Health Wisdom - Issue Three

Page 1

HealthWisdom magazine

The Dangers Lurking In


Dr Christiane

Follow The Sun

10 Places To Vacation In The U.S.


WIRED FOR WISDOM Image Credit: Bill Miles



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Contents 07




Dr. Christiane Northrup: Wired For Wisdom


The Dangers Lurking In Your Pantry


So, You Hate Yoga?


Editors’s Top Tips In 2019-Part 2

Geneen Roth: Stop Trying To Fix Yourself

Follow The Sun - 10 Places To Vacation In The U.S.

Francinne O’Rourke: From Frazzled To Focused - Master Tips For Positive, Lasting Change



24 29



10 Instagram Health Influencers To Follow


HealthWisdom magazine

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s r o t u b i r t Con DR. CHRISTIANE NORTHRUP Christiane Northrup, M.D., is an ob/gyn physician, a leading authority in the field of women’s health and wellness, and a New York Times bestselling author of Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom, The Wisdom of Menopause, and Goddesses Never Age: The Secret Prescription for Radiance, Vitality, and Well-being. In Making Life Easy: A Simple Guide to a Divinely Inspired Life (Hay House, 2016), Dr. Northrup reveals her secrets to mind/body/ spirit well-being. Dodging Energy Vampires (Hay House, 2018) offers radical “upstream” preventive medicine.

FRAN CINNE O’ROURKE As a Mindset & Personal Mastery Coach Francinne has used her passion for living a purposeful life to assist over 1,500 solopreneurs and goal-getters from Europe, America, Mexico and Australia to declutter their mind and their world to go from frazzled to focused and achieving their goals through her online programs and one-on-one coaching.

GEN EEN ROTH For over thirty years, Geneen has worked with hundreds of thousands of people, helping them transform difficult relationships with food and so much more. Her pioneering approach outlines the link between compulsive eating and perpetual dieting with deeply personal and spiritual issues that go far beyond food, weight and body image. She believes that we eat the way we live, and that our relationship to food, money and love is a reflection of our deepest held beliefs about ourselves and the amount of joy, abundance, pain and scarcity we believe we have (or are allowed to have) in our lives.

or EdInitChief Of all the pieces of health information with the power to make a major difference in your life, “accepting and loving yourself” tops the list. But what if you find it difficult to look into the mirror with love and gratitude every day? Instead of a strong body that held your children safe while they grew underneath your heart, you see stretchmarks… Instead of the bravery to overcome cancer, you see the scars it has left behind on your body… Instead of memories of a life well lived, you see grey hair around your temples and wrinkles on your forehead… We cannot be kind to ourselves, yet we have the capacity for incredible kindness to others. Follow a truly inspirational Instagrammer and you will see what I mean! We have a few suggestions on pages 32 – 34 if you’re looking for an uplifting & motivational Insta account to follow. When sharing a common goal with others, be it business, health, or relationship goals, or even just a passion that you share with other people, the support and advice on offer through those accounts are invaluable. What if we STARTED with kindness to others – which already comes more naturally to us, and THEN fostered a new kindness towards ourselves? By loving, accepting and supporting other people, especially those with common interests and goals, you can perhaps see the real beauty in yourself.

you can see that you were brave enough to play netball, even though you had zero ball sense in school… Instead of wrinkles on the side of your eyes, you can remember the nights at book club with your girlfriends, where you laughed until you had tears streaming down your face… And you can begin to love yourself, ALL of you! On page 20-22, Geneen Roth shares her wisdom on how to stop trying to fix yourself. Her book, “This Messy Magnificent Life” sheds light on how our relationship with food is shaped by our personal experiences with the world. If you want to smother, erm, I mean silence, that inner judge, take a page out of her book and start loving your life, and thus yourself, more. Not sure how to “love your life and yourself more”? Dr Christiane Northrup, the world’s leading authority on women’s health and wellbeing, shares her secrets on page 7-9. Her empowering approach to women’s health and wellness will resonate with many, if not all, of you! Dr Christiane’s advice to add more joyful and pleasurable experiences in to your daily life, as explained in her book “Goddesses Never Age” was the inspiration for the article “10 Places to Vacation in the US” on pages 23-25. Have you been to any of these? Where is your ideal holiday destination?

By the end of this magazine, my wish for you is to well and truly love your life, and yourself! Let You can look in the mirror, and instead of grey hair, me know how you go with your journey, we love hearing from our readers! see all the family vacations you took, where you made memories to last you a lifetime. Instead of With love and kindness to you, the ugly scar on your knee you got in 7th grade,


Dr Christiane Northrup:

Wired For Wisdom Image Credit: Bill Miles


round age 40, women’s bodies begin to transition toward menopause, a transition called perimenopause. The hallmark of this transition is a change in the levels of the estrogen, progesterone, and androgen hormones. But menopause isn’t solely a physical event, like many traditional doctors treat it as. Dr. Christiane Northrup, M.D., is a boardcertified OB/GYN physician and has served as a visionary pioneer and a leading authority in the field of women’s health and wellness for decades. Her work has been featured on Super Soul Sunday on OWN, The Oprah Winfrey Show, the Today Show, and 20/20, among other outlets. In 2013, Reader’s Digest named her one of “The 100 Most Trusted People in America,” and in 2016 she was named one of Oprah’s Super Soul

100, a group of leaders using their voices and talent to awaken humanity. And in 2018, Dr. Northrup received the first Mind/Body Healing award, a special category within the New Thought Walden Awards, honoring those who use empowering spiritual ideas and philosophies to change lives and make the planet a better place. Not to mention her various books that have gone on to become New York Times Best Sellers. Women clearly trust Dr. Northrup’s approach to wellness and health. We spoke with Dr. Northrup about her approach to wellness and ageing, and why you shouldn’t always trust what your traditional doctors have to say about menopause and ageing.


