Guidebook To Direct Democracy in Switzerland and Beyond

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Guidebook to Direct Democracy

analysis & opinion • essays • facts & presentations • factsheets • glossary & world survey

“Loosely borrowing from Churchill: ‘Direct democracy is the worst kind of democracy – except for all the others’.” roger de weck, writer “This is the clearest and most succinct book I have read about direct democracy. The IRI Guidebook describes in precise detail how direct law-making by the voters works in Switzerland and beyond, through initiative and referendum, and shows where else in the world it is taking root.” brian beedham, the economist Never before have so many people been able to vote on substantive issues. Since the millennium, more and more countries around the world have begun to use referendums in addition to elections, and more and more people now have the possibility of exerting an influence on the political agenda by means of a right of initiative. Throughout the world, representative democracy is being reformed and modernised. Existing indirect decisionmaking structures are being revitalised and given greater legitimacy by the addition of direct-democratic procedures and practice. The 2008 Edition of the IRI Guidebook addresses the key issues raised during the transition to modern democracy. It offers both an introduction to and a deepening of knowledge of the world of citizen lawmaking. Features include essays on the everyday practice of direct democracy in Switzerland, Europe and the world. Factsheets include background data on many aspects of the initiative & referendum process, and a new global survey maps both procedures and practice across the world, including hotspots such as the German “Länder” and first-time referendum practitioners in countries like Costa Rica and Thailand. With a preface by Pascal Couchepin, Federal Councillor, Head of the Swiss Federal Department of the Interior.

the initiative & referendum institute europe isbn: 978-3-940716-00-2

Guidebook to Direct Democracy in switzerland and beyond

2008 edition

the initiative & referendum institute europe

Guidebook to Direct Democracy in switzerland and beyond



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Guidebook To Direct Democracy in Switzerland and Beyond by Paul Clarke - Issuu