Your Career Magazine Issue 3

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How To Choose The Right Organisation For You

How AI is changing


Have you been ghosted by YOUR RECRUITER?

CHRIS PHAM’S Money Hacks

$19.99 plus postage

Meet et

Simon Sinek





11 14
















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YOUR NETWORK IS YOUR NET WORTH “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” - Jim Rohn WHY NETWORK? Because – ‘Proximity is power!’ If you are not with the people who will help you reach your goals and get you where you want to be, then you’re simply costing your time, money and energy. You need to think about how much it’s costing you right now? Perhaps it’s time to invest in finding an even better network who will help you achieve your goals and ambitions FASTER.. HOW CAN I TAP INTO A BETTER NETWORK? Here are two ways to do it. Invest your Time - Expand your circle by attending networking event that you wouldn’t normally go to. Or step out of your comfort zone and attending different seminars or courses that will help your personally and professionally. Invest your Money - Buy into their network. You can get coaches or mentors and tap into that exclusive inner circle that not many would know. Take this Network Health Check now and find out if you are in the right network circle that could help you escalate your career.

Do you feel you have the skills for the position you have been applying to for months, with no success in sight? Sometimes it is not about just the skills you have but also your mindset and accessibility. If you know the right people and have the right connections, you will grow just as fast as your best network. While your competitors are applying to 50 positions with the same resume in a day, YOU should take your time. It’s a short wait for a faster success. You need to connect with people, build your network, and find out what are the latest skills recruiters are seeking. Build relations and connect with industry leaders – learn what they need, develop those skills, and build up your killer brand. WHAT’S NEXT? If you would like to find out how we could help you expand your network and net worth so you can master your career success, book in a consultation with us today at

Network Health Check Think of 5 people you spend the most time with inside and outside of work and keep them in mind when you’re answering the question below. 1. Do these people represent and encourage your biggest self? a. No, they don’t (0 points) b. Sometimes, maybe some of them but not all (1 point) c. Yes, all these people represent and encourage my biggest self (2 points) 2. How often do they contradict your opinions? a. They never contradict my opinions (0 points) b. Sometimes they contradict my opinions (1 point) c. They are always contradicting everything I say (2 points) 3. Do they make you weigh the pros and cons of your decisions? a. No, they believe in me 100% (0 points) b. Sometimes, they ask me to be certain of my decision by making a list of pros and cons (1 point) c. Yes, I am always making lists before making any decision (2 points) 4. Do they inspire you to achieve your goals and ambitions no matter how ridiculous they may sound at first? a. No, they don’t b. Sometimes but not always (1 point) c. Yes, they do (2 points) 5. How often do they challenge you to grow? a. They never challenge me (0 points) b. Sometimes they challenge me (1 point) c. Yes, they are constantly challenging me, all the time (2 points)

6. Are their visions aligned with the life you are consciously creating? a. Not at all – their visions are not compatible with the life I am consciously trying to create (0 points) b. Some of my people but not all (1 point) c. Yes, all my people have the exact vision for the life I am trying to create for myself. (2 points) 7. Do you spend most of your time around experts who help you visualise your goals? a. No, none of them is an expert in any field (0 points) b. Some of them are experts in their fields (1 point) c. Yes, all of the people I invest my time with are industry experts or leaders (2 points) 8. What is the salary bracket of the people whose name you mentioned earlier? a. Their average salary bracket is less than what I make (0 points) b. Their average salary bracket of my people is the same as mine (1 point) c. Their average salary bracket of my people is more than what I make (2 points) 9. Do they see you as a key influencer and come to you for industry knowledge? a. No, I do not possess enough knowledge to be an influencer (0 points) b. I have some knowledge of the industry that is not known to them and they sometimes come to me for advice (1 point) c. Yes, I am complete knowledge of my industry and I am a key influencer (2 points)

Results: 0-6: Maybe it’s time to attract people who will support you into your circle, and help you to become the best version of yourself. 7-15: You get some support but maybe it’s time to invest your time and money to expand your network faster. 16-20: Great! You’re on track. Now it’s about to take it up to the next level.

Contributors Chris Pham

Chris is a self-professed nerd who is the Founder and Managing Director of Mission Grow Advisory which helps businesses grow. He has had over 15 years in the accounting and business advisory game, where he has held middle and senior positions at top-tier companies such as Deloitte, Grant Thornton, and Blue Rock. Chris’ expertise includes growth advisory, tax advisory, business structuring and industry growth expertise.

Simon Sinek is an unshakable optimist who believes in a bright future and our ability to build it together. He discovered remarkable patterns about how the greatest leaders and organisations think, act and communicate. Simon may be best known for his first TED Talk ‘WHY’ in 2009, with over 40 million views and subtitled in 47 languages. Author of multiple best selling books including Start With Why (global best seller), Leaders Eat Last (New York Times and Wall Street Journal best seller), Together is Better (New York Times and Wall Street Journal best seller) and Find Your Why, Simon’s latest book, The Infinite Game, will be available early 2019.

Simon Sinek

Richard Ayoub

After his wife lost her kidneys, Director of Alkaline World, Richard Ayoub began researching chronic disease and learned about the importance and vital role of acid/alkaline pH balance and its delicate effect it has on our health. This led him to the importance of water and more importantly, the difference types of water and how much it affects our health. .au

Cham Tang, is the Head of Marketing and Cofounder of BRW Fast 100 Company, Authentic Education. The marketing and client attraction expert shows people how to get a 500% return on every marketing dollar they spend (even if they’re starting from scratch). With over 12 years experience in the Business and Personal Development industry, Cham has worked with Anthony Robbins, Dr John Demartini, and over 350 businesses right here in Australia. With his dynamic and no BS presenting style, he is passionate about helping people attract more prospects, sell meaningful products and services and get rewarded for it.