How do traditional doctors treat menopause in terms of a major life event? Dr. Northrup: Conventional doctors treat it as a hormone imbalance or estrogen deficiency. Or maybe even as a psychiatric disorder. Therefore, the treatments range from hormone therapy (mostly estrogen), to antidepressants (either for a so-called mood disorder or for hot flashes). It is also a time when more “disease screening” is pushed e.g. time to get your mammograms, start thinking about lowering your cholesterol (with a statin drug), and prepare for decrepitude. That said, midlife is a fantastic time to get a complete health assessment including hemoglobin A1C, fasting blood sugar, vitamin D level, and lipid profile to name a couple crucial things that, if abnormal, are very amenable to lifestyle changes. If there are any abnormalities, these have likely been brewing for years. But at perimenopause they become obvious because the body says “Okay—you haven’t taken care of me properly for the past few decades. Now it’s time—otherwise I can’t keep trying to keep you healthy when you keep drinking too much wine, eating too much sugar, not exercising, and not knowing how to handle stress. Time’s up.”


What happens to the body/mind during menopause? Dr. Northup: Your body and mind are going through adolescence in reverse—so—all the fiery emotions that arose at age 12-13 when you were asserting your independence come roaring back. Back then, your task was to define yourself as separate from your parents and teachers and trying to define who you were on your own terms. Then, of course, the reproductive and career building years arose—and you found yourself doing whatever it took to survive as an adult. But now—during perimenopause, you have skills and some familiarity with what it takes to pay rent and support yourself. During perimenopause (particularly the astrologic Uranus opposition at age 42) your soul cries out for recognition. You must begin to live from the inside out—not just keep doing what society rewards you for. If you don’t you often get a wake-up call in the form of some disease. So—it is not menopause, per se, that makes us more vulnerable to ill health—it is the fact that our bodies (and souls) will no longer let us get away with ignoring them. Something else happens too —the rising estrogen levels, in the face of stress hormones cortisol and adrenalin, actually converts the estrogen into catecholestrogens—which act as additional stress hormones. These actually “wake up” the amygdala and the basal forebrain—the centers for old memories in our brains. They kind of knock on the door of our past, bringing up uncomfortable memories and forcing us to re-evaluate our relationships, our jobs, and our families. This is a biologically potent time designed to force us to change what’s not working for optimal health.

Are there any major misconceptions about the body/mind and menopause? Dr. Northrup: Yes—there are many misconceptions. One of the biggest is that your sex drive and sexual attractiveness plummet. In fact, the opposite can be true. The research of the late Harvard Sex Researcher Gina Ogden, PhD, showed that it was women in their 60’s and 70’s having the best sex of their lives. The other misconception is that after a certain age, disease is inevitable. But studies of healthy centenarians all over the world certainly dispel this myth. As my colleague Dr. Mario Martinez, founder of the Biocognitive Institute and the book The Mind Body Code puts it, “Geriatrics is the study of the pathology of aging.” And most doctors approach health from this pathological stance—looking for what can go wrong instead of supporting what can go right.

How do you suggest transforming your mindset about menopause and ageing so it becomes a positive, uplifting, joyous experience instead of a negative one?

supposed to be and act “at a certain age.” So—my hair dresser was told the following on her 29th birthday, “What are you going to do when you turn 30?” As though 30 were a big looming black hole. Women turning 35 who haven’t yet had a baby and want one are often told to freeze their eggs “just in case”. But the fact is that the vast majority of healthy 35-year-olds (and 36 and 37-yearolds for that matter) will have no problem getting pregnant. And 65 as the retirement age and the age when you go on Medicare is fraught with meaning about being “over the hill”, useless, out to pasture, etc. The fact is that the so-called reproductive years—let’s say 21-45—are a relatively short period of life. After menopause the brain gets rewired for wisdom. And if you do what it takes to keep your body healthy, you find that the vast creative energy that went into creating a job, a family, or a home is now available to pursue your soul’s passions. It’s important for women to remember that there is a LOT of life after menopause. And studies show that women in their 50’s and 60’s are, in fact, far happier and more fulfilled than they were in their 20’s and 30’s.

