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Get Your Health
Although the best plan is to put in place a contingency plan before the festive season even starts, many of us are now on the tail end of a month (or more) of being out of our normal health routine.
Don’t overturn all your hard work last year. It’s time to leave the sweets and cakes, and possibly too much alcohol, where it belongs - in the past - and get your health back on track.
Thanks and goodbye
All that festive cheer, time off work, yummy food, catching up with friends, and sleep-ins are simply wonderful. And here in Australia, the festive season signals the start of our summer holidays, so that means beach time, pool time and sunshine.
We love this time of year, so, thank the holidays for the fun they brought you and leave those holiday ways there...with the holidays
Sleep is your body’s natural repair, regrowth, and recharge agent. One of the main benefits of a good night’s sleep is hormone balance. Having
your hormones balanced will allow your body to read its signals at their optimum, so you’ll know when you’re hungry, satiated, stressed, tired, etc.
Get in the habit of sleeping for an absolute minimum of 7 hours each night, and you’ll find it easier to get back on track after the holidays. Turn off all electronic devices at least an hour before bedtime, enjoy a warm shower or a soothing cup of herbal (noncaffeinated) tea.
Whatever your bedtime routine, ensuring you are getting plenty of uninterrupted sleep each night will support you to achieve your health goals in the new year.
It’s not too late
Re-evaluate your current position and future goals and proceed with your healthy lifestyle. Don’t get stuck in the comfortable trap of eating badly and not making an effort to stay healthy just because you let things slide for a while. Start today.
Clear the fridge
You don’t need to keep eating the festive foods until they are gone. Don’t get caught up in that side of food-guilt. Your health is important. “I can’t throw away good food! It’s wasteful!” This could be just another excuse not to start today. You do NOT need to finish your food - Pass it on to friends, compost it or throw it out. Those little treats will call your name loudly if you leave them where you see them.
Put your health first and don’t let that little trap unfold everytime a festive occasion comes your way - you’ll be surprised how often you will end up “not letting good food go to waste.” And, trust me, it will go straight to your waist.
Plan meals
The quickest way to get back on track is to plan your meals. When you know what you’ll be eating for the week ahead, you are far more likely to stick to it and get back in control of your health after a break.

Remember Your WHY
It can be hard finding motivation to get back on track after the holidays. By focussing on why you want to feel better, you will redirect your mind to the end goal. Perhaps you want to wake up feeling energised, healthy and happy. Ask yourself - is this meal, activity or lifestyle leading me towards or away from that goal?
We all know this one - and perhaps bury our heads in the sand about it, but the bottom line is, we need to move our bodies. The holidays can equal a more sedentary lifestyle and coupled with extra food and drinks, our bodies can be crying out for some movement. Things like yoga, walking, swimming and stretching can be really beneficial, if you prefer to ease into it again. Pick a movement that you love doing and start with that one. Even 5 minutes will be beneficial to your body.
When you are out of your routine, it is easy to forget to drink enough water. And when the weather is freezing or boiling hot, our body needs us to keep up the H2O more than ever. Getting your water intake back to what it should be is one of the easiest ways to support your return to health.
Enjoy the journey back to good health and kick off the new year feeling fantastic!