Cham Tang

Motivational keynote speaker, Vinh Giang uses magic as a metaphor when he speaks. He has built a successful online business that teaches magic to over 500,000 students from all over the world. He won South Australian young entrepreneur of the year in 2013. Vinh Giang


In CHIEF • Are you ghosted by your recruiter? • 5 Qualities all workplace leaders have • 7 Ways to supercharge your strengths to get ahead at work

Welcome to Your Career Magazine. We are excited to share this issue with you. We created this magazine to educate and inspire you along your journey, with advice and insights from leading figures and companies. Did you know how powerful having the right advice and the right connections could be for your career? Instead of manually going out there and trying to network with people, we bring the advice right to your fingertips! We want to empower and support more professionals to discover their passion and talent, how to work more effectively with others, and how to become the best leader within themselves and in any organisation. We are very excited to have the motivational speaker, author and marketing expert, Simon Sinek in this issue, teaching us his philosophy of creating a purpose driven business. Read all about how it starts with Why, How and What in a business. It is well worth your time to watch his Start With Why TED talk. Also, in this issue, we have Chris Pham, who specializes in helping businesses grow. He is the Managing Director of Mission Grow Advisors and shares with us valuable tips on how professionals can manage their money. Other great info included in this issue is...

• Is Artificial Intelligence changing the employment landscape? And, so much more. As you can see, our magazine is filled with information which will open your eyes to how rapidly our jobs are changing through external forces, such as, technology advancements, artificial intelligence and the greater demands of people. Our goal with Your Career Magazine is to support you on your journey to have a more fulfilling career and confidence to navigate the career path of your choice - especially in leadership. Thanks for taking the time to read it!

Iris & Thai




t all began with Simon’s 2009 Start With Why TED talk on how great leaders inspire action. Eight years later, the motivational speaker, author and marketing expert’s twenty minute talk has clocked nearly nine million views. It’s sparked a revolution in the way businesses and individuals think but suggesting they ask themselves three key questions: why they do what they do; how they do it and what product or service do they provide. He tells YOUR CAREER about how his philosophy of creating a purpose driven business.

Did you always imagine you’d inspire so many people? Simon: Simply put, no. All of my work is semi-autobiographical. I have attempted to solve my own challenges – finding and pursuing purpose; who to trust; how to succeed in a competitive world. Like anyone, when I discover something that helps me, I share it with the people around me.

What was your ‘why’ when you were younger? Simon: I‘ve always been driven by curiosity. It was my grandfather who encouraged me at a young age to embrace and pursue what makes me unique. Early in my career, whenever I interviewed for a job, I was often asked the question, what am I looking to gain from this job? I would always answer in the same way: ‘I’m looking for a mentor’. I’m obsessed with learning and growing and finding better ways to make progress.


How can businesses inspire their employees to work with purpose? Simon: Their people must first be inspired to be a part of the organisation. The way an organisation can accomplish that is to stand for something – to have a ‘just cause’, a noble reason for existing. When an organisation stands to create human good, people are more willing to sacrifice, to see that cause be advanced.

Can employees encourage the businesses they work for to have purpose? Simon: It is our human right to find fulfillment from the work we do. One thing employees can do is demand from their leaders to share their just cause. If their purpose is absent, fuzzy or not all that inspiring, employees can pursue another leader or organisation to work with that does. The other thing that is always available to us, regardless or our rank, is to choose to be the leader we wish we had. We cannot change our leaders. The only thing we can change is ourselves. Choose to be someone people want to follow.

What if businesses don’t know their purpose? Simon: It’s elusive. The ‘why’ can get fuzzy if isn’t clear, or isn’t consistently shared and lived.

Is it possible to have employees that work with purpose in today’s economy? Simon: There are spectacular organisations throughout the world that consistently choose to put their people first, even at the hardest of times. Organisations can expect their employees to stick with them if they choose to stick with their employees. Especially when it’s hard and inconvenient.

How can ‘why’ apply to small businesses? Simon: When you know your ‘why’, you know what you stand for. If you use it, people will know who you are. You will attract the types of partners, employees, customers and vendors who believe what you believe. Business becomes more than a transaction. Your business becomes a relationship built on trust, love and loyalty.

Simon’s Philosophy Clarity of WHY: If you, as an organisation or individual, do not know your WHY, we cannot expect anyone to know it for you. Discipline of HOW: You must act in line with your individual and organisational strengths, values or guiding principles. Every individual and culture has a unique set of values. Consistency of WHAT: We are a tangible species, and we constantly evaluate people and brands by the things they say and do. To live your WHY and generate trust from the inside out of the organisation, you must say and do the things you actually believe. 13


By Your


o, you’ve applied for your dream job. Waiting by the phone, refreshing your inbox and hoping to hear news about the interview, only to be met with radio silence, is an excruciating holding pattern.


Recruiter? 15

Being ghosted by a recruiter can be an excruciating experience. Here’s why it happens, how to encourage a response, and how to move forward with your confidence intact. Although it doesn’t seem right, being ghosted by a recruiter is a fairly common part of the job-hunting process. HR Professional Tanya Southey and Career Coach and founder of Careerists Thai Ngo share some insight to recruitment ghosting. Tanya says a recruiter’s clients often change what they are looking for, or decide to remove the role altogether. Some will tell you, but others won’t get around to it. Recruitment is highly pressurised and feedback usually falls far down the priority list. “As a former recruiter, I know sometimes recruiters ghost because they are also awaiting an answer from the client – they are the middle man between the company’s HR and the applicants,” says Thai. The recruiter may simply not have the time to provide feedback to every applicant, especially if there are a large number, explains Thai. He says that many recruiters aren’t equipped or trained to provide constructive and valuable feedback, so may avoid this part of the process. “A quick phone call is often your best chance of getting the feedback you need to move forward. Texting and emails are easily overlooked,” Tanya says. She suggests asking them for feedback in a way that recruiters will find difficult to ignore. Perhaps let them know you are


