautifully paid to fulfill this? • What are the seven highest priority actions I can do today that will enable me to fulfill this? • What obstacles might I run into along the way of fulfilling this and how can I solve them in advance? • What action steps worked and which ones didn’t work effectively today? • How can I fulfill this mission more effectively and efficiently tomorrow? • How did whatever happen today still help me fulfill my mission of service on earth? How was it on the way and not in the way? If you would like to learn more about this inspiring International best-selling author educator and consultant visit
Anita Moorjani:
Near-Death To True Healing
nita Moorjani is an international speaker and the author of the New York Times best seller Dying to be Me: My Journey from Cancer to Near Death to True Healing. Regarded among the world’s most spiritually influential people, Anita’s journey into the spirit world came as a result of her own personal health battle. After a 4-year battle with cancer, Anita fell into a coma and was given just days to live. This is when she experienced what she describes as her near death experience (NDE), where she was given the choice to return to her physical form or continue on to a new realm. She chose to return to her physical form and upon waking was free from her countless tumours and cancer within weeks.
Since her experience, Anita has dedicated her life to empowering the hearts and minds of people inspired by her own personal story of courage and personal transformation. Here we have a chat with Anita about her spiritual journey and how she hopes to inspire and influence others through her own experience. Co Creation Magazine: Tell us a bit about your journey into the spiritual world? Anita Moorjani: In my memoir Dying to Be Me, I describe how after battling cancer for 4 years, my body finally succumbed and I crossed the boundary between life and death. However, I was given the choice to return from the other realm in order to share my fascinating insights with others. My near-death experience was the catalyst that allowed me to cure myself of cancer and to accept my true purpose here on earth. 37
My heightened awareness in that expanded realm was indescribable, despite my best efforts to explain it. The clarity was amazing. The universe makes sense! I finally understand—I know why I have cancer! I was too caught up in the wonder of that moment to dwell on the cause, although I’d soon examine it more closely. I also seemed to comprehend why I’d come into this life in the first place—I knew my true purpose. Why do I suddenly understand all this? I wanted to know. Who’s giving me this information? Is it God? Krishna? Buddha? Jesus? And then I was overwhelmed by the realization that God isn’t a being, but a state of being . . . and I was now that state of being! I saw my life intricately woven into everything I’d known so far. My experience was like a single thread woven through the huge and complex colourful images of an infinite tapestry. All the other threads and colours represented my relationships, including every life I’d touched. There were threads representing my mother, my father, my brother, my husband, and every other person who’d ever come into my life, whether they related to me in a positive or negative way. Oh my, there’s even a thread for Billy, who bullied me as a child! Every single encounter was woven together to create the fabric that was the sum of my life up to this point. I may have been only one thread, yet I was integral to the overall finished picture. In that state of clarity, I also realized that I’m not who I’d always thought I was: Here I am without my body, race, culture, religion, or beliefs . . . 38
yet I continue to exist! Then what am I? Who am I? I certainly don’t feel reduced or smaller in any way. On the contrary, I haven’t ever been this huge, this powerful, or this all-encompassing. Wow, I’ve never, ever felt this way! There I was, without my body or any of my physical traits, yet my pure essence continued to exist, and it was not a reduced element of my whole self. In fact, it felt far greater and more intense and expansive than my physical being— magnificent, in fact. I felt eternal, as if I’d always existed and always would without beginning or end. I was filled with the knowledge that I was simply magnificent! CCM: Why do you think that you got cancer and experienced this massive transformation? AM: As I looked at the great tapestry that was the accumulation of my life up to that point, I was able to identify exactly what had brought me to where I am today. Just look at my life path! Why, oh why, have I always been so harsh with myself? Why was I always beating myself up? Why was I always forsaking myself? Why did I never stand up for myself and show the world the beauty of my own soul? Why was I always suppressing my own intelligence and creativity to please others? I betrayed myself every time I said yes when I meant no! Why have I violated myself by always needing to seek approval from others just to be myself? Why haven’t I followed my own beautiful heart and spoken my own truth? Why don’t we realize this when we’re in our physical bodies? How come I never knew that we’re not supposed to be so tough on ourselves?
