What to do when you have issues w ith your general contractors in Wakefield?
These are not legal tips, but more practical guidance we think may help you if you are having a disagreement with Contractors in Wakefield. How do you speak with your contractor without having to worry that this situation will escalate? Firstly, talk to your contractor like they care. Don’t assume that they are out to get you, or that they are doing something malicious, or even that they know that there is a problem. Give them the benefit of the doubt. Find things they are doing that are working well. Acknowledge them for that. Contractors (even Contractors in Wakefield!) are human beings and like to hear compliments too! Then, talk to them about your issue. Tell them you want to get this resolved and ask them what they suggest. See if you can work it out with them. Of course you can use your agreement as a guide particularly if you addressed the issue you have. We recommend documenting anything which modifies or updates your agreement and sending notice as outlined in your Agreement. Step two is of course if step one does not work. Write a letter outlining the issue and send a request that they resolve the issue along with any documentation from your agreement, emails, etc which supports your position. Follow up with a conversation after a few days if you did not hear back from the Contractors in Wakefield to discuss and attempt to resolve again. If still not resolved, send another letter follow up referencing the first letter, your attempts to discuss this with them and your interest in resolving this, but then add consequences if it is not resolved by a certain date. The consequence is something you need to figure out based on the severity of the issue and what your agreement says. For legal advice (as opposed to our non-legal advice based on our experience), contact a lawyer who has experience dealing with contractors in Wakefield.