trying to improve your job seeking game, and ask if they wouldn’t mind taking the time to suggest one thing you could work on. It’s easy to get caught up in visualising yourself in the new role, especially if it’s something you really want. Being ghosted can definitely dent the confidence, especially if you felt the interview was a success or you had put a lot of effort into your application. Thai suggests you frame your experience in a more positive manner. Remember that most jobs have many, many applicants, so if you’ve made the interview stage, be proud of yourself for that. Tanya suggests making use of your networks to help preserve your selfesteem and confidence. “If you have a great mentor, or former colleagues that can remind you of your strengths and help you identify areas to work on, make use of them and ask for feedback and support.” If it happens several times or you start to see a pattern, consider some one-onone time with a career coach. Relevant experience and education is your step in the door, says Thai, but it’s what you bring to the table that makes you stand out from the crowd in your interview that gets you over the line. Most of us don’t know what this is, so a career coach can help you identify it. Remember, if you have been ghosted, it may be that the job changed or that you missed out by a slither and your recruiter is too swamped to let all the applicants know. Don’t take it personally. Instead of focussing on why you were ghosted, shift your focus to how you can best stand out for the next role.

WHY YOU SHOULD BE INVESTING IN YOUR BRAND: • Increase team dynamics within your workplace.Understanding how to increase your team’s performance within the workplace. • Strengthen your presentation skills. Learn how to present to people, a team and executives. • Build a better rapport with internal and external stake-holders.



Do you have TONS of experience yet seem to struggle getting that promotion or new job... So why aren’t you getting paid more? It’s all about positioning and perception.

• Develop succinct communication skills. Learn how to communicate clearly and to the point within your team and during meetings.

Having a brand is more important than ever before in this highly competitive world.

• Improve your performance as a whole K within the workplace.

You need to have a brand is congruent and positions you as an authority figure in your field of expertise. Employers are only looking for #1 - not number 2 or 3...

Watch yourself transform within the workplace.

• Learn how to boost career opportunities. Learn how to ask for opportunities and recognise them within the workforce. • Improve on your influencing skills. Learn how have influence members of your team and executives.

So are you showing up as your best self?




WHAT IS THE NEXT STEP? Email us on or visit our website to book in a 20-minute consultation with our coaches now.




ounder and Managing Director of Mission Grow Advisory, Chris Pham has had over 15 years in the accounting and business advisory game. His expertise includes growth advisory, tax advisory, business structuring and industry growth expert. We chat to him about getting your head in the finance game. Pham says that cash is still king; you need money to make money. “It is extremely difficult to earn real money working for someone else (salary & wages) as there are only a handful of people earning good money as an employee which gets eroded by tax. Passive income or building your own business is the best path to increase individual wealth,” he says. If you’re like most people who haven’t been born into a wealthy family and are working for someone else, then check out Chris Pham’s top tips, designed to assist you in saving money and increasing your family wealth.


Review. Take a break down of your

current monthly expenses & outgoings and place them into categories such as food, investment, entertainment, travel & household to gain an understanding of where you are currently at.

Statement of Financial Position. Prepare a list of your current

assets at market value against any liabilities you currently have.

Budget. Based on existing expenses

determine what is necessary and what you can cut back on which you can use to invest or pay off loans to increase personal wealth.

Leverage. Is there an ability to borrow money to make more money or invest?

Tax. Can you utilise any tax incentives

to assist with cash flow when leveraging on certain investments? Consider if there’s a better investment/business structure that will allow you to income split with family members.

SMALL STEPS PROFESSIONALS CAN START TAKING IN THEIR EVERYDAY LIFE TO HELP GET AHEAD 1. Create a household budget . 2. Pay off non-deductible loans with excess cash (your family home loan). 3. Meet with a financial planner/advisor for personal investment advice. 4. Meet with an accountant to discuss current tax position and opportunities to utilize investment structures or borrowings to minimize tax or utilize to partially fund investments.

COMMON MISTAKES 1. Underestimating the need for entertainment. Attempting to cut out entertainment expenses completely isn’t sustainable. Ensure you allocate a reasonable amount to have fun. 2. Not sticking to budget or having any accountability on personal spending. 3. Investing in get rich quick schemes or scams. If money was easy to make everyone would have it. 4. Understanding the principles or risk vs reward and how that plays into investment/business decisions. High risk high reward and vice versa. 5. Getting advice from the wrong people – Seek a professional who has a proven success record.

START INVESTING AND GET AHEAD 1. Start a side hustle (business on the side) with the focus of building it. 2. Leverage. Borrow money to make more money such as investing in property, business etc. 3. Career Plan. Build a 5-year game plan on how you will get ahead in your current position and present a case to your employers for future promotion.

There is no easy way to make money however if you surround yourself with the right people and have some discipline you will be able to create wealth. It’s just a matter of time. 19

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Qualities All Workplace Leaders Have 23


eadership is an action, not a position, and possessing or learning this characteristic will propel you up the career ladder faster than any other quality. Being able to command respect and having the ability to communicate effectively with others in order to get things done is an important skill, both in personal life and in the workplace. Here are five qualities that all workplace leaders have.

Create a clear vision.

Being able to plan for the future and outline what the company requires to be successful is one of the most important characterises a leader can possess. To be able to recognise what it takes and lead it’s employees to success is vital. Great leaders are able to have a clear vision of what it takes to accomplish their goals and are excellent at strategic planning.


Inspiring an employee to follow their leaders suggestions requires a degree of compassion from the leader. The employees need to be able to relate and trust their employers so that they believe the steps they are taking are the correct ones. Empathy is an emotion that fosters a relationship between two people and one that will keep an employee loyal to their leader.


Communication and listening skills.