Dr. Northrup: The first thing I’d do is substitute the word “growing older” for the word “aging.” Aging begins at birth. Martinez has a wonderful phrase that addresses this: “Getting older is inevitable. Aging is optional.” The word aging has decrepitude in it. Growing older doesn’t. And there is a huge difference between chronologic and biological age. Chronological age is the age on your driver’s license. Biological age is the age of your cells. And this can be addressed. So—there are 85-year-olds going on 50. And many 50-year-olds going on 85. But in our culture, we don’t even think about “aging” and until we reach certain agree upon “cultural portals” that tell us how we’re


You’ve said during and after menopause our goals and behaviors become motivated by our souls, not society. What do you mean by that? Dr. Northrup: Think back on what you loved when you were 9-11. This is a time when girls haven’t yet learned how to “fit in” and “keep their voices down.” It’s a time when they will tell you what’s on their minds. They knew what they like. They are in touch with what lights them up. The puberty hits—and we become interested in relationships, academic or career success, creating home, joining a church, mosque, or synagogue—and becoming a contributing member of our society. But during and after perimenopause we often find ourselves sick and tired of putting off our own hopes and dreams in order to contribute to the bake sale, fundraise for the day care, volunteer at the church fair (even when these activities have been enormously fulfilling.) We dream of learning to dance, joining the peace corp, learning a language, traveling to India. We are at the threshold of what the late Joseph Campbell called The Call to Adventure. The beginning of the hero’s (or heroine’s) journey. We long to live life on our own terms and not simply out of obligation to others. We return, as it were, to who we were at age 11 or so—And in so doing, we must deconstruct a lot of our beliefs and behaviors about what is expected of us.

Join her worldwide community on: @DrChristianeNorthrup, and her Internet radio show Flourish!





any people think they’re eating well because they don’t buy takeout all the time, have cut down on soft drink consumption, and eat a lot of salads and veggies. However, many of the staples people have in their pantry aren’t as healthy as they think. Some products can lead to digestive issues, mood instability, hair loss, joint problems, foggy thinking, and more. Here are some foods you should consider reducing or eliminating from your diet if you’ve been having health problems or simply want to feel better, in general.

SUGAR We all know sugar is one of the biggest contributors to a long list of health issues. Apart from the expected weight gain, a diet high in sugar can increase inflammation and lead to extremes in blood sugar levels. It affects mental clarity, accelerates aging, can cause tooth decay, reduce immunity levels, lead to hair loss, and put people at higher risks of things like Type 2 Diabetes and heart disease.


It’s important to note that just clearing out the actual packets of sugar from your pantry isn’t enough to limit its intake. Many foods have a lot of sugar added to them these days. This includes canned soup, sauces, cereals (even supposedly healthier mueslis, granolas, and oatmeal products), some breads, juices, energy drinks, cordials, trail mixes, dried fruit, salad dressings, muesli bars, jams and peanut butter, yoghurts, etc. If you want to kick sugar, limit your consumption of processed items and read the food labels on items carefully. Look out for words ending in ‘ose’ as you examine labels, such as fructose or sucrose – these are sugar, but just called by a different name.


ARTIFICIAL SWEETENERS If you’ve swapped out soft drinks for diet versions, or buy other items with artificial sweeteners in them, be aware that you might be trading one bad choice for another. Studies are now showing that artificial sweeteners may be addictive, just like sugar, and can potentially cause spikes in insulin, too. One of the most common artificial sweeteners, aspartame, has also been linked to a range of health issues. This includes thinning hair, weight gain, stomach upsets, headaches, insomnia, mood dips, and depression. Steer clear of these dangers by not buying items containing the word ‘diet’ in their name, as these usually use artificial sweeteners to yield a sweet taste. Read food labels to be sure about what you’ll be ingesting, too.



Avoid refined carbohydrates where possible. These are carbs made from refined grains such as white rice and white flour. They are easily digested and affect the body by causing a rapid spike in insulin levels. They also have low nutritional value. This is because these items are processed extensively and thus stripped of much of their whole grains. These are the parts containing nutrition-rich, body-boosting fibre, vitamins, and minerals.

With many people these days having high sodium levels, another hidden danger to be on the lookout for is salt added to consumables. Always read the labels of packaged foods, in particular, as they tend to add significant amounts of salt to achieve more flavour. This is particularly the case for sauces, soups, processed meats, breads, olives, anchovies, pickles, soy sauce, smoked fish, stock cubes, potato chips and popcorn, packaged nuts, ready-made meals, and breakfast cereals.

Over time, consuming significant amounts of refined carbs can potentially lead to Type 2 Diabetes, obesity, polycystic ovarian syndrome, cardiovascular diseases, decreased mental alertness, lethargy, and higher levels of inflammation in the body (which in turn can lead to various problems). Try to replace refined carbohydrates with wholegrain versions. For example, good options are wholegrain rolled or steel-cut oats; ancient grains like quinoa, amaranth, and millet; brown rice; lentil pasta; and whole-wheat crackers.

High salt intake has been associated with health concerns such as kidney stones and other kidney issues, fluid retention, osteoporosis, heart problems, stroke, lowered immunity, fatigue, depression, bloating, high blood pressure, and an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. These items are by no means the only dangers that could be lurking in your pantry, but they are a good starting point to watch out for next time you head to the grocery store to restock your shelves. Cutting down, or eliminating (in some instances) these ingredients will go a long way to improving your overall health.


So, you hate Yoga? Y

oga – the word holds connotations of deep breathing, stillness, meditation and the silent surrounds of India’s mountaintops or colorful Mandalas. Well, this isn’t for everyone. Many people prefer to maintain a healthy body with low impact workouts, such as yoga, because of its mind-body-spirit health benefits. However, there are plenty of alternative low impact workouts which offer these same benefits. Low impact exercise is typically less hard on the body, especially our joints, and can be a great way to get in a heart-pumping workout while reducing the risk of injury.


