Love Your Liver 16
When you hear the word detoxification, it conjures up images of exotic juice fasts or powders that leave you sitting on the loo all day! But what you may not know is that your body has its own detoxification system – your liver. Your liver is nothing short of amazing – did you know that it is the largest organ in the body, weighing almost 2 kilos? And, if you lost three-quarters of it, it would simply regenerate into a whole new liver. This amazing organ has so many jobs to do - over 500 at the last count. So the question is, are you looking after it? That doesn’t just mean watching how many glasses of wine you drink. Of course that is important, but as well as detoxing alcohol, your liver also regulates your hormones and deals with all of the chemicals that you are exposed to. That includes the perfume you spray on, the chlorine in your tap water, the pills you take, and the pesticides on your fruit and vegetables. So what happens when your liver struggles to cope? Toxins and waste can get backed up in your system and they can get recirculated back into your bloodstream.