It’s very important for a leader to listen to the suggestions of their employees and take them onboard, if they’re useful. Even if the leader doesn’t see the suggestions as beneficial to the organisation, it’s important they still pay attention and make their employees feel appreciated and heard. It’s also very important for all leaders to effectively communicate goals, expectations and results from the company. This keeps the employees feeling as though their hard work is appreciated, and keeps them informed about upcoming changes.


Humility, the quality of being humble or modest, is very important when it comes to being a leader. Modesty is something that employees can relate to, and it will help them feel confident enough to speak to their leader if they have a problem or query. Humility also means being able to accept that you don’t have the answers to everything. Possessing this quality will enable you to more easily accept advice and recommendations from others, which results in a knowledge pool growth.

Patience to train others.

When you’re in a leadership role it’s important to pass along your expertise and train others in your skillset so that you can work together harmoniously. Training others requires patience but contributes long term value to an organisation. Taking the time to facilitate other leaders in your leadership style will result in less leadership conflicts and more productive results.


Ways To Supercharge Your Strengths To Get Ahead At Work


et’s face it: we aren’t good at everything. Particularly at the workplace, we feel pressured to be the best at everything—to have skills and strengths in every aspect of the job and hide our weaknesses. Not only is that such a false sense of self, it’s extremely out of touch with reality. While weaknesses have their own advantages, it’s much more productive to focus on the things we’re strongest at and seek ways to maximize or supercharge those strengths. There are a few ways we can do this effectively: 1 | Figure out your perceived strengths vs. actual strengths. The truth is, what we believe our strengths to be may hover on wishful thinking, so when it comes to supercharging our strengths, it’s important to know where we truly are strongest, not just where we think we excel. A great way to figure out your strengths is by taking personality tests. Tests like those from Myers Briggs or Talent Dynamics break your personality down to analyze

your strengths and weaknesses in social or intimate relationships, in your workflow, and in your values and mindsets, among other areas. They’re a great way to determine how you work best and are a starting point if you’re unsure of your own strengths. 2 | Get feedback…and use it. Feedback is essential for development, because we all have blind spots. We miss certain characteristics in ourselves because we either don’t want to see them or simply can’t. A lot of people mistake feedback for negative criticism, but while many assume their bosses or co-workers only notice weaknesses, the fact is that many can also point out strengths. And if a boss or co-worker gives you negative feedback, use it as an opportunity. Because it is an opportunity— to analyze what you perceive your strengths to be and to improve. Become a master of asking for feedback, from multiple sources, and of using it to supercharge your strengths and improve upon your weaknesses. 25

3 | Keep a success journal. When we think about success, we often regard it in terms of a long-term goal or a major accomplishment. But big wins are rare and making note of the little victories is just as important. Try jotting down your little wins in a success journal on a daily basis and watch how this act boosts your self-confidence and performance. 4| Accelerate your learning. Strength means nothing without practice. Playing to your strengths isn’t necessarily about doing something automatic. There may be an element of that, but strengths need to be cultivated so they can remain as strengths. Make sure you are exercising your strengths and finding ways to improve upon them even more by joining a professional organisation, meeting with colleagues, or reading trade magazines to keep up to date on industry trends and issues. Find ways your strengths can propel you into new areas and opportunities. 5| Develop your sense of style. If you thought for one minute fashion was only material, think again. The way you dress not only impacts how others perceive you, it changes the way you see yourself. There is a direct correlation between how you dress and how you feel. Make sure to show up dressed for a role you want to be in or the way you want to be perceived. And less literally about style, develop your personal style within the skills. You don’t have to follow the status quo to a tee to be successful. If you work with a certain flair, keep doing it. Maintaining a personal spin on a particular skill with help strengthen it even more and make others notice it as well. 26

6 | Master the two most important body language signals. No matter how badly we wish it, success isn’t only measured on how well you can perform a task. It’s also measured on how others perceive you performing the task. You could be the best salesman in your office while out in the field, winning the pitches you are given, but if you are coy and seemingly small within the office you may not be given as many opportunities as you deserve. There are two sets of non-verbal signals bosses and co-workers are constantly evaluating you based on. The first conveys empathy, likeability, and warmth. The nonverbal cues include smiles, positive eye contact, open palm gestures, and giving people your undivided attention. The second set sends signals of status, power, and authority. These cues are displayed through posture—standing with your feet hip distance apart, head straight, and shoulders back, and by empathetic hand gestures, typically around waist level. When you project both empathy and power cues, you have a winning combo for being perceived as confident, capable, and caring – a dynamite combo for creating a positive impact.

7 | Play the violin. Not literally…but when asked how to become a better leader, management expert Peter Drucker replied, “Learn to play the violin.” People with interests beyond their profession are more resilient under pressure and more effective on the job. Maybe you like art or sports, or you enjoy socialising with friends and family. Regardless of the interests, you deal better with work-related challenges when your life includes a healthy counterbalance. What Happens When You Embrace Your Weaknesses? Back to those weaknesses. Knowing we aren’t good at everything doesn’t make accepting our weaknesses any easier. There are several things that make it difficult to recognize our weaknesses— pride, low self-esteem, or the fear you aren’t good enough, for example. Or you may think you’re great at something until the truth punches you in the face. But there are some truly amazing things that happen when we begin to embrace our weaknesses instead of avoiding them. You’ll unlock great opportunity. Embracing your weaknesses is the only way to work on them. For example—low self-esteem may be holding you back from success and happiness. By taking responsibility, it could produce several positive changes and unlock a hidden potential you hadn’t yet tapped into.