Let’s look at some great alternatives to taking a yoga class to keep things varied and full o’ fun, while still connecting to our mind or spirit.

PILATES Pilates focuses on the breath with movements to enhance the mind-body connection. Effective in reducing stress and tension, Pilates increases flexibility, improves core strength, posture and other structural problems, and may reduce lower-back pain. Pilates routines, just like yoga, vary between moderate and advanced classes which can sculpt a more toned, flexible, functional, and all around healthier body.

DANCE What’s a more wonderful way to express yourself and your feelings than through bodily movements and dance. There are endless choices, so if you don’t have a specific style in mind, try classes until you find a class and teacher that you enjoy.

MARTIAL ARTS If your body responds well to soft, gentle movement, the martial arts practice of Tai Chi emphasizes balance, concentration, and fluid movements. Your focus will be on your own slow, repeated, and meditative movements. Tai Chi helps to build strength, flexibility, balance, and may benefit medical conditions including arthritis, hypertension, heart disease, sleep problems, stress and anxiety, and improve quality of life for cancer patients. Like Tai Chi, Qigong is a Chinese martial art that focuses on energy, or ‘Qi.’ Qigong is different from Tai Chi in the sense that it’s even gentler, the movements are simpler, and it is more adaptive in the sense that literally anyone who can take deep breaths can practice Qi Gong in some form. If other forms of exercise are difficult or not an option for you, or if your primary focus is stress reduction and relaxation, Qi Gong may be a perfect fit.

All forms of dance has the potential to integrate the body, mind, and spirit, and leave you feeling energized and transformed! From ballroom dancing to hip hop, ballet and zumba, dancing is such an enjoyable way to keep fit.


WATER SPORTS Kayaking: Include mind/body connection to nature. Want to actually hit the water? Grab a kayak and jump on in! Kayaking works the arms and core (no crunches necessary) and can burn up to 400 calories an hour while seeing some stellar sights. Swimming: Skip the pool floats and start doing laps. Swimming is a great low-impact exercise with a boatload of benefits, from strengthening the shoulders to improving lung function. There are many reasons for this, but in a nutshell there are very few things you can do that are low impact and utilise almost every moving part of your body, whilst balancing the whole time. Add to this the fact that it is easy and just about anyone can do it, and you have the ingredients for a fitness revolution. Stand Up Paddling: There are not many sports/acitivites where you can possibly can gain such a high level of fitness without even noticing you are doing it. Stand up paddle surfing offers a total core and cardiovascular workout. Flat water stand up paddling works your entire body and mind.

So the next time you exercise, focus solely on your breath, the sensations in your body, and clearing your mind. That’s all there is to it to connect body and mind during your workout. And not a yoga mat in sight!


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Editor’s Top Tips

To Live Your Best Life In 2019 - Part 2


n the last edition of Health Wisdom Magazine, editor in chief Elanya van Heerden shared part 1 of this three-part series. To increase your overall happiness and wellbeing, here are more of her top tips for living your best life in 2019.

TRAVEL Travelling is one of the best things you can do to improve life satisfaction levels. Getting out of a rut, having a change of scenery, meeting new people, and creating memorable experiences to look back on will boost your spirit in no time at all. Broadening your horizons will enable you to see the bigger picture in your life, and to let go of more of the little things – you


know, the ones you stress about at home but soon forget about when seeing just how awe inspiring the world can be? It doesn’t matter whether you head off on a holiday an hour away from home, take a quick weekend getaway interstate, go overseas for a work trip, or tick off that bucket list holiday you’ve always wanted to do; just let your mind, body, and spirit roam for a period to recharge. Travel enhances spirituality since it reminds us of how connected we all are and how many wonders there are on Earth. Being in a different place can give you peace of mind that can act as an anchor for you to keep returning to, well after your trip is over. Travelling also helps people boost their social and communication skills, and their confidence levels, and it promotes

greater tolerance for uncertainty (especially if you travel to places that run on their own schedules!). While you see the world, you’ll probably do more walking than usual - and other physical activities too, which is good for your health. Seeing and experiencing new things is also a plus when it comes to creativity. Most people find that it’s during a trip away that they think of an innovative solution to a problem or come up with a brilliant idea that boosts their career or even leads them on a new path altogether. If you don’t have a holiday booked in for the rest of the year yet, now is the time to start thinking and planning. Even if your finances are so tight that you can’t afford a vacation, at least spend time reading travel magazines or books, browsing Pinterest, and watching movies set in exotic locales. This will help you to get in a different frame of mind even without leaving home.

KEEP LEARNING To enjoy the life of your dreams, you must strive to always improve yourself. A prime way to do this is to keep learning. Set yourself monthly goals related to topics you want to learn about or skills you want to develop. These could be for your career, health, relationships, hobbies, communication skills, finances, or some other facet of your life.

