Grow Natu ral H ai r faster People find age to be a common issue in having Natu ral hai r . These days’ even young girls lose a lot of natural hair and men start going bald very soon. This is due to the lack of nutrition that reaches the hair and the extreme number of chemical products that are used on the hair. Many young people would love to have rich, thick hair and make it grow faster. There are many chemical techniques and techniques of replacing artificial hair on the head. But all these expensive methods may not be necessary if some simple tips and methods were used. Nutrition is a very important component to hair growth. Iron content is necessary for better growth. Iron can be obtained either by taking iron supplements or by the consumption of green leafy vegetables. If the existing hair is getting decolorized, this means that iron content is less and hence a supplement should be taken along with the green leafy vegetables. Magnesium is also necessary for hair growth. This can be obtained from green leafy vegetables and from root vegetables. Blood circulation I extremely important for hair growth, the better the circulation in the head, the better and faster will be hair growth. Massaging the scalp either with oil or during the use of conditioner can be very important. Using natural mixtures such as egg white along with yoghurt can help improve the surface nutrition of the hair. Hair oils can also be effective as supplement to nutrition. In some traditions, braiding the hair is supposed to increase the hair growth. When one braids the hair after massaging, the pulling of hair from its roots can help lengthen them. Brushing the hair regularly also becomes very important. Shampooing and keeping the hair and the scalp clean is also another important practice. Letting dirt accumulate in the hair roots will clog the pores and thus prevent growth of the hair. Keeping the hair moist by the use of conditioner is to follow shampooing. Natural hair will grow a lot faster, without the use of excessive chemical products, if all these techniques are followed unceasingly.