You’ll uncover fears. Are you really bad at this particular thing or are you just scared of doing it? You’ll reduce your ego. Pride often stops us from fully acknowledging our flaws. We’re afraid of being seen as weak. By learning to embrace your flaws, you’ll reduce your ego. You’ll be happier with yourself, which will allow you to stop being defensive and take criticism without feeling hurt. You’ll develop self-compassion. Have you ever felt inadequate because of a weakness? You aren’t alone. There are probably a million other people with the same weakness. Stop beating yourself up over it. It’s OK. You’ll accept help from others. By embracing your weaknesses, you can welcome help and input from others without going on the defense. Own your weaknesses and see others as part of your growth instead of potential threats. You’ll build deeper and more meaningful connections with people. People appreciate when you can show vulnerability—it’s a sign of authenticity and courage. Embracing your own weaknesses will make others feel comfortable doing the same with you. 27





f I had to look back on my career and think really hard which one skill I should’ve mastered first to shave years off becoming more successful in my life and career, I would say sales. Why, you might ask? Growing up as a kid and all the way through my teenage years, I was always the one that would never put up their hand to give an answer or opinion. I would let all the other kids answer and sit back and wait for everyone to talk first. By the time I wanted to talk, everyone had already said the things I wanted to say. When I started working as a recruiter, I did the exact same thing. I waited for everyone to have their turn. Including taking up exciting projects or promotions. The key reason; I had a fear.


The fear of standing out and being judged. The thought of having people’s eyes watching me, listening to what I have to say and anything I did started to make me feel uncomfortable. My neck would start getting red and slowly go up my face. Especially to people I didn’t know well or speaking to my superiors. So what did I do? I just kept quiet. It was the easier option. The more comfortable option. When I was forced to make sales calls as a recruiter, I hated it. Literally. Sales was not my forte and that was something I kept saying in my mind over and over. I just wanted to recruit. Not do business development. When I got into working within the HR department. There was no sales. None - I was so relieved! I just focused on doing what I did best, which was recruiting! So, when a manager position came up, I

thought it was time I stepped up and I was ready. I got the best feedback from my stakeholders and my KPIs were fantastic. A week later, my manager asked to have a private conversation upstairs in the cafeteria. My heart was racing! She then said “Thai, we’re not going to consider your application for the role”. My heart sank…There was then dead silence. After what felt like an eternity had passed, I quietly asked “what was the reason?” She said I was great at what I did, but what I focused on was only 10% of what’s required at the next level.

When I started focusing on how to interact with people better. I got a much more positive response. I started with entry level people, right out of university. I then move to professionals and now I’m speaking to directors and business owners. “No one likes to sell, but everyone wants to buy.” JT Foxx said, and it’s true. No one likes to be sold to. The art of sales isn’t about selling. It’s about connecting to the person in front of you at all levels. And that is a skill you can take away for the rest of your life.

I felt angry. Angry at my manager and company for not recognising my efforts that I had put in all these years at the company. A month later I had reflected back on what she had said and I realised that it was me that held me back. Not them. I didn’t opt to take on large scale projects. I didn’t try and step out of my comfort zone and be seen. I didn’t want to take on anything new or big because I was afraid of failing. So the question, why sales? When I started doing business I quickly learned I needed to do sales. Without sales, I didn’t have a business. I was forced to present, to speak to people I never met and offer them my services. What happened? I constantly got rejected. But something happened. I started to worry less about the response I got and started focusing more on the person in front of me. I started to analyse how they felt. Did they feel excited or did they look nervous or scared.

Thai 29


Artificial Intelligence Is

Changing The Employment Landscape?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is here to stay, and like it or not, it will change the landscape for job opportunities in the future. 31


I refers to ‘intelligence’ demonstrated by machines. This is more than just automation of processes, but the ability of machines to mimic cognitive functions such as learning and problem solving. Automation has been developing over decades, allowing increasingly complex data to be matched and processed without the need for humans. Just think how many transactions you complete with a barcode, microchip or smartphone. The key feature of automation is matching data – whether that’s order taking, payment processing or using your past purchases to predict your future needs and send you special offers. All of these processes were previously human activities, which have now been replaced by machines. This doesn’t always equate to human jobs being lost. Online shopping may have taken away jobs in stores, but has created many more in logistics and customer delivery. The perceived threat of artificial intelligence is that as technology develops and machines can ‘think’ like humans, the need for humans will decrease. A common concern is why pay a human, with needs, emotions and legal work hours and risk of human error, when you can use a machine? The increasing ability of machines and robots will absolutely take away the need for humans in specific roles, but it will also create new roles. Typically the types of work being replaced with AI are not the most interesting – largely collecting, matching, reconciling and analysing data. But humans are needed to identify which processes can be replaced with AI. This requires both technical skills and creativity. Next humans are needed to build and


code the machines to be able to perform the tasks required. This requires roles such as systems architects, business analysts and testers. More people are required to maintain the machines and ensure they are doing what was expected, while others will monitor the cost benefits of the machines. Finally, with any automated process, people are the back up plan. If you have gone through automated passport control or bought your groceries at a self service kiosk, you will know there are always people on hand to step in with human solutions. Machines are not capable of stepping in with empathy or advice where there is system or user error.

If you’re concerned about career options in a world that’s changing with AI, you have two options to future proof your career. You can embrace AI and choose to work with it, as a developer, engineer, coder, or analyst. Alternatively, you can look for industries that will be less affected, such as, anything requiring creativity or industries related to personal care, such as medical services, aged care, childcare or teaching. AI’s strength is its ability to quickly gather and analyse huge quantities of data to be able to make decisions. At times that decision is being fed into an automated process (for example to determine the use of machinery, ensuring accurate

measurements and safe practices). However, the data is used to support humans in making decisions. Leaders will still rely on their innate skills, knowledge and experience to make decisions, but are also able to source rapid and accurate information. AI will leverage a human’s ability to perform tasks, not entirely replace them. A challenge is emerging in some fields, such as accounting, where tasks such as data collection and reconciliation, historically formed the basis of entry level roles. Employees would build skills from these roles, such as analysis and reporting, which enabled them to climb the career ladder. Having these ‘junior tasks’ replaced by machines requires employees to start their careers using higher level skills without having gained practical experience in the traditional junior roles. This is a challenge that organisations will need to be prepared for as the next generation of graduates start their careers. 33

Richard Ayoub:

Hydrate For Health



e recently had the pleasure of sitting down for a chat with the director of Saka Water, Richard Ayoub.

