Acne Treatment herbally

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Acne Treatment herbally Acne is actually a kind of infection on your face or body, generally it happens when the bacteria breeds in your skin pores and increase the quantity of oil on the skin. Beside these two things, there are many other things, responsible for the acne. For different types of acne, there are different types of Acne Treatment. The excessive secretion of oil from the skin gland may be due to, hormone imbalances, tensions, health problems, stress etc., Bacteria may affect your skin due to , dirtiness, unbalanced diet etc., Many people try to treat their acne problems with some cream or ointment but the best way to fight with acne problems is to fight internally, i.e. treating with medication, so that it can be eliminated from its roots. It is usually caused due to hormonal imbalance but it is also caused due to noxiousness in the body. There are many herbal treatments which eliminates acne problem in adults and teenagers. Ginger cleans the kidney and bowel, by eliminating contaminants from the body and encourages circulation. Lobelia, the another useful herbal product, eradicates the blockages, congestion and toxins and increases the current of oxidized blood Marshmallow helps and encourages the flow of oxygenized blood, which in turn removes obstacles, congestion, and toxins. Kelp is a brilliant herbal product. It is a natural source of many vitamins and minerals. It keeps the stability of vitamins and minerals in the body, which resolve many health problems, including acne problem. Some more herbal products which can be useful for eliminating acnes are- raspberry, black cohosh and many more. If you want to use some herbal face wash for your skin then- chickweed tea would be a best option. It is very easy to use, just mix chickweed pills in warm water and apply on your face, after five minutes, just rinse it off. This product is also very useful in wounds, rashes, burns and bruises. Oil is the major cause for the acne problem. Hamburgers, junk food, milk or dairy products and fast food are the mother of acne problem. Oily and junk diet acts as energy to acne formation. So, therefore, avoid theses artificial oil and take some natural oil like- fish oil. Lots of green vegetables and salads in your diet will make a significant difference. In mature women mostly 50 plus cosmetics is the key factor of acne outbursts, particularly oil related cosmetic products. It is always advisable to use non-oil cosmetics, if your face is vulnerable to acne. Many of beautifying products comprises of lanolins, isopropyl, sodium lauryl, D & C red dyes, myristate, sulphate, laureth-4 chemicals which are very harmful to the skin. Clean your makeup thoroughly every day, before going to sleep, and if possible, try to have a very less make-up on your face. Well many of the acne treatment drugs and medicos have severe side effects. Some of the common side effect of the drugs and medicos’ are- peeling, cracking, dries skin, redness, soreness, irritation and inflammation. So therefore you should be very careful while taking any medication, ultimately it affects your skin and health.

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