“isn’tForgiveness easy or

quick, but it does make a huge difference in your life

You might decide, for instance, to take a cooking class, enroll in a business course, take up knitting, grow your own produce, learn how to use a new computer program,


develop an appreciation for wine, train for a marathon, or join an improvisation comedy group (laughing is good for the soul, after all). Think about what you want to achieve and enjoy in life, and then find ways to learn new things related to these aspirations. Learning is beneficial in numerous ways. For example, it puts you outside of your comfort zone, which is where personal growth happens. It’s invigorating, improves confidence when you discover you can do more than you thought, it makes it easier to meet new people, and it keeps the brain active and healthy.

PRACTISE FORGIVENESS Forgiveness isn’t easy or quick, but it does make a huge difference to your life. As U.S. radio host Bernard Meltzer is credited with saying, “When you forgive, you in no way change the past – but you sure do change


the future.” Forgiveness isn’t something you do for others, necessarily, but rather something vital to living your best life. When you forgive someone else, or yourself (just as important), you make peace with the pain and let it go. Only then can you move forward and reach your goals. Avoid carrying around resentment, anger, and hatred with you for years, as this traps you in an internal prison cell and weighs you down. It makes it harder to be confident, resilient, persistent, hopeful, focused, kind, productive, and to have fruitful relationships. The sooner you work on your acceptance of what is, and forgiving mistakes, the lighter you will feel. You’ll be amazed by how far you can soar after making the change. Try out some of these tips during the coming months and notice any changes that manifest in your life, externally or internally. Keep an eye out for the last article of this series in our next edition of Health Wisdom Magazine.

f l e s r ou

Stop Trying To Fix



th o nR


n Ge

aintaining a healthy body, particularly as we age, is often talked about in terms of the practical and the ‘should’. We should exercise more. We should eat better. We should indulge less. Then, we will be healthier. It’s that simple, right?

Geneen’s focus is on food. Acutely in tune with eating disorders and mental health concerns on a personal level, Geneen urges all women to take a step back and reclaim their own power and truly understand why they eat the way they do.

This can result in the never-ending quest for good health becoming mechanical, impersonal and potentially unsuccessful as we try to ‘fix’ ourselves. While sound education and healthy habits are undoubtedly important, author Geneen Roth offers a different perspective - what lies at the heart of true health and happiness is, in fact, liberation, rather confinement to a set of rules.

“You express your core beliefs in everything you do, and eating is not different. How you eat is how you live,” she explained. “For example, if you feel you can never get enough through your relationships, how that is expressed through food is by taking more than your body needs or eating quickly and feeling like there isn’t going to be enough for you. If you believe you are not allowed


to have true joy or pleasure in your life, you may not focus on the food that is in your mouth, but instead focus on the next bite and the next.” Geneen has written over ten books that link eating disorders on varied levels with deep personal and spiritual issues. Through her work, she has helped thousands of clients understand old beliefs that shape their eating habits and allowed them to confidently move beyond the voices in their head and once again enjoy life. For Geneen’s clients and readers, understanding how these old beliefs impact food choices has become the key to liberation from the need to ‘fix’ themselves (or as Geneen dubbed her own struggle, her ‘Me Project’). Food is the doorway to what is really going on. Her latest book, This Messy, Magnificent Life, opens up about the everyday challenges that people face but seldom talk about; the ordinary moments that make up a life but that we often get lost in or overwhelmed by. How these challenges are tackled, can either promote a positive relationship with food, or sabotage our efforts to maintain a healthy body. “It’s about living with and through the everyday challenges that people hardly ever talk about, such as what it’s like to wake up in the middle of the night with your mind going a little nutty, to hear the voice of selfcriticism that most of us deal with every day, and the fact that we don’t really inhabit our bodies but we live in our minds. You need to know what it’s like to actually live in your body.” Learning to live in your body, rather than in your head, is built firstly around acceptance. If you can acknowledge and look more


objectively at the issues affecting your daily life, you are in a better place to make gentle, appropriate changes rather than forcing some new diet or exercise regime. For example, as you age, ask yourself what it is like to watch your body change and how you are reacting to that. Are you sad and longing for youth? Or, are you proud of your body and what it has achieved?

Do this five times a day for 12 seconds each time, particularly at night when you are going to sleep and first thing in the morning.”

“It’s about not fighting what’s happening in your life, but instead using what’s happening. I will sometimes say to women, if this very thing that’s going on was an answer to your prayers, how would your thoughts change? So, essentially, it’s just turning it on it’s head and rethinking your reaction,” she said.

By letting go of these old habits and thoughts that only impart negativity and control in your life, health and wellness can follow in a more balanced and free way. Be at home in your mind and body, relinquish your own ‘Me Project’ – you don’t need to ‘fix’ yourself.

“Disengage from what I can ‘the crazy aunt in the attic’ which is the critical voice you have in your head. Understand that this is not your friend.”