I still felt myself completely enveloped in a sea of unconditional love and acceptance. I was able to look at myself with fresh eyes, and I saw that I was a beautiful being of the Universe. I understood that just the fact that I existed made me worthy of this tender regard rather than judgment. I didn’t need to do anything specific. I deserved to be loved simply because I existed, nothing more and nothing less. This was a rather surprising realization for me because I’d always thought I needed to work at being lovable. I believed that I somehow had to be deserving and worthy of being cared for, so it was incredible to realise this wasn’t the case. I’m loved unconditionally, for no other reason than simply because I exist. I was transformed in unimaginable clarity as I realized that this expanded, magnificent essence was really me. It was the truth of my being. The understanding was so clear - I was looking into a new paradigm of self, becoming the crystalline light of my own awareness. Nothing interfered with the flow, glory, and amazing beauty of what was taking place. CCM: You write about how prior to your near-death experience you never really loved yourself or your soul. Can you explain what you believe is the essence of the soul and why self-love is so important? AM: The most meaningful lesson I learned from being at death’s door is that unless I love myself, nothing else in my life can function at its best. The amount of depth, meaning, and joy I experience in my life is in direct proportion to how much love I have for myself. The amount of love, kindness,
patience I have for others is also directly proportional to how much love, patience and kindness I have for myself, because we cannot give others what we ourselves do not have. And, unsurprisingly, the amount of love, respect, support, and compassion I receive from others is also in direct proportion to how much of the same I have for myself. Many of us are taught from a young age to “love our neighbors as we love ourselves.” But what if we don’t love ourselves? What if we are our own worst enemy and our own harshest critic? If we treat others as we treat ourselves, then are we judging everyone else with the same harsh brush that we are using to paint ourselves? Is this why there are more people on our planet are obsessed with trying to condemn anyone who is different, instead of learning to embrace everyone who shares our earth, and rejoice in our differences? Learning to love others begins with learning to love ourselves unconditionally first. This seems to be a well-kept secret, which no one taught me as I was growing up. On the contrary, I was encouraged from a young age to put myself last, that it is selfish to love ourselves, or put ourselves first. In fact, I used to give and give of myself, without tending to my own needs, to the point that I became so drained it started to affect my health. Continuing in this vein, I constantly believed that I needed to work on myself because I wasn’t good enough as I am. So I continued to work on being “better,” kinder, more “loving,” more “spiritual.” I was always 39
judging myself because I never felt I made the mark. CCM: Who or what has had the most influence or impact on your personal spiritual journey? AM: My husband Danny for his unconditional love throughout my journey with cancer and beyond. He continues to be an endless support to me today, which allows me to do the work I do. Also Dr. Wayne Dyer for his wisdom and support to enable me to get my story out into the world. CCM: Do you believe that everyone has the power to transform themselves and beat illness and adversity in the same way that you did? AM: When we live with a soul deep sense of self love and are at peace with every aspect of whom we are and are joyously following your life purpose, we no longer question our self-worth. We are able to see perfection in imperfection. We are no longer preoccupied in fixing ourselves or our life because we realize nothing is broken. In this state of being you are free of others’ expectations and judgments and you allow the wisdom of your soul to express itself through you. This is when transformation takes place and, yes, healing is possible for anyone in this state of total self-love and appreciation. CCM: How do you deal with sceptics and non-believers? AM: There will always be debunkers. As your story spreads you will attract them. Healthy scepticism is good as 40
it helps to be discerning. However, I don’t engage with debunkers, as I don’t think it is my job to convince them. Many have already made up their minds and to be in an argument with them means I would have to be in a totally different frequency to match the one that they are in. Rather than do that I prefer to focus my attention on and speak about and offer wisdom on the things that can support others. Things that are uplifting that will change fear to love CCM: You are considered to be one of the most influential people in the spiritual world. What is the main message that you want to convey? AM: Just be yourself and shine your light as brightly as you can! Don’t suppress who you are, or try to be who you think everyone else wants you to be. Your only purpose is to shine your light. We are all expressions of the divine. When we don’t love ourselves or allow ourselves to shine, we aren’t allowing the divine to express itself through us. Thank you Anita for sharing such powerful insights about your own spiritual journey with our readers and for the inspirational wisdom you continue to offer us all as to how we are all capable of transforming our lives when we learn to love and accept ourselves. For more information about Anita Moorjani visit
Re-Ignite The Embers Of Your Life
Fearlessly Ignite a Relationship with Your Soul and Watch Your Light Expand By Vicki Gotsis-Ceraso Dear Cherished Soul Sister, I have a calling deep inside my soul to share with you the wisdom I have accumulated along my journey in life. Yes, I have accumulated wisdom in the form of valuable lessons throughout my life and yet, I do not profess to be wise. My hope is that my sharing will encourage you to go deeper in search of your own divine internal wisdom and ignite within you curiosity and a passion for life that may have eluded you up until now. I am a true believer that as a result of our life experiences, there is a brilliance that shines through in a unique way for each one of us to discover, and this very brilliance itself is subtly weaved throughout the essence of who we are on a spiritual level. This brilliance is OUR 41
unique light. It is a reflection of our unique soul and therefore each light shines in a way that is comparable to our unique fingerprint and becomes our unique signature, created only for us. This light is also a reflection of the accumulated wisdom we have collected, understood and embraced. The more we learn from our life experiences, the brighter and more expansive our light becomes so it can reach out to all who need to draw healing energy, insight and guidance from it. Our LIGHT is our SOUL. It is the essence of every experience we have ever had and represents our authentic, true self. People today have an unquenchable thirst to find their purpose in life as if to not be successful in that quest is an inexcusable failure on their part. The truth, however, is that our only life purpose is to be a LIGHT. That’s it. Our life purpose is nothing more and nothing less. “What do you mean by our only purpose in life is to be a LIGHT?” I hear you ask? Our purpose is to spread love, kindness, forgiveness and empathy throughout the world and we do that by purposefully raising our vibration so high and so bright simply by changing the way we think. When we no longer allow ourselves to entertain thoughts of hate, envy, fear and regret, our vibration transforms into one of such deep love and deep understanding of ourselves, of the human condition and of every other human being on the planet.
