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Next Adventure!
Everything was much simpler when you were 20. You could leave for a vacation on another continent in a minute’s notice and you packed only the necessities that fitted into a single suitcase. However, as your family grew, so did holiday preparations.
These days, the added issue of ‘anywhere’ travel being out of reach, it’s time to look to our own backyard for the next adventure. And, although you’ve probably just come back from a Summer break, it’s the perfect time to start planning the next one - after all, it takes a lot of stars to align to pull off a holiday these days, doesn’t it?
Starting out with securing your next leave from work, you probably have to wait for your partner to achieve the same and then check with the kids and their schooling exams and sports commitments as well. That is why it is essential that you plan ahead because there is no other way that all family members will be free on a given date.
Once the initial dates are settled (try to avoid the holiday season much as possible to avoid crowds and higher rates), it’s time to look at what wild adventures our incredible country has to offer.
Did you know you can safari in Australia?
Africa’s Big Five are still going to be there when international travel starts up again. But for now, Australians pining for that adrenaline-fueled safari fix will need to look closer to home. We have plenty of comparable experiences, throwing you into the proverbial ring with native wildlife.
The trophy experience at Wildman is a brisk airboat safari trailing the dramatic waters of Mary River Westlands. This area claims the world’s highest density of crocodiles – both saltwater and freshwater – so it wouldn’t exactly be unusual to see more than a few toothy grins snapping above the surface, as herds of water buffalo wade the waters and magpie geese go about their business. Kakadu is the perfect region to visit to see red kangaroos, emus, dozens

of reptile species, bearded dragons, echidnas and a huge array of native bird species.
Ocean adventures
At Western Australia’s Ningaloo Marine Park, you’re encouraged to get up close and personal with some magnificent wildlife. The country’s largest fringing reef is home to a high density of whale sharks, manta rays, dugongs, dolphins, and humpback whales. And you can be as close as actually swimming with these magnificent creatures.
In fact, Ningaloo is the only place in the entire state where you can interact directly with migrating humpbacks, bringing you face to face with the gentle giants. Consider it the Mozambique of Australia.
Touring Tassie
There are several operators tracking the extraordinary bushland and mountains of Tassie, who offer up a number of tours such as searching for the elusive Tasmanian devil, while also mixing it up with winefueled cellar stops, and long productive hikes.
Or, take the reins and spend a night on Picnic Island. A well-designed guest house has been built on this remote island, along with a
300-metre boardwalk which tracks the tiny landmass so you can find the perfect angle to view the various sea eagles, shearwaters, dolphins, seals, and whales that count as regular visitors. Though penguins are the main draw here, with an entire colony calling the island home, making Picnic Island the only place in the world where you can actually sleep amongst an army of those gregarious marine birds.
More than kangaroos!
One of the most obvious places to get amongst the wildlife in Australia would be Kangaroo Island. Seven times the size of Singapore, the island is home to close to 150 species of native Australian animals and has earned its reputation as the Galapagos of Down Under.
Although Kangaroo Island was one of the most ravaged parts of Australia during the devastating bushfires of 2019-20, much of the 145-kilometre long rock is still brimming with life; and curated smallgroup tours like those run
by Exceptional Kangaroo Island are still operating.
Tropical paradise
Despite having thousands of beaches to choose from all over the nation, it seems Aussies are still powerless to resist the charms of Queensland’s coast when it comes to a fun-in-the-sun escape.
Port Douglas has emerged as Australia’s favourite beach destination. The holiday hotspot, a gateway to the famous Daintree Rainforest and Great Barrier Reef, was voted into the No.1 spot in a survey of 6000 Aussie travellers, who were asked: ‘What is your favourite beach holiday destination?’
The lush rainforest fringing azure waters and access to pristines reefs make this region a must-do on the bucket list.
So, book those dates in and get planning, because while we can’t enjoy exploring other countries right now, how lucky we are to be able to get to know Australia better.