Richard has been actively involved in the wellness industry since the late 80’s, after spending years researching water. Not only did he become an expert in the field, but he has also devoted his life to helping thousands of professionals and entrepreneurs to live the alkaline life that they truly deserved. With his depth of knowledge about water and wellness, Richard tells us about his journey and some key tips on why choosing good quality water can enhance our lifestyle.

CAN YOU TELL US WHY YOU CHOSE TO GO INTO THE WATER INDUSTRY? After my wife’s kidneys failed, I researched chronic disease, which led me to understand the importance of acid/ alkaline balance in the body. After looking at many supplements and ways to do that, I realized we are mainly water and the quality of water we drink affects us in more ways than most people know. I spent over 2 years researching 1247 brands of water looking for the healthiest water on the planet and that’s how Saka Water came to Australia.


Natural Alkaline Water has many benefits in the body, besides better hydration, it replenishes essential key minerals lost during the day and supports the body with a healthy alkaline balance. Our bodies run on electricity and we are simply made of minerals and water. Saka is simply Natural Mineral Water which provides your body what it needs to function optimally.

HOW IS IT DIFFERENT FROM ALL THE OTHER BRANDS OF BOTTLED WATER? Most brands of water are acidic and many are simply filtered tap water. These are ‘dead’ processed waters that don’t hydrate and satisfy your body. While most people have caught on to the benefits of Alkaline Water, sadly not many people understand the differences in water. More and more artificial alkaline waters are hitting the shelves. These waters again are not the same as Saka Water. Saka is created by Mother Nature with nothing added and nothing taken away. Anyone can tell the difference when they drink a sip of Saka Water and any other brand or type of water. Instantly they can taste and feel the difference and how much better Saka tastes and feels. Long term drinking of Saka Water provides best benefits. After getting to know why Richard got into this industry, we can see just how important it is to not only stay hydrated but finding water that helps you with your health as well. 35

Tip 1 When anyone tells you that water is good for your body and keeps you hydrated, they are right. It is definitely more important to drink the right amount of water before worrying about the type of water. You can get dehydrated and sick if you are not drinking enough water. And the right amount of water to drink is 1 litre for every 22kg of your body weight.

Tip 2 Similar to food, the source of water we drink should be as close to natural as possible. The more it is processed, the less life giving it becomes. Here are some labels you should look for: Natural Mineral Water, Natural Artesian Water, Raw Water (if tested clean), Natural Spring Water, Alkaline Drinking Water, Purified Water, Table Water, Deionised or Demineralised Water, Potable Water, Distilled Water, Drinking Water and Sparkling Water.

Tip 3 There is a certain time of the day to drink water. Here are some important times you should drink water: ● Drink 500mL for men and 350mL for women when you get up. Squeeze a lemon in your water and it will alkaline your body. 36

● Drink 500mL about 20 minutes before lunch and dinner. This will help moisten your intestines and make it easy to digest your food. This also helps to prevent constipation. ● Drink about 500mL of water before going to bed and during the night. Your body needs water and minerals to repair itself. If you don’t drink water, the body will get the water from your brain which is around 85% water. This is the cause of most headaches and migraines. Drinking before going to bed will also help to reduce the risks of stroke or heart attack.

We got a lot of information from our chat with Richard and now know the importance of water in our own life and what it can do to bring us health and improve our immune system. Learn more at

Cham Tang:

Harness Energy Into Action


etbacks happen; we all experience obstacles in our daily lives and career journeys. You don’t get the promotion you were hoping for, you can’t find a parking spot on a day you’re already running late, or you find yourself stuck in a job you don’t love. While frustrating, it’s all normal.

“I also educate our clients on how to get a 500% return on every marketing dollar they spend using strategies that have worked for us, like Facebook ads, social media, Google searches, and running live events,” Cham says. “I do this by running live workshops such as ‘Marketing Your Message’ as well as online programs.”

Unfortunately, normality doesn’t mean the feeling of failure or discouragement will disappear. We spoke with Head of Marketing and Managing Director with Authentic Education, Cham Tang, about moving forward after professional failure.

And while he has it figured out now, it wasn’t always that way. Cham made a few career mistakes along the way and didn’t utilize his skills or passions in previous jobs.

In his role, Cham is able to help people make a difference and earn a living doing what they love, which usually involves starting a business in the fields of coaching, consulting, or speaking.

“I got my first job at 15 years old working at McDonald’s,” Cham told us, “In high school, I got a TER of 49.45 and couldn’t really do much with that mark.” “I was lost in my career, so I got a job at NAB as a voucher clerk. I didn’t love it, but decided to back it up with 37

another job at St. George Bank as a voucher clerk. Then, I studied computer science and got a job as a computer programmer, but didn’t really feel I was utilizing my full potential.” And, like many of us, he turned to personal development books for a boost of inspiration and worthiness. “My friend lent me ‘Rich Dad, Poor Dad. The book said if you want to create wealth, then you should create a business and that the most important thing is sales and marketing.” But Cham didn’t want to sell just anything; he wanted to sell something he believed in. “At the time, I was into Tony Robbins, so I headhunted the company that promoted him in Australia and asked for a sales job.” “Two years later, I decided to learn something I enjoyed for the sake of it, not for the end result. I got a Cert IV in Personal Training and did that for a year until I realized I didn’t like starting at 6am and working until 8pm with huge gaps in between,” he continued. “I got a job as a Business Development Manager at a personal development company, and that’s when I met Benjamin J. Harvey. After about a year of knowing him, we decided to form Authentic Education.” While Cham’s story is encouraging that we all can find a career that we love and are passionate about, it’s important to remember the setbacks are a normal part of the journey. Instead of trying to avoid them, we should embrace them. Here are his 5 tips for moving forward after a professional failure:


1. You win, or you learn – “I don’t

see ‘failure,’ I see a lesson. In fact, most of my biggest lessons in life or business have come just after a failure or bad event in my life. So if that’s happening, get excited, because good things are coming your way!”