When YOUR light shines brightly, people feel better by simply being in your presence. Never underestimate that the biggest impact we have on another is the feeling we leave them with after spending time with them. We actually have a choice in what energy we are putting out there and the effect we have on other people and situations. We have so much more control over our lives than we allow ourselves to understand and acknowledge. Think back to recent interactions you have had and how these people made you feel within those interactions. Whenever you think of them, the first thing that pops up is that very feeling you experienced during that interaction, much quicker than the memory of the conversation itself. You will remember the way they made you feel. We are all so concerned with leaving behind a legacy and yet, we fail to realise that our true legacy is in the brilliance of our light that will linger in the hearts and minds of all those whose lives we touch. “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” Maya Angelou So if being a light in this world is our purpose, our enjoyment of life is in the pursuit of finding what sets our soul on fire. In other words, it is the journey towards the discovery of our passions that deserves to be fully explored, experienced and digested so that we get the most joy out of our life. If we are
to be a light in this world and to enjoy the journey of our experience, then we need to bring both light and passion together as one. To pursue and then live our passions whilst being the light for all around us, is a fulfilment so deep and so vast that it cannot be emulated anywhere else in our life. Transforming people from self-doubt and limiting self-beliefs to fearless and unfathomable confidence is the first of many steps I lead people to, in order to find their VOICE and what they STAND FOR in life‌ Who they have come here to BE. I help people to understand that in order to have a VOICE, they need to have a MESSAGE and in order to have a message, they must understand their STORY and it is within that story that their brilliance, their SUPERPOWER is unleashed. It is in this discovery of what their life experience has taught them and the lessons it has gifted them, that they can share their message, have their voice heard and allow their light to expand and shine brightly. I have found that situations, people and experiences come into our lives for many reasons. One of those reasons, I believe, is to help remind and guide us towards our magnificence, so as to live the life we have only quietly dreamed of. After all, our dreams and our yearnings could very well be markers we have placed along our life-path before we entered this world to remind ourselves of what it is we have come here to accomplish and to experience. My life has gifted me with numerous opportunities to explore and discover this divine, empowered wisdom, I call my Inner Guidance System, within me. During one of my earliest challenges, 43
I clearly remember my father encouraging, and therefore empowering me at a very young age with the belief that I was capable of anything I could imagine for my life. In parallel, I also recall another significantly influential person tell me I would not amount to much at all, and actually went on to suggest that it would be best for me to stop dreaming big because to do so would only set myself up for disappointment. These two totally polar opposite experiences, I believe, were instrumental in influencing my pursuit of discovering within me the resilience and courage necessary to face challenges later in my life. My precious soul sister, as you travel through your life, you may encounter challenges and perhaps, at times, even adversity. Understanding that you have within you a pearl of divine wisdom which when unlocked, will directly connect you with your ability to stand powerfully, to discover your inner guidance and unveil your empowered state of mind, is what will enable you to live a joyful life. It is within your robustly confident state of mind, dear soul-sister, that your unique ‘sacred tools’ can be found. Some of these may be Courage, Resilience, Compassion, Faith, Strength, Intellect, Power, Empathy, Trust, Creativity, Authenticity, Integrity, Being Your Word... and so much more. Please remember that these tools are at your disposal to tap into whenever you are guided to do so.
I want you, in times of doubt, angst or at times where you find yourself sliding into disempowerment, to reach into the deepest part of your soul and pull out those valuable gems, those sacred tools you have come into this life with, and Rise Up and INTO your unique power! Avoiding and hiding from life is tragic as you take away the opportunity to experience all that you have come into this life to experience and learn. If you are numb to life’s experiences and all that comes with these, you will end up trudging through life aimlessly, feeling empty of all significance and relevance. A life that is evaded and anesthetized, is a life wasted! You have come into this life to shine brightly and step into your greatness. Never, ever forget that. If you choose to, you can be the possibility of the inspiration of love, greatness, and ferocious feminine fearlessness in this world and take on an integrity-rich and authentic way of living your life! All My Love, Vicki Gotsis-Ceraso