To become more in tune with your body, Geneen recommends taking time each day in quiet contemplation. “I recommend people have short morning and evening practices where they pay attention to the way their minds are galloping along and learn to harness that attention in ways that serve them rather than ways that diminish them. If it hurts – it doesn’t serve you. If you are feeling diminished, small, collapsed, it doesn’t serve you, let it go.” She also advises each of us to take regularly take a moment during the day to note what’s not wrong. We so often focus on what is wrong and how to change it, rather than appreciating what is right in our world. “Ask yourself many times in the day ‘what’s not wrong’ so that you learn to switch where you pay attention. Our brains are wired to pay attention to what is wrong, but instead begin seeing what isn’t wrong. @GeneenRoth @geneenroth


Follow The Sun



ummer is meant for cashing in those vacation days. Whether

your ideal trip involves a big city, relaxing beaches, historic architecture, or plenty of outside activity, the United States is a great holiday destination for 2019. Because the U.S. has such a variety of landscapes and travel opportunities, it can be difficult to choose – so we’ve compiled some of the best travel destinations in the U.S. to spark your curiosity, no matter your holiday style.



1. DEL MONTE BEACH – MONTEREY, CALIFORNIA Tucked away from the more popular stretches, Del Monte Beach is a local favorite. Though quiet, there’s plenty in Monterey to help you unwind and get in touch with nature. Here you can surf or stroll, or just sit and watch the waves. Book your aquarium admission in advance to see a variety of marine life in a tranquil setting.

2. BANDON, OREGON Set on the southern coast of Oregon, Bandon is a one of the best beach vacations in the west that is often overlooked. It offers a gentle pace, with views so incredible, it’ll be hard to do anything else but admire the beauty. It’s a year-round hub for hikers, cyclists, and wildlife fans who come to watch migratory birds and the occasional sea lion appear on the beautiful beaches.

3. EASTHAM, MASSACHUSETTS The eastern coast of the US offers a different vibe than the west coast but is just as beautiful and relaxing. The 17th century pilgrim settlement of Eastham makes for a tranquil Cape Cod getaway. For those who appreciate leisurely strolls and quiet time with a good book, this is a summer

destination to put on your list. To get away from it all, turn off your phone and head to Dyer Prince Beach. It’s only accessible via a (rather) overgrown pathway, making it a bit of a hidden gem. Here you’ll find a small beach edged with calm waters.

4. CAMDEN, MAINE Considered the jewel of the Main Coast, Camden is a great destination for the adventure of a lifetime! Head to Camden’s Penobscot Bay for sailing activities or to take a scenic boat around the coast. For visitors looking for a bigger adventure, join a fishing vessel and set off in search of fresh seafood and lobster. For outdoors lovers, explore over 30 miles of hiking and walking trails at Camden Hill State Park or climb to the top of Mt. Battle and witness a once in a lifetime sunset or sunrise view. For those wanting to relax and soak up the sun, notable beaches include a freshwater beach on Megunticook Lake called Barret’s Cove and Laite Beach, which is small but offers big views of Camden Harbor. Discover lighthouses of Camden, including Curtis Island (a lighthouse still used by the US Coast Guard) and the famous Vinalhaven Lighthouse. For an incredible adventure, head to Maiden’s Cliff, one of the most famous hiking trails in Camden.




Utah has a lot to offer in terms of stunning views, but if headed to the US Southwest, Fifth Water Hot Springs in Diamond is a must. These natural bathing pools are about walking distance from the main trailhead and feature several soaking pools as well as a spectacular waterfall. The hot springs look like something out of a fairytale story; they are perfect for a soak at the end of a hike.

Grand Canyon National Park stretches over more than 1,900 square miles of river valleys that are up to a mile deep. It’s considered one of the Seven Wonders of the world, and is a quintessential travel destination. There is a multitude of outdoor activities ranging from hiking to guided tours to rafting. And 2019 is a special year to visit as the park is celebrating its 100th birthday!




Another Utah gem, Zion National Park is another favorite travel destination, particularly for the outdoorsy type. Zion brims with awe-inspiring views and tons of outdoor adventures. Travelers can experience the burnt amber-colored canyons along any of the park’s hiking trails, such as Angel’s Landing or Observation Point. For a different perspective of the canyon, adventurers can walk through the canyon by wading through the Virgin River via the Narrows. And if you’d rather see the canyon by shuttle, the park offers a free shuttle. At night, stargazers will be amazed by the view of the Milky Way.



If you are taken by charming cities and luscious flora, the US Southeast may be of interest to you. Charleston, South Carolina is a charming southern city with colorful historic architecture and a beautiful coast, making it a perfect destination for a summer getaway. Hop on an old-fashioned horse and buggy on Charleston’s Old South Carriage Historic Tour and ride around downtown Charleston while your guide teaches you 300 years of city history. There are also beautiful American restaurants housed in converted historic homes, and there are plenty of culinary food tours and mixology, history, and cocktails tours.



Savannah is one of the most romantic cities in the U.S. Its historic downtown district is full of towering live oak trees, horse drawn carriages, and dramatic antebellum mansions. Savannah has maintained a storybook look and is a great destination for a relaxing summer vacation. If you aren’t taken by southern architecture, Savannah is surrounded by secluded islands, marshlands, and beaches.

Alaska isn’t a US state that necessarily comes to mind when brainstorming destinations for a summer vacation, but it isn’t one that should be excluded. Vacation rentals in Juneau, the state’s capital, sit in a magnificently beautiful area between the Gastineu Channel on the west, and the Juneau Icefield on the east. On the north side of the city you can find the Mendenhall Glacier Visitor Center which features exhibits on the 13-mile river of ice, and trails that will take you to observation points for viewing the glacier itself, nearby waterfalls, a verdant rainforest, and local wildlife like bears and bald eagles. By taking the Mount Roberts Tramway, you will arrive at a tower where you have a panoramic view of Juneau and the surrounding mountains and waterways. For those interested in wildlife, join Juneau Whale Watch for a trip through the Inside Passage to observe humpback whales, orcas, and dolphins. Annual summer events in Juneau include the Gold Rush Days and the Golden North Salmon Derby. And no need to bundle up; the summer weather in Juneau averages around 65°F.