2. Think long-term – “When I was

at McDonald’s, I realized the person who only thinks about the next hour gets paid $5 an hour (that was me). The store manager focuses on today, and he gets paid a little more. The CEO thinks about the next 10 years, and he gets

paid the most. The point is that failure is temporary. If you change your focus to next month or next year, you’ll feel better and be more successful.”

3. It builds character – “The deeper

your downfall, the stronger your foundation of success (as long as you learn from it). It helps create a humble and well-rounded person and also makes for a great story! Nobody really resonates with someone that has never had a setback before. So you’ll become a better communicator, manager, and leader.”

4. Become fearless – “I believe

many people make decisions based on ‘What if I fail?,’ ‘What will people think of me?,’ ‘What if I look stupid?” All of these things boil down to fear. When I started public speaking, I’d think “What if I forget what to say and look stupid?” It’s happened a few times, and once I even tripped on stage! Once it happens, you realize it’s not so bad, so you are no longer afraid of it. When you’re not afraid of that anymore, you’ll have much more confidence.”

5. Harness the energy into

action – “You have a lot of motivation

and energy when a failure occurs. Use it to your advantage. It’s an opportunity to make big decisions you’ve been putting off, dream big, or take swift action and get swift results.” 39


Style Yourself Vocally



e spend so much time and effort on visual styling, but have you ever stopped to think about how you style yourself vocally? Every morning before work, you select the right attire – your suit, office-appropriate dress, formal shoes and complementing accessories - then you stand in front of the mirror to apply your makeup or shave, brush your hair and put on a smile to carry you out of the house and into your workday. You get to the first of your daily meetings, looking the part, but as soon as you open your mouth, all of that confidence you had at home in front of the mirror fades away. Whether we like it or not, first impressions matter. We do ‘judge a book by its cover’ every day, even though we don’t mean to. When it comes to how we communicate with the world around us, we often forget


that our ‘book cover’ is not only how we look, but how we sound. Personal branding is the whole package, not just the ribbon around the outside. “People will make assumptions about you when they see you visually, but then they will confirm assumptions they made once you open your mouth,” said magician and keynote speaker and teacher on effective communication, Vinh Giang. “They may look at you and think ‘wow, this person looks professional and trustworthy’, but the moment you speak, they may change those assumptions immediately. If you don’t have strong communication skills - people often will start to make negative assumptions about your level of authority, confidence, expertise, level of intelligence, credibility, dependability and much, much more. It’s crazy how many assumptions people make when they hear you speak,” Vinh said.

Although Vinh is now a confident, successful entrepreneur who loves being on stage sharing his skills and knowledge, his journey hasn’t always been smooth sailing. Vinh’s family arrived in Australia as refugees in 1981 and worked hard to make a new life for themselves. As a child, Vinh remembers the numerous business that kept them afloat and positive attitude that ‘life is a miracle’ held firmly by his father. After completing school, Vinh went to university but quite six months before completing his degree to pursue a career he knew would make him happy – magic. From here, he embraced the stage and wowed audiences with his passion and skill for over a decade, but something was missing. “I really started to feel the applause I was getting from my audiences felt empty. As a magician, I had this internal battle - I knew what I was doing was sleight of hand, but the audience thought it was magic. Then my mind started to really play with me. When the audience would applaud, I felt like they were applauding for something that wasn’t even real. This conflict in my mind started to rob me of the fulfillment that I once felt.” The solution was to meld his love of magic with his gifts of communication as a keynote speaker. “In this craft, I get to perform magic, and then also connect the magic to life lessons that will help others thrive,” he said. Vinh believes communication truly is “the tide that lifts all boats” and is one of the key success factors to any leadership pathway. We are all born with the gift

of voice, but many of us never learn to use it to its full potential. Our voice is our instrument from which to build relationships, strengthen our connections and perform at our very best. However, how many of us hate hearing ourselves speak? Just like we can learn how to put together the perfect visual image, we can also learn how to style ourselves vocally to become better leaders, more confident professionals and effective communicators in every aspect of our lives. “In your mind, you already have a list of what you love in a presenter and communicator, and you also have a list of what you really dislike in a presenter and communicator,” Vinh said. “When you sit in a conference and you hear a speaker on stage who’s boring, someone who checks off a few things on your “awful presenter list”, you disengage and go to your phone. This list in your head is real, it exists. Now here’s the most interesting part; you’ve never applied this list of things to yourself. Why? Because you’ve never seen yourself present!” A simple way to get started transforming your visual and vocal communication skills is with a simple exercise Vinh teaches his students. All you need is a mobile phone and about 15 minutes a week for 10 weeks.

Step 1 Record a 5-minute video of you speaking. Just talk about something you are passionate about. Keep the video going for 5 minutes. 41

Step 2 Watch the video back in a specific way; turn the volume up and turn the phone over so you can’t see yourself. You only want to focus on the auditory. Listen to yourself and take notes about what you like and what you don’t like. This is to build awareness of your vocal image.

“As one improves their ability to communicate, they are improving their ability to connect, which then in turn helps them build deeper and more rich relationships which leads to more fulfillment! I believe life is all about relationships, and if you improve the one skill that helps you in all areas - then 100% it’s going to change your whole life.”