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From Frazzled to Focused –

Master Tips for Positive, Lasting Change with Francinne O’Rourke


We are given so many choices and opportunities today – to have to be and do it all…but at what cost?

ired, overwhelmed, frazzled… we reach for the stars, only to find we become burnt out before we can shine. Personal mastery coach Francinne O’Rourke knows all too well the perils of trying to have, to be, and do it all, but has now turned her life around and made it her mission to help other women do the same. “I was an ambitious busy entrepreneur -the play button of my life was stuck on fast forward and I was focused on the destination of ‘being a success’,” she said. “I found myself constantly busy with ‘stuff’ that seemed to fill up my world - helping people, work projects, family, holidays. Whilst I was constantly doing I was never truly present or enjoying my life. I thought I had to have all the answers, failure was NOT an option, and asking for help never entered my mind. I needed people to approve of me and then maybe I would feel ok, but it was exhausting, isolating and not much fun.”


Francinne reached a point in her life where she became forced to push the pause button instead of the constant fast-forward. She realised she no longer knew who she was or what she truly stood for, and it was time to make a significant change. “I was lost at sea and my best efforts to pull myself out of my misery and depression kept me stuck in the same spot. I was a failure in my own mind… and it felt terminal. “Eventually, realising that I didn’t have the answers, I put my big girls knickers on’ and asked for help and I gave myself permission to be vulnerable and a learner. I went and saw a career coach and she loosened my ideas of who I felt I had to be to achieve success, and once loosened it created options and opportunities for me to find a new way of ‘doing’ life.”

Through the process of rediscovering herself, Francinne came to realise that she had a wealth of inspiration, motivation and experience to share others facing the same turmoil she found herself in, and became a mindset and personal mastery coach in her own right. Developing her Mastering the Art of Personal Success program has seen Francinne work and interact with over 1,500 women, and this is only the beginning. Together, they move out of frazzled and into focused, break free from their comfort zones and discard the blockages that have held them in place for too long.


The hardest journey that anyone will undertake is the one from who they are right now, to who they want to be.

Over the 10 years following her realisation, Francinne took on the challenge of truly getting to know herself, as she phrases it; “placing one building block on top of the other to come to a place of self-acceptance, self-love and a deep knowing that ‘I am enough’ and I will be ok no matter what”.

Francinne O’Rourke

“I don’t want anyone to be in the emotional pain that I was in - for years - when I know that with the right tools, understanding and support, pain can be resolved and fears and old beliefs keeping someone stuck, can be removed quickly. That with clarity and focus, your ‘why’ becomes bigger than your excuses and you start being pulled towards your goals rather than constantly pushing,” she said. Over her carefully curated 12-week course, Francinne and her team take clients on a journey of discovery to declutter their mind while they discover and accept who they truly are. They set meaningful goals, define their own success (as opposed to what society dictates) and learn simple, practical techniques to quiet the mind and stay focused on what really matters each day. It is only then that they can reach what people describe as their ‘true potential’. “From that position of knowledge and internal strength, they can move forward to define their own idea of success, set goals that are aligned with their values and leveraging their talents - to live a fulfilling life - intentionally by design - and discarding their the roadblocks to success along the way,” Francinne explains. “The hardest journey that anyone will undertake is one from who they are right now, to who they want to be. However, in order to reach your true potential, you first need to become powerfully YOU. That means being okay with who you are, truly knowing and accepting yourself ‘warts and all’; being comfortable in your own skin and letting go of old beliefs, ideas and conditioning that are keeping you stuck.” Mastering The Art of Personal Success focuses very much on practical, versatile tools to guide clients, while allowing flexibility to make positive changes in today’s busy world. Taking care of yourself need not take

hours – that is not practical – but we can all find 20-30 minutes each day to relax, reflect and put positive behaviours in play. For example, some of Francinne’s personal favourite tools and tips include:

Hours of power: Every morning

and evening - schedule ‘me time’ to reflect, quiet the mind and plan/ review the day. This will save you hours of time from procrastination and allow you to be more present throughout your day. Become a planner: Schedule in non-negotiable time with your children and partner. Schedule holidays and time for self-care (would you cancel on your doctor last minute? Don’t do it to yourself either!) Clarify your true priorities: What are your big tasks that will move you ahead on a daily basis? Schedule one in per day.

Create a masterlist of your todos and projects: Then, schedule

three personal, three professional and one personal moment everyday. Only when they are finished, go back to your master list and take on some more. This will work to increase your sense of completion/ fulfillment, reduce overwhelm, reduce procrastination and therefore increases productivity. Emotions Checklist: Tick off the emotions that run you on a daily basis. An increased awareness enables you to transform from responsible to response-ABLE. Make self-care a priority: If you don’t, no-one else will. For those who are especially time-poor,


Francinne has developed The Art of Personal Success TOOLBOX offers bite-sized nuggets of information and practical advice to dip into whenever the need arises. Topics include motivation, procrastination, negative self-talk, lack of self-belief and imposter syndrome – things we can all identify with at some point or another. Another short program that has proven very popular is the 5 Day Goal-Getter Challenge, where participants work through five steps to setting powerful, meaningful, achievable goals and develop the skills to implement them at the same time. Francinne encourages us all to learn to use our strengths to move forward, rather than constantly fighting against our perceived weaknesses. There is no ‘quick fix’ for health and happiness, but an awareness, shift in perspective and open mind will go a long


way to finally reaching those stars that have been out of our orbit for so long. “Once you master yourself…your reaction to life... there is nothing in this world (that you truly want) that you will not be able to achieve.”

For more information, visit: Access the free Webinar 5 Steps to Declutter your Mind & Achieve to see how to put these tools into your life Don’t know what service would be good for you? Book in a 30 minute discovery call Instagram: @orourkefrancinne Facebook: @FrancinneORourke Facebook Group: The Balanced, Purposeful Entrepreneur


5 Steps to declutter your mind & achieve your goals (without making drastic changes)


We’ll spend 60 minutes together and I’ll give you 11 years worth of tried and tested knowledge AND the practical steps to implement immediately! ü Clear the mental clutter and easily prioritise each day to make room for what’s important AND achieve it ü Tap into self-motivation – to stop procrastinating and start achieving. ü Take back control of your life from your TO DO list and inject fun and freedom back into your world ü Go from feeling responsible for everyone and everything to being response-able so you respond to life’s challenges rather than just react to them. ü Bring your A-game to every area of life seemingly effortlessly through increased self-awareness and emotional intelligence. ü Walk away with a plan of action and clarity to move you forward from stuck to laughing again.

If you are willing to learn and take action… …I can guarantee this will be one the best hours you’ve spent all week!

Hi, I’m Francinne I work with female solepreneurs and goal-getters to declutter their minds and worlds to go from frazzled to focused and achieve their goals through my signature 12 week personalised coaching,and online training program, masterminds, workshops and one-on-one coaching.

“I can’t wait to share all my secrets with you so that you can start being pulled towards your goals instead of constantly pushing!”


ccessing online advice, training and inspiration has never been easier. There are thousands of companies and businesses using social media to their advantage, so when it comes to deciding who to follow and listen to, the choices can be overwhelming, especially on the over-saturated topic of mental and physical health. Here are 10 inspiring Instagrammers posting about all things health related, including recipes, nutrition tips, mental health advice and motivational snippets.


10 INSTAGRAM Health Influencers To Follow


Cath Wallis is not your average adventurer - she takes on BIG goals and inspires others to do the same. A REAL woman, who shares her very REAL life in the hopes of inspiring others, this is one account to follow if you are truly looking for REAL inspiration.



Emma Morris is an accredited nutritionist who wants to help support people who are struggling to lose weight. Her focus is to inspire those who may be losing faith in themselves to become healthier, with daily advice, recipes and workout tips. Her followers say they feel more connected to the healthy online community Emma has built.


Home of the original Whole30 program by creator @melissa_hartwig. In this account she shares inspiration for staying on track with YOUR healthy lifestyle decisions, which, let’s face it, can sometimes be difficult to stick to.



Rachel Scoular is a certified dietitian and nutritionist with a goal to help provide healthy recipes for everyone to try. Her beautiful meal posts showcase her love of healthy, flavoursome food and the need for a balanced life. It’s a space for real food talk, not fads, quick fixes or diet deprivation. Enjoy browsing the mouth-watering healthy meal ideas.





Sandra Amalfi posts updates about her family and their healthy choices. With plenty of uplifting quotes and family snaps to encourage other families to enjoy a healthier lifestyle, this is a great page for mums to follow for inspiration.



Healthy Minute Meals are all about quick and easy recipes. Their ambition is to provide healthy recipes that can be made in less than ten minutes. They share a wide variety of recipes that will keep everyone, from serious meat lovers to raw foodie, vegetarian and vegans happy.




Katie Willcox is the founder of Heathyisthenewskinny. Her page is full of uplifting posts for women who are focused on being healthy not just in the gym or the kitchen, but within themselves, too. She includes daily life updates, gym pictures and inspirational quotes to keep women motivated and inspired to take care of the inside as well as the outside.



The Health Press is run by two sisters, Rhiannon and Rachael who practice as general practitioners, treating a range of conditions. They both have a particular interest in gut health, detoxification, depression, anxiety and adrenal conditions. Their page has plenty of advice on nutrition to fuel your body to function at its optimum level. Read about upcoming product launches and science-based facts and tips to help you live a healthier and happier life from the inside out.



Let’s talk about mental health is all about giving inspiration and encouragement for those who are struggling on a mental and emotional level. They post new quotes daily and stay in touch with their followers. This is a great page for support during times of difficulty.




Titanium Living is a powerhouse of positive quotes and reminders to thrive. If you need that extra piece of positivity in your day, Titanium Living’s posts will give the boost you need to improve your mindset. Their goal is to spread positivity and kindness across social media to counteract the negativity we are over-exposed to online.




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