Step 3 Replay the video, this time turning the volume off and just watching the screen. This is to focus on the visuals. Take notes on what you like and what don’t you like. Do this incredibly powerful exercise once a week for 10 weeks and you will be stunned at the change you will see. As you learn to use your voice and style yourself vocally, you will find a greater ability to lead, to reach your potential in every aspect of your life and live with no regrets.


Vinh Giang will be running workshops in Australia in June 2020. For more information, visit He also offers an online communication course. To find out more, visit https:// stage-communication-skills.teachable. com/p/stage-foundations

Leader OR A Manager?



There are so many books and information out there that you can learn to be an effective leader, but whether you can apply it to your leadership style or not is a different story. I have been in a management role for over 16 years and it took me a good 7 to 8 years to really understand the difference between telling people what to do and showing them what to do. One of the most important lessons any leader will learn is that even though we’re leaders, we can still fall back to being a manager and just think of short-term goals only. At this point, you might be questioning, what is the difference? Aren’t leaders and managers the same?

Most leaders create visions, are selfaware and work actively to build their differentiated personal brand. They are also willing to take risks and try new things. Leaders have long-term intentions. And most importantly, leaders focus on people, they build loyalty and trust by delivering what they promise. On the other hand, most managers focus on setting and measuring goals only. They establish their authority by telling their team what and how to do things. They want everyone to follow the rules. Managers sometimes come across as micromanagers because they want to be in control of everything and at the end of the day, the team members end up not 43

feeling inspired and motivated to do the job as they don’t understand the ‘why’ and they don’t feel like their voices have been heard. It is certainly a life long journey to constantly learning how to become a better version of yourself - a conscious leader. And in order for you to do it, sometimes you have to learn how to pick up those little bad habits of you falling back to being a manager again. Here are 3 possible mistakes you can easily make when in a leadership position and some useful tips you can follow to give you leverage in this area.


As human beings, we don’t want to fault ourselves and we feel uncomfortable taking on feedback. I realise this is probably the most important thing that all of us need to improve on, especially for leaders. Nobody is perfect. And it is essential to understand that there is a constant journey of building your self-awareness. It still amazes me how I come across a lot of people that are confident that they think they know what is resilience and self-awareness. But there is a difference between expectation and reality. We all need to have a high level of selfawareness, it is a skill we constantly need in order to level up.


Even for the most successful executives, sometimes they still fail to communicate effectively with their team members and team leaders. Tip: Establish a circle of trust and regularly have an honest two-way feedback session with your team members. As much as you love to give them feedback, allow them to also give you feedback. The more transparent you are, the better results you can deliver to the business. Reminder: It is a leader’s responsibility to understand how to give feedback to individuals. While some people love to take on feedback, others might not take it really well. ‘Sandwich feedback techniques’ are often used in giving constructive feedback sessions. But once you come from a place of love, it makes it easier for others to take it all in.


When I came to Australia at the age of 15 by myself, I didn’t have any guidance or support. And so I had to learn how to be resilient on my own and I’ve learnt in a very hard way. The reason was that I didn’t have a mentor or a coach that would guide me through, and most certainly I didn’t even know I could do that. It is undeniable that there is so much information out there, but what we are missing is, we don’t have direction. Each and every one of us are so eager to learn many different things, but we don’t realise that we need to learn and understand about ourselves first.

You can’t lead others better if you can’t lead yourself. You can’t understand others if you can’t understand yourself. Most importantly, you can’t love and support others if you can’t love yourself. Leadership is all about Self-Awareness, Self-Discipline and Self-Mastery. Tip: If you want to fast-track your career and better yourself, get yourself a coach or a mentor, because you don’t know what you don’t know. Your coach or mentor, they have walked your path and they will know exactly what you need to do to get there. Reminder: Understanding yourself is a forever learning journey. Some people take months to figure out and others take years. Once you think you’ve got it, it’s just a new beginning at the next level. So just enjoy the ride.

3. LACK OF PURPOSE Everyone has their purpose before they start to do something. Being in a leadership position for so many years now, I realise it’s not always about your ability to be a leader, but also about the reason why you are a leader. If you are just simply seeking power and money because it makes you feel good, then I can tell you right now that you are here for the wrong reasons. Having the ability to understand yourself is essential, but being able to communicate with your team members is also needed. 45

It is important to keep in mind that you have a team with many different profiles and in order to have a good team performance, you need to be able to have different approaches as well. When you are willing to understand your team members, and willing to overcome all the challenges that you are having then you can start identifying your purpose. Tip: You need to start asking better questions and you need to be an active listener. Listen like your life depends on it. Reminder: Leader is not a label. There is a lot of responsibility involved. Whether you have been in a leadership position for a long period of time or you just started yesterday, it’s important to understand that it is a long journey of learning and you are constantly evolving. There is always room for improvement in everything, especially yourself. If you are working with a team, allow them to give their feedback to you, and then in return they’ll accept your feedback. This way, not only you can learn from your team, but you will also learn about yourself at the same time. It is also crucial to discover about your personalities as much as you can. In order to lead a team, you need to be able to lead yourself first. There are several tools that actually provide you a broad understanding of your personality profile, identifying your strengths and weaknesses. However, having your personality profile done without a coach to guide you through can confuse you. So ensure to have someone coach you through what your personality profile actual means. Being a Self-Discovery Coach for a while 46

now, I’ve helped hundreds of people to realise their strengths and weaknesses. And from there, they have a leverage to fasten goals and objectives. Great leaders will definitely make the greatest impact on lives and in the workforce. Understand what motivates you and your ability to lead yourself. If you are looking forward to advance your career, the time is now. If you are passionate about leadership just as much as I am, come and have a chat with me so I can help to accelerate your career. You can either shoot me a message at Iris Du on Facebook or send an email to

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